Chapter 44
After being a cell boss for a period of time, Ye Chuxiao also gained a bit of family fortune.

With the selfless dedication of some prisoners, Ye Chuxiao has already collected five kinds of spiritual roots.

In contrast, Xu Biao, the former boss, had spent more than ten years in trouble before he managed to create a low-grade spiritual root for himself and entered the energy realm, which seemed a bit pitiful.

In the final analysis, there is still no way to deal with prisoners who are really confident and have money.

The five kinds of spiritual roots in Ye Chuxiao's hands are jade ink bamboo corresponding to talisman cultivation, thunder snake fruit tree corresponding to Dharma cultivation, flying mulberry grass corresponding to Qi practitioners, ghost pattern flower corresponding to mantra cultivation, and Yuanyang wood.

Among them, the thunder snake fruit tree is the most valuable, and the ghost pattern flower is the best grade.

The value of the Thunder Snake fruit tree is high because the spiritual root needed for Dharma cultivation is the most sought-after and in short supply.

As for the ghost pattern flower, it is the only one among the five spiritual roots that has entered the middle and lower ranks.

Among the five kinds of spiritual roots, only Yuanyang wood and Feishi grass leaf Chuxiao can be used now, but they need to choose one of the two.

As for the jade ink bamboo... Ye Chuxiao's talisman repair has not yet crossed the sea of ​​suffering.

After returning to Daheng, Ye Chuxiao's practice progress slowed down a lot.

Although it was easy enough for Ye Chuxiao to experience the sea of ​​suffering, but it was not so fast.

Each monk of the spiritual root can only integrate into one, and it is basically impossible to change it after integration.

So even though Ye Chuxiao had five kinds of spiritual roots, he was still hesitating and wandering, and was not in a hurry to break into the energy realm first.

Some spiritual roots can take into account multiple attributes and correspond to various types of monks.

Help monks to better grasp the energy output and use of various tendencies.

However, spiritual roots with multiple attributes are often above middle grade.

The more attributes, the higher the value.

Ye Chuxiao has crossed the sea of ​​suffering three times, and the spiritual root with three attributes is at least the top grade.

It is even more rare to have the combination of the three attributes of swordsmanship, qi training, and martial arts by chance.

If only a low-grade single-line spiritual root is incorporated, it is tantamount to wasting the previous accumulation.

And even though they are all in the energy-entry state, absorbing and borrowing energy from heaven and earth, the effects of different levels of spiritual roots are still very different.

If it is said that the energy of heaven and earth borrowed by a low-grade spiritual root at one time is only equivalent to a tank of water, then the energy of heaven and earth that can be borrowed by a high-grade spiritual root in an instant is equivalent to a small lake.

Cultivators of the same realm have spiritual roots of different grades and bombard each other. No matter how thick the water pipe at the output end is, the reserves of top-grade spiritual roots are here.

Of course, a real battle is not just a match of firepower output.

Analyze specific issues.

However, having a larger firepower base is undoubtedly more advantageous.

It is also very helpful for subsequent practice.

In this difficult choice, Ye Chuxiao met this "cross-border" prisoner. In order to get Ye Chuxiao's help and help him escape from Daheng, he confided a "spiritual root concept" to Ye Chuxiao idea'.

The point of this method is to sort out your own physical condition. After fully understanding the nature of some spiritual roots, imagine a non-existing spiritual root as a basis to draw energy from the world and enter the energy realm. .

After all, a monk who has entered the realm of energy is considered a 'real' monk.

Between waving hands and stillness, there is the power of breaking mountains and breaking rocks.

Before the energy realm, all the means consume the accumulation of one's own true qi, no matter how much it is accumulated, how can it compare to the power of heaven and earth?
On the contrary, when a monk enters the energy realm, the purpose of needing spiritual roots is to imitate, learn, and imitate the ways and means of intercepting energy from the heaven and earth, and graft the 'instinct' that originally belonged to the spiritual roots into one's own instinct.

There is no identical and consistent spiritual root between heaven and earth, so naturally there is no identical and consistent method of borrowing and intercepting the energy of heaven and earth.

After clarifying this essence, the "spiritual root concept" of fictional spiritual roots is actually very easy to understand.

After understanding the "instinct" law of the spiritual root to absorb the energy of the world, it summed up a set of independent laws and turned itself into a spiritual root, instead of completely replicating the instinct of a spiritual root, and into one.

This kind of method sounds great at first glance, and it deserves to be widely promoted among monks.

But the problem is that the credit-to-price ratio is not high.

Just like what Ye Chuxiao said, it takes years to fabricate a low-grade spiritual root.This is due to his good talent. He has been promoted by Dao Yun twice, breaking the original bottleneck limit.

For a monk with ordinary talent, it may not be possible to condense a low-level spiritual root in more than ten years.

In this world, it is better to earn some money and buy a ready-made pair.

If you want to fabricate a high-grade spiritual root, with Ye Chuxiao's current calculation and comprehension ability, it will take hundreds of years at least.

Most of the cultivators, even those cultivators like Wuxiu who tap into the potential of their bodies, before entering the Wonderland, their lifespan is not much different from that of ordinary people.

If Wuxiu's physical fitness is better, he will live ten or twenty years longer than ordinary people, without any fundamental change.

Of course, Ye Chuxiao has the talent of strong life and the magic skill of nine deaths, so he can live longer in theory.

But that can't take hundreds of years to consume!

Strong life is not immortality.

"That's because you haven't learned the unique spiritual grafting method of my inspiration school. After you learn this method, you can establish your own practice sect and call the disciples to visualize the same spiritual root together, so that you can gather the power of everyone Use it for yourself." The prisoner raised his head, looked at Ye Chuxiao, and said with a strange smile.

Ye Chuxiao heard the words, but she didn't question her greedily.

He did have some expectations for this idea of ​​spiritual roots, but it didn't mean that he was a fool and allowed himself to be fooled.

Ye Chuxiao had studied with a large number of prisoners.

Knowing the mystery of the spiritual root lies in the unique 'instinct', to visualize a spiritual root together, and then use the power of everyone for your own use. It sounds beautiful, but in fact it is full of flaws.

Because once the crowd is involved, uniqueness ceases to exist.

Even if the so-called high-grade spiritual root is condensed, it is also a "waste spiritual root" and has no practical use.

Glancing at the prisoner who wasn't telling the truth, Ye Chuxiao turned around and signaled to the two guards who were following behind him that he couldn't see or hear anything that happened next.

After waiting for a while to prevent and prohibit writing, Ye Chuxiao turned around and looked at the prisoner, and couldn't help frowning, showing a disgusted expression.

With a wave of his hand, the jailers retreated from the cell.

Ye Chuxiao whispered in the prisoner's ear: "You came across the border, wandered around the three states, and carried out acts of exterminating families and villages. According to statistics, the number of people you have killed is already as many as 710 people. If you do this It should be more than just fame and death!"

"Is it related to your spiritual root view?"

The semi-confused prisoner who had been tortured trembled when he heard the words, his spirit suddenly became intense, and he looked at Ye Chuxiao with surprised eyes.

"Let me guess!"

"You are indeed gathering the strength of everyone to cultivate your spiritual root, but it is not a simple spiritual grafting method, but a fake name to deceive, such as... in the name of ghosts and gods."

"As long as the abilities and powers of ghosts and gods are set in advance, it is equivalent to specifying the direction of shaping the spiritual root. After the effect is achieved, you can kill those who helped you shape it to prevent them from continuing to interfere and pollute the spiritual root. Then take a while to refine it, label it with your own label, and repeat this... to improve the quality."

The more Ye Chuxiao went on, the more frightened the prisoner's face became.

Obviously, Ye Chuxiao guessed it right!

Ye Chuxiao really didn't know what the idea of ​​the full version of the spiritual root concept was, but he not only had a relatively rich accumulation of knowledge, but also had a large number of criminals who acted as his "brain trust" in the dungeon.

These prisoners, who were once able to be officials, were mostly elite monks.

In general, it's fine to use.

 Thank you Xingshang W for the [-]-point coin, thank Gao Wanjia for the [-]-point coin, and thank Shi Shutong for the [-]-point coin, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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