There are gaps in the road

Chapter 45 Preparing to cross the border again

Chapter 45 Preparing to cross the border again
"If you want to escape, you can't escape."

"I don't think I have any strict moral cleanliness, but when I see you, I feel unhappy and just want to kill you."

"So, you can first judge whether my words are true or not, and then carefully consider whether you need to pay for your life." Ye Chuxiao then said in the prisoner's ear.

Seeing his unpredictable, tangled and struggling expression, Ye Chuxiao stood aside quietly, smiling like a devil while waiting.

"You will have your retribution."

"I will give you the method of spiritual grafting you want. But you must promise that you will never harm me again." The prisoner said through gritted teeth, his fierce pupils firmly remembered Ye Chuxiao's appearance, as if he was still preparing Stay useful and come back with revenge in the future.

Seeing the prisoner who finally made up his mind, Ye Chuxiao took a step back: "Forget it! I'm worried that you'll play tricks and secretly hide some key formulas. After all... I am such a person myself, and I have done such things matter."

"Let others get wet in the rain, and worry about being robbed of the umbrella. I still choose a simpler way."

After finishing speaking, Ye Chuxiao walked out of the cell.

"Let him taste all kinds of special snacks in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and ask him if he has any accomplices to explain. After three or five rounds, if he is still breathing, he will be transferred to this area, the innermost cell. !" Ye Chuxiao ordered.

The guards on the left and right looked at the prisoner with cold eyes, as if they were looking at a dead person.

There are too many prisoners in the dungeon, and there are always sudden accidental deaths. Before they are verified and their files are cleared, they can only be piled up in the coldest and most cold cells without neighbors.

Ordinary monks, who have been sealed and thrown into such a place, will also be infected with the disease in a short time, and will eventually die of the disease.

If this prisoner was thrown into such a place after several rounds of punishment, he would definitely die.

As for the resentment and resentment, what evil spirits and ghosts are born... there is no such thing!

Under the prison-suppressing artifact, all ghosts have been suppressed before they were even born.

Ye Chuxiao didn't need to do anything, and she just heard that among the ordinary people killed by this prisoner, there were dozens of children, all of whom had their limbs broken cruelly and died after being tortured.

Ye Chuxiao just wanted to make him think that after struggling a few times, he could gain a chance of life with the capital in his hand.

Then cut off this vitality for him.

Three days later, Ye Chuxiao watched the prisoner die with his own eyes.

The dao rhyme that had been absorbed and used in his body was also absorbed by Ye Chuxiao's golden clock. Under Ye Chuxiao's subjective judgment, the golden clock shattered the dao rhyme and transformed it into practice experience.

Sure enough, Ye Chuxiao found a more comprehensive 'spiritual root view idea', as well as a 'spiritual leadership formula' and the 'spiritual grafting method' contained in these practice experiences.

Practitioners who have used the method of grafting will inevitably be subject to practitioners who have the master's formula.

It took about four or five days for Ye Chuxiao to get familiar with these methods, and took out the places that were not particularly clear and clear, and questioned several knowledgeable prisoners.

After deriving everything smoothly, Ye Chuxiao is ready to take her second cross-border trip.

Although Daheng has temporarily completed the way of heaven, the monks in Daheng no longer have any defects on the surface, but in many aspects, they are still not as good as cross-border practice.

What's more, Ye Chuxiao plans to make some attempts this time, to play a big game.

In Daheng's operation like this, even if there is a movement, I worry that it will not be able to close the game.

It would be different in another world. If things get serious, you just walk away without being responsible.

If you have the guts, you can amplify things.

Called Li Fu over, told him some things, and put on a gesture of entrusting him with a heavy responsibility.

Less than an hour later, Ye Chuxiao met Xu Biao and the team leader Fei Kai successively. He had high expectations for them and added some burdens.

Since you want to temporarily go to another world to practice, you must first arrange the back garden.

To count on the [-]% loyalty and reliability of the jailers under his command depends on powerful spells and poisons. Due to the control of the court, if they can't use these, they can only play the balance of power.

Secretly summoned Ma Shaokang again, and after promising the lure of huge profits, Ye Chuxiao made preparations before crossing the border.

Of course, his dark hands are more than these.

Some criminals with capital and recovery potential in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice can also be regarded as Ye Chuxiao's 'allies'.

Not only that, but in the current prison system, most of the more lucrative projects will definitely go wrong once they break away from the rules set by Ye Chuxiao and out of his control.

Even if it can be adjusted, it will take at least several months.

Under such various arrangements, Ye Chuxiao was not worried. He left for a month or two, and after returning, he had already been removed from the position of the director of the prison.

"It is still necessary to find and train subordinates who truly have extremely high loyalty."

"Otherwise in the future, every time before crossing borders and leaving, you will have to spend so much time and effort, which is too uncomfortable." Ye Chuxiao hid a part of Guan Jian's files and rubbed the center of her brows.

Half a day later, Ye Chuxiao announced to the outside world that he would retreat for at least a month.

However, he didn't really leave. Instead, he simply practiced martial arts and drew talismans for three days. When there were some noises in the prison, he suddenly appeared again, and those who had hidden ghosts were caught off guard.

The few people who will act as chess pieces in advance and jump out will be dealt with emphatically, and will be swept out of the jailer's team.

After doing it again like this, everyone was suspicious, suspecting that Ye Chuxiao was fishing to enforce the law, and when he wiped out those who secretly disobeyed him, Ye Chuxiao really spent Dao Yun as a ticket and left the university. Heng, boarded the ship of good fortune.

The ship of good fortune bumps and rolls in the long river.

The shock seen by the eyes is far inferior to the shock formed by the intuitive inspiration.

Ye Chuxiao didn't delay. According to Ye Chuyu's teaching, he started to communicate with the ship of good fortune, and spent a thousand life points in advance to lock his identity.

"The world that shuttles across is indeed 'random', but randomness can also frame the scope."

"Before the ship of creation took the initiative to throw me out, I locked my identity first, and I was able to delineate a general range of world types."

Turning on the light curtain, Ye Chuxiao wrote 'rich second generation' on the identity column, but 'Internet anchor' on the occupation.

This is Ye Chuxiao's first attempt.

Try to let the ship of creation take him to see if he can connect to the world before he traveled.

Both identity and occupation can be used as coordinates to lock certain fixed worlds.

At least, in the world of pure antiquity, there will never be such a profession as 'Internet anchor'.

As for why it is the "rich second generation" instead of a more expensive and valuable identity.

That again has to do with some underlying rules for 'custom' identities.

If it wasn't for Ye Chuyu, Ye Chuxiao might have to suffer a few times before he would understand.

Customized identities all have a fixed "fate". Ye Chuxiao spends a thousand points to customize the identity, and the identity obtained after arriving will carry a certain fixed number of lives according to the identity. The upper limit of this number of lives will never be higher than One thousand points, and cannot be taken out of the world.

In other words, fate only belongs to this identity, not to Ye Chuxiao.

As for the chosen identity, whether it is reliable or not depends entirely on the monk himself, and the remaining true fate points.

For example, if Ye Chuxiao chooses the identity of a prince, or even an emperor, a thousand points of life can certainly customize such an identity for him.

But his real remaining life points are only one or two hundred points, so he crosses the border and becomes a prince... Maybe he is the most unfavored, even marginalized and excluded prince, but when he becomes an emperor, there is Maybe there is a white silk hanging around his neck, or there is an old eunuch holding a glass of poisoned wine with a gloomy face in front of him.

But if he chooses to become an ordinary wealthy businessman or a disciple of a sect, then his situation will be much better, even like a fish in water.

To put it bluntly, even if it is a customized identity, you still have to see your own fate balance first.

If the balance is not enough, don't make too risky attempts rashly.

(End of this chapter)

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