Chapter 49
Stepping out of the house, Ye Chuxiao quickly disappeared near the original residence in Li Xiaoyao's appearance.

In this world, there are countries, sects, and clans. From this point of view, it is very 'ordinary'.

But this world also has its peculiarities.

Because there is no large area of ​​land, there are only countless islands dotted across the infinite sea, so there are basically no super large-scale cities in the true sense.

Even if there are unconventional cities such as Yunding Fairy City and Undersea City, the scale is actually not too large.

Ordinary people live in villages.

As for the monks, if they are from a family or a sect, most of them live in the family's manor or the residence of the sect.

There are many casual cultivators, who will choose portable caves, travel around, and search for cultivation resources.

The emergence of the rune network glued this 'broken' world together in the virtual world, allowing monks scattered on different islands to communicate with each other.

It is enough to see that in the world of practice, the development direction of creation is often related to the actual needs.

Super-large cities have not appeared, but there are still quite a few medium-sized cities that extend out from some bustling markets.

'Dinghai City' where Wang Shirui lives is such a city.

The style of the city is not modern, there are no tall buildings, and there is no traffic that is too congested.

However, due to the rapid spread of information on the rune network, the overall style of the city is diverse.

On the same street, several distinct architectural styles can be seen.

A variety of color cross combinations, a variety of different styles of buildings, high and low.

Instead, it makes this city more like a fairy tale.

Just sat down in a tea house near the original residence, drinking tea quietly, enjoying the little rest in the afternoon.

Less than half an hour later, dozens of figures fell into Ye Chuxiao's original residence, and violently blasted the entire building.

He announced the method of shaping the imaginary spirit root, after all, it moved the cheese of many people.

Of course, there is also an unannounced 'next part' of their purpose.

That is the most critical.

"Now, many monks on the Internet should have recalled it."

"Although I taught the method of spiritual grafting, telling everyone is equivalent to not telling anyone."

"When everyone knows that it's tricky, who will take the lead in building the original framework of the spiritual root? The sharing of spiritual roots is a huge blue ocean. Anyone who turns their heads will think of using this method to gather everyone's strength for themselves. Trying to figure out a top-grade spiritual root."

"Even if it is within a sect or among the aristocratic clans, it is difficult to be united as one, consuming one's own time and energy to help others."

"Because of this, there are quite a few people who should urgently need the 'Part II' and want to find an exit from it."

Ye Chuxiao didn't need to read all kinds of messages on the Internet, but he knew that there must be a lot of hustle and bustle at this time.

Naturally, according to the flag set by 'Wang Shirui' who suffered from secondary illness, many people on the Internet have shamelessly called him 'Dad' and apologized to him.

In the virtual world, the bottom line is always lower.

"Excuse me, is there anyone sitting here?" A beautiful female voice interrupted Ye Chuxiao's meditation.

Ye Chuxiao looked around, there were still many vacancies in this teahouse.

There is a certain deviation between such emptiness and the record in the 'memory'.

At this time, the person in charge of performing on the stage is a woman in a long skirt, holding a pipa in her arms.

He played the pipa very well, but his attractiveness was still not as good as that of storytelling and cross talk. Ye Chuxiao found the reason for the deviation.

"Of course! Please sit down!" Ye Chuxiao glanced at the woman who approached proactively, and stretched out her hand.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao noticed the appearance of the owner of the voice. Even if he had been on the fringes of the entertainment industry in his previous life, his aesthetics had been tested for a long time.

The woman's eyebrows were long and narrow, with a charming attitude, as if she was always seductive, and the rose red tear mole at the corner of her eyes shattered the vulgarity attached to that beautiful face, adding a touch of pity to people.

The red lips are slightly raised, it seems to be smiling, and it seems that this is the normal expression.

But mature men don't just look at their faces.

Her upper body is a pure white sweater, even her wrists are tightly wrapped, but the turbulent waves hidden under the sweater are even more intriguing.

A little bit of small movement deformed the sweater several times.

The upper body is tightly wrapped, but the lower body is wearing shorts that are not too short.

The legs are straight, but not slender. If you look up, you can only use a common saying to describe it, which is called 'XX is over the shoulders, and the race is alive with immortals'. It is obvious that this is such an actual case.

Ye Chuxiao didn't look down any further, even if it was tickling in her heart, it was as if a feather was flirting.

After all, it's impolite to look at it again.

He can't get under the table.

"You also came here for the method of imagining spiritual roots!" The woman said to Ye Chuxiao on her own initiative.

Ye Chuxiao was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded.

"But you don't seem to be in a hurry. You didn't rush in, nor did you leave to search." The woman continued.

Hearing this, Ye Chuxiao lowered her head and smiled, played with the teacup in her hand, and then said, "Didn't you go too?"

"I actually came earlier. I saw that the door of Wang Shirui's house was broken. If I didn't get there first, I would have been taken away by the Wang family."

"I also want to save a little effort, just sit here and wait for the rabbit."

The woman looked at Ye Chuxiao, as if she was sizing and pondering carefully.

Then he even confessed: "I raised a Spiritual Cleverness Gu, it guided me to find you, can you tell me why?"

Ye Chuxiao was slightly startled when she heard this, and then secretly said: "I'm careless."

Although the Nine Death Demon Art is miraculous, it is by no means the only one in the heavens and myriad realms, and it will never be able to deceive and ignore the strange methods of monks.

No matter how sharp the disguise method of the Nine Death Demon Art is, there are still some methods that can completely ignore some superficial things and directly point to the more essential core.

This can be regarded as a wake-up call to Ye Chuxiao, one should not rely on some methods of Nine Death Demon Art and think that one can sit back and relax.

"Maybe it's because I know more about the inside story!" Ye Chuxiao smiled reservedly, and then said.

The woman's eyes were bright, and the seductive smile at the corner of her mouth became more obvious.

"My name is Wei Zhou, did you ask for advice?" The woman introduced herself.

"Li Xiaoyao!" Ye Chuxiao said.

"Li Xiaoyao...that doesn't sound like a real name, you don't have the surname Wang!" Wei Zhou looked at Ye Chuxiao with a smile, his expression seemed to be seductive, it was smiling and arrogant The expression on her face always makes people want to do something very excessive to her.

"That's my name, you're overthinking it." Ye Chuxiao recited the Bingxin formula silently, and said in a calm tone.

Then he said: "You came to me because you wanted to know Wang Shirui's whereabouts from me. Yes, I do know, but what price can you pay in exchange for this news?"

After finishing speaking, his eyes were like a ruler, and he began to size up Wei Zhou unscrupulously.

 Thanks to Master Jiuxuan for his help, the waste paper of social fear, finally PYed the books of the two big masters.

  The Ninth Destiny's "Strange World, I Can Conquer the Gods", the boss's book is guaranteed, needless to say, if you are interested and haven't read it, you can read it.

  The other is "I'm a Superman's Brother, But I'm a Homelander" by Yoshiichi who escaped, Wanding Huoshu.

  The title of the book is clear at a glance, and friends who like it can move to it.

  thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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