Chapter 50
Sensing Ye Chuxiao's penetrating eyes, Wei Zhou's face immediately changed.

Looking at Ye Chuxiao's originally pleasing appearance at this moment, he immediately felt disgusted.

Not wanting to talk nonsense, Wei Zhou snorted coldly and got up suddenly.

The two rabbits in his arms also jumped up and down, and the white sweater changed several times again.

Ye Chuxiao's eyes seemed to be sunken.

It's just a matter of pasting two perspective symbols on the eyelids.

Wei Zhou stared fiercely at Ye Chuxiao, as if planning to do something, but restrained his anger, and quickly turned away.

Ye Chuxiao was still staring at the other party's swaying back, prompting Wei Zhou to leave a little faster, and after leaving the teahouse, he directly called out a magic weapon somewhat similar to a motorcycle, and straddled it , whistling away.

When Wei Zhou left, Ye Chuxiao threw down a Lingzhu and counted it as tea money, and quickly slipped away from the back door of the teahouse.

When there is no one there, it changes again.

Then take the sea rune train to another nearby island.

This world has rune networks, as well as rune trains, airships, and a large number of various convenience and military equipment manufactured with runes and refining techniques as the core.

Therefore, in addition to building spiritual roots, Ye Chuxiao also needs to collect the rune classics of this world, and make further accumulation for the future after going through the bitter sea of ​​rune cultivation.

But these are not in a hurry.

It can be implemented along with the rollout of the shared spiritual root plan.

With the energy of the Wang family, it should be possible to collect a large number of general-purpose talisman classics that can be collected on the market.

Now, Ye Chuxiao just has to wait.

When the incident is completely fermented, when many monks who have learned the method of 'virtual spiritual roots' are aware of the problems and know the direction to solve the problems, but they are helpless.

Before the plan was implemented, Ye Chuxiao had to ensure that he would not fall into a passive situation.

Otherwise everything will stop.

On the other side, Wei Zhou rode a talisman horse and galloped across the vast sea.

As the light changes, she has changed into a black leather jacket. The leather jacket clings to her hourglass-shaped figure, and it is combined with the silver-black steel rune horse. It cuts through the sea like an arrow. It is a good picture. .

Suddenly the Fuma stopped suddenly, and Wei Zhou took off the goggles on his face, showing a thoughtful expression.

"No, I was tricked by him."

"He was trying to provoke me to leave on purpose."

"He is Wang Shirui."

Wei Zhou quickly made a judgment, but did not rush back.

At this time, she let go of the pride of the second eldest lady in middle school, and no longer felt that Fangou's eyes were not worthy of tarnishing her beauty, and her IQ finally returned, occupying the high ground of her brain.

Opening the magic mirror, Wei Zhou notified the members of the family who stayed on the island to quickly check which airships, rune trains, and sea ships had left the island not long ago.

"Wang Shirui should also have a private transportation magic weapon, but he is being targeted now, so he may not dare to use it. He must have taken public transportation."

"Yes! Yes! When the time limit is over, I will use the cleverness Gu to track down his whereabouts, but he is prepared, he may buy Gu repellent water, and deploy control in advance at the major medicine halls on several nearby islands. Once there is a purchase Those who repel gu water, control it first."

"Also, I will hand-paint his changed appearance and forward it to you. Although there is a high probability that he has changed his appearance again, even the changed appearance should be enough to impress him. .”

"According to the hand-drawing I passed on to you, go and investigate. Maybe Li Xiaoyao is really there. If you can find Li Xiaoyao, you can cross-lock his range of activities from another aspect."

Hanging up the magic mirror in his hand, Wei Zhou showed a crazy smile on his glamorous face.

Then he stroked Liu Hai on his forehead with his hand, and said to himself: "Li Xiaoyao...Wang Shirui! You can't escape the palm of my Wei Zhou."

Fortunately, the act of breaking the watch for the second time was never seen by others.

Otherwise, record it and play it face-to-face, enough to make him explode in shame.

Ye Chuxiao took the rune train and arrived at the nearest Dongwen Island. After eating a special meal at the transportation center of Dongwen City, he took the return train and returned to Dinghai City.

Dinghai City is also a rare medium-sized city in the world.

Compared with those small cities with a population of less than [-], it is obviously easier to hide.

As for killing a carbine, playing black under the lamp is Ye Chuxiao's old trick.

Although the routine is old, it works.

All forces are looking for 'Wang Shirui', but no one has the ability and energy to cover the sky with one hand, and directly turn this Dinghai City over.

As long as Ye Chuxiao stays on the other side of the wave, the probability of overturning the car is not high.

After returning to Dinghai City, Ye Chuxiao did not act according to Wang Shirui's past memory habits.

Bars, nightclubs, and hotels, which seem to be mixed with people, are actually managed and controlled, especially places that are easy to sort out, and Ye Chuxiao doesn't even touch them.

However, he always needs a place to stay.

Although there is no such thing as a curfew in Dinghai City, it is prone to accidents if you wander around the streets for a long time.

It happened that Ye Chuxiao needed to learn about talismans in this world, and there was a rune training school not far away that was recruiting students.

After paying a tuition fee, Ye Chuxiao successfully got involved.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao's face changed into a handsome uncle's face. He was mixed among a group of students who were only in their teens and twenties, and looked quite different.

But the small 'strangeness' is a different kind of disguise.

Too mediocre, sometimes it will become a flaw.

From registration to dormitory application and class placement, Lingzhu cleared the way, and everything was resolved within half a day.

In the evening, Ye Chuxiao was able to attend class with her classmates.

"Uncle! You are so old, do you still come to learn runes?" Ye Chuxiao, who had just sat down, heard the little girl sitting next to him say.

The little girl wears clothes similar to JK clothes. Her small face is very delicate and immature. If you look at the face alone, it will make people think that she is only eleven or twelve years old. She is chewing rainbow pills in her mouth. The role of non-stop jumping in various colors.

"Aspirations are not at a young age. In the early years, I was fighting and killing outside. Now I am tired and want to learn some skills." Ye Chuxiao said.

The little girl's eyes lit up: "So, uncle, have you been to many places?"

"Have you ever been to the bottomless abyss? There is also the sea of ​​​​absolute spirits? The black dead sea?"

"Have you been to any of these places?"

Ye Chuxiao searched for these places in his mind, but he said casually: "I haven't been there, if I go, I can't chat with you here, okay... the teacher is here, study hard and learn well Talisman cultivation knowledge can be used anywhere.”

The little girl was a little dissatisfied when she heard the words, she pouted: "Okay!"

"By the way, uncle! What's your name?"

"My name is Wei Yangyang!"

"My name is Yang Erlang!"

Ye Chuxiao answered casually, and at the same time glanced at the little girl.

I didn't think it before, but looking at it now, there is indeed a bit of resemblance between this girl's eyebrows and Wei Zhou.

It's just that the dress is too immature, the face and figure have not grown, and if you don't deliberately associate it, you can't see it.

 Thank you book friend 20220723000746527 for your one hundred coins, thank you Liu Zun for your five hundred coins, and thank you book friend 20171029231606677 for your one hundred coins.

  thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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