There are gaps in the road

Chapter 51 Lingen Square

Chapter 51 Lingen Square
"Is it a coincidence?" Ye Chuxiao didn't change his expression, he was focused on two things. On the surface, he had indeed started to 'listen' seriously at this time.

"It's not a coincidence! Maybe Wei Yangyang or Wei Zhou has something I want."

"According to the principle that Dao Yun will attract each other, it is very likely that they have Wuzhu Dao Yun that has not been absorbed and used."

"So I would repeatedly interact with them."

This basic rune school does not teach advanced courses.

The main teaching is some basic talismans and their collocation. In terms of depth, it is far less advanced than those prisoners in the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment.

However, because this world pays special attention to the application of runes, there are already many excellent and advanced ideas in terms of basics, which are worth learning from.

After listening to it, it was not boring to Ye Chuxiao.

"Uncle! Your name is Yang Erlang, so do you have an older brother named Yang Dalang?" Wei Yangyang asked in a low voice, seriously interfering with Ye Chuxiao's serious study.

"No, his name is Yang Guo." Ye Chuxiao continued to perfunctory.

"Why is your elder brother Yang Guo, and you are Yang Erlang? Is it because you were born by your mother, so you are not taken seriously?"

"I'm different. Although my mother is a young mother, my father and aunt love me very much. The eldest sister likes to kill me, but I'm not afraid of her. If she bullies me, I will tell my father and aunt, and they will help me. " Wei Yangyang continued to chatter non-stop, and at the same time took out snacks from the small bag that he carried with him, and stuffed his mouth full in a blink of an eye, like a greedy little squirrel.

Ye Chuxiao confirmed her guess, turned her head simply, and started chatting with Wei Yangyang.

With one mind and two minds, Ye Chuxiao has no pressure or difficulty to learn the basic knowledge of runes.

After crossing the world, the potential and talents that Dao Yun had developed were digested faster, and Ye Chuxiao's learning ability also increased linearly.

After one class, Wei Yangyang has already regarded Ye Chuxiao as a friend of "Forgetting Years".

Of course, Ye Chuxiao must also admit that Uncle Jiao's peak appearance is also the key to his ability to quickly get acquainted with Wei Yangyang.

Yangou, full of any gender, any age.

For several days in a row, with Wei Yangyang, a small talker, as an 'eyeliner', Ye Chuxiao integrated a lot of useful information through Wei Yangyang.

To put it simply, led by the Wei family, there are a total of more than a dozen forces, large and small, who are actively searching for the whereabouts of 'Wang Shirui', and as the news on the Internet intensifies, their searches become more and more anxious.

Their purpose is very simple. While restricting Ye Chuxiao from spreading the virtual spiritual root "Part II", they must also hold the second part in their hands.

And through contacting Wang Fu and watching some news on the Internet, Ye Chuxiao also confirmed that the Wang family has indeed assembled a group of benefit-sharers, and is building special spiritual root squares on many islands according to his original plan. .

In fact, after Wang Fu separated from Ye Chuxiao, he also recalled it.

In fact, as long as he restrains Ye Chuxiao, he can get the "Part Two", how to operate, how to get the maximum benefit, he doesn't need to listen to Ye Chuxiao's opinion at all.

It's just that Wang Fu at that time was still blinded by the fake father-son relationship, and didn't have real rational thinking.

Now, Ye Chuxiao is hiding outside alone, they don't cooperate, they don't cooperate, Ye Chuxiao may change the cooperation target at any time, and by then all the benefits obtained will be gone.

What's more, to the outside world, Wang Shirui is a member of the Wang family.

The interest group that Wang Shirui offended was the same interest group that the Wang family offended.

At this time, if the Wang family would not be swept away by the huge waves, they had to ride the huge waves set off by Ye Chuxiao and go up against the wind.

The tenth day after the launch of the shared spiritual root plan.

Lingen Square in Dinghai City was officially completed.

And Ye Chuxiao finally appeared on the Internet as 'Wang Shirui' after a long absence.

Although Ye Chuxiao's original live broadcast platform had banned him, the Wang family re-acquired a live broadcast platform to serve Ye Chuxiao alone.

When the news of Ye Chuxiao's re-broadcasting was spread through the rune network, a large number of viewers flooded into the live broadcasting room that no one was paying attention to at first.

The live broadcast platform, which originally only served one person, experienced serious freezes in less than 3 minutes.

The staff in charge of management also had to divert the crowd from the live broadcast room.

Most of the white numbers are divided into another channel, and they can only watch the live broadcast without the right to participate in the conversation.

In front of Ye Chuxiao's eyes, the bullet screen floating up at this moment was a series of 'Dad'.

Under the lure of imaginary virtual spiritual roots, countless monks have given up their integrity on the Internet.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. It seems that everyone misses me very much." Ye Chuxiao immediately exploded the entire live broadcast room, and a large number of rewards obscured his sight.

Ye Chuxiao simply turned off the tipping function, just to have a good talk.

After all, once the complete plan is successful, the money earned from these rewards will not even count as a drop in the ocean.

"Stop your risky behavior, or I will regard you as a challenge to me." A figure with a dragon's head appeared and blocked Ye Chuxiao's face. If it wasn't for the network, he might have already made a move.

"Who the hell are you! You're so arrogant!" A few other figures crowded over and stopped the man without Ye Chuxiao opening his mouth.

The leader said: "I am the fairy mother of the Nine Desolations...."

"Your fairy mother, you uncle Huang!" The group of dogs rushed up and kicked the leader out of the live broadcast room.

Secondary illness is not exclusive to 'Wang Shirui', monks in this world, more or less have this disease.

Sometimes it's really embarrassing.

"I can feel everyone's enthusiasm."

"There are few gossips, let's get straight to the point."

"Everyone must have tried it. To build the spiritual root of fantasy alone, the time and energy spent are not directly proportional to the harvest, but practicing together, the relationship between primary and secondary is not easy to set the tone."

"So, in order to solve this problem, I deliberately came up with a solution, which is the next part of the rumor."

Having said that, Ye Chuxiao paused.

At this moment, he felt a very terrifying aura, and he was sweeping across the entire Dinghai City without any concealment.

It seems to be searching for the background image of his live broadcast, and making a direct comparison with the specific location in Dinghai City.

However, Ye Chuxiao had thought of this a long time ago, so the live broadcast background screen he chose did not belong to Dinghai City at all, but Yanhai City, which was extremely far away from Dinghai City.

"Perhaps many friends have noticed that in some cities, some large blank squares have appeared."

"This square is named 'Spiritual Root Square' by me. On the Lingen Square, we will build spiritual root models of different shapes, and each model will be consecrated secretly by me."

"All the spiritual root models that I have consecrated will have the effect of concentrating and integrating. Practicing in the square can allow those without spiritual roots to have the effect of temporarily adding spiritual roots to the body, concentrating on understanding and admiring the spiritual root models. The more people there are, the stronger it will be, and the faster it will advance. When the spiritual root on the spiritual root square has been upgraded to a certain level, it can be fed back to everyone, so that every monk who promotes its evolution can be more advanced. With a fast speed, he condenses his own unique fantasy spirit root."

(End of this chapter)

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