There are gaps in the road

Chapter 52 The Wave of the New Era

Chapter 52 The Wave of the New Era
At this time, many conspiracy theories appeared in the barrage.

"I'm afraid there is a pitfall! When the imaginary spiritual root in Lingen Square is finished, he will just take it away without anyone noticing it, leaving everyone busy."

"I just knew that there must be something going on here. Let me just say a joke, the prince is selfless... Who knows how much land the Wang family has built up these days? Just wait for the Lingen Square to catch fire so that the surrounding properties can be sold."

"This abacus is calculated, and the deep sea trenches have heard it. It requires money and life, and you need to bother and worry to work for him."

Ye Chuxiao turned a blind eye to these barrages.

As long as there are benefits and temptations, no matter how many acid and weird words these people say, it will come when the time comes.

I can't beat it with a stick.

On the contrary, if it is not profitable for them, even if you stick your buttocks to the sky in front of them and lick your tongue off, they will not look at you more, and think you are in the way.

Some people talk about conspiracy theories, and naturally some people come out to speak out.

"Tell me a joke. Wang Shirui will take away all the spiritual roots of fantasy. If the person who said this is not stupid, he must be bad. Anyone who has read the first and second articles of the spiritual root of fantasy knows that the specifics of the spiritual root of fantasy What is it? It is a fictitious concept. There is no entity in essence. What everyone is entangled in is who is the main one and who will benefit the most from the collective cultivation of imaginary spiritual roots. Not to mention this, let’s just talk about the real spiritual root, the essence Above all, what we need is not the spiritual root itself, but its unique ability to absorb and utilize the energy of heaven and earth. What does Wang Shirui do with these imaginary spiritual roots? He only needs to integrate the information of the spiritual roots we deduced. "

"The Wang family intends to make money, but I really don't envy him for the money he earns. It doesn't cost money to acquire land and build squares? To compete with the traditional spiritual root industry, wouldn't it cost a lot of manpower and material resources, and risk your life? What? You called Dad on the Internet, Wang Shirui really became your father? He deserves selfless devotion?"

Ye Chuxiao let the hustle and bustle of the bullet screen boil, but did not say anything to guide.

After letting the audience digest for a while, Ye Chuxiao went on to say: "Now, the Linggen Square that can be opened temporarily is only Dinghai City."

As soon as the words fell, Wei Zhou, who had been staring at Ye Chuxiao's movements, immediately ordered: "Wang Shirui is still in Dinghai City, I should have guessed that he has been hiding in Dinghai City all this time, search the whole city, we must catch him."

"Miss! Is there still a need to arrest him now?" a member of the Wei family asked.

Wei Zhou said decisively: "Of course! It is necessary at any time. We can also make things that the Wang family can make. What's more, once Lingen Square blooms everywhere, it will not only manage real estate. Wang Shirui will collect The calculation information received is definitely not trivial."

"Since Daozu preached until now, a spiritual root that surpasses the top grade may really appear."

At this time, a large number of monks were searching for Ye Chuxiao's whereabouts.

And more monks poured into Dinghai City to complete the Lingen Square.

The copper-cast 'spiritual root' that was 'consecrated' by Ye Chuxiao stood in the center of the square like a copper tree. It looked ordinary and nothing magical.

But as long as the monks who intend to cultivate the 'Phantom Spiritual Root' walk into the square, they will feel naturally attracted by the copper tree.

It is like an information processor, combining the original chaotic and heterogeneous thinking deduction information of the monks to form a more abundant information torrent.

Visible to the naked eye, this ordinary copper tree is being 'lit up'.

After the monks opened their Dharma eyes, they could see that the copper tree was beginning to emit a thin layer of aura.

"One inch of spiritual light, this copper tree is already a low-grade spiritual root." A monk with Dharma eyes shouted.

"It's so fast! It takes ten years of hard work by one person to dream up a low-grade spiritual root. However, with so many of us working together, it only takes a moment to make it happen." Another monk also became excited.

"Unfortunately, it's just too messy. Sword cultivators, Dharma cultivators, Qi practitioners, martial arts cultivators, alchemy cultivators, art cultivators, mantra cultivators, talisman cultivators... There are all kinds of auras. A low-grade spiritual root, the aura But it’s so messed up that it’s useless to anyone.”

"This kind of chaos is unbearable to use even if it reaches the top grade. When manpower is exhausted, who can swim through so many seas of suffering and cultivate all the monks?"

"There are still people on the Internet who say that Wang Shirui has selfish intentions and wants to take away the 'Utopian Spiritual Root' that we cultivated together.

While discussing, everyone looked for a place to sit cross-legged, and began to communicate with the copper tree in the center of the square, conveying their own calculations.

Those who are "wealthy" will even take out the low-grade spiritual roots they originally prepared, burn the spiritual root messages in them, and send them into the copper tree.

This is not "losing money". When the copper tree in the center of the square becomes a top-grade spiritual root, the feedback information and the energy of heaven and earth will make monks who have paid more to form at least a mid-level and low-grade imaginary spiritual root in an instant. Not only that, being near the square, you can also use the power of the copper tree to gather more energy from the heavens and the earth, which is equivalent to temporarily possessing part of the energy of the top-grade spiritual roots.

Although there is a high probability that it cannot be used to deal with the enemy, but if it is used to practice certain spells, refining talismans and magic weapons, it will be of great benefit.

At this moment, Ye Chuxiao was also among the crowd, standing in Lingen Square, and he was not worried that the Wei family would find him.

On Wei Zhou's shoulder, the Clairvoyance Gu made a cry like a cicada.

The voice is clear, even around the noisy and boiling square, it also has penetrating power.

Wei Zhou saw Ye Chuxiao, and was waving his hand for his subordinates to surround him.

But Ye Chuxiao quickly walked under the copper tree, his face changed, and he had already returned to his original appearance.

Wang Shirui's identity was originally 'customized'.

So Ye Chuxiao's original face is Wang Shirui's original face.

"It's the prince!" Ye Chuxiao was recognized as soon as he appeared, and a monk shouted.

"Prince Gao Yi, eternal immortality!"

"My lord, you are the guide of our avenue, please be respected by the old man!" An old monk who wasted his time because he didn't want to integrate only the lower-grade spiritual roots, turned to Ye Chuxiao Pay respects from a distance.

If he hadn't struggled at the bottom for many years, he wouldn't have known that the glimmer of hope was hard-won.

Even Ye Chuxiao couldn't empathize with him.

Because what he lacked was never a spiritual root, but a sufficiently advanced spiritual root.

Ye Chuxiao opened the storage box he bought, and took out hundreds of middle- and low-grade spirit roots, as well as low-grade and low-grade spiritual roots.

Naturally, these spiritual roots were bought with real money.

After all, the Wang family is rich, and Wang Shirui is not short of money.

"Everyone! I would like to help everyone again. Let's comprehend these spiritual roots together, collect the information, and help our copper tree. How about going further?"

"Let's all share the Dao, share the spiritual root." Ye Chuxiao shouted.

A large number of monks around bowed down in unison: "May I respect the order of the king and son!"

At this time, all the monks of the Wei family were still standing in the crowd, which was particularly eye-catching.

Wei Zhou looked at Ye Chuxiao who was in the crowd with a livid face, but he could only wave his hand to call all his subordinates back.

If they did something at this time, it might not be Ye Chuxiao who got caught, but them.

A large number of monks gathered in the square will angrily tear them apart.

To embarrass Ye Chuxiao is to cut off their way, which is the enmity of life and death.

Why did Ye Chuxiao dare to tell others that he was in Dinghai City?

Because he has set off the wave of the times, and he is standing on the top of that wave right now.

(End of this chapter)

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