There are gaps in the road

Chapter 54 49 Spiritual Roots

Chapter 54 49 Spiritual Roots

Fortunately, Ye Chuxiao has no plans to practice deeply in this world.

After successfully 'lighting up' the spiritual root of the copper tree in Dinghai City, Ye Chuxiao took some of his 'followers' on the road to another city to light up another spiritual root.

Linyuan City, Back Mountain City, Muyun City, and Guanri City.

In each city, on the Linggen Square built, there are all kinds of Lingen sculptures, endowed with initial spirituality by Ye Chuxiao, and become a medium for sorting out and gathering many monks to deduce fantasy spirit roots together.

With Ye Chuxiao lighting up his spiritual roots, the value of real estate in that city naturally rose accordingly.

The Wang family and the partners of the Wang family naturally made a lot of money in this gluttonous feast.

Just helping to create a personal imaginary spiritual root, of course, will not have such a high value.

The key point is that once the shared spiritual root in the spiritual root square reaches a high level, it can also feed back energy and abilities to the monks near the square.

This is undoubtedly lighting up the 'gold mines' in each city.

Perhaps Ye Chuxiao's act of overturning the spiritual root business ruined some of the monks' cakes, but at this time he made bigger and more delicious cakes. I hope he can live well, travel around the world, and light up the monks in every city. , far more than the former.

Now wherever he goes, Ye Chuxiao will accept a lot of 'followers'.

Among these followers, some are really admirable, some have ulterior motives, and a large part of them are hired by people with vested interests. The purpose is to protect Ye Chuxiao. , and lost his life.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao has gathered the general trend. Even if he is only a monk in a difficult state, he is enough to make monks who have passed the fourth and fifth realms in this world stand on his shoulders and regard themselves as "disciples". The powerhouses of the sixth and seventh realms are also taking care of them in secret, keeping threats far away from his sight.

Before Ye Chuxiao walked through all the cities and lit up all the spiritual roots, he would be extremely safe.

To threaten Ye Chuxiao is to make an enemy of the whole world.

When Ye Chuxiao walked through the No. 15 city, his followers had already reached thousands of people, and among them, those who entered the energy realm accounted for half of them.

When such a huge force travels, the places they pass are really ghosts and ghosts.

Even those monks who were seriously ill with secondary illnesses were terrified and did not dare to rush forward again. According to the original plan, they uttered bold words and challenged Ye Chuxiao.

Such a huge and mighty team.

The rune train on the sea, or the small rune airship can no longer carry so many people at the same time.

Only large cruise ships can be used as a means of transportation to travel around the cities.

Of course, the Wang family has already made corresponding preparations.

A fleet of ten Abyss-class warships became Ye Chuxiao's exclusive fleet.

When the flag painted with golden spiritual roots fluttered high above the fleet, Ye Chuxiao's personal reputation also crossed the transition from the Internet to reality and reached its peak.

Accompanying it, there are also various conjectures and conspiracy theories about the spiritual roots of the fantasy, and they are becoming more and more noisy.

Regarding these criticisms, Ye Chuxiao, as always, did not listen to them, and turned a blind eye.

He just wants to create a unique and unparalleled spiritual root. Such a spiritual root is not born in nature, so he creates it himself.

The top-rank spiritual root is not Ye Chuxiao's ultimate pursuit.

He wanted to know where the so-called spiritual roots... the limit was.

If there is a limit to the birth of heaven and earth, then is there a limit to man-made creations and imaginary spiritual roots?

In more than a month, Ye Chuxiao shuttled across the vast sea and traveled fifty cities.

And these fifty cities are only distributed in the 'Eastern Sea' of this world. For the entire vast world, he still has more places that he has not yet reached.

However, Ye Chuxiao chose to stay in the city instead of moving forward.

Because when he 'lighted' the spiritual roots of the city, he didn't feel the existence of the lit spiritual roots.

For the general public, it is effective to artificially create artificial spiritual root sculptures in this spiritual root square that are convenient for centralized deduction and visualization.

But for Ye Chuxiao, it was out of control and invalid.

The mighty team stayed temporarily in this city named 'Sky Sea City'.

The impact of a large population made this small city with a daily population of only [-] to [-] suddenly full.

Not only that, but there is still a constant stream of monks who come from all over the world to "pilgrimage".

At this time, although some people wondered why Ye Chuxiao didn't move on.

But he didn't care too much.

After all, there is more than one month to go, and anyone will feel tired even after crossing fifty cities.

Although Ye Chuxiao is a monk, his cultivation base is not high after all, and it is not unusual to feel bored and tired.

"The spiritual root sculptures in Dinghai City have advanced to the middle and upper grades, while the spiritual root sculptures in other cities are mostly in the middle and lower grades."

"Even now, as long as I gather all the information, it is enough for me to create a top-grade fantasy spiritual root for myself." Ye Chuxiao was not in a hurry to reap the results.

High-grade spiritual roots are of course extremely rare and rare.

But it is still far from worthy of Ye Chuxiao's grandiose behavior, which can even be said to change the course of a world's history.

"49, maybe my limit number."

"Perhaps, it is the common limit of all the people who may reach this point."

"However, I cannot make this matter public."

"I seem to be powerful now, but in fact I have been coerced by the 'big trend'. Once I lose my effect, I may be liquidated by the remnants of the old era. Even the monks who guard me now, because they are worried that I will have a backup It will add fuel to the flames behind the scenes." Ye Chuxiao never underestimated the darkness of people's hearts.

The monks in this world are "secondary school", but the second school does not conflict with conspiracy and cruelty.

What's more, the existence of Daoyun and cross-boundary people will make some monks less 'sick'.

In an originally indifferent and rigid world like Daheng, aren't there characters like Tang Sutong and Yan Po?

"The act of lighting up the consecration will continue, but it is no longer to shape the spiritual roots for myself, but to delay the time, so that the spiritual roots that were lit in the early stage will all be promoted to the top rank, even the top rank."

"If there are 49 messages of high-grade spiritual roots gathered here, I will definitely be able to cross the sky lock and draw up an unprecedentedly powerful imaginary spiritual root for myself."

Thinking of Ye Chuxiao here, he began to deliberate on the entire follow-up process plan.

It is obviously not enough to travel almost one city a day.

He had to slow down, so that in the city where the spiritual roots were lit in the early stage, more monks would gather, and the 49 key spiritual roots would progress faster.

(End of this chapter)

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