Chapter 55
After four days of rest, under the hints of many 'followers', Ye Chuxiao had no choice but to move on to the next stop.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao had been kidnapped by the "big trend". Although there was no obstacle in his path, he couldn't rely on his own will to stop.

On the vast sea, Ye Chuxiao was lying on a deck chair. On the left and right sides, there were four beauties in swimsuits.

Judging by the appearance alone, they are all stunning in the world.

At a glance, the heights are different, the distance is different, the ring is fat, the swallows are thin, and it can be said that each has its own style.

Some of them are peeling the spirit fruit for Ye Chuxiao, some are holding ice drinks and snacks, and some are pinching shoulders, pressing back, hammering legs and rubbing belly for Ye Chuxiao. Judging from the strength and skill of the techniques, All of them have been specially studied and practiced, and the scale is just right. One point less is not exciting enough, and one point more is not enough to be ambiguous.

Ye Chuxiao was not happy.

Beauty is not what he is after, and it is a waste of time for him to indulge in the affairs of men and women.

However, in the face of followers who worship and devote themselves wholeheartedly, he has no choice but to enjoy their offerings and accept their care.

"Ye Chuxiao! Ye Chuxiao! How can you be so lazy?" Looking at the sea line in the distance, Ye Chuxiao cheered up.

"Find a few people who are at the same level as me, and I want to practice with them. If you don't do it for too long, your fighting skills will become rusty." In order to delay time and practice the Nine Death Demon Art, Ye Chuxiao decided to come here In a hearty battle, it's best to get yourself seriously injured.

"If you want to be active, why do you need someone else? We sisters can all exercise with you." The beauties said with a smile.

Sitting first on the right side of Ye Chuxiao, the tall beauty with slender and long fingers who kept rubbing his temples slowly got up.

Opening his right hand, a sword with frost and icicles appeared in his palm: "Since the prince wants to exercise his muscles and bones, let Jiarou exercise with you first! If Jiarou Invincible, please sisters take action."

After finishing speaking, Jia Rou, who was dressed in a white floral one-piece swimsuit, gently brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

Her snow-white skin actually emitted a dazzling white light under the sun.

The exquisite body even made people feel as if it was carved from crystal white jade.

A pair of long legs are slender and straight, and at this moment, they meet the slender ice-blue sword again.

"Oh? What realm are you in?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Jiarou's long black hair fluttered under the sea breeze.

With a shy smile, the girl replied: "The energy level is three levels, but I can suppress my cultivation base in the difficult state."

Ye Chuxiao casually took out the treasured sword he got recently from the storage bracelet.

The bright silver sword gleamed dazzlingly in the sun.

"There is no need to suppress it. I am not in an ordinary difficult situation. It is indeed just right for me to fight against me." Ye Chuxiao said confidently.

Moments later, the battle began.

The sound of clashing weapons and blades can be heard endlessly.

The two figures staggered and danced quickly on the deck. The powerful qi was contained within a narrow range, and occasionally some of the qi leaked out, but before the furnishings on the deck were smashed, He was first stopped by the beauties.

The two beauties, who looked exactly the same, were not bad in stature, but had very different auras, folded their palms together and clasped them together, forming a formation together.

The array map spread across the deck, covering more than half of the deck, and also framed the aftermath of the battle between Ye Chuxiao and Jiarou in the array, without revealing anything.

In this way, Ye Chuxiao wielded the knife even more recklessly.

Gradually displaying at least [-]% of her true ability, leaving only [-]% is not considered a reservation.

After all, this is just a discussion.

After 10 minutes, Ye Chuxiao seemed to have the upper hand, and the hand that swung the knife became more urgent and fierce, speeding up the speed of swinging the knife, increasing the frequency, and carrying out a series of violent twitches.

He wants to end the battle within a few minutes and let Jiarou disarm and surrender.

At this moment, Ye Chuxiao was extremely confident.

His face was full of vigor and vigor about to usher in victory.

After 10 minutes, Ye Chuxiao gradually slowed down in swinging the knife, and began to choose the roaming tactic. The original fierce fighting style also shifted to exquisiteness.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao was much more cautious. He saw Jiarou's swordsmanship and was better at defending.

She is like the mountain spring that seems to be soft and weak, but in fact it is endless. The direct connection of swordsmanship and moves, although the craftsmanship can be seen, but because it is too proficient, this is an advantage.

Because such a crafty sword move, if it reaches a certain level of proficiency, is enough to imitate and reproduce almost all the moves created by the predecessors.

Sometimes, it is a kind of down-to-earth excellence not to pursue excessive excellence and beyond reach.

Fighting against Jiarou made Ye Chuxiao feel a lot.

He has a skillful talent, and it is easier for him to break away from the original barriers in moves and carry out unconstrained attacks.

But this also has flaws, that is, sometimes he makes a move that looks amazing, but actually lacks a lot of hard work. If the opponent you meet is stable enough, you can do whatever you want, just resist in the usual way, and you may be deflated. .

This also reminded Ye Chuxiao that while pursuing innovation, freedom, and letting me go, she should also use the framework of routines to get used to, learn, and imitate, to feel the deeper intentions of the techniques that have been honed over time.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao had completely given up her frivolous mentality and prejudice against Jiarou, and was completely immersed in this battle.

Three or ten minutes later, Ye Chuxiao seemed a little weak, not only physically, but also mentally.

After all, Jiarou's realm is higher, and she seems to have reservations.

Four or ten minutes later, Jiarou smiled and admitted defeat, but her calm expression showed that she did not put in much physical and mental effort.

This woman is by no means a vase.

It's the real girl of heaven.

So here comes the question, why does such a beautiful girl like a maid serve by Ye Chuxiao's side?
Looking at those smiling faces, Ye Chuxiao felt the cunning of monks in this world.

What is the second disease... Isn't this a good use of house arrest and surveillance?

"Sure enough, the second illness is not stupid. Of course, they also have persistence and a bottom line. Otherwise, my current situation may be even more pessimistic."

Looking at Jiarou who had surrendered, Ye Chuxiao shook her head and said, "No! I lost! I am convinced!"

"Although your swordsmanship doesn't have your own aura, you are a good learner and imitator. Before my swordsmanship is truly self-contained, it would be too much of a disadvantage to compete with you."

Although he lost, Ye Chuxiao recognized himself and was not discouraged.

"Take a break, and come back later with a different opponent. I want to fight against monks of different systems, and get used to the rhythm of fighting with different monks." Ye Chuxiao said.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao realized her own serious shortcomings.

Although he has many 'experiences', these experiences come from the memory of other monks, not his personal experience.

Practice is not just behind closed doors.

There is a greater need to communicate intuitively with others.

Then summarize from failures and successes.

 Thank you for going back to Confucianism for the 20201210141845974 dots, thank Xingshang W for the [-] dots, and thank the drug ghost boss for the [-] reward.Thanks to book friend [-] for the one hundred coins, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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