There are gaps in the road

Chapter 56 The Beginning

Chapter 56 The Beginning
In the next two long months, Ye Chuxiao spent half a day almost every day to compete with the 'followers' on the same boat.

Although it was not a life-and-death struggle, and it was less bloody, some followers subconsciously held back when they fought Ye Chuxiao.

But even so, it was enough for Ye Chuxiao to grow up.

Although the growth method of fighting and raising is fast and rapid, it is also easy to overturn and die prematurely.

Ye Chuxiao has accumulated quite a lot of experience by fighting monks with different specialties, and even facing multiple combined opponents at the same time.

Whether it is the experience of head-to-head confrontation, or the experience of strategic transfer in the event of loss.

At the same time, he gradually swam himself through the sea of ​​suffering, and even gradually integrated and utilized several methods that were still struggling in the sea of ​​suffering.

From the current point of view, Ye Chuxiao's current equipment is already extremely good.

Martial arts belong to melee combat, and sword repairing methods have the deterrent power of medium and long distances, while Qi practitioners endow him with excellent battery life. Among the same level, Ye Chuxiao's true energy reserves and recovery speed are very high. With his excellent skills, he can also use a few cunning talismans. Although they can't cause much damage, they can be used to contain opponents and gain opportunities for other means to attack.

"Passing the Thunder Cape in front, you will enter the Sea of ​​Storms. This is the most dangerous route, and it is also the place where the energy of the world is the most violent and abundant. There are very few cities in the Sea of ​​Storms area, but every place is a resource center. .”

"In the original plan, there was no trip to the Sea of ​​Storms."

"However, during this period of time, the influence of the imaginary spiritual roots has become more and more sensational. The earliest batch of shared spiritual roots has begun to give feedback to many monks. With the help of shared spiritual roots, some people have condensed private middle-grade spiritual roots , has attracted widespread attention.”

"Several cities in the Storm Sea have sent invitations from the alliance, and we have to take this trip too." Beside Ye Chuxiao, Wei Zhou was holding a magic mirror, wearing a black secretary professional suit, stepping on heels and high-heeled shoes, his face expressionless. Said with a bowed expression.

In the second month of Ye Chuxiao's tour of Zhucheng, Wei Zhou had already been sent on board by the Wei family, and handed over to Ye Chuxiao's disposal.

Although Wei Zhou himself suffers from secondary illnesses, the helm of the Wei family obviously still has brains and understands what it means to join if you can't beat it.

Seeing Wei Zhou's rebellious appearance, Ye Chuxiao happily accepted her as his personal secretary, responsible for handling some trivial matters.

At the same time, it is also in charge of connecting with the interest groups that have really gained huge profits in this mighty "Utopian Spiritual Root" activity.

"Is that dangerous?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Wei Zhou nodded: "Yes! The danger does not only come from the Sea of ​​Storms, but also people who hide in the Sea of ​​Storms and use the name of natural disasters to carry out assassinations."

"If it were me, I would never miss this opportunity."

Speaking of this, Wei Zhou looked straight at Ye Chuxiao, as if he was looking forward to this sentence, which would anger Ye Chuxiao and then fire her.

"Well said!"

"The one who knows the enemy best is always the enemy himself. In that case, the security work will be entrusted to you to coordinate."

"In short, I hope it can end smoothly." Ye Chuxiao said.

Although Sea of ​​Storms was not the last stop on Ye Chuxiao's itinerary, it was almost there.

There are also places that have not been visited, which are too remote. In fact, there is no big difference whether there is a "shared spiritual root".

In this world dominated by oceans and dotted with islands, there are almost uninhabited cities on some remote islands.

These cities, for most of the time, are in a state of sleep.

During the year, only certain special resources will attract the picking season when the local area matures. At that time, the originally unoccupied residences will wait for their temporary residents.

A city like this doesn't need Ye Chuxiao to light up his contribution spirit roots.

"Ah~ so sleepy!"

"I'm going back to catch up on sleep!"

"I hope I can sleep peacefully tonight." Ye Chuxiao stretched, and returned to the huge bedroom alone.

Ye Chuxiao activated the defensive formation in the bedroom, but he didn't really sleep peacefully.

"Wei Zhou is trustworthy. She is cryptically reminding me to be careful."

"As she said, she regards me as an opponent, so instead of allowing me, for some reason, the defeat is in the hands of others."

"Shared spiritual roots have spread across almost all important cities in this city. Those groups that once lost their interests have also regained new interests on the new track. Those who came to kill me for the matter of spiritual roots cannot say that there is no such thing. , but it will never reach a scale.”

"What I should be most worried about is those nominal followers."

"Especially in the recent 'discussion', some unfamiliar faces joined in. Although they didn't play hard, they were obviously forcing me to show them the bottom cards."

Ye Chuxiao did not expect such a change.

Today, he is almost touted as a 'sage' on the Internet. Some people already call him 'Wang Sheng', and the name Wang Gongzi has long been a thing of the past.

Such a status, such a reputation, compared to his cultivation, is really too asymmetrical.

This is a typical 'Germany does not coordinate'.

Therefore, for many people, only a dead 'Wang Sheng' is a good 'Wang Sheng'.

Ye Chuxiao could even imagine that if he was really 'killed', many statues of him would be erected on the side of Linggen Square.

Those who profit from it will take advantage of his 'death' to earn the last spirit bead.

What about a world where the second disease is rampant?
Are there no villains in Hot Blood?
"It's time to gather all the messages of the 49 spiritual roots and combine them into my unique imaginary spiritual root."

Ye Chuxiao sat cross-legged on the warm jade mat, and began to visualize the 49 shared spiritual roots that he had always been in touch with.

At this time, these 49 places share spiritual roots, and there are 32 spiritual roots, which have reached the top grade, and there is no way to enter.

Of the remaining seventeen, sixteen are top grade and one is middle top grade.

It has not reached the level of 49 spiritual roots, all of which are of the highest grade, but it can only be so, there is no need to force it.

The fleet passed Cape Thunder and sailed into a pitch-black sea.

The waves on the sea suddenly became rough and violent.

Huge waves tens of meters high abound here.

And above the sky, there are always thick dark clouds entrenched.

The ferocious thunder, like the giant net of a god, is firmly locked on this sea area.

Jiaolong is sleeping soundly in the thundercloud, if it is awakened accidentally, it will be a huge disaster.

The fleet of as many as [-] warships was divided into three groups at this time, presenting an awl-shaped advance.

The huge and gorgeous warship that Ye Chuxiao was riding on was protected in the most central position, and the waving array flags were fully unfolded from the bow to the stern.

The complex formation locks the hull, resisting the storm at sea.

While concentrating, Ye Chuxiao called out the 49 spiritual roots, summoning all the information gathered and condensed by them.

In an instant, on the square where those spiritual roots were located, the monks who had opened their eyes could see beams of light rising from their shared spiritual roots, converging towards the distant place.

(End of this chapter)

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