There are gaps in the road

Chapter 57 The Beginning of Spiritual Roots

Chapter 57 The Beginning of Spiritual Roots

The fierce and violent waves, accompanied by the torrential rain that fell at an unknown time, beat together the extremely small gap between the sky and the sea.

The rolled up storm formed a huge waterspout, sweeping from all directions without any rules.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people's boats to sail on such seas.

Even if a ship that has been carefully reinforced by monks breaks into such a harsh place, it is also in danger of capsizing at any time.

In the fleet, the pilot is a sword-shaped battleship. Dozens of sword repairmen stand on the deck, forming a sword array, lending their sword energy to the bow, making the ship like an ice-breaking chisel, tearing apart the barriers. The wind and waves ahead.

The frigates that followed were lined up on the left and right sides, and the barriers were propped up, trying to resist and smooth the invasion of the entire fleet by wind and waves.

Everything seems to be in order.

But suddenly, a frigate guarding on the left side broke away from the original sailing track and sailed into the distance alone.

The storm that was supposed to be torn apart and pushed away from the left side seemed to have found a vent in an instant, pouring into the core hinterland of the entire fleet from the gap of the departing frigate in an instant, cutting the formation from it.

Immediately afterwards, five or six warships were 'destroyed' one after another. They stopped in place and crossed there, making the fleet that was originally in a neat formation look even more fragmented.

"Turn on the highest level of protection, frigates left and right, and try to open a way out for the core main ship." Wei Zhou quickly issued an order, and at the same time quickly walked to Ye Chuxiao's resting room.

But before Wei Zhou took a few steps, the main ship was also in chaos.

Those who have been dormant for a long time chose to take action at this time.

In the past few months, although Ye Chuxiao has kicked out those undercover agents who showed obvious performances from the main ship, there will always be some people whose acting skills are very good and difficult to see through.

"Secretary Wei! One of the three power compartments of the main ship has been destroyed. This ship can no longer run at full speed, and the rebels are taking over the cockpit." A follower came from the magic mirror held by Wei Zhou. Urgent voice.

Immediately afterwards, there was another scream from him: "Let Wang Sheng go!"

Moments later, streaks of purple-red talisman light soared into the sky.

The signals of the entire fleet group became a mess.

The monks lost a convenient way to communicate.

Wei Zhou kicked off his high heels and rushed up to the broadcast tower of the main ship. In the stormy sea and stormy sea, he cast a spell without changing his face, and killed several rebels blocking the entrance of the broadcast tower.

Subsequently, the personnel on board were mobilized in the form of direct amplified broadcasts to organize effective suppression operations.

However, effective countermeasures for a while cannot change the situation of large-scale defeat and collapse, and can only delay the arrival of the final result.

Wei Zhou will contact the small transceiver of the broadcasting tower and stick it on his collar. While continuing to command by remote control, he continues to rush to Ye Chuxiao's bedroom at a fast speed.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao has reached the most critical moment of spiritual root fusion.

The method of imagining the spiritual root is divided into three parts: "spiritual root conception", "spiritual grafting method" and finally "spiritual leader formula".

For the first two parts, Ye Chuxiao chose to make them public.

Only the last part, not only did Ye Chuxiao not make it public, but he also operated in reverse, planting his own spiritual seeds, as the core of lighting up the spiritual root buildings, into the spiritual root buildings in various spiritual root squares.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao gathered the information of many spiritual roots and merged them.

In fact, it is to recall the spiritual seeds planted in those 49 spiritual roots, and once the seeds are recalled, the shared spiritual roots in the original places still have their original purpose, but they no longer exist with Ye Chuxiao direct connection.

Ye Chuxiao's spiritual seeds played a guiding role.

When the sharing of spiritual roots is on the right track, the priority has long been reversed.

Of course, all the spiritual root information collected so far is recorded in these spiritual seeds.

These are the most important to Ye Chuxiao.

One after another spiritual seeds returned with a huge torrent of information, and savagely crashed into Ye Chuxiao's sea of ​​consciousness.

In just a moment, Ye Chuxiao felt that his thoughts were completely washed away.

Feedback from thinking to physical body, Ye Chuxiao's body was scattered all over the ground like collapsed sand.

If it wasn't for the effect of the strong life talent and the spontaneous operation of the Nine Death Demon Art, Ye Chuxiao would have been completely wiped out the first moment he received the feedback.

Gather the power of all living beings and cast the supreme spiritual root for yourself.

This is very likely, and this is the original intention of creating this Utopian Spiritual Root Method.

But why did those monks in the past choose to use it in a relatively conservative and even narrow way?
Because they couldn't bear it at all, at that moment, the huge message feedback formed.

With the body and consciousness of a mere monk in a difficult situation, how can he withstand the instantaneous impact of the thoughts of all beings?

As for the monks who can bear this, they have already integrated into their own spiritual roots, and they can no longer change course.

Ye Chuxiao's body is reorganizing, and the body is connected to the mind and soul.

49 groups of spiritual root messages have been gathered into a huge message cloud in Ye Chuxiao's altar.

It's just that it is not yet solidified, and there is no specific spiritual root form.

Suddenly, the message cloud exploded, and Ye Chuxiao's body, guided by his thoughts and soul, exploded again.

Nine Death Demon Art and Strong Life Talent are in effect again.

Only this time, the pace of reorganization was slower.

Even the Nine Death Demon Art doesn't generate infinite vitality out of thin air, helping Ye Chuxiao reorganize his body repeatedly.

What was consumed was still the energy essence that Ye Chuxiao usually stored in his body.

Fortunately, after coming to this world, Ye Chuxiao has never worried about resources, and in recent months, he has tried all the precious resources of this world.

This allowed him to store a solid amount of capital in his body.

Ye Chuxiao, who had recovered a bit of sanity, quickly took out a large number of panaceas and precious medicines that his followers enshrined from the storage bracelet.

There was no time to distinguish them, so they randomly stuffed them into their mouths, or simply spread them around, and when the body reorganized, it would spontaneously absorb and utilize the surrounding materials.

After these elixirs and precious medicines were imported, they were quickly transformed into nutrients by the automatic refinement of Nine Death Demon Art, nourishing Ye Chuxiao's thirsty body.

Don't wait for Ye Chuxiao to get used to the current state.

His body has exploded for the third time.

It exploded three times in succession, and reorganized three times in succession.

In Ye Chuxiao's spiritual platform consciousness sea, the information cloud of spiritual root information finally became blurred.

It could be vaguely seen that it was in the shape of a giant green tree, surrounded by floating colorful clouds, and every leaf shone with a divine brilliance.

And the moment this blurred shape took shape, it seemed that boundless energy was poured into Ye Chuxiao's thirsty body along a channel so wide that it was difficult to measure.

Although the environment of the Sea of ​​Storms is harsh, the turbulent energy of the heaven and earth here is far more than that of other places.

In just an instant, Ye Chuxiao's body was injected with manic energy.

Such high efficiency and high energy far exceeded Ye Chuxiao's cognition of top-grade spiritual roots.

It has even jumped out of the confines of the 'spiritual root', rising to an unknown height.

The huge energy was absorbed by Ye Chuxiao's reorganized hungry body.

"Resurrecting from death" several times in succession, according to the characteristics of the nine-death magic art, Ye Chuxiao's physical strength at this time is already unimaginable.

"The spiritual root has just formed, and its grade is unknown."

"And its biggest advantage is that it can form a cycle with the Nine Death Demon Art. The resurrection of the Nine Death Demon Art requires a huge amount of energy support consumption, and the digestion of spiritual root information will involve the physical body. When the huge information cannot be processed , the body will be broken under the influence of thinking. The two enter and exit, complement each other, complete each other, as if the left foot is stepping on the right foot to reach the sky?"

Ye Chuxiao's thoughts were disconnected again at this moment.

Because another round of information explosion has begun.

This time, his body did not explode.

Instead, like an expanding nebula, it suddenly exploded and scattered into billions of light spots.

Then it collapsed and shrunk, returning to a more perfect, harder and stronger body.

Every remodeling is a transformation from body to soul.

And the originally scattered message cloud also made further adjustments and down-to-earth towards the image of the spiritual root of the sacred tree.

At the same time, Ye Chuxiao, who once again reorganized his physical body, digested and integrated part of the message cloud, actually vaguely sensed and perceived the "shared spiritual root" in every place in this world.

With the help of the spiritual root of the divine tree, he seemed to be able to call back all the spiritual seeds stored in the shared spiritual root with just one thought.

This imaginary spiritual root of the sacred tree broke the law that once the spiritual root is integrated, it will be fixed to a dead level. Even though it has been so powerful, it can still continue to 'grow'.

 Thanks to book friend 2021030110413638826 for one hundred points, for book friend 20171029231606677 for one hundred points, for reader 1548948801409335296 for one hundred points, and for reader 1548948801409335296 for one hundred points.

(End of this chapter)

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