There are gaps in the road

Chapter 68 Let's Sell Temporary Residence Permit!

Chapter 68 Let's Sell Temporary Residence Permit! (Seeking a monthly ticket, asking for follow-up reading)
Seeing Ye Chuxiao's thoughtful expression, Jin Sanniang added: "Of course, we can't do a large-scale and large-scale search and investigation. We can only conduct a targeted review after we have a clear guessing target. .”

Ye Chuxiao waved his hand: "Don't conduct a large-scale investigation, it's enough to be targeted."

"Small fish and shrimps can't squeeze out any money, so we aim at suspicious targets among the major families and forces. Let's grab their necks and sell temporary residence permits."

"Those who don't have a temporary residence permit are all illegal smugglers and will be expelled. Those who commit crimes will go to prison directly."

Jin Sanniang was taken aback, and Zhao Sibai, who was eating and drinking, also stopped his violent movements and looked at Ye Chuxiao like a monster.

Qiao Wuqi and Cui Yu also turned their heads to look at Ye Chuxiao with a calm expression, waiting for the next sentence.

"Is this... can it be done? Will the action be too big and offend many forces." Jin Sanniang hesitated.

Although if it really starts to issue 'temporary residence permits' to cross-border people, it must be the entire six doors that exert their strength and bear the pressure.

But Jin Sanniang is Ye Chuxiao's direct person in charge after all.

Temporary residence permits don't sound like much profit to be made, but offending people is a lot of offending. No matter how powerful the six doors are, they are far from being able to cover the sky with one hand in Daheng.

"Offended? Where does this start?"

"You don't think it's reckless!"

"Hit a stick and give me a sweet date, don't you understand?"

"Intensify efforts to search for 'prohibited goods' sold without permission, increase tariffs on some non-local products, open up a batch of Daheng's inherent specialty products to the outside world, and at the same time provide formal official status to cross-border people with temporary residence permits status, give them certain benefits and preferential treatment, and even support them to immigrate for a long time and settle in Daheng.”

"You guys don't understand how to deal with those who don't have a temporary residence permit, and treat those who have a temporary residence permit with fervent care!" Ye Chuxiao said in surprise.

These things, in Ye Chuxiao's previous life, were methods that had been eliminated long ago.

If you make money from the perspective of making money, it will be difficult to make a lot of money.

From the perspective of changing some of the original rules and laws, and making adjustments that are more in line with the current era, even if money is not actively earned, it will come in droves.

The quick-witted Jin Sanniang, Cui Yu, and Qiao Wuqi had already figured it out, looking at Ye Chuxiao as if they were looking at a devil.

They seemed to be able to vaguely sense what kind of powerful and money-absorbing monster Ye Chuxiao was unleashing.

"Make money! There are two conditions, one is what others don't have, and the integration of resources."

"However, no one has what I have, and I need to face fierce competition, and it must be a necessity to a certain extent. There are too many restrictions. If it is not related to food, clothing, housing and transportation, the profit point is actually not high. I have to work hard to earn some hard money. Six doors I am afraid that the five gods will not agree."

"So what is really suitable for Six Doors is resource integration."

"Six doors have this basic strength, just adjust their direction and work hard to mobilize." Ye Chuxiao said.

Jin Sanniang also said that the six sects are involved in such lucrative industries as water transportation, salt transportation, horse trading, and tea selling.

Ye Chuxiao was not interested in exploring how deep the water was behind it.

But if you just borrow channels to broaden your interests, it will be a big cake for the entire six doors.

Even if a small number of people oppose it for some shady reason, the vast majority of people should support and agree with it.

"I understand! Temporary residence permit is not a restriction, but a way of making money." Zhao Sibai realized it later, slapped his forehead and said loudly.

The topic has entered the next stage, and he is still spinning ahead.

Bad brains deserve to be despised.

So no one paid attention to Zhao Sibai who was unresponsive.

"Setting up a framework, setting rules, building a platform, controlling channels, etc. After this set of punches, the temporary residence permit is not only a source of income, but also a way for the six doors to control a large number of cross-border people. If it can be done, it will not only solve the problem The problem of lack of money in the six doors, and even the problem of lack of manpower can be solved." Jin Sanniang became more and more excited as she talked.

Then drank the wine in the glass.

"Ye Chuxiao! You are indeed a genius. No wonder you were able to transform the prison of the Ministry of Punishment so dramatically in less than a year."

"Cui Yu, Wu Qi, treat Xiaoye well."

"I'm going to see Mr. Shi first. Whether it can be done or not will be determined by Mr. Shi." After finishing speaking, Jin Sanniang threw down a bag of money and left first.

Cui Yu's appearance is not outstanding, but she has a gentle and intelligent temperament.

At this time, his eyes were on the three silver badges, and he actually handed the bag of money directly to Qiao Wuqi.

"I still have something to do, let's go first, Wuqi... take care of Xiaoye!" After finishing speaking, he got up and left, and quickly disappeared into the bright lights.

After all the women left, the three Yin Zhangs, whom they had just met, drank in silence for a while, and the Orchid Dance of the Western Regions, which they had occasionally watched before, was no longer interested in watching it now.

"They're all big men, why hesitate!"

"I propose, change the game!"

"It's too vegetarian here! Go for something less meaty." Zhao Sibai said loudly, his face flushed with the smell of alcohol.

Qiao Wuxi said: "Nanchun Pavilion, I know the mothers there very well, and I guarantee that all the girls I introduce are good girls."

The eyes of the two turned to Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao put down the wine glass: "Let's go!"

The three of them walked together under the lights of the night, and the originally stiff atmosphere began to become inexplicably harmonious and compatible.

Qiao Wuxi looked at it calmly, never thought that the driving skills were excellent, and the fish and dragon danced all night without any overturning.

Ye Chuxiao fully understood what Daheng nightlife is, and was amazed at the creativity of Daheng custom practitioners.

I can only say one is really amazing to know how to practice.

In short, this night's fish and dragon dance, let alone mention it.

Waking up in the big milky white bath early in the morning, Ye Chuxiao stood up and stretched.

The body that has been reshaped many times allows him to wake up in the morning, still full of energy.

You don't need to do it yourself, a maid will come forward to help you wipe your body and put on your clothes.

At the gate of Nuanchun Pavilion, the three silver medals met again, and at this time, the three of them had become friends with each other shoulder to shoulder.

"Last night, I made Xiaoye spend a lot of money. Next time... I will invite you next time. I will get some invitations for Nianxue Temple to visit the nunnery, so that you can learn a lot from Xiaoye." Zhao Sibai clasped his back and said Yawned and said.

There were too many tricks last night, and the bag of money left by Jin Sanniang was not enough to spend.

Ye Chuxiao paid for the continuation halfway, otherwise it would be unavoidable.

"What's the point of that?"

"I have a friend who is an inner disciple of Curling Villa." Qiao Wuqi's eyes were slightly dark, he looked up at the dazzling sun, and said slowly.

Zhao Sibai shouted loudly: "The thief! There is such a relationship, and I have never heard you mention it before."

Qiao Wuxi said: "Those female cultivators in Curling Villa don't care about money, but only about appearance, talent, and knowledge. Which one of you, Zhao Sibai, is worthy of my recommendation?"

Zhao Sibai was at a loss for words for a while, so he could only say some complaining words to ease the embarrassment.

Ye Chuxiao also nodded at this time and said: "Okay! From now on, I will rely on my two brothers to lead the way."

While talking, he changed the subject: "But right now, there are still many important things to do, and we can't delay our practice."

"When it comes to cultivation, I have some doubts, little brother, and I want to ask my two elder brothers."

The silver medals of the six doors are all real elites.

The last time is also the peak of the energy realm, and one must be outstanding in order to be promoted exceptionally, and the wonderful realm and the transformation realm are the mainstream.

Like Ye Chuxiao, a monk who has not even reached the level of energy in name can get the position of the silver medal, only because it has other functions and is a special talent.

Ye Chuxiao has problems in practice, so he should ask these two for advice!

For some basic pointers, they are more than enough.

(End of this chapter)

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