There are gaps in the road

Chapter 69 How to Connect with All Beings

Chapter 69 How to Connect with All Beings
"If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Between us brothers, we don't speak polite words." Zhao Sibai patted his chest and patted it.

Qiao Wuqi also nodded reservedly, with the same attitude as Zhao Sibai.

"To be honest, my younger brother barely entered the energy realm. Now I sit in the energy realm and look at the wonderful realm. I only know that there is a saying of 'connecting with all living beings', but I don't know where to focus my efforts." Ye Chuxiao said.

Qiao Wuqi and Zhao Sibai looked at each other.

It was still Zhao Sibai who said: "Xiaoye! What you are doing now is preparing for the breakthrough into the wonderful realm."

"You don't think that being an official is really just for that little salary!"

Ye Chuxiao was taken aback when he heard the words, he really hadn't considered this issue further.

Indeed, being an official is not only about salary, but also social status, power relations and some gray secrets that are not humane, but there will always be monks who don't care about these, and prefer to hide in the mountains and stay out of the world of mortals.

Now in the entire Daheng, it is not surprising that the monks are full of emotions and have their own desires.

The strange thing is that in the past, the higher the strength of the Daheng monks, the more indifferent they were. Under such indifference, what prompted a large number of monks to become officials?
From a purely logical point of view, it really doesn't make sense.

"I also ask the two elder brothers to enlighten me!" Ye Chuxiao said, clasping her fists.

Zhao Sibai said: "The so-called bond with sentient beings, to put it more bluntly, is 'qi luck'. Qi luck is the key to entering the wonderful state, and it is also related to the subsequent cultivation of the realm of transformation and wisdom."

"Air luck is not the same as luck, let alone personal fate. It is produced by the causal relationship of all living beings, and has nothing to do with likes or dislikes."

"I didn't say this. It was Tang Sutong's opinion that Mr. Tang put forward in a debate meeting. Before I entered the Wonderland, Sister Jin said this to me. I will pass it on to you."

"Anyway, you don't need to worry, and you don't need to worry, you are already a silver medal, and if you do a few major things, it will be a matter of course for you to achieve a wonderful state."

After hearing Zhao Sibai's explanation, Ye Chuxiao felt a little comprehensible, but she didn't seem to listen.

His eyes shifted to Qiao Wuxi.

The specific answer seems to depend on Qiao Wuqi.

Ye Chuxiao could see that Zhao Sibai himself was confused, and asking him to teach was really finding the wrong teacher.

Qiao Wuxi expressed it more directly. He took off a slender leaf from a branch protruding from the wall, placed it on the spider web in the corner, and rolled the leaf.

A large number of spider webs are entangled on the leaves, making the originally thin and slender spider webs look thicker.

"A person is the leaf, and luck is like a spider web. If it just sticks to the spider web, the leaf looks the same as it hangs on the treetop. But if it is rolled up, the small leaf will also become thicker."

"When a monk enters the realm of energy, he can use the power of heaven and earth to transform his body. From then on, he will be free from all diseases and prolong his life. But he can't really break the limit of his life, and live to 200, 300, or 500 years. Why? Because the soul, Our souls are not protected against time, and the weather is like a knife, thinning the thickness of our souls again and again. Even though our bodies are transformed by the energy of heaven and earth, they become immortal, but our souls are still ordinary, There will be an end to mediocrity, and when the soul is extinguished, the so-called immortality of the body will become empty talk."

"So we need to wrap up luck outside the soul, let luck replace the soul, and bear the damage from time." Qiao Wuqi's explanation was more in-depth and thorough, and Zhao Sibai beside him also showed a look of sudden realization .

"Since luck can replace the damage from time, how to get more luck becomes the key to practice."

"The best way is to be attached to the imperial court. As long as you become an official of the imperial court, you will naturally get a fortune that matches your official position, because being an official itself is to constantly have direct or brief connections with all living beings. .”

"If you can't be an official, then join a party and work hard to climb up, so as to gain greater influence."

"When a small act of yours can have a direct or indirect impact on the lives and lives of many people, then you are already lucky."

"At the peak, the longevity is astonishing, but it's like a illusory bubble. How many people can always stay at the top without slipping?" Qiao Wuqi couldn't help but sigh when he said the last sentence.

Qiao Wuqi's explanation completely resolved Ye Chuxiao's doubts.

"Then if after entering the wonderland, luck is affected..." Ye Chuxiao said.

Qiao Wuqi nodded and said: "Naturally, your lifespan will be reduced. If a court official with a life span of two hundred years is demoted to a commoner, he will wither in a very short period of time. Go dry."

"This is the punishment of time. The imperial power is under the guise of time."

Ye Chuxiao knew in her heart that taking the official route was indeed a shortcut to gain luck.

But the luck obtained in this way is not reliable and may be taken away at any time, so if there is another way, it is better to find another way.

To put it simply, it means that individuals directly form bonds with sentient beings and roll up thick 'spider threads' directly, instead of borrowing and sharing 'spider threads' from the influence of the imperial court or a certain force.

To be a person, you must rely on yourself.

Of course, easier said than done.

For example, Ye Chuxiao decided on a "temporary residence permit" strategy for Jin Sanniang. If this strategy is successfully implemented, it will definitely affect the entire Daheng world.

In a sense, Ye Chuxiao has already waved the little power in his hand and rolled up the spider's thread.

But this influence was pushed with the help of the Daheng court and the power of the six doors.

It is not entirely guided by Ye Chuxiao's strength alone, so it is not stable and can be plundered at any time.

"Speaking and speaking, being the first in the world, this is the broad road to immortal soul."

"It's a pity that throughout the ages, people have always been fond of talking about their thoughts, and people continue to learn and imitate them. After all, it is a small number of people who have influenced countless people."

"Time will weaken a person's soul, and it will also weaken a person's influence." Qiao Wuqi sighed.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao thought of the boat of fortune again.

Master Yu Shen created the ship of good fortune to travel between the worlds, making it convenient for countless people who crossed the world.

This is not necessarily an act of gathering luck.

It's just that behind this behavior, the hidden purpose may be more and more secretive.

"Qi luck is the causal connection between monks and all living beings. I may understand it this way. It has nothing to do with good or bad. It only needs to exert a force, and only needs the people affected to constantly recite its name."

"Establishing a religion, establishing a faction, and establishing a country are all more advanced methods of earning luck. In fact, there is no difference between writing a book and establishing a theory. After all, those who master the present can master the past. After thousands of years, the so-called How much of the original flavor of the Immortal Chapter still remains?" At this time, Ye Chuxiao, although only seventeen or eighteen years old, felt inexplicably the difficulty of longevity.

Cultivation seems ethereal, but in fact, those with ambitions and ambitions are all fighting for it.

At the end of the long river, is there really another shore?
(End of this chapter)

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