Chapter 70
After figuring out how to enter the Wonderful Realm, in fact, for Ye Chuxiao, he already has enough confidence to move towards the Wonderful Realm.

According to Qiao Wuxi's teaching, after the body is tempered with the energy of the world, as long as you think you have accumulated enough 'luck', you can sit in the death test.

Looking at the soul of feigning death, and then observing the mystery of life and death, this time it is a wonderful place.

Once you enter the Wonderland, your lifespan will exceed the ordinary, and the length of your lifespan is directly linked to the amount of luck.

Of course, if the accumulated luck is not enough and you forcibly sit on the dead end, it is possible to make the fake come true, and really die in the breakthrough.

Because of this, Daheng officials who have a certain degree of "certainty" in the distribution of luck are particularly popular among monks.

Being in the Gongmen, after all, it is easy to practice, it is definitely not empty talk.

Many monks who have no other way out have sharpened their heads and want to become officials.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao is the silver medal of the six sects of Daheng, and the official is at the seventh rank. If it is only the luck required to break through the Wonderland, the luck brought by a silver medal is barely enough.

What's more, Ye Chuxiao once spread fantasy spiritual roots in different worlds, and created a far-reaching spiritual root cultivation method of sharing spiritual roots.

Even the controllers of this world will continue to downplay Ye Chuxiao's influence in it.

That is definitely not something that can be erased within three to five years, at least it will take decades to constantly erase and replace it.

There is always a process.

"However, according to Qiao Wuqi's explanation, the follow-up practice of Wonderful Realm, Transformation Realm, and Wisdom Realm is closely related to longevity and luck. More luck, this is the inevitable way."

"Closing the door, hiding in a small building to become unified, cultivating into a fairy god and then going out, that is just a beautiful 'fantasy'."

After working all night, the three parted ways at the gate of Pingliangfang, and made an appointment for the next adventure before parting ways.

The friendship between men is sometimes so unpretentious.

After separating from Zhao and Qiao, Ye Chuxiao neither returned to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, nor went to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, but returned to the small courtyard at the corner of Shenjing. Although there was nothing here, it was inexplicable. It made Ye Chuxiao feel at ease.

This is probably the memory of the previous life, leaving Ye Chuxiao with the feeling of 'home'.

As for the "home" of the previous life, not only can't go back, but the impression and memory have long been blurred.

Ever since his parents in his previous life divorced when he was young, and then quickly reorganized their families, Ye Chuxiao's impression of his family is always the same as taking care of him. After he went to college, he was buried in the hillside of his hometown with his long-lost grandfather. .

He also only remembered the wild chrysanthemums that bloomed all over the hillside that year.

Cleaned up the fallen leaves in the courtyard, took a spoonful of rice from the rice jar and put it in the pot, cut a plate of sausages and threw them into the pot to cook.

Seeing the white smoke jumping out from under the pot cover and the firewood burning under the stove, Ye Chuxiao let out a long breath of suppressed depression.

Walk out of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and step into the system of six doors.

Ye Chuxiao certainly had no right to refuse, but he also did not dislike this change.

Indulging in the "sense of accomplishment" in the small world of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is a very dangerous thing.

The 'world' in the prison is too small, and when it develops to the limit and can no longer satisfy the increasingly greedy appetites of the officials of the Ministry of Punishment, that is when the backlash of Ye Chuxiao's many 'reforms' comes.

Seeing this, is it not a wise move to plan in advance to jump out of the prison system of the Ministry of Criminal Justice?
Ye Chuyu didn't know if he hadn't come back yet, or he simply hid his whereabouts and went to another place with his real identities and teachers.

As for Ye Chuqi, if he hadn't seen the note stuck in the crack of the door, Ye Chuxiao would have probably forgotten that there is such a cheap brother.

"Brother! My classmates and I are going to Yaoshan for an outing, and we will be boarding outside for a while, so don't worry about it!" Ye Chuqi's letter was very short, just casually explaining where he was going.

Ye Chuxiao even suspected that he didn't go for an outing, but went to take a bath in the wine tank.

This cheap little brother always seems to be so mysterious.

He hasn't started formal training yet, but the vastness of communication outside makes Ye Chuxiao, a big brother, feel ashamed.

After setting up protective and early warning formations in the yard, Ye Chuxiao slept soundly.

After he was full of energy, he continued to practice sword skills, practicing talismans, formations, flying swords and other methods.

Cultivation is not only the high-spirited talk of the principles, but also the tedious persistence and exercise day after day.

Without those boring and tedious persistence and exercise, any theory is just empty talk.

No matter how talented Ye Chuxiao is right now, he still has to keep his feet on the ground.

For several days in a row, Ye Chuxiao practiced according to the usual rhythm, without the slightest sign of anxiety or anxiety.

On the contrary, Zhao Sibai has asked Ye Chuxiao several times, wondering if there is any further information about the 'temporary residence permit'.

After all, Ye Chuxiao came up with the solution, and it was also submitted by Jin Sanniang.

No matter how you say it, Jin Sanniang's team should play an important enough role in this matter to bite off a large piece of meat.

Zhao Sibai is not greedy for money, he just has five wives and eight children to support.

Among Ye, Zhao, and Qiao, Zhao Sibai is the most struggling.

Half a month later, a 'rumor' suddenly spread among the monks in Daheng.

The refiner of Daheng Tianji Academy, with the help of the power of the Wuji Seal, the most treasured country in Daheng Township, created a batch of "Changheng Tokens". object interference.

This news, in the ears of ordinary monks, is nothing more than that.

But in the ears of those with cross-border qualifications, it is completely different.

Inevitably, some associations have arisen.

Afterwards, the six gates of the Ministry of Punishment announced that all crossovers from different worlds in the world should report to the six gates within three months.

Shortly thereafter, the two messages were combined.

Crossovers who report in advance can be rewarded with Changheng Ling.

With this order in hand, there is no need to consume 'life points' every month to continue the identity.

Changhengling will cover up the breath and actively block the capture from the ship of creation.

This is undoubtedly a temptation for some monks who are nervous about their life points.

Daheng has at least a dozen years of comprehensive time, and during this period of time, if you travel to any other world, the adverse effects caused by cultivation can be slowly eliminated in Daheng's world with the help of the balance of this world. calm down.

Just like Ye Chuxiao, the secondary disease he contracted has also been 'cured'.

Of course, there is also the reason why he is not deeply contaminated.

After a period of warm-up, the six doors began to show their sharp fangs.

Forcibly breaking down seven aristocratic cultivation families, and arresting their hidden trans-boundary person, the world was shocked for a moment.

Some crossovers who had acted recklessly in order to gain momentum, also restrained themselves because of the iron-blooded wrist of Six Doors.

Just after the six doors broke through the seven families, Jin Sanniang's team received an order to go to the Hedong Liu's house to negotiate, and let the hidden cross-borderers of the Hedong Liu's house accept the 'temporary residence permit'.

 Recommend a new book by an old friend.

  "When Reincarnation Invades" by Luohua Independent

  When reincarnation begins to invade reality.

  The strategy of the secret realm is no longer just a matter of reincarnation, but also related to the survival of the whole world.

  The birth of every new secret realm has attracted the attention of the entire human world.

  In order to curb the expansion of the secret realm, countless reincarnations tried and made mistakes, explored in the secret realm, and even sacrificed their lives.

  But in Abin's view... these secret realms are clearly the contents of the movies, novels, animations and games he was familiar with in his previous life.

  BY Abin: "So I am the strongest reincarnation, who agrees? Who opposes?"

  Veteran boss, update and quality are guaranteed, if you are interested, you can take a look!


(End of this chapter)

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