There are gaps in the road

Chapter 71 Seeking a Wave of Support!

Chapter 71 Seeking Support!
In fact, Waste Paper doesn’t really want to disturb everyone with a single chapter!
Recently, Waste Paper has been a little self-closing, and his mood has continued to be low.

In order not to affect my mentality, I basically stopped reading book reviews, so I closed the door and coded.

However, the results of the new book are not ideal after all.

The follow-up data is also far behind Sanjiang.

Waste paper can only hold the mentality of giving it a try, and jump out of the 'social' with the cheek.

In short, it is asking for a monthly pass, asking for follow-up, and asking for support!

If you like this book, please support it a lot, and let us not regret each other.

Of course, if you don't like it, don't force it, say goodbye easily, and meet again with a smile next time.

thank you all!

thank you all!

thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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