Chapter 72
A group of fast horses galloped on Zhuque Street and headed straight for Chongdemen.

On the horse's back, Ye Chuxiao asked, "It's a full three thousand miles to Hedong, so let's go on horseback? Doesn't it mean that the hips are all worn out?"

Jin Sanniang heard the words and said: "When you get out of Shenjing City, you will naturally know."

While talking, she joked: "If you get smoothed out so easily, then my sister won't be interested in you."

When the other three people heard the conversation, Zhao and Qiao both smiled with instant understanding, only Cui Yu was expressionless, and it was unknown whether he didn't understand, or if he understood but just kept it in his heart.

The fast horse galloped, and in the early morning, there were not many pedestrians on the streets of the city, and a group of five people left Chongdemen only within half a stick of incense.

The guards guarding the gate saw that they were wearing six-door uniforms and showed their badges, so they didn't stop them and let them leave the city alone.

After three or five miles out of the city, Jin Sanniang reined in first.

"Get off the horse!" Five people jumped off the horse one after another.

Jin Sanniang took out the golden whistle and blew it, and the five seemingly ordinary horses now began to raise their heads and neigh.

In an instant, the muscles all over his body swelled, and black flames were burning all over his body, and there were also curved, sharp black horns protruding from his head, looking fierce and ferocious.

The neighing sound began to look particularly carefree, as if this was their true form.

"You probably don't know that our sister Jin is still a beast master. These horses are cultivated and trained by sister Jin herself. They have the supernatural power to travel three thousand miles a day and fifteen miles at night." Zhao Sibai said in Ye Chuxiao whispered beside him.

Ye Chuxiao nodded upon hearing this.

Jin Sanniang is the head catcher of the six gates, how can she not have some skills?

The five 'put on' the Black Flame Wildebeest that had unsealed it, and set off again.

At this time, the running speed of these five horses, described as lightning fast, seems inappropriate, they are really too fast.

Moreover, the sharp angles on their heads also have the effect of breaking the wind. The five fast horses galloped along the official road in the shape of an awl, as if they were faster than lightning.

Such galloping, by the time of sunset, the five of them had already arrived at the bank of the Han River. After crossing the Han River, which flows for thousands of miles, the opposite is the land of the east.

The breeze on the river was refreshing, and the setting sun floated up and down the river, creating golden-red waves.

The river is reckless, slapping the green hills and dams on both sides, just listening to this sound, one can't help but open up one's mind.

At this time, there were no ferry boats on the river, but there were still some sporadic lights of fishing boats in the distance, faintly visible in the gradually dimming twilight.

Jin Sanniang glanced at Cui Yu and nodded.

Cui Yu took out a piece of talisman paper from her pocket, quickly folded it, and in the blink of an eye, it folded into the shape of a small boat.

Spreading the boat out in the palm of his hand, he took a breath.

The boat floated down on the river surface following the breath it blew out.

The talisman paper boat that fell into the water swelled when it hit the water.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a big boat that could accommodate more than ten people.

This boat not only has decks and cabins, but there is even a paper man boatman standing on the bow. Although it looks dull and rigid, the work in his hands does not collapse. The five of you should get on the boat immediately.

Jin Sanniang raised the horse card and put away the five horses.

Then the five of them boarded the boat together.

Before the boat left the shore, someone shouted not far away.

"Wait a minute! Boatman! Wait a moment!" A group of three people circled the mountain and appeared in the field of vision.

Among the three, the weak-looking man and a young maid supported a pregnant woman who seemed to be about to give birth.

After seeing Ye Chuxiao and the others, the frail man immediately stepped forward, clasped his fists and said, "Bai Mingjian is in Xiahedong, my wife is pregnant with Liujia, and it is inconvenient to move. I hope I can go home soon so as not to sleep in the wilderness. Call stop!" Please forgive me for sailing.”

Jin Sanniang glanced back and forth at the three of them.

Then he nodded slightly and said: "Since that's the case, then come on board! There is a place in the cabin so that your wife can lie down comfortably."

The man was overjoyed, immediately cupped his fists and bowed slightly.

Then he helped his wife onto the boat.

After the three boarded the boat, the paper figurines stepped into the boat.

The boat made of talisman paper slowly left the shore, and as the waves surged, it became faster and faster.

Just looking at it, I arrived at the heart of the river.

"Ah!" A shrill scream suddenly came from the stern of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, the panicked voice of the man followed: "Quick! Stop the boat, my wife has fallen into the water."

The five people in the cabin and the bow deck respectively did not move.

Seeing that the man was screaming miserably, Zhao Sibai walked to the stern of the boat carrying the pumpkin hammer with a gloomy face.

After two bangs, there were two more sounds of falling into the water.

Then Zhao Sibai returned to the cabin.

At this time, in the center of the river, a thick fog suddenly rose.

Shrouded in thick fog, the boat also lost its direction.

The paper man boatman without wisdom stopped at this moment, standing on the bow of the boat, waving the oars indiscriminately, and letting the boat spin in the middle of the river.

At the same time, there was a sound of 'kuang kuang' from the bottom of the boat, as if something was digging the bottom of the boat.

Cui Yu pinched the seal formula with his hand and recited the Golden Iron Mantra to strengthen the talisman ship.

"Fucking monsters, they didn't die! Wait until I jump into the river and kill them again." Zhao Sibai said angrily, brushing his beard.

"Sibai! Don't be impulsive." Jin Sanniang said.

Then he took out a small crystal bottle from under the chest placket, which seemed to be able to hide things well.

There are two small black fish swimming in the bottle, very cute and elf.

Jin Sanniang opened the small crystal bottle, and poured the two small fish in the bottle into the river water.

After a while, big waves rolled around the boat.

Between the surging waves, the huge black fish ridge and the scales that shone coldly can still be vaguely seen.

The waves became more turbulent and turbulent.

But after a while, the sound of digging the bottom of the boat stopped.

The river seemed to be quiet again.

It's just that the thick fog didn't melt away, and instead became thicker.

In the dense fog, scarlet lights can be seen faintly, suddenly far and near.

After a while, it was suddenly discovered that a huge building ship, full of red lanterns, had collided directly with the talisman ship.

The two ships collided head-on.

The golden iron spell on the guard boat on the rune boat was instantly shattered.

Cui Yu showed a trace of pain, obviously being backlashed by the energy of heaven and earth.

With a backhand grab, Qiao Wuxi pulled out the two scimitar-like bows on his back, spliced ​​them together to form a bow, and connected the bowstring with a pull of his fingers.

His fingers were cut, blood dripping into arrows.

Taking a bow and shooting an arrow, the bloody arrow with strong yang energy shot at the very strange building boat that looked hazy in the thick fog.

The blood arrow landed on the building boat and turned into a bloody flame.

It's just that this building boat seemed to be alive, and it naturally sprayed out a burst of water mist, quickly extinguishing the bloody flames.

"It's not a ghost ship, but an entity." Qiao Wuqi quickly made a judgment.

 Thank you Jingfeng for the 20220723000746527 points, thank you for the 3 points reward from the brilliant boss of the night, I will add more to the boss later, thank you for the 20171226194333673 points of Yingzhu, and thank you for the [-] points of Ice Huang.Thanks to book friend [-] for one hundred points, thanks to Lang Li Lang for five hundred points, thanks to Liu Zun for one hundred points, thanks to _([-]」∠) for five hundred points, thanks to Little White Bear for one hundred points, thanks to book friends [-] points from [-], [-] points from Yunxiao Temple, and [-] points from Zhaimo.thanks for your support!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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