There are gaps in the road

Chapter 73 Title, Introduction Call for

Chapter 73 Title, Introduction Call for

Many friends have reported that the title and introduction of the waste paper are useless.

This...waste paper is also a headache, but to be honest, after thinking about it, I feel that it is not as good as the current one.

So, let’s brainstorm!

Cheeky solicits titles and brief introductions from everyone.

If you have an idea, you can post it in the comment area, and the one with the highest praise will be used at the discretion of the waste paper.

Of course, if you’re just a fun person or someone who works hard, don’t ask why the waste paper is not accepted if you like it highly. Everyone understands that it won’t pass the review.

If the name has already been taken, it cannot be accepted. Please forgive me.

If it is adopted, Waste Paper will leave a message under the comments, you can join the group, initiate a screenshot of the ID, and after proving your identity, Waste Paper will send a small red envelope of [-] to express your gratitude.

After all, waste paper is very poor now, and I can't afford big red envelopes... Shame on me!
The collection time starts today and ends this Sunday.

Of course, it may not be possible to use it, after all, it needs to be approved by the editor.

And... maybe it's just waste paper talking to itself here.

In short, I leave the future to everyone!
Looking forward to it!

That's it!

(End of this chapter)

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