There are gaps in the road

Chapter 74 Involved in a major case

Chapter 74 Involved in a major case (adding more to the glory of the night!)
Crunch, crunch!
The rune boat began to shake violently, and the icy river water kept seeping in through the cracked gaps.

The paper man boatman at the bow was still operating the oars persistently, but it seemed to be stuck, repeating some meaningless movements over and over again.

"The boat is about to fail!" Cui Yu gritted her molars and said.

The foundation of the talisman ship is actually Cui Yu's special technique of stacking talismans. Now that the hull of the ship has been severely damaged, Cui Yu's own aura has also become disordered.

Even if another ship is stacked, it will be difficult to use another means in a short time.

Under normal conditions, a group of five people can still cross the river, but at this time there is obviously external interference. If there is no support under their feet, they will be in a more passive situation.

"Since the ship is an entity, let's go up and have a look."

"I want to know who is behind the scenes." Jin Sanniang threw out a machete with confidence.

The scimitar controlled the air, splitting through the dense fog tens of meters away, and even compressing the air into a transparent air bridge in a short time.

This kind of control is currently beyond Ye Chuxiao's ability.

Even Ye Chuxiao possessed the talent of plasticity, but he couldn't do such an understatement.

Jin Sanniang took the lead on the air bridge and walked towards the huge building boat.

Ye Chuxiao and others naturally followed.

After boarding the deck of the tall ship, Jin Sanniang took back the crescent knife and held the knife in her hand, ready to be on guard at any time.

"What a strong smell of blood." Zhao Sibai said, sniffling.

Qiao Wuqi's eyes suddenly lit up, like two searchlights, sweeping across the building.

"There were a lot of dead bodies inside."

"Wait... There are still people wearing official uniforms. Judging by the patterns and colors, they are all officials above the seventh rank. Such a cruel method. The murderer is completely venting his anger. No... There is actually a fourth rank here !" Qiao Wuqi watched and spoke, his tone gradually becoming heavy.

In Shenjing City, it is not too unusual for a fourth-rank official.

Thanks to the shelter, many noble children can get some idle official positions. To put it bluntly, they enjoy a salary and luck without much real power.

But if it is in the local area, the fourth rank is already an official at the level of "state herdsman", which can be called a big official of the frontier.

The sudden death of such an official is definitely a shocking case.

The five of them entered the flower hall of Lou Chuan together.

In the hall, blood was everywhere.

The corpses of dancers, musicians, guards, servants... and some officials were all mixed together.

The cruel and bloody scenes make people feel as if they are already in hell.

Among the five, Ye Chuxiao was the least able to bear such a stimulating scene.

Although there is a torture building in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and some methods are equally bloody and cruel, but with Ye Chuxiao's status, when did he do such a job by himself?He is not a pervert!
"I have been on duty for more than ten years. The last time I saw such a tragedy was eight years ago, that time..." Zhao Sibai was talking.

But Jin Sanniang interrupted: "Okay! Don't talk about irrelevant things. In short, first determine the identity of the victims."

"Then launch the golden talisman to break the ban, and call the police from the six gates within a few hundred miles to come together to jointly handle the case. This matter... is big!"

Zhao Sibai accepted the order with fists folded, holding the forbidden golden talisman, went to the outer deck, and released the golden talisman.

This talisman was personally made by the talisman master of the six doors. Even if it encounters a formation or barrier that blocks, conceals, or hides, it can effectively escape and release messages to the four directions.

The arresters of the six gates can get information through their waist badges and badges, and rush to the place where the golden talisman is issued.

In the flower hall, Qiao Wuxi put on his gloves, frowned and looked at some pieces of meat, thought for a while and said, "Do you feel familiar with this technique?"

"Besides, this time we're traveling to Hedong and beating the Liu family. In fact, it's the adults above who have discussed it a long time ago."

"If I'm not wrong, the Liu family should have surrendered secretly. Our trip is just a formality, let us earn a share of credit, and then the Liu family will serve as an example to attract more wealthy families into the framework we set up. "

What Qiao Wuxi said was a bit fragmented, and it seemed difficult to connect the first sentence with the last two.

But it is actually related.

Seeing that only Ye Chuxiao was puzzled, Cui Yu whispered beside Ye Chuxiao: "Eight years ago, Yuan Shangshu sent people to investigate the matter of the Hao clan in Hedong colluding with the original religion. Reporting letters, sending someone to check is to lift the cover."

"At that time, there were two gold medals and twelve silver medals, and Zhao Sibai was also in the investigation team at that time."

"They were also on the Han River when they encountered a boat full of corpses that had been cut into confusion and unrecognizable."

"The corpses on the boat at that time were all identified by the autopsy as belonging to the direct line of the Hedong Bai clan."

"Without the whistle-blower, even the Six Doors would have a hard time handling the case in the Hedong region. After a long delay, the investigation of the wealthy clan in the Hedong region could only be done in vain."

After Ye Chuxiao heard the words, she held her breath and stopped breathing the strong smell of blood in the flower hall.

Immediately, the feeling of vomiting and nausea improved a lot.

"Bai Shi...Bai Mingjian, this is not a coincidence." Jin Sanniang said abruptly.

"Is it the remaining members of the Bai family who committed such a murder?" Qiao Wuqi asked.

Jin Sanniang shook her head and said, "You can't be so arbitrary, but this matter must be related to the Bai family."

"Similarly, Liu Shi is also involved."

"I'm afraid we didn't take credit for this trip...and carry thunder."

As soon as this remark came out, the four people present, although their faces were expressionless, could tell that they were all in a very bad mood.

Zhao Sibai came back after releasing the golden talisman, seeing the faces of the four people, he didn't ask any questions.

Instead, he walked to the end of the flower hall, and rummaged through the pile of mutilated corpses to find an arm that was twisted like a hemp rope.

Unfolding the official uniform on his arm, Zhao Sibai said: "The cuff has a fire unicorn pattern. The owner of this arm should be a Sima. Hedong is Shangzhou. If this is an official from Hedong, then the owner of this arm should be a An official of the fifth grade."

"Hedong Sima Xue Ding'an, Kang Jian entered the Wonderful Realm in the ninth year, guarding Hedong for more than ten years, and his cultivation level can be described as unpredictable." Cui Yu said quickly.

"This is an old minister from the previous court!" Qiao Wuqi said.

Jin Sanniang glanced at Qiao Wuqi with sharp eyes.

Qiao Wuqi took a step back, stopped talking, and continued to look at the corpse.

After a while, I finally found a broken sleeve that could prove my identity from the pile of corpses.

"Looking at the pattern, I can be sure that it comes from a governor."

"But Hedong is Shangzhou, and the governor of Hedong is a third-rank official."

"Looking at the details of the pattern, it is clearly the official uniform pattern of a fourth-rank governor, and only the governor of Zhongzhou is a fourth-rank governor." Qiao Wuxi said.

Inside the building, the corpses were cut into fragments, including clothes, which were very mutilated.

If you want to identify the identity of the corpse, you still have to wait for the morticians who specialize in corpse art to come and assemble the corpses before you can know.

(End of this chapter)

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