There are gaps in the road

Chapter 75 You Hide Behind

Chapter 75 You Hide Behind
The building ship seemed to have hit an object similar to a submerged reef, causing violent shaking and turbulence.

Accompanied by the violent shaking of the building, the fragmentary remains of the corpses also splashed around, covering all the images visible to the naked eye with a thick layer of mosaic.

"Be careful, there's movement!" Qiao Wuqi, who had eyes and ears, dismantled his longbow and turned it into two short knives in his hands.

At the same time, he deftly stuffed the detoxification pill into his mouth, and pasted three protective talisman papers on his chest.

Zhao Sibai next to him did the same thing.

Every time he went to Pingliangfang before, Zhao Sibai seemed a bit picky, but this time he was not vague at all, and used all the expensive detoxification pills and amulets.

And Jin Sanniang had already landed in front of Cui Yu, protecting her.

"Cui Yu! Prepare compound spells, ready to clear the field at any time." Jin Sanniang said.

Zhao Sibai slapped the breastplate on his chest, his body was already covered with a layer of black heavy armor.

Most of the heavy armor had ferocious sharp thorns, Zhao Sibai wearing this heavy armor seemed to be transformed into a humanoid beast.

"Xiaoye! You will hide behind me for a while, just take a cold shot, don't rush forward blindly." Zhao Sibai said.

Ye Chuxiao nodded, and two flying swords flew out of the storage bracelet and floated above her head.

The sound of rustling, rustling, rustling began to become apparent.

Then it became more dense.

A large number of monsters that looked like crocodiles or lizards, but had a human face, crawled out from all over the building, looked at the flower hall, and kept dripping disgusting saliva.

Their eyes have no pupils, only pale, pale whites. Under the flickering lights, the monsters looked at the five people in the flower hall with the whites of their eyes, looking extraordinarily sinister and weird.

"Be careful! This is a corpse. It is a monster made by mixing human corpses with living crocodiles and lizards. They are very powerful, and the scales on their bodies are difficult to penetrate. Their weakness is that they are afraid of light." Sex, and a white mark on the abdomen." Cui Yu reminded aloud.

She is the encyclopedia in this team, and she gives out a lot of out-of-the-way information quickly.

"This is a trap. The corpses feed on human corpses and like to be cold and humid. The strong smell of blood on this building will naturally attract a large number of corpses." Cui Yu continued.

Jin Sanniang took out a small wooden box from her bosom, opened it, and a dozen fire ladybugs flew out.

The fire ladybugs shone in mid-air, and with Jin Sanniang controlling them with a whistle, they quickly transformed and burned, turning into a dozen big fireballs with strong light in an instant.

Under the strong light, the densely packed corpses who climbed onto the boat did not dare to get close to the five people, but kept piling up and wandering around.

The hull made a creaking, creaking sound.

It seems that this ship is being devoured by the corpses.

The building boat itself had protective power, but at this time it lost its effectiveness for some reason, and it was no longer as tough as before Ye Chuxiao and the others boarded the boat.

"The fire ladybug won't last long, Old Zhao! You take the lead, and I'll be in the rear... protect Cui Yu and Xiaoye, and let's rush out." Jin Sanniang said.

Zhao Sibai roared, and the two pumpkin hammers collided in his hands, making a thunderous explosion.

With sparks flying everywhere, Zhao Sibai savagely charged into the camp of those corpses, knocking five or six corpses into the air with just one blow.

The scale armor on the surface of these corpses is very thick, which can defend against swords.

But Zhao Sibai's pumpkin hammer is a heavy weapon, if it hits it all at once, no matter how thick the scales are, it won't do much, and the internal organs are smashed.

Ye Chuxiao followed behind Zhao Sibai, with two flying swords showing an astonishingly cold light.

Then, following Ye Chuxiao's gesture, the two flying swords traced the trajectory of the runes, and flew around flying around.

The majestic energy of heaven and earth, with Ye Chuxiao as the core, is in and out.

The sword light attached to the two flying swords also suddenly expanded from three feet to three meters.

Brush brush brush brush!

Wherever the flying sword passed, corpses were dismembered one after another.

There is no need to care about the so-called abdominal weakness, these corpses cannot defend against the sharpness of the sword light.

"Without reservations, are too young!"

"Old Qiao! Protect Xiaoye with me!"

"He will be exhausted in a while, remember to hold him and don't let him fall behind." Zhao Sibai looked at Ye Chuxiao who was showing great power, not only did not show joy, but he seemed a little annoyed.

Although annoyed, he still said such words.

The other four slowed down, waiting for the moment when Ye Chuxiao was exhausted, so that they could grab him quickly.

However, ten breaths passed.

Ye Chuxiao's flying sword was still flying freely, and the body of the corpse had already fallen to the ground, mixing with the original remains, making the scene in the whole building even more impactful.

Twenty breaths have passed, and everyone has moved to the deck.

A large number of corpses were swept off the boat by the flying sword.

Driven by the sword light, the complex runes have been drawn in midair.

The huge ring of fire, centered on the building ship, spread outward layer by layer.

On the river surface full of cold mist, the ring of fire scoured again and again, not only dispelling a large number of corpses pouring over, but also dispelling a lot of the originally dense fog.

The blurred surface of the river also vaguely reveals its true face.

It was only at this time that I could see clearly that the building boat did not touch a hidden reef, but a huge bronze tripod floating on the river.

These corpses came out of the copper tripod.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao had already driven the flying sword, and it took half a stick of incense to sway the sword light.

Zhao Sibai, Qiao Wuqi, Jin Sanniang and others all looked at Ye Chuxiao with inhuman eyes.

It's not that they haven't seen monks with strong battery life.

But even if the above grade spiritual root enters the energy realm, in the energy realm, if you push the sword glow with all your strength, you can only last about ten to fifteen breaths at most.

Ye Chuxiao far exceeded this number.

What's more, Ye Chuxiao actually took the time to draw a huge ring of fire talisman around with his sword light.

"Little... Xiaoye! Stop it! There is no need to push the flying sword and use the sword light anymore. With the fire ring amulet, these corpses will not dare to approach again." Finally, it was Jin Sanniang who spoke and interrupted Ye Chu Xiao swayed this extravagant energy.


The two flying swords were put into Ye Chuxiao's cuffs.

Ye Chuxiao's chills stood on end as the sword light that had not completely dissipated was stimulated, and he shuddered involuntarily.

Unless the sword light is in the realm of transformation, even if the sword cultivator uses the sword light himself, it is not easy to get close to it at will.

Looking at Ye Chuxiao, Jin Sanniang and others who didn't change their expressions, looking at him was like looking at a monster.

"Xiaoye! You can't use a high-grade spiritual root!" Zhao Sibai asked curiously.

Ye Chuxiao nodded when she heard the words: "It is indeed a high-grade Qihan sword wood, and it has four attributes: talisman, sword, formation, and martial arts."

Ye Chuxiao gave the excuse he had prepared long ago.

At this time, without waiting for Jin Sanniang and the others, he expressed more emotion.

An extremely angry voice exploded on the river.

"Who moved the old man's corpse?"

"Who broke the old man's six-turn corpse cold water dragon pill?"

No matter how cold Jin Sanniang's face was, the more people came out, the golden badge on her chest shone brightly: "Six gates with gold badges handle the case, where is the monster, how dare you be presumptuous?"

Apparently, Jin Sanniang sensed that the visitor was extraordinary, so she reported her history in advance, intending to preempt them.

Unless you are sure to cover up all the traces, otherwise... facing the name of the six doors, even those lawless evil cultivators still have to weigh carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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