Chapter 76

Sure enough, although the voice from the dark depths was still indifferent and cold, it was less aggressive than before.

"It turns out that you are the juniors of the Six Doors. Why are you Six Doors so overbearing now, you can break into other people's caves at will, and the bad guys clean up? Could it be that you are deceiving the old man to cast the immovable spell?"

"If that's the case, the old man will go to the capital of the gods and ask Shi Huang carefully."

The god catcher Shi Huang is already an old man just by looking at his appearance, at least six to seventy years old, but he has become the "children" in the mouth of this dark man.

From the tone of his voice, he sounded like an old evil cultivator of some age.

Hearing this, Cui Yu opened his mouth and said: "The old man Sibi, who was famous all over the world and taught the Five Poisons on Wan Dou Peak, is of course not an old and nameless person. We were also used by evil spirits and fell into a trap. That’s what ruined your old man’s cleaning.”

In the darkness, a figure appeared on the waves.

The night shrouded his body like a dark cloak. When he looked closely, he saw an old face that seemed to have been slashed countless times by wind knives and frost swords. In the fish basket, there is a double-headed snake stick in his hand.

The waves under his feet seemed to be contaminated with the cold air from the abyss, and all of them froze.

Those corpses that were originally ferocious and fearless of death also began to tremble.

Looking at the old man's eyes, there was instinctive fear.

Qiao Wuqi, who has the most sensitive five senses, clenched his teeth, trying not to let himself stutter, clenched his fists, and the muscles on his arms bulged.

"The little girl is very knowledgeable. I haven't been in the rivers and lakes for many years. I never thought that someone would remember me as a dying person." The old man said, his tone added a little warmth.

Even so, Jin Sanniang and the others still tensed up, not daring to relax.

The headhunters of the six doors were all accomplished by licking blood with their knives. They were used to those murderers who were laughing at one moment and killing with a smile the next.

Although the old man Shibi seemed to have a relaxed attitude, it is also true that Ye Chuxiao and the others ruined the furnace of pills that the other party had painstakingly refined by mistake.

"Senior, you were joking. The four characters Shibi old man rank very high in my 'big murder' file of the six doors. How dare we ignore you." Jin Sanniang's two swords The lotus imprint on the hands and feet is looming, ready to bloom at any time.

When she said this, it seemed to be provocative, but in fact she was still warning the old man Shibi that he was a registered person among the six doors.

Even if things are really done today, it may not be perfect and not be detected by the six doors.

When dealing with people like evil cultivators, it is not enough to simply be submissive and flattering.

They must be apprehensive.

Sure enough, after Jin Sanniang threatened, the old Sibi, who was still slowly moving closer, seemed to be looking for the flaws of the five people, stopped, looked at the big cauldron in the water that had been lifted, and sighed: "If you want the old man It's not hard to let you go, you just need to find another hundred corpses for the old man who died less than seven days ago, as well as some elixir for dispensing, melting, and boiling the medicine, and the old man will be considered guilty of this matter, and that's all. .”

As he spoke, he took a sudden breath, and suddenly his eyes were pitch-black, with no white in sight.

"What a strong bloody smell. In this bloody smell, there is a smell that breaks the boundary between life and death. This smell is only emitted by the flesh and blood of monks who have entered the wonderland. There are many corpses on your ship... wonderful! Wonderful!"

"Give me all the corpses on this boat, and this account... will be evened in half." Said the old man Shibi.

Jin Sanniang said, "No..."

Before she finished speaking, Cui Yu grabbed her sleeve and said in a low voice, "The old man Shibi is a top corpse repairer. If he makes a move, it won't take long to restore the broken corpses in that boat."

"As long as the identity of the corpse is found out, some of the doubts can be solved."

"The broken body... It's okay to give it to him. When you explain it to the higher authorities, just say that the boat capsized."

Jin Sanniang was a little hesitant, but after looking at several subordinates around her, she finally nodded.

Although there are five of them at this time, they may not be able to withstand the old Sibi for a few rounds.

Although the golden talisman of summons was released, even if a large number of six-door arresters with a radius of hundreds of miles were recruited, it was only a gift of the head.

Unless another Jin Zhang headhunter arrives and Jin Sanniang joins forces with another Jin Zhang, they will be able to withstand the pressure of the old man Shibi.

It's just that there are only a few gold medal heads from the six doors. If it weren't for the special order of the minister of the Ministry of punishment and the five gods, how could there be more than two gold medal heads who happened to appear in this river east?

"Okay! The corpse can be given to you, but you must first help us reassemble the corpse so that we can keep the live images on the ship, as well as the expressions and characteristics of these people before they died." Jin Sanniang said.

Elder Sibi nodded and said, "Yes!"

Afterwards, the five people and the old man Shibi still kept their distance, and entered the slowly sinking Louchuan Flower Hall together.

In the flower hall, some water seeped faintly.

A large number of corpses were soaked in the water, making it look even more messy.

Elder Shibi stomped the double-headed snake stick in his hand, and the water stains on the floor of the flower hall turned into round ice beads, which automatically rolled towards the downward-sloping bow.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of red silk threads flew out from the old man's snake stick.

These silk threads began to shuttle between large and small pieces of meat.

In an instant, all the pieces of meat were strung together.

Afterwards, the silk thread rotated rapidly, like 3D printing, and all the people who used to live in this flower hall began to reappear in the flower hall.

Dancing girls, singers, musicians, guards...the poet who is singing, the official who is drinking, the son-in-law who is flirting with the maid, the general who is eating meat.

Except for the lack of any fresh breath, those people who were cut into pieces reappeared in the flower hall like wax figures restored.

At this moment, Ye Chuxiao also felt the vibration of the golden clock.

Taking a picture stone handed over by Zhao Sibai, Ye Chuxiao, like everyone else, recorded all the surrounding scenes.

Walking irregularly to the place that caused the golden clock to vibrate, Ye Chuxiao squatted down, and touched a scratch that was originally inconspicuous with the tip of her finger.

Daoyun breath capture!

Ye Chuxiao injected this breath into the golden clock.

In an instant, time seemed to stop to Ye Chuxiao... and then quickly reversed.

After going back six hours, the playback stopped.

At this moment, in Ye Chuxiao's eyes, the flower hall of Louchuan is truly "alive".

Although the original face was reshaped, it was full of stiffness and lifelessness, and now it is fresh and natural.

The sound of music, the sound of laughing and fighting, and the sound of drinking and composing poems were all mixed together, forming a very strong contrast with the hell-like tragedy in Ye Chuxiao's memory.

 Recommend a book, Taibai Shuijun's "Do you have a problem with the lord", after reading it, it was written by a fifth-level boss, with a collection of 180, and there are more than [-] million words, it is very guaranteed, if you are interested, you can go to take a look.

  The introduction is posted below, the world is destroyed, the end is coming, the era is restarted, and the survival qualification called Lord is issued to everyone.

  Territories, heroes, arms, treasures, resources, all servers created by thousands of continents are open.

  Qin Muye looked at his territory, which was like a cannon fodder, with a damaged suffix, and felt like crying.

  There is no god-level talent, no hidden hints, and no career against the sky.

  "In this case, there is only one way to live."


(End of this chapter)

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