Chapter 77
Among the noise, only Ye Chuxiao, a 'ghost' who does not belong to the current time and space, saw the crisis quietly approaching.

Tiny silk threads quietly spread along the grain of the wooden floor.

With the highly poisonous juice, it quietly infiltrated into the fine wine drunk by some officials and monks, gradually paralyzing their sense of the energy of heaven and earth.

In the air, a more indulgent fragrance began to permeate.

The officials, who were restrained from playing around, threw up their clothes more and more recklessly.

The dancers and singers who were only wearing gauze skirts screamed and fled in the flower hall, half sincerely, half falsely.

The musicians were blindfolded, but they beat the drums more quickly, and played the rhythm of the orchestra more intensely.

There are also some people who vaguely feel that it is not good, but they either choose to keep silent, or they are very light-hearted, so they can only choose to watch from the sidelines, at most they do not participate in it themselves, they just hide in the corner and drink.

Above the river, a thick fog shrouded in.

The guards on the ship were the first to notice that something was wrong with the thick fog.

They activated the formation on the ship and began to shout for warning.

But the dense fog seemed to have consciousness, it rolled up for a while, turned into an invisible hand in the fog, dragged these guards into it, and then crushed them into a pulp.

There are also some that will be thrown directly into the icy river and dragged deeper into the bottom of the river.

As for the formation on the building, it was more like paper, and it didn't play a big role at all.

From the very beginning, it has been permeated and destroyed like a sieve.

This is a premeditated massacre.

Perhaps, someone tampered with the ship earlier.

In the flower hall of the building boat, the killing has officially begun.

The bloody silk thread in the darkness began to jump and eject from everywhere, and then quickly strangled every life in the flower hall.

Whether it is a high-ranking official or a so-called lowly person, under the strangulation of this silk thread, they are all turned into a pile of rotten meat.

Some people wanted to resist, but it was too late. Their bodies were paralyzed by the toxin, and their perception and utilization of the energy of the heaven and earth had been weakened to the extreme.

Without the increase of the energy of heaven and earth, the power stored in the body alone is not enough to resist this weird and evil thread and carry out a ruthless strangulation.

After a while, the entire flower hall was completely quiet.

The whole ship also became a dead ship.

Wrapped in thick fog, it wandered above the river, and slowly drove into a hidden corner of a mountain stream.

Apart from the murderer, only Ye Chuxiao, a 'ghost' who does not belong to this time and space, witnessed all this with his own eyes.

With a slight mental shock, Ye Chuxiao returned from the past to the present.

Ye Chuxiao, who lowered his head, restrained his emotions and did not reveal any abnormality.

"The murderer who slaughtered a boatload of people is the old man Shibi!" Ye Chuxiao made a judgment.

The criss-crossing, blood-colored silk threads that are all-inclusive are too similar to the method used by the old man Sibi to sew up the corpse.

Possessing similar means is not uncommon in the practice world, but on this Han River, in this land east of the river, with such means and such a powerful monk, except for the old man Shibi, could it really appear suddenly? The second one doesn't work?

With such a foundation of thinking, Ye Chuxiao can't help but feel even more creepy when he reverses everything he has experienced and happened before.

"He took advantage of the thinking errors of Jin Sanniang and the others, and I was also led astray."

"Combining the massacre of the whole ship in front of you with the same type of case eight years ago, you can't help but think of the original religion, and subconsciously feel that such a tragedy is inseparable from the original religion. And the old man Shibi and The Five Poison Envoys of the Yuanzheng Sect have a feud, so it is only natural that the old man Shibi will not be in the same way as the Yuanyuan Sect."

"The building boat slid in the dense fog and smashed into the alchemy cauldron of the old man Shibi, and we also killed a large number of corpses of the old man Shibi, which makes this 'accident' look more like a plan to kill people with a borrowed knife, It makes people feel as if there is a behind-the-scenes pusher who deliberately wants us to conflict with old man Sipi, and then use the hand of old man Sipi to kill us."

"When Jin Sanniang cooperated with Cui Yu to 'persuade' the old man Shibi, we have already been deceived. Under the threat of danger, people often do not question the achievements they have made in turning danger into safety, because overturning the achievements is tantamount to It goes against the survival instinct."

"I don't know why the old man Sibi's purpose is, but he definitely wants to get in touch with us through this incident and have a deeper connection with us."

"A a pretty good excuse."

"Actually, we are only 'in the mountains', so we are misled and confused. Faced with all kinds of incidents and messages, our judgment is blurred."

"According to the law of basic deduction, the murderer is probably the first to appear after the incident. I can barely be regarded as a screenwriter who has written detective scripts. How could I ignore such important information."

The photo stone in Ye Chuxiao's hand recorded all the scenes around him.

Ye Chuxiao, who had completely concealed her good intentions, came back behind Jin Sanniang, stood behind her, and focused her attention on Jin Sanniang's advantages.

If not, Ye Chuxiao was worried that he would involuntarily look at the old man Sibi a few more times.

The sensitivity of an old monster like Old Man Sibi to the line of sight must not be ignored.

Jin Sanniang also sensed Ye Chuxiao's direct gaze.

If it was the past, she wouldn't care.

However, this is the scene of a tragic murder, which was extremely bloody and brutal. Ye Chuxiao also has such an interest at this time?

Could it be some terrible habit developed in the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment?
Jin Sanniang was puzzled.

But turned to Cui Yu very naturally and asked: "Is the identity confirmed?"

Cui Yu said: "It's confirmed. The governor of Xichuan is Ma Bao, the governor of Xichuan. He and Xue Ding'an, the Sima of Hedong, are old acquaintances. Coincidentally, just eight years ago, Ma Bao was the long history of Hedong. Transfer to Xichuan and serve as governor."

"Xichuan Inspector Ma Bao... Xichuan is more than 1000 miles away from Hedong, even if you go up by boat, it is far enough. Why did Ma Bao leave his post and come here by boat to meet Xue Ding'an? "Jin Sanniang asked doubtfully.

Ye Chuxiao also wanted to know this question.

It's a pity that his dao rhyme aura did not come from Ma Bao or Xue Ding'an, but from an assistant officer present.

It was the last trace left by the explosion when he fought fiercely before his death.

Therefore, Ye Chuxiao went back in time with the breath of Taoism, and all he saw was the content of the space that the assistant officer was in before he died.

A lot of shouts came from the river.

The fire illuminated the dark river surface, and the noisy human voice seemed to dispel the coldness of the night and the river surface.

The old man Sibi said at this moment: "Your reinforcements are here, and now I want to take my reward."

"Not good! He wants to destroy the traces."

"If the fragments of the corpse are taken away by the old man Sibi, even if an experienced mortician comes to examine him, he will not be able to find any clues related to the old man Sibi."

Ye Chuxiao didn't say anything to stop him.

Instead, he used the method of stealing the moon and changing the sky to quietly hide a small piece of minced meat.

As the head of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, it is reasonable to know how to steal the door.

 Regarding the question of whether to change the title of the book, the most popular one is "The Great Way Is Lacking, You Are Lack of Mind and I am Lack of Virtue" mentioned by Zhebei Wanshi, and the second favorite is "Bu Tianque" proposed by Yingzhu .

  Among them, "The Great Way Is Missing" was simplified from the first title.

  They're all good, it's hard to choose.

  So, if you are interested, vote for another round!

  Thank you for your participation!
(End of this chapter)

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