There are gaps in the road

Chapter 78 The 4 Clans of Hedong

Chapter 78

The building boat suffered several blows, and a large number of corpses jumped onto the boat to loot. There were not a few pieces of meat missing in the chaos. Ye Chuxiao quietly hid a piece, so that the old man Sibi would not be suspicious. .

The old man Shibi put all the flesh and blood on the whole ship into a pocket.

"The other half of the debt owed, give this old man quickly, otherwise... even if you hide in Shenjing, this old man can take your life at any time." The old man Sibi patted his pocket, and his mouth was cold threaten.

Even Zhao Sibai, who seemed to have the worst temper, didn't have to covet the pleasure of his mouth at this time, and forced himself to say a few words on the spot.

Sometimes, untimely words will cost you your life.

Seeing the dignified and tense expressions of the five people, the old man Sibi twitched the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and then disappeared into the dark, into the shadows.

Even though they couldn't see him, Jin Sanniang and the others didn't dare to relax.

No one can be sure whether this old Sibi is hiding in an invisible place, watching secretly.

"Don't worry! What happened just now, I have passed it back to Shenjing through the golden seal, and the six doors will be responsible for all expenses." Jin Sanniang said.

These words were not only to comfort her subordinates, but also to warn the old Sibi again.

The gold medals, silver medals, and bronze medals of the six doors are not simply a sign.

The copper medal has a certain function of protecting the body and calming the mind. At the same time, the six doors have a unique way to recall all the lost badges.

While strengthening the effect, the silver medal also has the function of retaining important information, so that even if a person dies, the message that needs to be conveyed can be released through the recall of the silver medal, ensuring the success rate of some specific tasks.

As for the gold medal, it is the most amazing. Not to mention its powerful body protection, calming mind, energy storage, life extension, energy replenishment and other series of effects, it is also a powerful magic weapon for remote transmission of information.

Most of the banning formations cannot block the message transmission of the golden medal, but this kind of message transmission can only be sent back to the six gates of Shenjing at a fixed point, and cannot summon companions with a radius of hundreds of miles like a golden talisman.

Many policemen boarded the boat, and this inexplicably spooky building suddenly became lively.

However, the ones who came here were basically bronze medals and ordinary police officers, not even a silver medal.

This is also normal. Although there are many arresters in the six doors, there are more places that need these arresters.

Yinzhang headhunters are the core class of the six sects, and they have the most tasks on weekdays. Since Daheng has become a "gathering" place for monks from all over the world, the tasks of Yinzhang have become more and heavier, and they have suffered a lot of damage.

There are even fewer silver medals, and they are stationed somewhere, and they are often mobilized according to orders from the top.

On the contrary, it is the head of the bronze medal, which is basically the head of the fast yamen servants in every county.

When these policemen saw Jin Sanniang, the gold medal catcher, they all gathered around, some of them were a little more naughty, and they wanted to come forward to flatter, grab an impression, and gain a future.

It's a pity that Jin Sanniang didn't give them this chance, and she wasn't in the mood for superficial politeness and socializing, so she said with a sullen face, "Drag this boat to the shore, and then find the best painting repairer within a thousand miles away. , let him try to restore what happened based on the traces on the ship."

Huaxiu is not a divination divination master, nor is he like Ye Chuxiao, who has the ability to travel back and forth.

But they can still paint through some traces and associations, and try to restore past events as much as possible.

In this way, it is a bit like a profiler.

Of course, the ability of painting repair does not stop there.

Although he is not a powerful combat monk, but a truly terrifying painting repairer can easily seal mountains and rivers into paintings, and can also turn mountains and rivers in paintings into reality, attracting people into the urn.

There are hundreds of monks, each of which has incredible superpowers when they go to high places.

In many systems, the power is indeed not obvious in the early stage, but in the later stage, it becomes more mysterious, elusive, and difficult to understand.

Therefore, the main battle and main and auxiliary categories such as martial arts, sword repair, talisman repair, array repair, and art repair may not really be able to always be superior.

It is also in the first few realms that it is majestic.

Riding on the small boat brought by the catchers, a group of five people finally went ashore and officially arrived at Hedong.

It's just that the hearts of the five people at this time were all overshadowed, and they had long since lost the high spirits they had when they left Beijing.

Ye Chuxiao was caught in the team and never spoke to tell the truth.

To expose Old Sibi, Ye Chuxiao not only needs a complete and plausible deduction process, the most important thing is to ensure that Old Sibi is not following them around and peeping in the dark.

What's more, Ye Chuxiao still doesn't know what the old man's purpose is.

At this time, rashly speaking, it may become more passive.

"In the land of Hedong, there are three cities, seven counties, and several villages. These three cities are Dingchun, Kanghe, and Yongxing. Among them, Dingchun is in the middle and the most prosperous. The famous Suolongba was built nearby, making the land of Dingchun like spring all the year round, and it can be called a land of abundance, especially rich."

"For thousands of years, Dingchun has been an important food producing area of ​​Daheng. At the same time, Dingchun's spring brocade and rain flower tea are considered to be unique, and they are sold all over the world. They are very popular."

"The Governor's Mansion of Hedong is in Dingchun. At the same time, three of the four major clans also settled in Dingchun. Of course, there are only two of them now. Eight years ago, the Dingchun Bai family in Hedong lost their main line and were almost wiped out. , although there are still some collateral clansmen staying in Dingchun, they have no cohesion and can no longer compete with the other three major clans."

"As for the remaining two that are still in Dingchun, they are the destinations of our trip, Liu's and Mo's. The Liu's mainly deals in the rain flower tea business, while the Mo's used to be in the spring brocade business just like the Bai's. Now that the Bai family is gone, the Chunjin business has naturally become dominated by the Mo family."

Cui Yu was still the encyclopedia in the team. On the way to Dingchun City on horseback, he introduced the basic situation of Hedong to the other four...mainly to Ye Chuxiao.

After all, Ye Chuxiao is a rookie in the six doors, and still lacks inherent knowledge of many things in the local area.

"Are you suspecting something wrong with Mo's?" Jin Sanniang asked.

Cui Yu shook her head and said: "Sister, you said that you can't make arbitrary decisions, so I just made some reasonable inferences. From the results, it is true that the Mo family has benefited the most from the decline of the Bai family."

"Four major clans, which one is it?" Ye Chuxiao interrupted and asked.

Cui Yu said: "It's the Jin family. The Jin family is based in Kanghe. They mainly do mining and have a good relationship with the military. If we encounter problems in Dingchun and cannot solve them, we can ask the Jin family for help."

Seeing that Ye Chuxiao was puzzled, Cui Yu said: "Jin Buyi among the five great gods is from the Jin family in Hedong, so the Jin family and our six schools have a very deep relationship."

As he spoke, Cui Yu glanced at Jin Sanniang again.

Jin Sanniang said: "That's right! I'm also from the Jin family in Hedong, but I'm just a member of the Yuanfang clan in the side branch. I moved away from Hedong as early as my grandfather's generation."

(End of this chapter)

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