There are gaps in the road

Chapter 80 The Capricious Crossover

Chapter 80 The Capricious Crossover

It took about a stick of incense for the butler to go, and then he led a young man who looked a bit carefree to the water pavilion.

Looking at the listless and yawning appearance of the young man, it was obvious that he was still resting before being called over.

Although it was still early at this time, it was only eight or nine o'clock in the morning.

However, as a monk, if you don't smell the chicken and dance, that is slack.

"My lords! This is Liu Qiantiao, the sixth son of my family. If you have any questions, just ask him, and I will fully cooperate." Liu Suifeng's attitude has always been very low, although Ye Chuxiao and others represent Liu Fan. door, but his performance like this is really a little too much.

Jin Sanniang glanced at Liu Qiantiao for a few times, and then said: "Open the skylight and tell the truth, where are you from, and tell the truth."

Liu Qiantiao was sitting on the stool, crossing Erlang's legs, shaking his legs while squinting at Jin Sanniang's 'generosity'.

Although the appearance of the skin is quite good, but the temperament is too wretched and annoying.

"I'm afraid I'll scare you if I tell you about my origin." Liu Qiantiao patted the table, his voice suddenly louder.

"Do you know the Lord of the World? I was born as the youngest son of the Lord of the Shia World, and I came to Daheng with a heavy responsibility. I will tell you in can't understand."

"In short, you must cooperate with me, and don't resist or refuse my request. When the test I have experienced is over, I will return to the Shia Realm and regain my status as the youngest son of the World Master. I will definitely give you unimaginable richness return."

Ye Chuxiao and the others looked at Liu Qiantiao silently. Although their expressions remained unchanged, their eyes lost the initial interest.

Zhao Sibai squeezed his fist and said with a smirk: "It seems that this friend who came from across the border likes to joke a little bit."

"Sister Jin! I'll ask him to chat aside."

Jin Sanniang nodded slightly, then turned to Liu Suifeng and said, "Patriarch won't refuse!"

Liu Suifeng hurriedly said: "Yes! Yes! As long as you don't beat him to death, I have no objection. Anyway, he is not really my son."

What he said was undisguised and without level.

Coupled with his greasy and fat appearance, it is completely impossible to connect him with the most handsome man in Hedong.

Could it be that after the age of 40, a man will really become a pig?
"It's no wonder that the Liu family is the first wealthy family to stand up and cooperate with Six Doors to develop a 'temporary residence permit'. With such a crossover, they have nothing else to gain. They might as well surrender to Six Doors and sell it. !” Cui Yu whispered.

Qiao Wuqi heard the words and said: "It is very possible that this Liu Patriarch, who looks like a shrewd person who is used to doing business, can find a way to sell a good price when he encounters such a money-losing product."

Although the conversation between the two was not loud, in this small water pavilion, apart from the sound of silk and bamboo, no one else spoke.

Of course Liu Suifeng also heard the whole content, but he did it himself, and his smile was still meek and flattering.

On the other side, Zhao Sibai dragged Liu Qiantiao to the grove next to the waterside pavilion, and had a 'discussion' in simple terms.

When Liu Qiantiao was dragged back with her legs limping and her face covered, she spoke more honestly.

"I come from the Yuan Dynasty, and my real name is Liu Qiantiao. This is my real name. I don't know what the world I was originally in was called. The World Lord and the Xiya Realm... are all in my On the ship of good fortune, after hearing someone say something similar, I made it up myself."

"My identity in the Yuan Dynasty is that of a down-and-out little nobleman. The reason why I am qualified to cross-border is because I was involved in a storm and got an opportunity by accident."

"The special product of the Yuan Dynasty is the 'magic crystal' that can temporarily activate dead objects, but I am not qualified to buy magic crystals, and I need you to invest in me... I promise to run away without taking the money, and I can sign a contract, Or you planted Gu poison on me." Liu Qiantiao said like beans pouring over a bamboo tube, this time's statement was much more reliable than the last time.

Ye Chuxiao still felt that there was water in Liu Qiantiao's words.

Cui Yu rushed to the front and asked: "As far as I know, crossovers need to spend at least a thousand life points to customize a good identity. I understand, but the price of being able to choose your identity at will is definitely not a small sum, since you are just a down-and-out nobleman who got a qualification by chance, where did you get a thousand life points to squander?"

Liu Qiantiao said: "I'm not a custom-made identity, it's random... Maybe it's my luck!"

Jin Sanniang looked at Liu Suifeng and asked, "Patriarch Liu! Is he telling the truth?"

Liu Qiantiao didn't seem to have any backbone.

Everyone didn't believe it. Before this, Liu Suifeng had never pressed Liu Qiantiao.

Ye Chuxiao and others didn't believe it, but it didn't prevent Liu Suifeng from lying.

So the middle-aged fat man had a greasy face, but he said sincerely: "My lords have misunderstood! Although his son is fake, my old wife really treats him like her own son, and treats him very well. How dare I embarrass him?"

"Patriarch Liu's wife should be the famous Tianyemen Saintess in the southeast!"

"She is not an ignorant and stupid woman who has no knowledge. How can she favor such a slippery and treacherous person?" Cui Yu said, especially accentuating the four words slippery and treacherous, which is obviously a pun.

Liu Suifeng pretended that he didn't understand, and continued to smile and said, "Let's leave this person to your lords! How to interrogate him is a matter for a few lords, and it is my duty to cooperate if I need to cooperate."

Jin Sanniang looked coldly at Liu Suifeng, and then said, "If that's the case, then I'll take Liu Qiantiao away."

"He needs to go to the six gates of Shenjing to make a record. After confirming that he has not committed any crimes in Daheng, he will be issued a temporary residence permit and sent back to Hedong."

At this time, Liu Qiantiao suddenly shouted as if having a convulsion: "I'm not going to Shenjing! I'm not going to Shenjing! Old man! Fatty! You promised me that you would cover it for me."

"You are betraying me!"

"In vain I will..."

"Shut up! You bastard!" Liu Suifeng slapped the table angrily, looking at Liu Qiantiao with a flash of killing intent.

At the same time, there seems to be confusion.

Ye Chuxiao and Qiao Wuqi quickly guarded Liu Qiantiao's left and right sides, guarding against sudden changes in the Liu family at any time.

There must be another story behind the Liu family's surrender.

Although I don't know what it is, and I don't know why Liu Qiantiao seems to have a mental problem, jumping back and forth illogically.

But at this time, protecting Liu Qiantiao is the most important thing.

Black light shone, Zhao Sibai had already taken out his double hammers, and at the same time put on that layer of pitch-black heavy armor.

"Patriarch Liu! Are you trying to rebel?" Zhao Sibai asked in a cold tone.

"Old Zhao! Don't talk nonsense!" Qiao Wuqi reminded immediately.

Even if it is the headhunter of the Six Doors, the court eagle dog in people's eyes, it cannot be labeled as a "rebel" casually.

 Thanks to Yunxiaogu for the 89 dots, Zhai Mo for the [-] dots, Jiang Feng Yuhuo for the [-] dots, Mu Mu for the [-] dots, and wmf[-] for the [-] dots.thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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