There are gaps in the road

Chapter 81 Division of Troops

Chapter 81 Division of Troops

"Patriarch Liu! We'll take this person away first. If you bother me, look at Haihan." Jin Sanniang said politely, but actually looked at Liu Suifeng closely. If he repented temporarily, there was no guarantee that she would not do it immediately.

Liu Suifeng behaved strangely, just now he stopped Liu Qiantiao from continuing to speak, but now he was not worried that Liu Qiantiao would continue to reveal the truth after being taken away.

With a wave of his hand, he said as if throwing away trouble, "Take him away! Take him away! I get a headache when I see him."

A group of people dragged Liu Qiantiao who was full of reluctance out of the Liu mansion.

But at this moment, when Zhao Sibai asked Liu Qiantiao what he hadn't finished just now, Liu Qiantiao began to pretend to be stupid again.

Even if Zhao Sibai pressed him again, he wouldn't confide a word, and became inexplicably hardened.

Liu Qiantiao was so blunt that for a moment everyone really had no choice but to punish him severely, or even threaten him with death.

After all, Liu Qiantiao is not a prisoner, and the next "cooperation target" of Six Doors, even if he performs well, will be pushed up and become a poster.

The five of them looked at each other and decided to skip the part of what Liu Qiantiao had said before.

If he has something to hide, he can slowly 'inquire' behind the six doors after he is brought back to Shenjing.

Zhao Sibai first pasted a soundproof talisman on Liu Qiantiao's body.

Then he turned his head and asked, "What should I do next? Return to Shenjing first?"

Cui Yu stopped him and said, "We can't just go back like this. We were the first arresters to arrive at the crime scene about the Han River building boat. Responsible for supervision, if the case cannot be solved within a month, it must be reported to a higher-level headhunter leading a team to investigate."

"This was originally a rule set up to prevent the captors from stealing credit and shirking the blame. Now we just leave like this, fearing that we will return to Shenjing and fall into the trap of others."

Jin Sanniang asked Cui Yu, "What do you think?"

Cui Yu said: "Split up and act!"

Jin Sanniang nodded: "I think so too, Cui Yu, take Liu Qiantiao and return to Shenjing first."

At this time, Zhao Sibai suddenly interrupted: "Sister Jin! Although Cui Yu has a good memory and is well-informed, it may be unsafe to bring this guy back to Beijing alone, so let me do it!"

Jin Sanniang thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Alright! Then Zhao Sibai will send Liu Qiantiao back to Shenjing."

"Qiao Wuqi and Cui Yu, you go to Xichuan as a partner to inquire about the situation."

"After all, Ma Bao is the governor of Xichuan, and his every move will be watched by those who are interested. Why did he suddenly leave his post and come to Jiangdong by boat, we must find out."

"Xiaoye and I stayed in Dingchun, and first went to Mo's to find out."

Jin Sanniang quickly made arrangements.

The five people divided into three teams. Among the three tasks, according to the current clues, the most dangerous one is to stay in Dingchun and investigate Mo's.

Connecting the Louchuan incident with the Bai family's extermination of the family that was almost identical eight years ago, it is very likely that the Mo family is the dragon's pond and tiger's den.

"By the way, who is the governor of Hedong now?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Cui Yu said: "The current governor of Hedong is Xiong Wei, who came to the post three years ago and used to be the governor of Xidu."

Thousands of years ago, Taizu Daheng raised his troops from the western capital, and only after that did he sweep the world and win the supreme position.

Therefore, Xidu and Shenjing are both capitals of Daheng.

Of course, in fact, Daheng Guozuo stretches for thousands of years, and Shenjing, as the actual capital, has already surpassed Xidu by a lot.

Today's Western Capital is mainly based on commerce and freight, and it is far inferior to Shenjing in terms of power structure.

The only thing is, the queen mother who is currently in power in Daheng was born in the Yang family in the western capital, and the western capital... can be said to be the queen mother's home court.

The officials who came out of the Western Capital all carried the label of the Empress Dowager.

"Is it credible?" Jin Sanniang asked.

On the surface, the six doors do not stand in line.

Whether it is the Daheng Emperor or the Daheng Empress Dowager, they only have symbolic meanings for the six-door headhunters.

The pressure from above is naturally carried by the god catchers.

The only thing Jin Sanniang wants to know is whether she can ask the bear governor for help if she encounters an accident.

Cui Yu thought for a while and said: "In the evaluation of the officials copied by the Six Doors, the evaluation of Xiong Shishi is mostly based on 'diligence and pragmatism', and he has only been in Hedong for three years, so it should be related to the local government. It's too deep, or believable."

What Cui Yu said was also conservative.

It is not strongly recommended that Jin Sanniang can trust Xiong Cishi.

"I see!"

"Now that the plan is made, let's act now."

"Once you find something, use the message channel of the six doors to send a message at any time," Jin Sanniang said.

Daheng is relatively "conservative" and backward in terms of information technology.

However, like the island world that Ye Chuxiao has been to, their rune network cannot be copied to Daheng at all.

The network of the island world actually uses the technique of talismans and formations to communicate with the sky and the sea, forming a dual effect of overlapping, like two huge giant nets, forming a complete cycle and wrapping the world.

In this way, it is achieved that the islands are connected by a network of runes.

And Daheng does not have the favorable geographical environment of the island world. Even if the same rune array is set up in the sky without docking on the ground, it is as if a satellite is launched above the head, but there is no signal tower built on the ground, and it still cannot form a shape. extensive and extensive information network.

Of course, it should be possible in theory to increase the propagation and strength of the signal above the sky.

The reason why Ye Chuxiao is more aware of the difference is, of course, because he has also thought about it. Re-engraving the rune network in Daheng is just a key technical difficulty, which cannot be overcome by his cultivation and cognition at this time. .

The three groups act separately.

Ye Chuxiao followed Jin Sanniang to visit Xiong Cishi first.

Borrowed some ordinary government servants and soldiers to run errands from Xiong Cishi.

Then it went to the Mo clan land.

The Mo family is different from the Liu family. Although they also settled in Dingchun, they are not in Dingchun City. Instead, they are outside the city with a large manor.

Because Mo's main industry is the production of spring brocade, the factory covers an area that is too large, and requires a large number of people to work and take care of it for a long time. It is not convenient to live in the city for a long time.

"Do you have something to say?" Jin Sanniang reined in her horse instead of galloping.

Ye Chuxiao hesitated for a moment, but still kept the old man Shibi's information, but said: "Zhao Sibai's reaction today is a bit strange."

Jin Sanniang said: "You saw it too?"

"That's right, he's too proactive today, it's very different from him in the past."

"So I have asked Qiao Wuqi to keep an eye on him. Cui Yu is actually the only one who went to Xichuan."

Saying that, Jin Sanniang stared at Ye Chuxiao again and said, "You should still have something to say, I can feel you several times, it seems that you are about to say something."

Ye Chuxiao smiled when she heard the words: "Sister Jin! Don't lie to me. If I have any ideas, if I think I can say something, I will definitely tell you the truth."

Jin Sanniang nodded, and drove the horse forward a few steps: "Okay! I understand!"

Calmly, the two completed a simple message exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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