Chapter 82

"Speaking of the massacre of the Bai family eight years ago, it seems to be related to the Yuanyuan religion."

"The original purpose religion is a cult known all over the world. It's just books about its details. Most of them are banned books. I don't know much about the original purpose teaching." On the way to Mo's residence, Ye Chuxiao was not idle , Keep asking Jin Sanniang for advice.

The bloody case eight years ago and the same bloody case that happened on the Han River last night seemed to be related to Yuanzhijiao. It was very reasonable for Ye Chuxiao to ask Yuanzhijiao at this time.

Similarly, if the old man Shibi was peeping in the dark, he might be happy to see Ye Chuxiao and Jin Sanniang set their sights on the original religion.

This may not be his purpose.

After all, if the tragedy discovered last night was determined to be the work of the original religion, then the imperial court would definitely set off a new round of storms to eradicate the "original religion".

Although the original teaching is a must for the imperial court, it must be investigated, but the strength of the means and the amount of human resources invested are still very different under different circumstances.

Ye Chuxiao, as the head of the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, knew this all too well.

In today's prison, there are really not many demons from the original religion.

A small number of them were locked in a long time ago.

Although Cui Yu is usually explaining the message in the team, it doesn't mean that Jin Sanniang, the gold medal catcher, is ignorant of many things.

She may even know some sensitive information in more detail than Cui Yu.

"You are now the silver seal of the six doors, and you have the authority to apply for access to the archives and access most of the information."

"If you want to do a good headhunting, mastering the information is also the key. After returning to Shenjing, remember to take more time to look at it. Even if Cui Yu is there, you can't lose the accumulation and cognition in this area." Jin Sanniang said first. After exhorting Ye Chuxiao a few sentences, he turned to the main topic.

"The Yuanzhi sect worships the leader Yushen, and the leader Yushen has different names in different worlds. I don't need to go into details with you at this time. After all, there is no direct relationship between the Yuanzhi religion and the leader Yushen. "

This message was repetitive for Ye Chuxiao.

He had been informed before.

However, there was no interruption.

"According to the rumors, Yuanzhijiao originated from Wang Daolin and Chu Sui. They were revered as 'Tao Chuan Patriarch' and 'Tao First Patriarch' respectively, which formed the first two factions of Yuanzhijiao."

"If you want to understand the original religion, you must know the original intention of the original religion."

"The core teaching of the original doctrine is to 'pursue the original purpose of all thoughts and spirits', which is the nature of all living beings, because all the heavens and all walks of life, all practitioners will deviate from their original intentions in the process of practice, and gradually become not themselves. In the beginning, the original teaching was only for the purpose of building a group to make fire, and to maintain the true self and maintain the original purpose through the exchange of needs and information between all walks of life."

"However, in the process of development and growth, too much selfishness and ambition have been mixed in, which gradually changed the original intention, or... magnified the original intention."

Speaking of this, Jin Sanniang seemed worried that because of her explanation, Ye Chuxiao would have a good impression of the original teaching, so she hurriedly added: "You can understand the changes in the original teaching in this way. At first, some people thought that everyone When you get up in the morning and drink an extra bowl of water, it will be better for your health, so they gathered together to form a group, and everyone drank water and communicated together."

"But as time went by, some of them began to target and force more people, so that more people who were unwilling to drink this bowl of water in the morning, like them, went to drink that glass of non-toxic water in the morning. Harmless water."

"After that, they began to use some more illusory names to persecute, oppress, drive, and kill some people who did not want to drink water in the morning, and regarded them as heretics."

"Under radical development, the original good intentions have become the greatest malice, and the original good intentions have become ugly and evil."

Ye Chuxiao nodded when she heard the words, and said cooperatively: "Sister Jin, don't worry, no matter what the original intention and core teachings of a sect are, these are nothingness. The real criterion for evaluating whether they are righteous is always their current actions."

Jin Sanniang said: "Yes, you have this idea, which shows that you are very mature."

Ye Chuxiao smiled shyly: "Sister Jin is joking again, you haven't seen it before, how can you say that I am mature? It will be misunderstood!"

Jin Sanniang said: "Then why don't you let Big Sister Jin meet me tonight? Give you a little more ripening? Let your ripening come to an end?"

At this time, Jin Sanniang galloped on the horse, and under the flying skirt, a circle of throwing knives was tied to her slender and strong thigh.

The flying knife was clinging to the wallet that was strangling his thigh, occasionally flashing a sharp cold light.

"Next time! Let's talk about it next time."

"It's important to do business now." Ye Chuxiao changed the subject.

A moderate joke is to adjust the mood, it is not allowed to go too far.

After a while, Mo's resident arrived.

In comparison, Mo's residence is equivalent to a medium-sized village and town built next to Dingchun City. Before entering, just on the hillside, you can see spring brocades hanging high all over the mountains and plains.

The spring brocade is characterized by colorful strips and colored strips, just like the blooming of spring flowers.

And the most amazing thing is the unique runes hidden in the patterns by the embroiderers flying needles.

These runes will absorb the sunshine and the breath of flowers, plants and trees, making the person wearing and covering the spring brocade feel as if they are in the boundless and bright spring scenery.

It is precisely because these spring brocades need to be dried for a long time before they are fully formed, and they are precisely avoided every rain and dew to avoid moisture changes. Therefore, when the wind is sunny, the spring brocades can often be seen rolling out and spreading all over the place. All over the mountains and plains.

Only a place like Dingchun City, where the seasons are like spring, can produce such miraculous fabrics as spring brocade for a long time.

Ye Chuxiao and Jin Sanniang were dressed in six-door clothes, and the gold and silver badges on their bodies were particularly conspicuous.

Not long after, someone informed, and the Mo family, who were in charge of the matter, greeted them.

"My elder Mo's family, Mo Feifan, dare to ask the two officials why they are here?" The welcoming elder didn't have much sense of welcome in his tone.

This is also inevitable, after all, Six Doors is not a place to treat guests to dinner.

Naturally, the heads of the six doors are outside, which is not very popular.

Especially in the recent period, the finances of Six Doors are in a tight spot, so some policemen inevitably have the idea of ​​local wealthy households.

From time to time, I will find some excuses and visit the door to beat the autumn wind.

"It's just an inquiry as usual. According to the order of the emperor, the six gates will investigate the cross-border people in the world and compile a book to reassure the people."

"The Mo family is a wealthy family in the east of the river, so I wonder if there are any cross-border people?" Jin Sanniang asked very sophisticatedly.

Hearing this, Mo Feifei frowned, and then said in a perfunctory way: "How do we know this? Even crossovers have compiled their identities and concealed their origins. If they don't take the initiative to stand up, how can they tell?"

"It's better for the officials not to embarrass us ordinary people."

While speaking, more than a dozen young and strong monks of the Mo family had already surrounded him, and they seemed to have a bad look on their faces.

Jin Sanniang raised her willow eyebrows and was about to reprimand her.

Ye Chuxiao was the first to say: "The two of us are not here to beat the autumn wind, but to inspect as usual. Even if there is a cross-border person in the Mo family, as long as he has never committed any crime or persecuted the people, we will not pursue it. "

As soon as this remark came out, the complexion of the elder Mo's family improved a lot. Although Ye Chuxiao and Ye Chuxiao still seemed to be unwelcome, they no longer spoke harshly to each other.

"Since that's the case, then invite the two officials to come in, have a sip of tea, and then check it out!" Mo Feifei said.

 If you really want to change the title of the book, then choose "The Great Dao Is Missing"!This is simpler and clearer.

  The waste paper took a closer look, and the earliest person who came up with this name was Gu Chanmo at 57:[-] on November [-]th. Of course, the introduction of Zhebei Wanshi is also very valuable. The two brothers saw this As mentioned in this chapter, please take the initiative to contact me when you join the group and send me a screenshot of your account. The waste paper will fulfill the promise and send each of you a small red envelope of two hundred.

  Regardless of whether the name is changed in the end, this is still indispensable!
  thanks for your support!Thank you all for your active participation!

(End of this chapter)

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