Chapter 85 Attack
Surrounded by many Mo's monks, Ye Chuxiao and Jin Sanniang moved to the core area of ​​Mo's residence, and were guarded in a guest room.

In the guest room, Mo Feifei took the initiative to serve tea and apologize, but he acted very bluntly, obviously not good at dealing with people.

"Open the skylight and tell the truth, what kind of trouble did your Mo family encounter?" Jin Sanniang didn't take the tea bowl, but asked directly.

Seeing that Mo Feifei was still hesitating, he directly emphasized his tone: "If you don't tell the truth, it will be difficult for us to help. With those of you Mo's who are currently staying in the resident, it is impossible to keep the two of us. Just kidding."

After Mo Feifan struggled for a moment, he sighed heavily: "This matter has to start from eight years ago."

"Eight years ago, the Bai family reported that someone in the east of the river had colluded with the Yuanzhi sect, and all the culprits were planted since then."

Cui Yu didn't know which faction the Bai family had reported.

According to what Cui Yu said, what is recorded in the file is the word 'Hedong Haoqiang', which is not specified.

"Actually, I, Mo Shi, are the one Bai Shi wants to report!" Mo Feifei said in a startling way.

Jin Sanniang didn't seem surprised when she heard the words: "So you, the Mo family, acted first, killed all the core members of the Bai family, and then threw them on a large boat to deter the six people who came to investigate. A door to arrest the head?"

Mo Feifei hastily said: "No! That's not the case! I, the Mo family, did not collude with the Yuanzhi sect, but some people below were ignorant, and accidentally made a deal with the members of the Yuanzheng sect, and were caught by the Bai family. Got a handle."

"Master Bai originally wanted to take this opportunity to bite off a large piece of flesh from my Mo family."

"It's just that they never expected that they deliberately stayed here and manipulated our Mo family, but they brought a real disaster for them."

"In order to leave some room, before reporting the report, the Bai family did not specifically identify who the Hao family from the east of the river who colluded with the Yuanyuan sect was. Just when our Mo family heard the news and planned to cut their flesh and feed the Bai family, they were arrested overnight. In between, all the gates will be wiped out."

Speaking of this, Mo Feifan's face was not only full of joy, but was filled with deep fear.

"Hedong Bai clan! That is a powerful clan that has stood for hundreds of years, three points stronger than my Mo clan, but in one night, all the core members died, and the clan land was turned into ashes."

"And eight years later, the nightmare came back."

"The boat on the Han River, and what happened on the boat... we all know about it," Mo Feifei said.

It's no surprise that the news leaked.

At the beginning, Jin Talisman summoned all the headhunters with a radius of hundreds of miles to come to support.

Among these people, there are too many possibilities for leaking information.

"That's why it scares you like this?"

"Or even send away all the core members?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Mo Feifei said bitterly: "We have received news that Ma Bao, the governor of Xichuan, is also on that boat, and we have been jointly selling the 'Baishi Chunjin' with Xichuan He's family, and Xichuan is the one who makes the bridge. Assassin."

"The governor of Xichuan was killed. I am afraid that someone connected us with the remnants of the Bai family."

"The remnants of the Bai family? Are you talking about those offshoots of the Bai family?" Jin Sanniang asked sharply.

Mo Feifei shook his head and said, "No! It seems that someone, as the true heir of the Bai family, was spying on the murder case eight years ago."

Just as the voice fell, there were bursts of fighting sounds outside.

The large formation at Mo's garrison was circling in the air and on the ground, resisting the impact of a large number of rockets from mid-air.

Opening the window and looking out, tens of thousands of broken gangbow arrows, with fire spells, were shot at the protective formation of Mo's garrison, sending ripples out of the protective formation.

Occasionally, there will be damage in some places, allowing the crossbow arrows to fly in, causing repeated violent explosions on the ground.

The entire Mo's resident was in chaos.

"The broken gangbow... this is a weapon that breaks formations and cities only in the army, how is it possible!" Jin Sanniang showed a gaffe for the first time.

Folk monks can hold weapons, but cannot forge a large amount of heavy armor, and can hold bows and feathers, but cannot use strong crossbows. This is the iron law of the Daheng Dynasty. Anyone who violates the iron law is directly provoking the Daheng Court. , without any wiggle room.

Because the heavy armor and strong crossbows made by specific craftsmen, once used in batches, are sharp weapons for attacking, breaking formations and cities, and forming a strong army.

This thing, taken out alone, is useless as a monk's daily game and fighting means.

Only when the two armies are at war, when they attack the city and pull out the stronghold, can they show their prestige.

So no matter who it is, anyone who hides more than a certain amount is considered treason.

At this time, there were a large number of broken gangbow arrows tearing through the defensive formation of the Mo family's garrison. Looking at the number, if it didn't come from the army, it must have been privately cast by a cult like Yuanzhijiao, which was against the imperial court.

"This place is not far from Dingchun City, and there is so much commotion, the defenders of Dingchun will definitely come." Jin Sanniang said.

But Mo Feifan said in despair: "I can't make it! The Bai clan was like this that time. Let Dingchun City see the Bai clan's flames soaring into the sky, and the army guarding the city still arrived at the Bai clan in the early morning of the next day. Clan land."

Jin Sanniang said with a serious expression: "Is someone in the government colluding with cult bandits?"

Mo Feifei shook his head and said, "That's not the case. According to the deduction of Tian Ji Shi afterwards, it was the monsters of the Yuanyuan Sect who used a powerful trick."

"The weird weapon is very strange. Under certain circumstances, it has a special force field that is difficult to counteract. The defending army rushed to the rescue. They ran all night on the road to the Bai clan. They never stopped, but they never reached the Bai clan's place. .”


This is a powerful artifact that many monks deliberately ignore.

They are composed of substances left over from monks at least above the level of artistic conception after their minds became unbalanced and died of madness.

In a sense, it has an unsolvable attribute that is close to the rules of heaven and earth.

Once caught in it, you can't struggle to get out, you can only find out the 'law' in it, and escape along the law.

During the speech, the protective formation of Mo's resident had already begun to completely collapse.

A large number of knights wearing heavy armor and riding magic horses, holding soul-destroying sabers and wearing black masks, rushed into the Mo family's garrison.

They waved their blades mercilessly, leaving no one alive wherever they passed.

Jin Sanniang casually took off the gold medal from her chest and patted it on Ye Chuxiao's chest: "Protect yourself, if you can escape, find a chance to escape and spread the news."

After finishing speaking, he flicked the hem of his clothes and rushed out with long legs.

She didn't fly directly into the sky and use her tactics in the air.

Instead, he shuttled close to the ground, holding two scimitars in his hands, and his whole body blended into the shadows in an instant.

Moments later, roses bloomed in the shadows, and several knights in heavy armor had their throats slit.

Then Jin Sanniang disappeared into the shadows again, jumping and harvesting the lives of the knights.

A drum beat.

Visible sound waves swept across the entire Mo's residence.

The figure of Jin Sanniang was also forced to appear in the sound waves.

(End of this chapter)

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