There are gaps in the road

Chapter 86 Fierce Battle

Chapter 86 Fierce Battle

Dozens of knights galloped through, with black lights shining in their hands.

In an instant, these black rays of light criss-crossed and formed a net, locking Jin Sanniang firmly in place.

Faced with such a situation, Jin Sanniang did not panic, and with a flick of her cuff, dozens of small beetles fell out.

Rolling on the ground, these little beetles absorbed a large amount of heaven and earth energy infused by Jin Sanniang, and in an instant they all grew into giant beetles five or six meters high.

They all have thick carapaces, sharp limbs, and fierce and ferocious movements.

It easily tore apart the black light that formed the net, and then tore apart the knights who surrounded Jin Sanniang.

The bloody and brutal methods even seemed to have deterred some of the knights.

They reined in the reins, facing the fast approach of the giant beetle, and kept retreating.

And those beetles also approached without mercy, not only wielding their arthropods, tearing apart the thickly armored knights, but also stuffing their stumps into their mouthpieces, chewing wantonly, sending out bone-crushing sounds. Sour 'crunch' sound.

"Poison Master!" A gloomy voice came from behind the knight team.

Afterwards, a shabby man with a black hat on his head and spells plastered on his face suddenly flew out of the mud.

His wide sleeves were opened, and a large amount of green poisonous mist sprayed out from the cuffs.

When the giant beetle smelled the poisonous mist, it immediately curled up in pain and screamed in pain.

Jin Sanniang flicked the hem of her clothes, and the snow-white light flashed by, and then she saw the two flying knives tied to her thighs, flying out directly, with a stunning cold light, directly aiming at the poison master.

The poison master's body began to pour out larger amounts of venom and poisonous mist.

Any substance close to him, even the air, seemed to be being corroded and dissolved by the poison.

The flying knife vibrated with an extremely high frequency, tearing apart a relatively small but absolutely vacuum environment in the air, passing through the highly poisonous corrosion layer, and viciously landed on the poison master's body.


Poison Master, who seemed to be about to show off his prestige, was crucified to death by Jin Sanniang's throwing knife before he had time to unleash his arrogance.

The spell on the poison master's face flew away, revealing his ugly face.

After the corpse fell to the ground, the toxin exploded and injured many of their own people.

"Jin Sanniang's flying knife skills are indeed well-deserved."

"Based on the power of this flying knife alone, you are already in the realm of wisdom, but... you have no chance!" The voice came, and the attack had already landed on Jin Sanniang before the voice came. .

More than a dozen small black balls flew from all over, and then transformed in mid-air, turning into a small three-dimensional confinement array, sealing Jin Sanniang in it.

Even if Jin Sanniang slashed with two knives, she couldn't break the seal of this small formation and quickly escaped from it.

"She needs time to accumulate strength, otherwise she will just burst out in such an instant, and her strength will not be enough to tear apart that small formation."

"I have to create this time for her, otherwise once she accumulates energy alone, it will be the time for the sneak attacker to take the opportunity to attack." Ye Chuxiao instantly recognized the situation.

Although Jin Sanniang let him go first.

However, now is not the time to run away immediately.

With Nine Death Demon Art by her side, Ye Chuxiao is not afraid of death.

With the golden clock and Dao Yun around, he can walk if he wants, there is nothing to worry about.

Taking out the talisman pen, swaying the spiritual ink, Ye Chuxiao began to draw talismans in the air.

"Smoke, Light, Dust, Flame, Ice...!" Several basic spells took shape in mid-air, and were infused with abundant heaven and earth energy by Ye Chuxiao.

Afterwards, these various spells transformed the energies of the heaven and earth into substances of different attributes, driven by Ye Chuxiao, and permeated the vast expanse of air.

The ice surface reflects light and flames, and seals dust and smoke in a fixed space.

Within a certain period of time, a large area of ​​space becomes chaotic and blurred.

As soon as the effect of Ye Chuxiao's spell was finalized, one of the attackers on the opposite side also had a spell repairer, and cast the wind spell.

The violent wind is coming, and the smoke and dust must be blown away first.

Ye Chuxiao had been prepared for a long time, and had settled down on the more complicated two-character spell 'fixing the wind' without haste.

One talisman is played, and the gust of wind stops immediately.

Quietly, two martial artists came close to him, intending to behead Ye Chuxiao directly.

Ye Chuxiao hand-painted the talisman with one hand, and also used the knife to fight close to the body with the other hand.

With the sword master's nine styles as the framework, the knife technique gradually kneaded into shape, which made the two martial artists who came to fight close to each other feel 'despair'.

No matter from which angle they launched the surprise attack, Ye Chuxiao's blade could always start from the most impartial angle, just in the way of their attack.

Under the precondition that the realm cannot be higher than Ye Chuxiao's, they can't make any breakthroughs in their moves, and if they continue to attack without knowing what to do, they can only end in defeat.

Entering the Wonderful Realm requires connection with sentient beings and a lot of "luck", which naturally blocks the vast majority of capable monks from the threshold of the Wonderful Realm.

Therefore, among this group of attackers, there may not be many monks who have really reached the realm of Wonderland and above.

Most of them are ordinary cultivators in power and affliction.

"Let go!"

Ye Chuxiao swung the knife with one hand, but the knife was steady and fierce.

With a shock of the knife, the weapons in the hands of the two attacking warriors came out.

In an instant, a flying sword flew out of Ye Chuxiao's sleeve, piercing their throats easily.

Afterwards, the two flying swords circled around, ready to go.

"Tales, martial arts, and swords, fellow practitioners of the three realms, are truly talented."

"Give you a chance, join us, take Soul Eater Gu, you are ours, we can not only save your life, but also give you a great opportunity." Among the attackers, a man in a black cloak A figure rose into the sky, wearing a black mask, looking at Ye Chuxiao with eyes full of greed and desire, waiting for Ye Chuxiao's reply.

"I love your mother!" A crimson saber light pierced through the air.

The figure who looked quite compelling one second, was cut in two by Jin Sanniang who escaped from the trap the next second.

The figure that had been cut in two fell to the ground and began to struggle and twist.

Then, under the sight of everyone, it turned into two broken earthworms.

The earthworm returned to human form again, and turned into two identical people again.

"What kind of evil work is this?"

"Can't it be killed? Can it cut more and more?" Mo Feifei asked in horror.

Jin Sanniang walked away one step at a time, reappeared in front of Ye Chuxiao, crossed her swords, turned her back to Ye Chuxiao and whispered: "Pay attention to cooperate with me later."

Then he said loudly: "This is the fusion technique of the two poles. Usually, twins practice together, but the two of them are temporarily united, and the realm and strength are temporarily improved. You just added some sorcery from the original teaching. Trying to put on makeup?"

"Jin Sanniang is really knowledgeable!" The two identical people said at the same time.

"However, you forced your way out of the formation. You should have been injured by the countershock of the formation, but you don't know how many times you can separate us." After finishing speaking, the two identical brothers turned into earthworms again, entangled and twisted. Together, the speed, strength, and the energy of the world driven by the two of them all skyrocketed in an instant.

At the moment of unity, thousands of poisonous needles have been cast, covering and bursting towards the direction of Jin Sanniang, Ye Chuxiao and others.

(End of this chapter)

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