There are gaps in the road

Chapter 87 Appearance

Chapter 87 Appearance
Jin Sanniang danced with both hands, and the two scimitars danced like a peacock spreading its tail, covering the surrounding airtightly.

The poisonous needles with extremely strong penetrating power were knocked open one after another.

It's just that these poisonous needles were obviously given a technique similar to Yujianshu. After being knocked into the air, they did not lose their potential energy, but turned around and continued to fly, with a posture of pervasiveness.

Even Jin Sanniang couldn't be foolproof all the time, and there were always Mo's monks around, who were hit by poisonous needles and fell to the ground to die.

"Although there are monks in the myth, who can control swords over ten thousand, but that kind of realm, the distance is too far, and it is definitely not the strength of the combined monster in front of me."

"Even if he didn't use a flying sword, but only a flying needle, it's the same."

Thinking of this, Ye Chuxiao's eyes gathered spiritual light, and began to carefully distinguish the flying needles that were constantly being knocked away by Jin Sanniang.

"Big Sister Jin! Take Kun Xun's place, let's use the saber!" Ye Chuxiao shouted.

When Jin Sanniang heard the words, she slashed out with a knife, the light of the knife condensed and did not disperse, and turned into a real six-foot knife shape.

When the knife fell, dozens of poisonous needles were shattered.

And just after this knife, more than a third of the tens of thousands of flying needles fell to the ground in unison, and were no longer controlled to fly.

Obviously, the flying needle technique performed by the fused monster is to mix the main needle with the ordinary auxiliary needle, and use the main needle to control the auxiliary needle.

Once a small number of main needles are destroyed, a large number of auxiliary needles are out of control.

"Shock out of the position, draw out the knife." Ye Chuxiao found a main needle again, and Jin Sanniang quickly drew out the knife.

The sword light fell, and another third of the poisonous needle fell to the ground.

Now that the number of poisonous needles under his body has been greatly reduced, the threat to Jin Sanniang can be said to be very small.

Correspondingly, the monster who was originally united and attacked at the same time seemed to have suffered a backlash at this time, and was shaken away again, splitting into two people.

The two stared at Jin Sanniang and Ye Chuxiao poisonously, and let out sharp whistles.

Ye Chuxiao was wondering what they were going crazy about.

A large number of crossbow arrows have locked the positions of Jin Sanniang and Ye Chuxiao.

One or two of these things are good for defense, but if there are too many, it will be really terrible.

In an instant, hundreds of crossbow arrows shot at Ye Chuxiao and Jin Sanniang. Jin Sanniang had already used the sword light to the extreme, and her whole body seemed to be coated with a layer of sword light, but she still could barely block a small part of it.

With the breath locked, the two separated and fled, still being chased in a very embarrassing situation.

Ye Chuxiao was ruthless, relying on the magic skill of nine deaths, he took two arrows forcibly.

Then he swung the Xueming Knife and raised the knife. The majestic energy of the world seemed to be summoned, absorbed and compressed by Ye Chuxiao.

The unrestrained and restrained huge sword glow spanned half of the Mo family's garrison, and exploded towards the intruders' team.

The torn sword light pulled the earth into ugly cracks.

The intruders who couldn't dodge in time suffered heavy losses immediately, and some of the ballistas that were pushed to the gate of Mo's garrison were also destroyed, making it difficult to launch the threatening bolts.

Two sharp arrows pierced through his body, and he felt a burst of pain.

Ye Chuxiao swung the precious saber in his hand, and cut off most of the arrow shaft.

After that, without pulling out the arrow, the identity quickly rushed towards the ballista.

"Xiaoye! Don't be impulsive!" Jin Sanniang was shocked when she saw Ye Chuxiao's actions.

puff puff!

Several more crossbow arrows flew in and landed on Ye Chuxiao's body, blood gushed out.

Ye Chuxiao did not slow down.

Many times of death and resurrection, coupled with Wuxiu's physique, have long given Ye Chuxiao super strong resistance to pressure and endurance.

In just a few breaths, Ye Chuxiao rushed to a intact ballista with a knife in hand, swiped the knife repeatedly, and cut off the precise part of its mechanism.

Then he leaped quickly and rushed towards another ballista.

"Kill him!" With an order, a large number of knights in heavy armor surrounded Ye Chuxiao.

All kinds of attacks also swarmed towards Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao held a precious sword and charged into the crowd. Although he was severely injured, he was still like a tiger entering a herd of sheep.

At this time, the gold badge that Jin Sanniang had attached to Ye Chuxiao's body also took effect together with Ye Chuxiao's own silver badge, resisting more than half of the attacks for him, and at the same time releasing gentle power, constantly replenishing Consumption and damage in the body.

It's just that it's not enough to make ends meet.

The talisman light flickered, raging fire, with Ye Chuxiao as the core, erupted in all directions.

A ballista with a wooden structure, ignited by the flames.

"Looking for death!" The figure who had been standing vaguely at the end of the entire attacking team, commanding, was also forced to jump out at this time, glaring at Ye Chuxiao angrily, and then without any nonsense, directly slapped Ye Chuxiao hard.

His palm almost cut off the air within a radius of tens of meters, directly smashing Ye Chuxiao into pieces.

"Xiaoye!" Seeing Ye Chuxiao being 'killed' with a palm, Jin Sanniang was furious.

The two scimitars were released from their hands and flew out into the air to form a pair of scissors.

Under the blessing of the knife light, the huge 'scissors' cut at the figure.


The magical mysterious light covering the figure was directly broken, revealing its true face.

This person was extremely handsome, but the fury in his eyes slightly weakened his temperament.

"It's you!" Jin Sanniang recognized who this person was.

"You still recognize me?" said the figure showing his true face.

Jin Sanniang withdrew her two knives and said with anger on her pretty face: "The most beautiful Liu Suifeng in Hedong back then, no matter how ignorant I am, Jin Sanniang, I still recognize him."

"It seems that you are pretending to be obese and sleek, but you are actually hiding your identity as a fundamentalist."

Liu Suifeng heard the words: "Since you recognize me, then you will die."

"Comrades! Rise up and place trick weapons!" Liu Suifeng said loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, a blood-colored formation appeared, and crimson beams of light lit up in all directions at the same time. People who had died here, their corpses became nutrients, supported the formation and stood up, sealing the entire area, and no one was allowed to enter. Not allowed out.

A pitch-black skull was placed in the center of the formation, spreading the strange and weird aura to all directions.

Under the influence of the strange and strange atmosphere, black smoke was emitted from the knights.

Amidst the billowing black smoke, their figures began to become taller and burlier, and together with the armor on their bodies, they also appeared more ferocious and ferocious.

Under the special force field of the treacherous weapon, these knights who had made arrangements in advance to cooperate with the treacherous weapon, gained strength increases and blessings one after another, breaking the original limit of cultivation.

Cultivator Mo's, who had been entangled with these knights before, and still had some contacts, now confronted these boosted knights, and faced an almost one-sided massacre.

Ye Chuxiao, who was quietly 'resurrected' in the corner, was adjusting his state, greedily absorbing the abundant and frenzied energy between the heaven and the earth.

Scattered on the battlefield, the occasionally 'dropped' Dao Yun aura was also collected by him.

"Sure enough, Jin Sanniang also has Daoyun by her side, and so does Liu Suifeng."

"Let me take a look at Liu Suifeng's past first."

Ye Chuxiao lurks in the dark, and first uses the golden clock to absorb a Daoyun breath from Liu Suifeng.

Time reversed in his own thoughts.

 Thanks to Jiang Feng Yuhuo for the 89 points of sleeping well, thanks to the 20 points that Mu Mu is setting out for, [-] points to WMF[-], [-] points to Zajia Woliu, [-] points to Gu Chanmo, and [-] points to Zhebei Wanshi [-] points, thanks to Yingzhu's [-] points, thanks to Legalist Han Feizi's [-] points, thanks to the power of rising [-] points, thanks to the book boy who has lost his way in the world for [-] years, [-] points, thanks to the evil spirit Emperor's hundred points.

(End of this chapter)

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