Chapter 90
Ye Chuxiao's flying sword is full of power, and the amount of energy infused into it is even far beyond the limit of energy that ordinary monks in the wonderful realm can use.

But there is still a gap between him and Liu Suifeng.

Before the flying sword arrived, Liu Suifeng had already reacted in advance. With one hand, a wall of air blocked Ye Chuxiao's flying sword, not only intercepting it, but also temporarily sealing the flying sword. Within the air wall.

In addition to being a Lexiu, Liu Suifeng is obviously also a Qi trainer.

Although Ye Chuxiao's flying sword surprise attack did not play a direct attack role, it indirectly distracted Liu Suifeng.

Suddenly, there was a piercing and fierce sound of the blade piercing through the air.

The scimitar in Jin Sanniang's hand appeared beside Liu Suifeng without hindrance as if it had jumped into space, stabbing directly at his chest.

Ye Chuxiao's eyes were wide open to such a clever and weird knife handling. Although he will not reproduce it, he can learn from it and grow rapidly.

Just when Ye Chuxiao was surprised, Jin Sanniang's knife was sure to succeed.

In the shadow behind Liu Suifeng, a figure suddenly jumped out,

What he held in his hand was a black and purple dagger that looked like a sharp knife made from the fangs of a ferocious beast.

Swinging the short knife, it happened to meet Jin Sanniang's knife that jumped out of the space limit.

With a bang, the figure that jumped out of Liu Suifeng's shadow was cut through the palm of Jin Sanniang's knife, and half of his body was shattered into the air.

But Liu Suifeng also escaped because of this, and retreated more than ten meters in a row, the tambourine in his hand has already accelerated the rhythm.

The strong sound waves no longer just interfere with Jin Sanniang's sneaking and approaching.

The Mo family monks, Ye Chuxiao, and Jin Sanniang present were all affected by the rapid drumbeat, their hearts beat faster involuntarily, and their blood surged.

The monk with a low level of cultivation was already roaring in pain at this moment, desperately scratching his cheek with his fingers, trying to cover his ears to prevent the invasion of sound waves.

On the contrary, those knights who were affected by the treacherous weapon still seemed to be transformed into dead objects, completely unaffected by the sound waves, and continued to brutally swing their swords and slaughter.

Liu Suifeng obviously discovered Ye Chuxiao at this moment, he was shocked that Ye Chuxiao was still alive, but he didn't think much about it.

In the world of practice, there are too many magical means and props that can be used to avoid death and prolong life.

"Kill you again and see if you can survive." Liu Suifeng said.

Then he beat the tambourine suddenly, and the powerful and direct sound waves hit Ye Chuxiao, as if they had substance, and struck in Ye Chuxiao's direction.

Just when Ye Chuxiao was ready to be reborn again with the magic skill of nine deaths.

However, Jin Sanniang rushed to him suddenly, her two knives superimposed and intersected suddenly, tearing down like sharp claws.

The tyrannical sonic impact was torn apart by Jin Sanniang's scimitar, and then turned into a gust of wind, violently bypassing the two of them.

The flying long hair slapped Ye Chuxiao's face.

Ye Chuxiao was short, and shot two flying swords from Jin Sanniang's right waist.

The air wall reappeared, and Ye Chuxiao's two flying swords were also fixed and sealed in midair by Liu Suifeng, making it difficult to move.

Only this time, Ye Chuxiao had planned it long ago.

But he saw that the three flying swords intersected with each other, just forming a formation.

The runes that had been engraved by Ye Chuxiao in advance took effect on each other, and a strong halo erupted.

The means of sword repair, talisman repair, and array repair have been used by Ye Chuxiao in one.

At this time, it was within that small formation.

The power of ice and fire, under the harmony of the wind, turned into countless tiny flying swords, piercing back and forth.

Ye Chuxiao's ability to achieve such subtle manipulations is due to his new talent 'Shape'.

If not, even if he uses the trinity method, he will not be able to make fine adjustments to the energy in the situation. The power is there, but most of it will be consumed by itself.

A large number of various small sword qi pierced into Liu Suifeng's body, pulling his body out of a series of dangerous bloodstains.

Liu Suifeng roared angrily, put away the tambourine, and turned to shake the two strings of Dharma bells.

The rhythm of the bell should be more rapid and sharp. The sound waves emitted collide with the tiny sword energy, and then smash the sword energy into pieces.

The three flying swords that Ye Chuxiao used to form the formation had begun to show cracks, obviously unable to support such a fierce confrontation.

If it was just a duel between Ye Chuxiao and Liu Suifeng, then after Ye Chuxiao gained a short-term advantage, he would definitely fall to the bottom of the valley.

But in fact, this is still a competition between Jin Sanniang and Liu Suifeng.

The moment Ye Chuxiao shot, Jin Sanniang, who had disappeared, reappeared in front of Liu Suifeng.

The scimitar in his hand fell like a silver hooked moon.

When the light of the saber settled down, Liu Suifeng's body was cut in two by the center.

Although Liu Suifeng's two bodies, and their thoughts, close together and struggle again.

But the power attached to Jin Sanniang's knife was resisting and annihilating this possibility.

"Let's die together!" Liu Suifeng, who was split left and right, looked at Ye Chuxiao and Jin Sanniang viciously.

Then each half of the body fled towards the two of them, as if planning to stick to the two of them and explode themselves.


Two arrow feathers were shot and nailed the two halves of Liu Suifeng's forehead respectively, nailing the two halves of the body to death.

With a violent explosion, the former No. [-] beauty in Hedong completely disappeared.

The surrounding space seemed to shake intermittently.

The sound of fighting came from far to near, and then it was close at hand.

The strange force field created by the treacherous weapon was forcefully broken.

Obviously, there was another force at least comparable to it, which absolutely interfered.

Those two arrows were long-distance support from Qiao Wuqi.

Under the 'interval' of the treacherous weapon, he is still far away.

But his arrows, fast and furious, are best suited for long-range lock-on raids.

As the force field of the trick weapon was interfered, the strength of those knights dropped rapidly.

They have returned to their original cultivation bases.

The six gates of the brigade came in with headhunters, among whom were many garrison troops from Dingchun City.

Zhao Sibai and Liu Qiantiao were also in the killing team.

"Wait! Liu Qianjo?"

"Is he also helping to break through the enemy's formation?" Ye Chuxiao was a little surprised.

Then he understood: "So, Liu Qiantiao and Zhao Sibai must have known each other a long time ago!"

He slashed into the formation, and let a large number of arresters and soldiers kill the knights and arrest the little bosses. Zhao Sibai quickly rushed to Jin Sanniang, half-kneeled down and bowed his head, saying: "Six gates! Yinzhang... Bai Zhao, plead guilty to Jin Sanniang, the head arrester of Jinzhang."

"Your surname is Bai!"

"Who helped you hide your identity?"

"Wait! It's him?" Jin Sanniang didn't get angry, she obviously thought of something.

Zhao Sibai debunked the answer: "Yes! It was Mr. Jin Buyi Jin who was in charge of supervising the extermination of the Hedong Bai family eight years ago! I was also at that time. resume."

Eight years ago, Jin Buyi was not one of the five great catchers of the Six Doors, but a head catcher with a gold medal.

 It's still hard today, but it's getting better at this point.

  Let's do today's two updates first!
  Make up, it may be delayed a little bit!
(End of this chapter)

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