There are gaps in the road

Chapter 91 Return to Beijing

Chapter 91 Return to Beijing
"So, this is a plan to lure snakes out of their holes?" Jin Sanniang narrowed her eyes slightly and asked, even people who didn't know her well should feel her anger.

Having a plan and needing to act as bait is not a problem.

As the head catcher of Six Doors, she has this awareness.

But being kept in the dark and acting as a errand in a daze, Jin Sanniang was annoyed.

Zhao Sibai said: "I don't deny my selfishness, but the plan was indeed drawn up by Mr. Jin Buyi. I am just the executor of the plan and follow orders!"

Zhao Sibai's words seemed to be defending himself, but also seemed to be comforting Jin Sanniang.

But they all looked powerless and pale.

"The Liu Mansion should be under control!" Jin Sanniang asked again.

Zhao Sibai said: "My lord Jin Buyi will act personally, there will be no mistakes, and the thunder will sweep the hole, and any demons and evil spirits will not be able to escape."

In just a few words, there are many hidden meanings.

Ye Chuxiao stayed aside and didn't interrupt.

He has no interest in interfering with some tricks within the six doors.

If you really want to dig deeper, why can't you savor the rivalry between the two god catchers?
"The bloody murder case on the building above the Han River is also the Liu family?" Jin Sanniang asked.

Zhao Sibai shook his head and said: "This is an unplanned incident, but as long as we catch the manipulator behind the Liu family, we will know the truth."

"The manipulator behind the Liu family?"

"This person is Liu Suifeng's wife, the saint of Tianyemen, but she has other identities. According to Liu Qiantiao, she is the Wugou celestial girl selected by the Yuanyuan sect. Only the real Wugou celestial maiden Only then can we have the opportunity to integrate the original religions of the worlds, and return the original religions to a colossus again."

"It is also because of this news that Master Jin Buyi took this opportunity to formulate this plan."

"The Heavenly Maiden of Wugou...huh!"

Jin Sanniang no longer cares about the battlefield that is still in the process of finishing.

She was also not interested in participating in the battle that took place in the Liu Mansion in Dingchun City.

"Xiaoye! Ready to return to Beijing!"

"Since all the crossovers we're looking for have long been in our pockets, this trip will be in vain," Jin Sanniang said.

Zhao Sibai got up quickly, laughing beside him.

Ye Chuxiao also followed.

Now that the situation is clear, because Jin Sanniang is related to Jin Buyi and belongs to the Jin family in Hedong, she was selected as the "bait". When he shot, he had already fallen into the trap.

Liu Qiantiao, as a "cross-border person", has actually known Zhao Sibai for a long time. His special status makes it difficult for him to arouse Liu Suifeng's vigilance, thus allowing him to snoop on some movements related to Liu's family.

Of course, behind this there may be suspicions about Mo Shi, as well as details such as the test of local officials.

There is no need to list any more at this time.

On the way back to Beijing, Jin Sanniang was silent all the way, and Zhao Sibai followed closely to be careful everywhere, trying hard to repair the rift.

Ye Chuxiao and Qiao Wuxi walked together together.

As for Cui Yu, she was still in Xichuan and did not return together.

"You already knew?" Ye Chuxiao asked Qiao Wuqi in the midst of the wind and lightning.

Qiao Wuxi said: "It's not too early. After we separated from you, I followed Zhao Sibai all the way according to the instructions of Sister Jin, and then I met Mr. Jin Buyi."

"Master Jin Buyi told me the whole plan."

Ye Chuxiao nodded slightly, expressing her understanding.

Speeding up the horse, the four of them rushed back to Shenjing within a day.

Shenjing is still prosperous, and the big case that happened far away in Hedong has not affected the hustle and bustle of Shenjing at all.

The so-called major cases and tragedies are no longer even a topic of conversation in the huge city of Shenjing.

In comparison, perhaps the oiran in a brothel in Pingliangfang is going to leave the court, which will have a more sensational effect.

Ye Chuxiao returned the public card, and then returned to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

A trip out of Beijing made Ye Chuxiao realize many of her own shortcomings.

In the case of being bound by the rules, he is far less comfortable than in other worlds.

So he needs to 'learn' a lesson or two from the various elites in the prison.

Many crafts and many paths.

Especially those prisoners. Although they are all losers in the power struggle, temporary failure does not mean permanent failure.

Ye Chuxiao didn't like these things before, but now he thinks that he might as well follow the prisoners and learn something about Houhei.

Even if it is not used, it is feasible to use it to defend against people.

The mistake he made this time was obviously that he was blinded by the fog in front of him, thus ignoring the political game behind him.

If you can jump out of it earlier, you will be able to handle it better, and you will be able to seek more benefits for yourself.

On this trip, although Ye Chuxiao and Jin Sanniang seem to have contributed the most, when it comes to credit, Zhao Sibai, Jin Sanniang and even Qiao Wuqi are all ranked second to Ye Chuxiao. in front of.

At best, Ye Chuxiao was better than Cui Yu who was assigned to Xichuan.

A lot of effort is exerted, but it is not on the key points, that is dead effort.

It is not easy to count the credit, but there is no credit.

Qiao Wuqi also got the credit for Liu Suifeng who made up the knife!
Although it is said that the six doors are very poor now and cannot give out money, pills, and equipment as rewards, the unique skills stored in the six doors are also very tempting to Ye Chuxiao.

On the second day after returning to Beijing, another important criminal ushered in on the fifth floor of the Ministry of Criminal Justice's dungeon.

Ye Chuxiao, as the director of the prison, is responsible for the reception work.

From a distance, I saw a prison cart made entirely of black iron being carried by several warriors.

The cage was painted with forbidden spells exuding a strong spiritual light. Two pythons made of iron perched on the cage, constantly wandering around, staring at the prisoner in the cage, as long as she had the slightest extra Every move, these two pythons will bite the throat.

Taking a closer look, this cage is imprisoned in a magnificent woman, but her face is extremely pale at the moment, which makes people feel pitiful.

The blood stains still remained on her black gauze skirt, and her limbs were entwined with bloody vine-like 'plants', which seemed to be absorbing her energy all the time.

Not only that, her eyes were covered by a yellow cloth covered with spells, and there were bloodstains on her forehead, which sometimes shone like hot magma, causing her to groan in pain.

Ye Chuxiao recognized at a glance that this woman was exactly the woman he saw when looking back on Liu Suifeng's past that made Liu Suifeng terrified.

Presumably she is Liu Suifeng's nominal wife, the saint of Tianyemen, the Wugou goddess of Yuanyuan sect.

"Speaking of which, what does Wugou Tiannv mean?"

"When Cui Yu returns to Beijing, I have to ask." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Then I was planning to take the person in according to the regulations, and then press them into the fifth floor of the dungeon.

As long as you enter the dungeon, there is an artifact to suppress it, and all dragons will be obediently coiled.

"A witch can confuse people's hearts, Ye Yinzhang! Remember not to let anyone approach her, let alone talk to her." Jin Zhang, the head catcher in charge of escort, warned.

Ye Chuxiao nodded, and then, together with a group of jail guards, pushed the prison cart into the dungeon, and sent the woman directly to the fifth floor.

(End of this chapter)

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