Chapter 93
Jin Sanniang nodded and said: "If this matter is really what we guessed, then it is really not something you can intervene in."

"You can practice and break through with peace of mind, and when you enter the wonderful realm, you will be in another world, and your arrogance will be different."

After a pause for a while, Jin Sanniang continued: "However, before breaking through, you'd better hold the silver medal first and enter the six-door Chuangong Pavilion, and learn more from the experience and conclusions of the predecessors. Although everyone enters the Wonderland The experiences are not exactly the same, but generally there are rules to be found.”

As she spoke, she grabbed the gold medal on her chest and leaned against Ye Chuxiao's silver medal.

Ye Chuxiao immediately noticed that in his silver badge, there was one more great merit and five minor merits.

Minor skills can be exchanged for some less advanced and scarce cultivation resources, or they can be directly exchanged for money.

The great merit is specially used to exchange for the magical skills and spiritual weapons collected in the six doors.

"Sister Jin is trying to keep me?" Ye Chuxiao asked with a smile.

Jin Sanniang said: "It's a beautiful idea. Zhao Sibai, Qiao Wuqi and I did this together. The great merit was done by Zhao Sibai alone. I say it's an apology to you."

"If you still recognize him as a friend, go to the banquet where he was promoted to the gold medal candidate two days later. If you don't recognize him, just ignore it."

Ye Chuxiao didn't give an answer immediately, but said: "It seems that Sister Jin has let go of the past."

Jin Sanniang said: "It's all for the purpose of solving the case. He has concerns, and he is not the one who decides this matter."

Ye Chuxiao nodded: "That's true!"

But she still didn't say whether she would attend the banquet two days later.

The so-called gold medal candidates are half a level higher than the silver medal, but they cannot enter the gold medal yet.

The minimum threshold for the gold medal is to have a transformation realm cultivation base, while Zhao Sibai's cultivation base is still a bit lower, but his grade has been improved, and he can be regarded as an official from the fifth rank.

"The fish of the demon girl looks bigger than I thought."

"Zhao Sibai mainly cooperated with the gold medal, but he has already been promoted and became a candidate for the gold medal." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

In the next few days, Ye Chuxiao used up all the meritorious deeds in the silver medal.

Not only did he read a lot of previous experiences and perceptions that broke into the wonderful realm, but he also found a book called "Jade Dragon Song" in the Chuangong Building with six doors.

During the battle with Liu Suifeng, Ye Chuxiao felt the effects of Lexiu's group attack and large-scale control, and found it very useful. He planned to practice it as a trump card.

In the small courtyard, Ye Chuxiao held a long flute in his hand, and the music he played was intermittent, which could only barely reach his ears.

"You have already entered the energy level. Unless your spiritual root leaves you with Lexiu's door, no matter how hard you practice, you will only be in the sea of ​​​​suffering for the rest of your life." On the wall, wearing a white mask A figure, like a ghost, appeared suddenly.

Ye Chuxiao has long been used to the disappearance of this demon from the original purpose.

Putting away Chang Xiao, he naturally took out his knife: "I really want to know if I can kill you with one knife now."

The white mask was walking on the wall, with helplessness in his voice: "If you let go of the tremolo note in the other hand, I might still believe you."

"How can a person like you rashly fight me when he can't see through me?"

"Then you read it wrong!" Before Ye Chuxiao spoke, the knife had already been cut out.

This knife is both a temptation and a killer move.

It's completely up to chance.

Of course, the frame is extremely upright, without the slightest instability.

Even if he changes his tactics on the spur of the moment, it will not bring about subsequent flaws.

"Good sword skills!" White Mask didn't take Ye Chuxiao's sword moves at all.

He jumped around the small courtyard nimbly, dodging the blades that Ye Chuxiao swung time and time again.

"You're the one with good movement skills!" Ye Chuxiao missed consecutive slashes, and drew back the knife to protect the middle door.

At this time, although he still has sword cultivation, talisman cultivation, and formation cultivation methods that are useless, none of his best martial arts sword techniques have any effect. If he makes another rash move, he just shows his methods, and the probability of it being effective is not high.

"You came to me because of that witch who was imprisoned on the fifth floor of the dungeon?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

The white mask said: "It's not a demon girl, it's a celestial girl! Wugou celestial girl!"

"Do you know what an innocent goddess is?"

Ye Chuxiao said: "I happened to check the information these days, Wugou Tiannv... is ridiculous! In my opinion, she is still a witch, but she is just pitiful. The elders taught by your original purpose since childhood cut her with a heart-cracking knife. Get rid of the emotions and desires, and then refine them into heart pills, which seem to be no different from ordinary people, but in fact, all emotions come from performances, and none of them are real."

"The so-called innocence probably means that there is no emotion, no love, no resentment, no hatred, so it will not be affected by any emotional increase or decrease. Your original religion advocates the original true self, but you want to cultivate people into plants, trees and stones like this. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to fight against the lack of the Dao with a new method?"

The white mask sighed: "What you said...but it's not bad!"

"This method is radical, but the appearance of Wugou Tiannv can effectively connect and unite the original teachings of all walks of life, because only Wugou Tiannv can travel to different worlds unscrupulously and learn the cultivation methods of different worlds. , arbitrarily improving your cultivation."

Ye Chuxiao heard Jin Sanniang talk about the origin of Yuanzhi Sect.

Hearing the tone of the white mask, he seems to belong to the branch of the original doctrine that respects the original doctrine more?
The original fundamentalist teachings are indeed moderate and decent.

"You know, it's just the initial stage of Wugou Tiannv."

"After Wugou Tiannv's cultivation has reached a certain level, Xindan can no longer replace them to resist the feedback and backlash of the lack of Dao, so they have to find a cauldron and willingly help them bear Xindan."

"This heart pill will be melted into the soul of the cauldron, making the incarnation of the cauldron more vigorous than ordinary people, but at the same time, the cauldron must maintain restraint, restrain one's emotions from flooding, and restrain oneself from rapid Madness, collapse."

"On the other hand, the goddesses of Wugou sense the fluctuations of the world through the passion and desire of the cauldron masters, so that they will not really cultivate into ignorant stones and plants."

"Therefore, Wugou Tiannv must be very cautious in choosing the cauldron. Once she chooses the wrong target, the cauldron can't bear the pressure and collapses quickly, and a more intense emotional outburst will serve as a backlash, destroying Wugou Tiannv's heart. Make it go crazy." White Mask said to Ye Chuxiao carefully.

Ye Chuxiao was silent for a few seconds, then looked up at the sky, and sighed to Yue Chang: "Sure enough... people like me are always involved in such terrible right and wrong, if they are planted with a heart and chosen to be a cauldron, what should they do?" How to lift it? For me, what are the advantages or disadvantages?"

"You don't just come from the channel, but you also give the answer. What do you need me to do for you?"

The white mask looked at Ye Chuxiao intently, and then laughed out loud.

"Your really thicker than the mask on my face, but I don't know when you became like this."

"Do you think that woman Yingshu chose you? Are you overthinking it?"

"Of course she chose Jin Buyi, the youngest among the five masters of the six sects. He ascended to the position of god arrester at the age of 30, and his cultivation level has reached the artistic conception. Such a talent from the sky is the winner." Shu's chosen Which one is you, Ye Chuxiao?"

 Remind again, it will be available at 21 noon on the [-]st!

  thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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