There are gaps in the road

Chapter 94 Longevity Sword

Chapter 94 Longevity Sword
"Haha! Is it really gold? I thought so too. I was just joking before to brighten up the atmosphere." Ye Chuxiao continued in a very 'natural' way.

The white mask sneered a few times in a face-saving manner.

"You want to know how it will behave as a cauldron after being planted with a heart pill. I can give you an intuitive feeling." White Mask said.

Then he took out a photo stone and activated it.

An image is projected from the photo stone. In the image, a man who looks like a hero is wandering among many "beautiful men". Together with the others, he is doing some stimulating things that make people look at the president's eyes Behavior.

As soon as the picture turned, a man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes was actually doing his makeup in front of the mirror. His movements and demeanor were very similar to those of a woman. After inserting two steps on his head, he applied rouge, and then he covered his mouth and smiled coyly.

Ye Chuxiao got goosebumps all over his body when he saw it.

The screen continued to jump, and the 'ugliness' of a man was played, which made Ye Chuxiao feel horrified.

"The No.1 man in the picture you see is Nie Xiaotian, the lord of the Southwest monk world who was once powerful in the southwest 400 years ago. Everyone initially commented on him as 'heroic and extraordinary, with the legacy of the sages'. Confused, after planting the heart pill, he started to collect beautiful men wantonly for his own enjoyment, not only ruined his reputation, but also became a big devil who everyone can kill."

"The second one is Ouyang Jing, the little sword god 150 years ago. He also practiced martial arts and sword arts. He is full of sword bones, proud of snow and frost. Everyone praises him for his extreme talent. After planting his heart pill, he gradually He became masculine and feminine, pretentious, and in the end, there was a scandal of showing love to his old rival, the king of swords, Xiang Zhan in public."

Every time White Mask introduces a person, Ye Chuxiao feels more pity for Jin Buyu.

Although Jin Buyu may not have been planted with a heart pill now, but this kind of thing is typical, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it.

"In the final analysis, Xindan is transformed from Wugou Tiannv's seven emotions and six desires. She suppressed it very much earlier, but once she escapes into the cauldron, it explodes with astonishing power." White Mask sighed.

Ye Chuxiao said: "Aren't there any successful examples of such a tricky method?"

"If this is the result, then why did the Wugou Heavenly Maidens of all ages succeed in succession?"

"And the monks who were selected as the 'cauldron', wouldn't they resist? Wouldn't they refuse?"

The white mask said: "Of course there are successful ones. When the cauldron furnace became famous, there was an example of rebelling against the celestial maiden just a few decades ago. Tang Sutong and the previous Wugou celestial maiden Bai Xuanjing."

"The entanglement process is difficult for outsiders to know, but Tang Sutong was able to learn many secrets of the original teaching because of being the cauldron that received the heart pill. Later, Bai Xuanjing voluntarily took back the heart pill, and was burned by the fire. Tang Sutong obtained most of Bai Xuanjing's cultivation and enlightenment blessings, soaring into the sky, surpassing many amazing monks in just a few decades, a realm that may not be reached in a hundred years."

"In contrast, if the chosen 'cauldron' is strong enough to resist the influence of Xin Dan and keep the self, then the heavenly girl is close to Tao, and the perception of simulating the realm of supreme forgetfulness will be continuously passed on to ' Cauldron', to help it quickly cross the realm of wisdom and artistic conception, go far in the uncertain realm, and even reach the legendary tenth realm."

"The heavenly girl and the cauldron are actually complementary to each other. Taikang and Yaoshannv are far away, Diaoweng and Changsunli are far away, and Luo Qiji and Tu Shanyu are close. They are all achievements of each other."

Ye Chuxiao had heard some of the names mentioned by the white mask, and some hadn't.

According to the rumors, once the cultivation base enters the tenth level, it will be another world, and it can truly achieve longevity and long-term vision.

Practice is no longer calculated in terms of years and months, but a longer-term plan.

It's just that the heavy realm is too far away from Ye Chuxiao, so it's useless to think deeply.

"Precisely because of these examples of previous generations profiting, the relationship between the goddess and the cauldron is very complicated, and it is not a simple one-way use. In other words, if it is not for the benefit of the cauldron, How can those outstanding talents be so easily planted?" The white mask's words were almost expressing Ye Chuxiao's words.

Ye Chuxiao at this moment, if he still can't recall it, he would be too stupid.

"You mean to say that Jin Buyi and Ying Shu have long been related, and that Ying Shu's arrest is actually Jin Buyi's means and strategy to fight for the initiative?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

The white mask said: "That's right! Maybe Ying Shu hasn't handed over her heart pill yet, but Jin Buyu imprisoned Ying Shu on the fifth floor of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, in order to reduce all her emotional fluctuations as much as possible, and make her heart pill feel better." power' to a minimum."

"He is preparing to resist the erosion of the heart pill after being planted with the heart pill."

"In a sense, the person who planted the pill is more passive than the person who was planted, because the goddess who planted the pill needs to maintain balance, so that the cauldron will not go crazy, and she will not allow herself to pay too much passively. And become the support of the other party. As for the cauldron, you only need to restrain and suppress Xindan's emotional outburst."

"So! You came to me just to explain to me the hidden plot behind this?" Ye Chuxiao jumped out of the original track and entered the real topic.

No matter what kind of wrestling and competition is going on between Jin Buyi and Ying Shu, what does that have to do with him, Ye Chuxiao?
The white mask smiled and said, "Isn't the main show coming soon?"

"Since you are the director of the prison, you have a certain chance to get in touch with Ying Shu smoothly."

"If you are brave enough, you can use some 'emotional support' as a bargaining chip to find her in exchange for some reward."

"And among the rewards, what you should strive for most is a sword technique."

"Longevity Sword... This is the sword technique handed down by Chu Sui, the founder of Taoism. It is so exquisite that it is beyond your current realm and level. Even on the magical ship of good fortune, there is no such thing. The records of sword skills are only from the lineage of Wugou Tiannv, which has been passed down word of mouth from generation to generation."

Ye Chuxiao said: "It seems that you want this sword technique!"

The white mask said: "I don't deny the possibility, but if I want it, I will trade with you with bargaining chips, and you...can you successfully get this set of saber techniques from Ying Shu?"

"Longevity Knife... What's so special about it? From the name, it seems to me that it's just for health preservation." Ye Chuxiao probed.

The white mask laughed loudly: "Longevity! Longevity! What is longevity? Anyone who prevents me from living will be killed. This is longevity."

"The idea of ​​the Longevity Knife is that as long as there is a stumbling block in the way of longevity, you can use the knife to cut it."

"Don't care about princes and generals, don't care about Tianjun Yan Luo, anyone who hinders longevity can be killed."

"It is the most domineering and fierce sword technique in this world."

After laughing wantonly, the white mask stared at Ye Chuxiao and said, "Looking at the way you hold the sword, you should learn the nine moves of the master of the sword. This is very good. As a basic framework, there are almost no other moves. The style is more appropriate. But do you know that the master of the sword was once defeated by the heir of the Longevity Sword!"

 The child suffered from gastroenteritis again. Since last night and early morning, the family has been surrounded by it until now. I don’t have much to say. I’m tired. Let’s go this year quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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