Chapter 95
"Since your original teaching has such a powerful inheritance, how did you mix it up with this virtue? Are you useless yourself, or are you blowing up your own inheritance too much?" Seeing the rampant white mask, Ye Chuxiao immediately poured cold water Splashed over.

Ye Chuxiao can't believe whatever the white mask says!

What's more, the master of the sword was defeated by the heir of the Longevity Sword. This statement has no beginning and no end. Who knows why?
Perhaps it is the so-called successor of the Longevity Sword who bullies the fledgling sword master.

The white mask's laughter faltered: "Do you think anyone can bear the inheritance of the Longevity Saber?"

"Whether it is a magic weapon or a unique skill, people have always been selected. I also want to mention you because you have some aptitude. In fact, you may only be able to learn a little bit of the Longevity Saber at most."

"However, even if it's just superficial, it is already a great opportunity for you."

The white mask seemed to have been completely broken by Ye Chuxiao's words.

But what he said is indeed good, and the magic skills are all for picking people.

A person with no talent, no qualifications, and no luck, if you give him a magical technique that shocks the world and weeps ghosts and gods, he can only watch.

Just like, the formula for making 'Messenger of Peace' is taught to a scumbag, can the scumbag create a 'Messenger of Peace' according to the formula?
He couldn't even read it.

However, hanging force does not have this trouble.

Just like the Nine Death Demon Art, it is not something that can be practiced easily. If Ye Chuxiao is alone, maybe he is barely getting started now and has some clues.

However, Ye Chuxiao had mastered this extremely difficult magic technique by forcefully relying on his skillful manipulation.

Thinking of his operation of crowdfunding and cultivating immortals, Ye Chuxiao had an idea about the Longevity Saber, and even more about the "Secret Biography" of the original teaching.

The opportunity is here, just looking for a 'Longevity Saber' is too small to underestimate Ye Chuxiao's greed.

It's just that how to operate it is still vague and not fully formed.

"You have said so much, and deliberately reminded me of the secret key behind this, what good is it for you...?"

"Also, who are you?" Ye Chuxiao squinted slightly, staring at the white mask and asked.

Hearing the words, the white mask laughed loudly and said, "How can an ordinary person like you understand my plan?"

"Perhaps... I just want to play a game with you? Let's see how much the little mouse can grow up to escape... the calculation."

"As for who I am! Maybe you'll know when you learn how to use the Longevity Knife and use it to slice open the mask on my face."

After the white mask finished speaking, he flicked his robe and was about to leap away.

With a handsome figure and flowing shadow and light, it has already transformed into a light-like form, about to plunge into the midair.

"Don't hide Ye Chuqi! Your tail is exposed!" Ye Chuxiao shouted loudly.

The leaving figure with the white mask paused, and the footwork of his feet was wrong by two beats. He almost fell from mid-air and hit his head on the courtyard wall.

"Ye Chuqi? Do you think I'm your drunk brother?"

"It's a good idea, maybe you can go to verify it one or two times."

After leaving two sentences, the white mask completely disappeared.

Just like when he came, it was equally difficult to detect and elusive when he left.

"It's just that I'm not Ye Chuqi, and I know me quite well. If it's just targeting me, it's necessary to have such a deep and obvious understanding of my 'incompetent' alcoholic brother?" Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Then he frowned.

Looking at this small courtyard that was originally 'warm' and 'plain', I immediately felt that the geomantic omen of this place was abnormal.

Such an unremarkable small courtyard unexpectedly gathered crossovers, crossovers and heretics.

What kind of outrageous probability is this?

The three brothers and sisters of the Ye family don't even have a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Wait! Younger sister Ye Chuyu is my early cross-border leader, and now my second brother Ye Chuqi has also jumped out to help me guide the 'opportunity'. Could it be that my golden finger is not the golden clock, but this younger brother and younger sister? "Ye Chuxiao had endless associations.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"I rely on myself!"

Returning to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Ye Chuxiao did not immediately go to contact the demon girl Ying Shu who was taught by the original purpose.

Instead, make a series of preparations in advance.

For example, if you start with illusion first, it is best to pass through the sea of ​​suffering and also enter the energy level.

With the cultivation level of an illusionist, under multiple pressures, Ye Chuxiao also has the confidence to resist the temptation of the witch.

Otherwise, if you talk rashly, you can't even talk about seeking skin with a tiger.

Ye Chuxiao, who has increasingly heavy learning tasks, lives a fulfilling life every day.

During Ye Chuxiao's study and progress, the promotion of "temporary residence permit" for crossovers was finally fully rolled out.

The Hengshan Wu family replaced the Liu family and became that benchmark.

Later, with the help of Six Doors, some of Wu's businesses directly broke through geographical restrictions and began to circulate throughout the country.

Seeing that it was profitable, various forces handed over their "crossovers" to make friends with Six Doors, thus completing the initial issuance of temporary residence permits.

With this, the six doors have also completed a large wave of resource integration, holding a large number of profit distribution chains in their hands.

Those who make platforms, even if they don’t pump water, have their hands full of oil a few times.

Naturally, driven by this wave, the six doors made a lot of money.

The imminent financial crisis is not just 'relief', but basically equal to 'solution'.

Not only has it been solved, but there is still a surplus, so we can drastically recruit troops, expand the team of the six doors, and better inspect the world.

As the instigator, Ye Chuxiao was naturally rewarded.

Because of his cultivation, he couldn't raise his level and entered the ranks of gold medal candidates.

But in terms of merit, the six doors are not stingy.

Ye Chuxiao was awarded ten great merits and two hundred minor merits.

It doesn't matter if you don't mention the role of small skills.

After all, it's just an exchange of hard currency for some cultivation.

Great merit... especially the ten great merits, which is equivalent to directly opening the top magic skills and spiritual weapons of the six doors to Ye Chuxiao.

Because the exchange 'limit' of six doors is ten great achievements.

In other words, the most expensive and valuable items are only ten great achievements.

With meritorious deeds, don't rush to spend.

Ye Chuxiao found Cui Yu first, and was going to ask Cui Yu for advice.

"The aspect of spiritual soldiers worth ten great merits is currently vacant."

"As for magical skills, to be honest, I personally think that any magical skill is not worth ten great merits, because no matter how mysterious or advanced it is, it needs matching aptitude, physique, and consumes a lot of resources. The price is not high.”

"My suggestion is to exchange for the seal of the divine weapon. This object is controlled by a strong artistic conception, and the divine weapon is fully attacked, and then the master of the talisman makes a shot to bind and block the power within a specific seal. It is the ultimate way to break the game and solve the problem." A treasure of strength." Cui Yu suggested to Ye Chuxiao in the file room.

(End of this chapter)

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