spy shadow

Chapter 414


Loach stood up straight and took orders. He knew what to do and would never startle the snake.

It is impossible for the Spies not to know about such things, and it is not surprising that they would send people to sneak in.

It would be abnormal if the spies could not be identified.

All the recruits currently selected are training. They don't have time to receive real recruit training, but they can't do without training at all. It will only be a mess. Regardless of the number of people, they have no combat effectiveness at all.

What is most lacking right now is time for training. Virgo is busy with training, and all the tasks of screening are given to Chu Lingyun.

Loach led people to stare at Yoichi Yamada, and this time he ran in by himself, so he didn't want to go out again.

Since the spies had infiltrated the Einsatzgruppen, they must spy on information, and radio stations were needed to transmit this information.

The radio station cannot be inside the Einsatzgruppen, and it cannot be hidden here, it can only be on the periphery.

Keep an eye on Yoichi Yamada and you'll be able to find his station.

Chu Lingyun continued to look through the member profiles, so many people were divided into several categories by Chu Lingyun.

First of all, those gang disciples, many of them have joined the Green Gang long ago, their origins are clear, and the possibility of the Japanese pretending to be low is very low, but whether there are any Han female cadres serving the Japanese among them also needs to be screened.
do not.

The second is those young people. They have a passion and volunteered to serve the country. We can't let them know that they are being investigated, otherwise they will only chill their hearts.

There are also some people who have some strength, or who have joined the army. Yamada Yoichi used this identity to successfully infiltrate the Rangers.

In the end, there are students or officers from Whampoa or other military academies. They have the most innocent background, and the Japanese are the least likely to pretend.

Separate the key points, and use different methods to identify different people.

It took two days for Chu Lingyun to finish reading the files of key personnel.

"Han Wen, verify the identities of these 18 people. "Chu Yuan, verify the identities of these 16 people."

"He Xiangyang, come and verify the identities of these 13 people."

Chu Lingyun convened a meeting with the intelligence team to assign tasks, and he divided the intelligence team into five teams, each with about 100 people.

Loach, Shen Hanwen, Chu Yuan, He Xiangyang, and Qiu Ruijie served as captains.

He Xiangyang and Qiu Ruijie are both the team leaders of the intelligence team, so there is nothing wrong with them being the team leader. Chu Yuan was only the team leader before, but he is Chu Lingyun's absolute confidant, and no one else has any objections to being promoted to the team leader.

As for Zhu Qing, he was the deputy head of the intelligence team and Chu Lingyun's deputy.

Zhu Qing is a lieutenant colonel and fully qualified.

The intelligence team has not been completed yet, but the framework is completely set up


The person whose name was read stood up and took the order. There were more than a dozen people in each group to be verified. After preliminary screening, there were a total of 73 suspects.

It is impossible for all of these 73 people to be spies, but if there are spies lurking, they are most likely among the more than 70 people.

At the same time, there is no guarantee that the spies must be among the more than 70 people.

Intelligence work is cumbersome to collect evidence. Fortunately, Chu Lingyun has a lot of experience in dealing with spies. As long as he finds any suspicion, he will conduct detailed verification.

This time, there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring the Red Party.

After the adaptation, although the old man has not publicly admitted, the de facto cooperation has already begun. This time, the Red Party did join the Rangers and revealed their identities.

Virgo also left them behind. The most important enemy at this time is the Japanese. No matter who they are, as long as they can kill the enemy, that is their own strength.

The entire intelligence team was in motion, and Niach was the busiest. In addition to investigating these people, he also had to keep a close eye on Yoichi Yamada, find out Yoichi Yamada's accomplices as soon as possible, and destroy the spies first.

The Shanghai Super High School is also busy at this time.

For this war, the Shanghai Super High School
A large number of people were sent to scout for useful information for the army, and they got wind of it as soon as the ranger was established.

Hasegawa sent three groups of people and successfully sneaked into the ranger.

Not to mention that every move of the Rangers is under their surveillance, but if any major event occurs, the special high school can be notified in time to notify the military to respond.

"Chairman, Chu Lingyun is here."

Hasegawa came to Mitsui Amu to make a report. Soon after Chu Lingyun came to the Rangers, a group of hidden spies discovered and reported in time.

As the biggest opponent of the Military Intelligence Department, the Super High Class has never underestimated the Military Intelligence Department, especially Chu Lingyun who has repeatedly dealt heavy blows to them.

The former head teacher, Bei Chuanming, was forced to commit suicide by Chu Lingyun. After Mitsui Amu took office, he attached great importance to this person, and he needed to report any information about him immediately.

"It's been two days?"

Amu Mitsui narrowed his eyes after reading the telegram sent by the latent agent.

"That's right, will he find our lurking people, and should he order them to lie dormant temporarily?

Hasegawa was a little worried. The shadow of a famous tree, he had suffered a lot from Chu Lingyun, and he thought he was an excellent latent plan, but he didn't expect that Chu Lingyun would quickly catch him.

If Mitsui Amu hadn't protected him, he would have been dismissed and investigated for that mistake.

Although Huang Yu was not the female cadre who instigated rebellion in their extra-high class, such an important chess piece was also found by Chu Lingyun, and he even captured the head teacher's favorite student. This person is not an ordinary person.

"No, their mission is to scout for the latest wartime intelligence, and it's meaningless to lie dormant."

Mitsui Amu refused. This is wartime, and intelligence is especially important.

What's the use of sending them in if they can't get information?
Now it's not a long-term lurking behind the enemy's rear. If the information they get is useful, the sacrifice is worth it.

Mitsui Amu didn't pay much attention to the lives of these ordinary lurkers. What he wanted was information, which was more important than anything else.

"I understand."

Hasegawa bowed his head and responded, after thinking for a while, Mitsui Amu still said: "Let them keep a low profile recently, don't report anything that is not very important."

Mitsui Amu still had scruples about Chu Lingyun, worried that reporting repeatedly would increase the risk of exposure.


Hasegawa took the order, and felt a little relieved. He only reported important information, which could indeed reduce the possibility of their exposure.

Suburbs, Ranger Headquarters.

Sitting in front of the principal, Chu Lingyun reported on his recent work.

"Besides Yoichi Yamada, there are eighteen suspects?"

The chief asked while flipping through the report. When Chu Lingyun came to the ranger, he found a hidden spy, which made him very happy.

Yoichi Yamada, who slipped through the net in Wuhan, actually ran into his ranger, really looking for death.

It can be seen that there is also a shortage of intelligence personnel in Japan, and even the intelligence personnel from Hangzhou have been transferred to Shanghai.

"At present, the 18 people have not been ruled out as suspects."

Chu Lingyun nodded. In just two days, more than half of the 70 people were eliminated. This efficiency is already very fast.

"Good job, continue to screen, there must be no Japanese spies in the ranger."

Chu Zuo praised him. Chu Lingyun was very satisfied when he found out a female undercover and so many suspects just after he arrived.

Now that the battle is tense, the ranger may go into battle at any time, so it is necessary to clean up all the female cadres inside before the battle.

"Don't worry Virgo, I will definitely find out all the women."

Chu Lingyun replied that this was his job and his task.

Although good and evil are mixed in the Einsatzgruppen, these people all come here with the heart of serving the country, and they cannot be allowed to lose their lives in vain because of the betrayal of spies.

Chu Lingyun returned to the office and continued the screening.

The office is very simple, and the temporarily expropriated houses are far less comfortable than those in Nanjing.

This is a war zone, and Chu Lingyun didn't come here to enjoy it, just a place to work.

"Section Chief, Yoichi Yamada just left."

When Niach came to report, Chu Lingyun got up immediately: "Have you watched it?"

"Keep an eye on it. We are using our own people. They are all familiar faces. There are people in front and behind. I guarantee that we will not lose track of them."

Niach hurriedly said that he is quite experienced in man marking.


Chu Lingyun took the loach and walked out. Yamada Yoichi had been in the barracks for the past few days, and he went out suddenly today, probably to deliver information.

If you keep an eye on him and find the person who connects with him, you may find the radio station.

Yoichi Yamada walked slowly. The ranger was established not long ago, and there were not many people who knew him here. This time he successfully infiltrated, and his task was to report the situation of the ranger at any time.

The Rangers were in the rear, and the Japanese army was temporarily unable to fight.

Planes could come over, but there were not enough front-line planes. At this time, it was impossible to send planes to bomb the Rangers, which were not even considered motley troops.

The resources of the Japanese army were also limited, and this battle was also fought very hard.

All the expatriates in the Japanese Concession were requisitioned, and those who could go to the battlefield were sent there, and those who could not go to the battlefield also had to help with logistics.

For Japan, this is also a big battle related to the country's destiny.They have excellent weapons, and their soldiers have stronger combat capabilities, but their number has always been their shortcoming. Now the number of Chinese soldiers on the battlefield is more than twice that of them, and they will use all the resources they can use.

Yamada Yoichi was indeed in Hangzhou before. When the war broke out, Shanghai was understaffed. He was urgently transferred to Shanghai because he used the identity of Yang Yiming to lurk before. After arriving in Shanghai, Hasegawa sent him directly to the Rangers. , Continue to lurk and spy on intelligence.

Yamada Yoichi used the reason that he had been a soldier before, and he did show some military qualities. He did not start as a soldier and was appointed as a small official.

With this identity, it is easier for him to spy on useful information.Just today, he got an important piece of information.

The Rangers came with a team of instructors, a total of 200 people, all of whom were officers. The arrival of these people could speed up the training of the Rangers and allow the Rangers to form combat effectiveness earlier.

He went out to pass on information, and at the same time asked the higher-ups to find a way to destroy the officer corps.

Although they are all lieutenants, if all these officers can be wiped out, the Rangers will be seriously injured. Not only will the speed of training be delayed, but if there is an emergency on the battlefield, it will not pose much threat to the Japanese.

There is a world of difference between a mob and a real army.

"Mr. Yang is here."

There is a small town near the Rangers. Because the Rangers are here, the business in the town has improved a lot recently, and there are a lot more people.

Most of them are nearby farmers, taking the opportunity to sell something and make some money.

There are also some people who escaped from the SH urban area. There was a war in the urban area, and most of them fled to the concession, but there were also many poor people who could not survive in the concession and fled to other places.

The extra people in the town are mixed and highly mobile, and there is more than one town near the ranger. Currently Zhu Qing is leading people to check the situation in the town.

But because of the shortage of manpower, little progress has been made.

"Mr. Yang is here."

A merchant saw Yamada Yoichi and immediately greeted him with a smile. Yamada Yoichi had been here more than once.

In fact, he has been to several nearby towns, making it impossible for Loach to tell where the person he really wants to meet is.

"Bring me two pears."


Passing by a fruit stand, Yoichi Yamada bought two pears, wiped one, and bit into it. The sweet pear juice instantly filled his mouth.

While eating and walking, at this time Chu Lingyun also arrived at the town, watching carefully with binoculars from a distance.

The telescope has lenses, so it cannot be in the sun, otherwise it will easily reflect bright light, not to mention experienced agents, even ordinary people will understand that it is not normal to see such a reflection


After eating the pears, Yoichi Yamada casually threw the pear pits into the rubbish dump by the side of the road.

He ate very cleanly, leaving only a small pear core.

"Send someone to keep an eye on the thing he just dropped, and check who can see that location.

Chu Lingyun immediately gave the order, and Niqiu beckoned to the two men, and sent them to the town to keep an eye on the things that Yamada Yoichi had just dropped.

Yamada Yoichi walked around the town and bought a pair of socks and other daily necessities besides two pears.

"Youichi Yamada left town."

Loach was also waiting and watching. Yamada Yoichi bought something and left quickly. Except for the normal communication when shopping, he did not find any contact with other people.

But Chu Lingyun understood that he might have passed on information during this process.

"Section Chief, there is movement."

Nixie said suddenly, Nixie also has a telescope in his hand, the telescope is not cheap, but this time he is going to the front line to spy on information, and Chu Lingyun has plenty of tools.

There are a total of twenty telescopes, four in each group, which is completely sufficient.Chu Lingyun immediately picked up the binoculars and looked into the town.

At the place where Yamada Yoichi threw the pear pit just now, a man in rags walked over and kept searching, but the pear pit that Yamada Yoichi lost had disappeared.

Even a beggar would not pick up a useless pear pit that has been eaten so clean.

It's gone now, apparently taken by someone.This trash picker has a problem.

"Let people keep an eye on him and see where he goes."

The Japanese are really cunning. Who would have thought that ordinary pear pits eaten could be used to transmit information. It is estimated that Yoichi Yamada took advantage of the opportunity of eating pears to hide the information in the pear pit.

How to hide, people will understand after a while.

No matter how cunning the fox is, it is useless to meet a real good hunter. This time, as long as Yoichi Yamada passes on the information, his liaison officer will not be able to escape.

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