spy shadow

Chapter 415

The trash picker finished rummaging through the garbage dump and left with a bag.

Four members of the intelligence team followed, and the trash picker arrived in a dilapidated small house outside the town, where he could no longer follow up.

"Section Chief, do you want to arrest someone?"

Nixie asked, Chu Lingyun shook his head: "He won't send the report here, just wait."

There is no electricity here, and the lonely broken house is easy to attract people. It is impossible for the spies to put the radio station here.

Not long after Chu Lingyun finished speaking, the trash picker came out again. At this time, he changed his clothes, and his appearance was quite different from the previous one.

Not only was he well dressed, he was also wearing leather shoes, and his hair was neat. If he hadn't been staring at him, he wouldn't have believed that he was the same person who picked up the rags just now.

A trash picker who suddenly changed drastically, there must be something wrong with him.

"Keep an eye on him.

Loach ordered, and several team members followed up again, hanging from a distance.

The team members under Chu Lingyun, some pretending to be farmers, and some businessmen carrying burdens, used the method of cross-tracking, and they were watching with binoculars in the distance, so this person couldn't escape.

Back in the town, the man rented a carriage and sent him to a bigger town nearby.

"Have someone go ahead and prepare."

As soon as he got into the carriage, Chu Lingyun ordered that although the speed of the carriage was not fast, it would be difficult to keep up on foot.

Moreover, there are few people in the wild, so it is easy to surprise the other party.

Several subordinates drove immediately, and when the carriage was far away, the two team members rode their bicycles hanging far away, as long as they determined the direction of the carriage, they did not need to see the carriage all the time.

When he got there, the man paid the fare and walked into a house.He was observing along the way, making sure he was safe before going in.

This house is not small, and it matches his appearance at this time. The team members who were watching in front of him reported him immediately after they found him entering.

"Get ready for action."

This should be his final destination, Chu Lingyun didn't hesitate any longer, and Ni Qian ordered people to surround the house to prevent him from escaping.

"Boom boom."

Katsui Saburo was alarmed by the knock on the door. He is Yamada Yoichi's liaison officer and also Yamada Yoichi's online.

He is Hasegawa's confidant, an intelligence agent from the Northeast, and among the hidden personnel on the ranger's side, Yamada Yoichi is very important, and Hasegawa specially sent his confidant to serve as a liaison officer.

"Who is it?"

Katsui Saburo took out his pistol and asked loudly.

"Excuse me, can I have something to eat?"

A weak voice came from outside. It was a woman's voice. Just by hearing the voice, one could tell that she was not young.

Such a voice paralyzed Saburo Katsui to a certain extent.

"No, go to another house and ask for it."

Katsui Saburo replied that many refugees escaped from Shanghai, and many of them did not bring anything with them when they escaped, so they could only beg for food and flee famine.

Such a person is not uncommon, and Saburo Katsui has met him before, and it did not arouse his suspicion.

However, he did not agree. Today Yoichi Yamada sent important information, and he wanted to send a report to the higher-ups as soon as possible, so that the higher-ups could make a decision.

Two hundred officers came from the Einsatzgruppen, which was no small matter.

With this group of officers present, the ranger's combat effectiveness can be improved a lot. If they are killed while they are still gathering and cannot be dispersed, the ranger is equivalent to abolishing half of them.

These people will greatly reduce the threat to the empire in the future.He will report this information immediately.

"I have already asked several companies, please give me something to eat, the child is about to starve to death.

Saburo Katsui frowned as he continued to beg outside.

He has no sympathy for the Chinese. The more Chinese people die, the better, so that this land can be truly owned by the empire.

But the beggar kept knocking on the door, pestering him, preventing him from sending the report.

After thinking for a while, Saburo Katsui came to the kitchen, picked up half of the remaining steamed bun, and walked to the door. He wanted to send away the people outside as soon as possible.

Outside the door, an old lady was standing nervously at the door with a child.

They are real beggars, and they are temporarily called by the loach to help. There are many such people, and they can be found casually.

Loach promised them that if he lured people out, he would give them five yuan.

Five yuan, for them now, can save their lives.

Although the legal currency depreciated after the war, five yuan can be used for a long time, and it can even make them stay away from Shanghai and find a place where they can make a living.

Even knowing that there might be danger, the old lady agreed without hesitation.

Saburo Katsui first looked at the two people outside through the crack of the door.

Immediately he opened the door, but only showed a little crack, and handed out half a steamed bun.

Before the old lady went to pick it up, the operatives hiding next to her suddenly kicked open the door, while the other firmly held Katsui Saburo's arm.


Katsui Saburo was startled, he desperately wanted to withdraw his hand, and drew his gun at the same time, but the people outside were faster, the door opened, and he was kicked away by the operatives, and the team member who held his hand pointed directly at him rushed over.

Saburo Katsui was thrown to the ground, and several other team members stepped forward and tightly controlled him.

Seeing that he couldn't break free, Saburo Katsui showed determination in his eyes, and opened his mouth to bite towards the collar.

The people who participated in the operation today were members of the fourth team of the original operation. They have rich experience in dealing with spies. Someone grabbed his collar when he fell down.

He could only bite the player's hand.

The team member didn't let go of the severe pain, but tore it off violently, tearing off his collar.

"Bang bang."

The other team members kept kicking him in the head, until Saburo Katsui kicked his head to the point of bleeding, and that player took the opportunity to withdraw his hand.

The pistol was found, his mouth was gagged, and Saburo Katsui was escorted out.

Loach personally led people to search inside, and ran out with a grenade and radio not long after.

"Section Chief, the radio station."

Sure enough, the radio station was here, but the other party did not send a report, and the information passed to him by Yoichi Yamada was found on Saburo Katsui.

The information is written on a small piece of paper, and the piece of paper is stuffed into a small white cylinder. When Yoichi Yamada ate a pear, he stuffed the small cylinder into the core of the pear, and wrapped it with a layer of pear skin .

In this way, he hid the information through the pear core and passed it on to Saburo Katsui.

Katsui Saburo kept staring there, and after Yamada Yang left, he was sure that there was no danger, and then went to collect information.

The two did not meet, nor did they have any communication, which could guarantee the greatest safety.

Katsui Saburo didn't expect that even so he was exposed, he recalled the whole process, but couldn't find the reason for his exposure.

"Loach, have you found anything around?"

After catching someone, Chu Lingyun didn't relax. The new intelligence team leader of the special high school has the habit of arranging security officers, as he did when he was in Nanjing.

If there are security officers nearby, they will definitely find out the process of Katsui Saburo's arrest.

Just before the action, Chu Lingyun asked Niqiu to conduct a secret search of the surrounding area. All the places where this house can be seen must be searched closely to see if any suspicious persons can be found.

"I checked everything, there is no suspicious person."

Loach shook his head and said, as long as they can see the people here, they will check them all, and there is no problem.

The old lady was trembling with fright at the side, Chu Lingyun asked Ni Qiang to give her money, and this time the spy was brought out, the old lady contributed a lot.

He will not renege on the promised money.

A few dollars is nothing to them, but to the old lady and the grandson beside him, it can save lives.

Perhaps because of this little money, the child in front of me can live a long way to witness the establishment of the country.

"Close the team."

Chu Lingyun ordered that the spy who was just caught needs to be interrogated as soon as possible to get a confession, and Yamada Yoichi, it's time to close the net.

he is
In the Rangers, there were many people staring at him, and it was impossible to run away.

Escorting the captured spy, the group returned to the Rangers.

There is a crude interrogation room here. Although it is simple, it has complete tools. After all, there are people from the Military Intelligence Department here, and interrogation is their old profession.


Chu Lingyun didn't ask any questions, and came up to torture directly.

Yamada Yoichi must have contacted professional Japanese agents. These people have a hard mouth and rarely confess when they come up.

Hit me first.


The torturers stepped forward excitedly, the front line was fighting, and they could not kill the enemy, so they vented all their accumulated anger on the captured spy.

Katsui Saburo quickly let out a miserable howl. Today's torturers used extra force, and after a few whips, he passed out once.

After being awakened by water, the torture continued.

"I recruit."

When the torture came to the electric chair, Saburo Katsui finally spoke. He had held on for a long time, but in the end he still failed to carry the electric chair.

The pain caused by the electric chair was worse than killing him.

"My name is Saburo Katsui, an agent of the intelligence team of the Shanghai Super High School. I was ordered to lurk here. I have only one downline, Yang Yiming. Since you have found me, you must have found him too."

Saburo Katsui said weakly, at this time he had figured it out, it was very likely that Yoichi Yamada was exposed first, which led to him being discovered later.

He was arrested just after getting the information today, the timing is too coincidental.

"Who is your upline, and how many times have you delivered information?"

Chu Lingyun asked, and Katsui Saburo replied with difficulty: "My contact is Hasegawa, the leader of our intelligence team. I have only passed on information twice when I came here, and this is the third time I was arrested."

The Rangers had not been established for a long time, and Yamada Yoichi's efficiency was good, and he even passed on information twice.

The first time was mainly about the size and members of the Rangers. There are many youth gang disciples here. His report was to draw the attention of the Japanese. The gang forces in Shanghai should not be ignored. These people will also become obstacles to the empire.

The second time was to report on the structure here. After the division divided the Rangers into five detachments, he was appointed as the team leader and learned about the entire framework structure.

This is the third time, and it is about the information about the instructors.

Yamada Yoichi didn't write many things, but it was very important. If the instructors were really wiped out by the Japanese, the blow to the Rangers would be quite severe.

"How many people did you send to the Rangers?"

Chu Lingyun continued to ask, and Katsui Saburo shook his head: "I don't know about this. Even if our team leader sends other people, we won't let us know each other's identities. In that case, if someone is exposed, everyone will be exposed."

Chu Lingyun was not surprised by this answer.

The head of the special high school and the head of the intelligence team have changed, but their rigorous style has not changed, and they will not make such low-level mistakes.

After asking about the statement, Chu Lingyun asked Saburo Katsui to sign it.

Katsui Saburo only has the line of Yamada Yoichi, and there are no other Japanese around Yamada Yoichi, so he can collect the net and catch people.

"Loach, you go and capture Yamada Yoichi."

Chu Lingyun gave the order that Niqiu should arrest people, and he would report to Chu Zuo with the confession of Saburo Katsui.

"Damn Japanese.

Seeing Saburo Katsui's confession and Yoichi Yamada's report this time, Virgo was still a little scared.

These [-] officers had come with great difficulty. They just arrived today, they were resting, and they had not been dispersed yet.

The Japanese army really wanted to receive information and send bombers. With the guidance of a female officer like Yoichi Yamada, it was really possible to wipe out the instructors.

The instructor corps is not only to train these recruits, they are also the base of middle and low-level officers of the ranger. Without them, the strength of the ranger will immediately drop a lot.

Fortunately, Chu Lingyun had discovered Yoichi Yamada a long time ago, so such serious consequences were not caused.

"Virgin, although Saburo Katsui doesn't know about the other lurking Japanese, I suspect,
There must be some of them in the ranger.

In the style of the Japanese, it is impossible to send only Yamada alone, and their people are lurking in other places.

"You're right, find them as soon as possible, and catch all the women."

Virgo nodded, he believed in Chu Lingyun's judgment, he wanted everyone to recruit soldiers this time, and it was very easy for the Japanese to sneak in.

Don't be afraid to sneak in, with Chu Lingyun around, sneaking in is equivalent to delivering food to them.

Once these Japanese come, don't even think about leaving.

"Yes, I will find them in the shortest possible time." Chu Lingyun replied.

"Don't be too tired. I heard that you are sleeping for three hours a day. This is not good. Work is important, but your body is more important. The war has just started. What if you are exhausted?"

Chu Zuo's tone suddenly softened, Chu Lingyun worked hard after arriving, he had already heard about it.

I only sleep for a while every day, and even when I eat, I analyze everyone's files, looking for their flaws and clues, to find out the hidden spies.

"Thank you Virgo, I'll keep an eye out."

Chu Lingyun nodded. He really didn't have a good rest, but now is really not the time to rest.

He knew very well that the Rangers didn't have that long of training and would soon enter the battle, so they had to unplug the hidden dangers before participating in the battle.

Otherwise, this ranger will suffer heavy losses just like in history.Loach brought people to Yamada Yoichi's camp.

Yamada Yoichi is training. He has the foundation and is the team leader. He was temporarily promoted to be an instructor, and he is leading several teams to do queue training.

"Captain Yang, come here."

While training, the squadron leader came over and waved to Yang Yamada.

Yamada Yang put the rifle in his hand and trotted over.

"Squadron leader, what's the matter?"

The squadron leader treated him well and trusted him a lot. He got the information about the instructors from this squadron leader.

"There is a new mission, you pick two smart people to get the explosives and blow up the bridge in Zhangjiagou."

The squadron leader said that this task was ordered from above, and Yang Yiming was instructed to carry it out. He was a little confused, but he still came to inform.

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