spy shadow

Chapter 417

Chapter 417
"Virgin, we have captured three latent spies. The Japanese will not send too many people to us. They are also short of manpower now. I guess there are only three or four people at most. I will continue to screen. If there are any suspects And those who are not excluded, you can temporarily not bring them to the front line."

Chu Lingyun proposed a compromise plan. At present, they are not sure how many spies are in the ranger, so they can only continue to screen while still holding on to the possibility.

After all, thousands of people will be recruited later, and among these people may continue to mix in spies.

And all the ones that were identified before belonged to the super high class.

Japan's intelligence department is not just a special high school, but also their Ministry of the Navy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and so on.

The screening of spies cannot be sloppy.

"You have a good method, so do it."

Virgo said happily, since there is suspicion, then don't bring it to the front line, so that there will be no harm.

The war is still going on, and the total strength of the fruit army from all over the country has exceeded 70.

With so many people, they still failed to open Japan's defense circle. However, the Japanese fought hard, and there were a large number of casualties in various positions every day.

But compared to the Guo army, their casualties were much less.

The old man contacted various countries, hoping that they could mediate. The countries did put a lot of pressure on Japan, but they still maintain a neutral policy in essence and will not easily intervene in the war.

The Japanese army did not make any violations of the concession, indicating that they were not willing to be enemies with them at this time.

The Japanese responded to the notes they issued, but they were still sending more troops and generals, trying to expand and consolidate Shanghai's war advantages.

Taking Shanghai is of great significance to the Japanese.

Shanghai is the largest city in China, and it is very close to the national capital Nanjing. This road has both waterways and smooth land routes, as well as railways.

Take Shanghai completely, and they can threaten the capital of China.

Once they win the capital, it means half of their victory.

In the face of such a big temptation, Japan's eyes were red from top to bottom, and it would not stop saying anything. It gritted its teeth and continued to increase its troops. No matter what, it would defeat the Chinese army.

The battle was intense, and countless people were injured and died every day. No one thought that the battle would turn out like this. Despite the superiority in numbers, the battle ended in defeat.

"Send a report to Smith, no matter what method is used and how much money is used, immediately buy up all the sulfa in the United States, and other medicines, and ship them all."

In the office, Chu Lingyun called Liu Chengzhu. After Smith returned to the United States, he prepared a high-power radio station and a relay station, so that the telegram could reach him in time.

Now is not the most impoverished time for Smith, they have this strength.

"Yes, boss."

Liu Chengzhu hurriedly responded, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Boss, you should also pay attention to your own safety."

During the war, the price of sulfa in their hands skyrocketed several times. Liu Chengzhu thought that his boss would take the opportunity to sell it for a fortune, but he didn't expect that Chu Lingyun sold it, but it was still at the original price.

Fifty boxes were given to General Zhang before, and now another fifty boxes have been released one after another, but it is still not enough.

Fortunately, they have a lot of reserves, otherwise they would not be able to deal with emergencies at all.

No matter how stupid Liu Chengzhu was, he understood that Chu Lingyun didn't earn this kind of national crisis money, and these sulfonamide reserves should be used where they should be used.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention, you too, protect the warehouse, don't be afraid to spend money, hire more people."

After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, he hung up the phone. The phone cannot be called for a long time, and it is easy to be monitored.

The company has an American background and Thomas' care. The Japanese will not do anything to the company now. After a long time, the company in the concession is also unsafe.

Chu Lingyun has already made preparations to set up a branch in Hong Kong first, and the headquarters will be transferred to Chongqing when the time is right in the future.

On the night of the 24th, the Japanese army dispatched two divisions to attack Luodian. The two divisions of the Guo army fought desperately, and one regiment lost the other. After a hard fight, the entire army was finally killed, and there were very few survivors.

They used their sacrifices to shatter the Japanese encirclement plan.

Once so many people are surrounded, the consequences will be disastrous.

The war was too tragic, every day was bad news, and a pessimistic mood also shrouded the Rangers.

"Ling Yun, the order has come, and the ranger will be dispatched at the beginning of the month."

Virgo called Chu Lingyun over alone, and had a few drinks with him. The atmosphere was very depressing at the moment, and the ranger had only ten thousand people, which was inconspicuous on the battlefield of millions of people.

Moreover, the ranger was established very late, and did not complete unified training at all. Such soldiers went to the battlefield, and the results can be imagined.

There are many college students in the Rangers, and there is also a Red Party team.

Just this month, the old man finally publicly admitted that the two parties cooperated again, brothers joined hands, and agreed to the outside world.

In addition to the army that was incorporated in the hometown, the guerrillas in the fourteen provinces in the south reorganized a new army, led by the Red Party, to launch combat missions against Japan.

"Virgin, there are still 20 suspects, let's keep these 20 people behind."

Chu Lingyun nodded lightly, this day is inevitable, the front line is tight now, and being able to train for so long is the result of Virgo's hard work.

"Yes, send someone to keep an eye on them, if it is impossible to execute them all."

There was a ruthless look in Chu Zuo's eyes, but Chu Lingyun shook his head: "No need, even if there are spies among them, they can't make waves. It's really not easy to execute their own people on a large scale at this time, it will affect morale too much."

After being silent for a while, Virgo slowly replied: "You are right, let's keep them for now."

"Virgin, I am willing to fight for you on the front line. Tomorrow, I will lead four detachments of the intelligence team into the enemy-occupied area."

There are five teams in the intelligence team, he can't take all of them away, he has to leave one by his side.

Intelligence work is just as important here.

Now the intelligence team has been expanded, and there are more than 350 people in it, and it has not yet been fully staffed.

The main reason is that Chu Lingyun is very strict in selecting people. Intelligence work is different from direct combat, and the requirements for individual abilities are stricter. If one person does something bad, the whole team may suffer.

Therefore, the replenishment of intelligence team personnel is very slow.

"Okay, but you must be careful. Remember, intelligence is optional, your safety is the most important thing."

Virgo hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded.

He really urgently needs the intelligence ahead, whether it is his own side or the enemy, intelligence is very critical.

Using intelligence well can not only reduce their losses, but also severely injure the enemy.

He didn't expect the Rangers to win any great battles, as long as they didn't suffer too many losses, this was the army he had just built, and he didn't want to lose it all before it was warmed up.

"Thank you Virgo, I will pay attention to safety."

Chu Lingyun's expression was serious. Entering the enemy-occupied area to spy information was completely different from the spy spy investigation before. That was not their home field. Once discovered, everyone might perish.

Chu Lingyun took away 280 people from the fourth team, leaving Chu Yuan behind.

Chu Yuan was very unhappy about this, and strongly demanded to stay by Chu Lingyun's side, but Chu Lingyun sternly refused.

Chu Yuan is capable, but in terms of action, Chu Lingyun is not short of good players, so there is no need to use him.

His ability to investigate intelligence is not as good as that of Loach.

The most important point is that this mission is too dangerous, Chu Lingyun doesn't want Chu Yuan to take risks with him.

The 280 people were broken into parts and sneaked into different enemy-occupied areas in batches with teams as units.

Their mission was to obtain the Japanese army's layout, use limited information, analyze the Japanese army's next move, and then submit the summary to Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun led the Loach Squad, plus he had a total of 70 people, most of them were members of the fourth action group.

Chu Lingyun completely believed in these people, and they had followed him for a long time. Chu Lingyun knew their abilities very well, and being surrounded by familiar people could make him get twice the result with half the effort.

Before leaving, Chu Lingyun sent telegrams to Liang Yu, Tian Pei and Zhang Acheng respectively.

To let them have important information, they must contact me in time, and also send a report to Liu Chengzhu, asking him to arrange Feng Yong and others, and use them immediately when necessary.

Chu Lingyun will use everything that can be used.

"Section Chief, it's arranged, let's go."

Niach said to Chu Lingyun, Chu Lingyun nodded lightly, everyone did not drive, they walked completely, some were dressed as beggars, some were dressed as ordinary people, and some were dressed as farmers.

Before that, Chu Lingyun asked Niach to conduct a detailed investigation of part of the situation in the enemy-occupied area.

In order to be able to have a suitable cover identity.

After entering the enemy-occupied area, everyone communicated through a single line, and finally gathered the information to Chu Lingyun. At the same time, Chu Lingyun was also the central brain of everyone, giving them the latest wartime instructions.

Each team brought two radios. Besides, there were also a large number of precision weapons, including pistols and grenades.

Poison was also put on everyone's collar. Once they might be arrested, they should take the poison and kill themselves immediately. Don't let yourself fall into the hands of the Japanese, let alone become a traitor.


Chu Lingyun shouted, and everyone set off one after another. Chu Lingyun was dressed as a rich man, and his appearance changed a little.

Not only him, but the appearance of Ni Qiang and the others also changed.

The Japanese have been paying attention to them for a long time, especially the super high class. If they want to go out in their original appearance, they may be discovered by the super high class people.

This small change is easy.


Xu Yi stood behind, talking in a low voice, sitting on a high place watching Chu Lingyun and the others leave from a distance, and did not see them off in person.

Besides Xu Yi, He Nian was also there.

"Virgin, other people will go, why do you agree to let Chu Lingyun go there in person?"

He Nian complained in a low voice that the enemy-occupied area is not here, and they will face all kinds of dangers there. In addition to being discovered, they may be bullied and massacred by the Japanese inexplicably.

Moreover, the enemy-occupied area was very chaotic, there were more thieves, and some traitors who surrendered to the Japanese committed crimes. If anything went wrong, Chu Lingyun's life would be in danger.

"If he doesn't go, can others do things with their heart?"

Virgo sighed, Xu Yi noticed that Virgo's eyes were slightly moist.

Chu Lingyun's status in the hearts of Virgos indeed surpassed him, if he led the team there, Virgos would not reveal their true feelings so much.

He already understood the meaning of Virgo, as Chu Lingyun was the leader of the wartime intelligence team, if he didn't go, the people under him would definitely have opinions and even negative emotions.

Their task is very important, to find out the enemy's intelligence, especially to provide more intelligence support for the future battles of the Rangers.

"Let's get ready too, we will be on the battlefield soon."

Chu Zuo said faintly, the ranger will set off soon, the old man sent an order to make him ready for battle, and they will set off in three days.

These new recruits are about to face their biggest test.

The four teams were divided into four places, and what Chu Lingyun was going to was the most dangerous enemy-occupied area, Baoshan.

This place has basically been controlled by the Japanese military, and it can be said that it is even more difficult to spy on intelligence here.


Before entering the enemy-occupied area, Chu Lingyun first went to Chen Mutu's headquarters. Chen Mutu watched the huge pressure here and did not let the Japanese attack upstream along the river.

"General Chen."

Chu Lingyun clasped his fists, the road was full of dust, encountered several dangers on the road, and he finally brought people here.

"Why are you here? Could it be that even you were sent to the battlefield, isn't this nonsense?"

Chen Mutu's expression was gloomy, and he was shocked to learn that Chu Lingyun was visiting. If he hadn't taken a large amount of sulfonamide from Chu Lingyun in this battle, many people would probably have died.

Chen Mutu was not stingy, and he would give some support to the other party wherever it was needed. In addition, Chu Lingyun kept releasing goods, and the phenomenon of a large number of dead people infected due to infection in history has been reduced a lot.

But even with enough sulfa, many people still died.

There were too many wounded and not enough doctors, and many soldiers could only watch their comrades die.

These days, it is these soldiers who cry the most.

"General Chen, I asked to come here on my own initiative."

Chu Lingyun hurriedly explained, but General Chen was suspicious.

There is another reason why Chu Lingyun came to find Chen Mutu. This place is the closest to Chen Mutu, followed by General Zhu who succeeded General Zhang. If he found useful information, he would not report it to the chief, but to them.

Fighters are fleeting on the battlefield, and there is not so much time to pass them back and forth.

Zhu Qing has already contacted General Zhu. He has a little relationship with General Zhu, so it is most appropriate for him to go.

After Chu Lingyun explained the situation clearly, Chen Mutu looked at him in a daze.

After a while, Chen Mutu gave a thumbs up: "Ling Yun, it seems that I still underestimate you. Yes, you look like a soldier, not afraid of danger, not afraid of sacrifice, you work hard, don't worry, as long as you have useful information, I will I will not let your blood flow in vain."

"Thank you General Chen, I won't stay here for long."

Chu Lingyun cupped his fists, didn't even take a sip of water, left the codebook for Chen Mutu, and immediately took the people away.

"This is the real national soldier."

Staring at Chu Lingyun's back, Chen Mutu said quietly, he knew how dangerous Chu Lingyun's mission was, and it could be said to be close to death.

If it wasn't for the sake of keeping it secret, he even wanted to send Chu Lingyun there directly.

 The second update, there is an update today, and it will be updated at [-] o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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