spy shadow

Chapter 418 Timely Information

The control over Baoshan was very strict, and with so many people in Chu Lingyun, it was not easy to sneak in.

From the very beginning, Chu Lingyun had no intention of bringing everyone in.

Seventy people, he left forty people on the periphery, and left a radio station, which can be contacted at any time.

40 people carried out investigations on the periphery, and only 30 people actually entered the enemy-occupied area to inquire about intelligence.

30 people were divided into three groups of ten people each.

Chu Lingyun led a group of people, Ni Qiang led a group, and Ni Qiang's group pretended to be fishermen. There are many fishermen here in Baoshan. Now the Japanese do not let them go out of the boat, and these fishermen are all staying at home.

But fishermen also have to eat. Many fishermen think of ways to fish secretly or do other things to maintain the lives of their families.

Another group of people broke up again and pretended to be different people. They would stay on guard and mainly record the passing Japanese or their transport team.

Chu Lingyun pretended to be a businessman.Not Chinese businessmen, but Japanese businessmen.

Chu Lingyun speaks Japanese well and knows the Japanese people very well, so he pretended to be a poor classmate that Tomotaka Hosokawa once knew.

I have the appearance of this person in my memory, and I know his information, if it is only used by the enemy's rear, it is enough for the time being.

As for Hosokawa Zhitaka, Chu Lingyun didn't intend to use this identity.

This identity is good, but too sensitive.

If he shows up and is discovered, he will definitely be taken to the Japanese Concession or a safer place, and may even be forcibly sent back to China.Chu Lingyun couldn't take this risk, so he could only give up.


After entering the enemy-occupied area, it didn't take long to encounter a group of Japanese soldiers patrolling. Not all the people led by Chu Lingyun could speak Japanese, and he only had three of them who could speak Japanese.

And he speaks Japanese the best.

A group of them pushed a few cars, which were very conspicuous, and they were immediately spotted by Japanese soldiers.

"My lord, I am Ishihara Hiroshi, and I have brought some goods to sell."

Chu Lingyun's authentic Kansai dialect really frightened the second lieutenant of the Japanese army. The second lieutenant looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Where's your identity certificate?"

"Yes, I have.

Chu Lingyun took out his identity certificate. He thought of this day before and asked Liu Chengzhu to spend money to help him apply for several Japanese identities.

Besides this, there are others.

There was ten yen in the identity certificate, and seeing the money, the second lieutenant's expression eased a lot, and he secretly held the money in his palm.

"What's on the car, and where did it come from?"

The second lieutenant asked, Chu Lingyun took the initiative to let someone open the car: "Look.

There are four cars in total, all of which are full of sweet potatoes, which cannot be carried here

Real food, even if others believe that he is Japanese, the food will be confiscated.

Only those humble coarse grains can be kept.

"Is there anything else down here?"

The second lieutenant continued to ask, but Chu Lingyun shook his head: "No, I promise not."

The second lieutenant didn't believe it, and ordered his subordinates to remove the sweet potatoes on the top. Sure enough, some cigarettes, matches and other in-demand items were exposed underneath.

"My lord, this is yours and everyone's."

Chu Lingyun immediately took out some cigarettes, each of them stuffed one, and the second lieutenant who led the team directly gave two.

"That's about it, let's go."

The second lieutenant nodded in satisfaction, and pulled a few carts of sweet potatoes to sell. The ghosts would believe that these carts of sweet potatoes were not worth ten yen. The boy just put out so much money, it couldn't be for the sale of sweet potatoes.

Sure enough, there was something underneath.

This is normal, and he has gained some benefits, the second lieutenant is very satisfied.

The Japanese army's combat capability is strong, but their military discipline is not very good, otherwise they would not have massacred Ji Sanguang and other insane things.

After passing the pass, Chu Lingyun led the people to move forward.

For this battle, Chu Lingyun made a lot of preparations, including the terrain of the entire Shanghai. When Chu Yuan investigated Liu Dazhuang's family, he had

Having been here before, this time Chu Lingyun questioned him in detail.

There is a fishing village in front of it, which was hit by a disaster before, but now there are not many houses, and there are many dilapidated and broken houses.

There is his temporary shelter.

"Rest and eat first, and start the mission tomorrow.

There are not only cigarettes in the car, but also a lot of things. Chu Lingyun told everyone to cultivate themselves, and they must not be careless every second in the enemy-occupied area.


Several subordinates immediately separated to work, and they admired their section chief even more.

He speaks Japanese so well that even the Japanese can be fooled.

In addition to these supplies, their weapons were also hidden in the car. If they were discovered, they might suffer disaster when they first entered.

In addition to weapons, there are radio stations.

You must be careful when using radio stations in enemy-occupied areas, and you cannot turn on the radio for a long time. They brought several batteries to deal with the situation of no power.

After a night of rest, Chu Lingyun began to assign tasks early the next morning.

Two team members were sent to a hidden forest. Their task was to observe passing Japanese soldiers with binoculars, including their clothes, weapons they carried, and their marching speed.

This information is inconspicuous, but when put together, it allows Chu Lingyun to make a lot of judgments.

In addition to observation, it is also necessary to actively detect intelligence.His Japanese is the best, and these can only be done by himself.

The atmosphere in the enemy-occupied area was very depressing, and everyone he saw on the road was walking in a hurry. When Chu Lingyun came to a town, there were not many shops open here, and the business was very poor.

Chu Lingyun found a good location, an unopened shop, and knocked on the door directly.

A middle-aged man opened the door carefully.

"Are you the boss here?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"I am, what's the matter with you?"

"Is your shop rented out?"

Chu Lingyun asked directly, that was just a temporary foothold before, and he had to find a more suitable place.

It's not bad here, renting it can sell the things he brought and use it as a stronghold.

"Rent, do you want to rent?"

The man hurriedly replied that when the Japanese came, no one dared to go out now. His shop was closed for two months, and the loss was not small.

At this time, someone wants to rent, how can he refuse. "I rent it, but the rent is cheaper."

After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, he added a few sentences in Japanese. Hearing him speak Japanese, the man's face suddenly turned pale.

"Okay, okay, no problem, you can give as much as you want.

The other party was Japanese, and the Japanese were the last ones to offend at this time. Even if they didn't give money, he didn't dare to ask for it.

Chu Lingyun finally gave him a low price, not even one-fifth of the usual price.

Even if the situation is different now, the rent that Chu Lingyun gave is indeed not high, but he has to do this. He is now wearing the cloak of a Japanese businessman, and paying normal rent will definitely attract suspicion.

After paying the money, Chu Lingyun drove the landlord away and ordered someone to place them
goods, this stronghold is considered complete.

Chu Lingyun is very clear that such a stronghold is very risky, but at this time he has no better way, he must have a suitable stronghold to facilitate what he will do next.

Such a stronghold should not stay for too long. Chu Lingyun prepared multiple identities this time, in order to deal with various emergencies.

Three days later, Chu Lingyun was standing at the door, and three Japanese soldiers came staggeringly.

"Ishihara-kun, take a piece of soap, the most fragrant kind."


Chu Lingyun immediately went into the store and brought a piece of soap for each of them.

"How much?"

"Xita-kun, you are a regular customer, just give me a cost price.

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, his Japanese made these Japanese soldiers feel very friendly, only pure Japanese can speak such fluent Japanese.

"Yes, Ishihara-kun, when I come back this time, I will take care of your business.

"How many days are you going out this time?"

Chu Lingyun collected money in change and asked casually.

"Up to five days, don't worry, I will definitely come back alive this time, we are well prepared.

Kensuke Xita said confidently that he didn't know that his words were completely recorded by Chu Lingyun.

This small shop has only been open for a few days, and because of Chu Lingyun's fake Japanese identity, it has attracted many Japanese soldiers.

But Chu Lingyun's goods have different prices for Japanese and Chinese.

The prices for the Japanese are all low. If the Chinese buy it, they have to increase it by at least three times, which makes many Japanese around them very satisfied. Gradually, many people will choose to buy things here.

After closing the door at night, Chu Lingyun immediately came to the backyard.

"Give me the information on the other teams."

Chu Lingyun gave orders to his opponent, and the loach managed to stand still. They were pretending to be fishermen, and they were by the river at this time.

According to Loach's investigation, several Japanese brigades stationed by the river have been mobilized in the past two days.

The specific information will definitely not be detected, and it is not easy to know that they have been transferred.

In addition to Chu Lingyun's investigation over the past few days, as well as what the Japanese soldiers inadvertently leaked when they came to the store, Chu Lingyun compiled all the information together, and immediately discovered that the Japanese army was dispatching troops to Liuhe.

Those stationed at Liuhe were precisely Chen Mutu's troops.

"Ready to send the report."

After being silent for half an hour, Chu Lingyun gave another order. Just now, his subordinates took out the radio, knowing that the section chief was going to send a report today.

"We have found out that the Japanese Eguchi, Changyu and other units are gathering. It is estimated that three to four regiments are moving towards your unit. The attack time is estimated to be tomorrow. Their combat plan is about five days. Please take precautions."

After the telegram was sent, the operator immediately shut down the phone and hid the radio station.

"Boss, the General has sent a secret message.

Chen Shouquan got the message and hurried to the war room. Chen Mutu's scouts also noticed the abnormality of the enemy and were guessing their purpose.

Gan Jiang is Chu Lingyun's temporary code name, and his real name cannot be used here.

After reading the telegram, Chen Mutu snorted coldly: "Good job, now that we know their strength, time, and direction of attack, we will wait carefully."

Chu Lingyun's telegram was too timely. Chen Mutu's scouts were very powerful, but they couldn't find out the exact timing of the enemy's attack.

Chu Lingyun gave him a specific time, as well as the strength of the troops and the direction of attack, which surprised Chen Mutu.

It's only been a few days, and he actually detected such important information?
Knowing yourself and the enemy is very important in a war. If he knows the enemy's deployment in advance, he can make a correct response, so that he won't be in a hurry after the war starts.

Because of the lack of intelligence, many of the previous battles were confused and failed.

In the early morning of the next day, the Japanese army dispatched three regiments from Jiangkou, first with artillery, and then with the Japanese army's charge.

One regiment of the Japanese army has nearly 4000 people, and three regiments have more than 1 people, which is half a division.

Their planned attack time was five days. Chen Mutu learned the information and made arrangements in advance. After the enemy bombarded and attacked, he immediately gave them a head-on blow.

For three days in a row, the Japanese army failed to move forward and was all repelled by Chen Mutu.

On the fifth day, the Japanese army really withdrew. Although Chen Mutu suffered a lot of losses this time, he blocked the Japanese army's charge and made a correct response in advance, so his battle damage was not that high.

From this partial battle alone, Chen Mutu was the victor, and he wiped out hundreds of Japanese soldiers, and injured more than 1000 people. It was a complete victory.

The old man was very happy to receive this news, and immediately summoned the whole army.

As for Chen Mutu's loss, the old man didn't mention a single word. Even with the preparation in advance this time, Chen Mutu's loss was still [-] times that of the Japanese army.

The combat capability of the Japanese army is indeed stronger than that of the Guo army.

"I didn't expect Ling Yun to make such a great contribution so soon.

Virgo was very happy to receive the old man's commendation, but unfortunately, he looked sad after not smiling for a while.

The Rangers were sent up, and the five detachments went to support the battle, and they suffered heavy losses as soon as they arrived on the battlefield.

Especially the second detachment, nearly 500 people were killed and injured, and the battle loss rate was as high as 20.00%.

Several other detachments, together, also lost more than 500 people.

It's just the beginning, and [-]% of his Ranger team has been lost in the battle, so how can we fight the rest of the battle.

Even if the losses are huge, the Rangers cannot withdraw. What makes everyone angry is that they are not a regular army, and they perform tasks such as guerrilla warfare and sabotage.

But when they got to the place, the commanders didn't care how many they had, they treated them like regular troops and sent them to the front line
on top.

Many soldiers who participated in the battle for the first time were frightened and stupid when they arrived on the battlefield.

If it hadn't been for the cooperation of the intelligence team the day before yesterday, they had destroyed a transport team of the Japanese army, and the ranger had only suffered losses recently, but had no military exploits.

And all the combat achievements he got now came from Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun's intelligence team dispatched 280 people, and now they have lost more than 20 people. Fortunately, Chu Lingyun is fine. If something happens to Chu Lingyun, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Although it was to help Chen Mutu provide information this time, it is also the credit of their Rangers to achieve such a victory.

With these credits, he can also explain to the old man.

Rangers are not motley troops, they can also attack the enemy, and they can also make meritorious deeds.

Chu Lingyun knew the result of the battle earlier than Virgo.

Many wounded soldiers returned to the station. The failure of this attack had a certain impact on the morale of the Japanese army.

So many people were mobilized. Before the war, the Japanese army was generally optimistic, thinking that they could win the battle, but they were blocked back, losing troops and losing generals.

Kensuke Kita, who had vowed before that he would definitely come back, did come back, but he was carried back. His comrades told Chu Lingyun the sad news. Chu Lingyun's eyes were red, and he looked very sad.

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