spy shadow

Chapter 452

Unable to find evidence, Mitsui Amu became even more irritable.

He now hopes that Hasegawa is a traitor, he has no trust in Hasegawa, and the traitor is the best reason to get rid of him.

Hasegawa knew a lot about him, and Mitsui Amu would not let him leave the super high school alive.

Teng Zhong left excitedly, he could see that the section chief had no patience with Hasegawa.

Even if there is no problem, Hasegawa is finished. If there is a problem, he will definitely die.

In the public concession, Jiang Tengkong, who changed his clothes and made a disguise, came to Tian Pei.

Tian Pei is still Jiang Tengkong's liaison officer. Jiang Tengkong's status has declined recently, but he is still the top of the special high school, and his liaison officer has not changed.

Virgo promised him to be a liaison officer for another year, so he was transferred back to serve as the section chief of a small department.

"What's up?"

When he came to the hidden room, Jiang Tengkong immediately asked, he saw the emergency signal and came here to connect.

"Group Leader Chu asked you to go to the concession tomorrow. He wants to see you. Here is the time and address. You can't take it with you."

Tian Pei replied and gave him a note, Jiang Tengkong quickly memorized it and returned the note to Tian Pei.

"Where's Chuchu's new photo?" "You love, I'll get it for you."

Tian Pei burned the note, shook his head with a smile, and when the Military Intelligence Department withdrew, Lan Chuchu was taken to Wuhan.

Before Jiang Tengkong asked Lan Chuchu to take new photos of him after he arrived in Wuhan.

The photos were quickly brought, not in the city, but outside.

It's the riverside in Wuhan. Lan Chuchu smiled brightly. It could be seen that he was in a good mood. Jiang Tengkong knew this place was the place where he and Lan Chuchu met before.

"You guys have a heart."

Jiang Tengkong was relieved when he saw the photo. Lan Chuchu was fair and white, and even a little fatter than before. It could be seen that the Military Intelligence Department did not treat him badly.

"Do your part and he'll be fine." "I know what to do."

Jiang Tengkong put down the photo reluctantly and hurried away. He was not surprised that Chu Lingyun wanted to see him.

Chu Lingyun used too many tricks, since he helped him get to the top this time, he will definitely give him new instructions.

In the special high class, Mitsui Amu has no mind to do other things at all now.

It is not scary for someone to be arrested, even if they rebel, but after being arrested, they are released again, and two groups of people are released in a row.

The two groups bit each other again, accusing each other of being traitors. Jiang Tengkong could imagine how upset Mitsui Amu was now.

Whether to kill or not to kill, to use or not to use, these things occupied a lot of his mind.

Mitsui Amu is not a good person, but fortunately he has self-knowledge, understands that he cannot be his confidant, and speaks straightforwardly.

Now they are more like a cooperative relationship. Jiang Tengkong helped him investigate the truth, and then Amu Mitsui asked him to be the intelligence team leader and stabilize the special high class together.

Jiang Tengkong knew that as long as Mitsui Amu was free, he would definitely continue to deal with him.

But with the help of the Chinese, Jiang Tengkong really didn't have much to worry about.

From what happened this time, it can be seen that Mitsui Amu is not Chu Lingyun's opponent at all, and Mitsui Amu has been devastated by a single Hasegawa. According to his understanding of Chu Lingyun, there must be follow-up methods.

In Yanzhou, Mr. Ke is sitting in his office.

He was flipping through an important telegram, which was sent by a trump card agent of the Red Party lurking in Shanghai.

The telegram is very important, and Mr. Ke himself translated it to avoid leakage.

The person who sent the telegram was Yuan Yida, who joined the party in his early years and has been providing important information for our party. He is not only our party's trump card agent, but also has multiple identities.

He has a name in the Military Intelligence Department and the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

Moreover, he has a very good relationship with the Japanese. He is currently working for the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has a very important status.

The telegram he sent this time told about a very important matter.

He needs the approval of the organization for this matter, Ke Gongjing
After consideration, I decided to go to Shanghai in person.

For many things, it is not convenient to communicate by text, it is better to meet directly.

Ke Gong wrote two telegram codes, checked them carefully and shouted: "Come here."

The correspondent ran in immediately.

"Let the telecommunications room send these two telegrams."

Ke Gong handed the password to the messenger, but the messenger didn't even look at it, and immediately ran out to convey Ke Gong's order.

Two telegrams, one to Yuan Yida and the other to Secretary Wang in Shanghai.

Ke Gong asked Secretary Wang to tell Lao Zheng that if he saw Cyclonus 1 again, could he make an appointment with Cyclonus 1 in mid-January next year, he wanted to meet Cyclonus 1 in person.

The two telegrams are very important, so only the password is sent, and even the person in the telecommunications room does not know what the content is.

Wuhan, Military Intelligence Department.

Virgo also held a telegram, and after reading it, he slapped his thigh fiercely: "Great, Li Min, get ready, I want to go to Shanghai as soon as possible."

"Virgo, how do you have time to go to Shanghai now?"

Secretary Qi hurriedly replied that there are a lot of things going on in Wuhan now. After the Japanese occupied Nanjing, they did not stop and were advancing towards Wuhan.

Although they failed to occupy China within three months, they will not delay too long and strive to eat the elephant in one go.

The situation in Wuhan is very tense right now, and Virgo is in charge of intelligence, so many things cannot be separated from him, and the old man calls him away every now and then.

"You're right, but this matter is very important."

Virgo was a little hesitant, the telegram was translated by Secretary Qi himself, he understood what was going on.

In the entire military intelligence department, Secretary Qi is the only person who can be trusted by the division.

"Can you let him come to Wuhan?" "No?"

Virgo resolutely refused that no one knew about it. After the incident in Peking, Virgo once met a person in Shanghai and entrusted him with a heavy responsibility.

This person is Yuan Yida. He works for the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the Battle of Husong, he once ventured to the Japanese army station to investigate personally.
Provided a lot of important information.

He is a latent agent secretly developed by Virgo himself. Only he and Secretary Qi in the Military Intelligence Department know of the existence of this person, including Xu Yi and Chu Lingyun.

His existence is the top secret among the top secrets, and he must not come to Wuhan at this time.

"The matter he reported this time is very important. I will report to the chairman first before making a decision."

Virgo will eventually go to Shanghai. Although it is indeed very busy here, he can't find time. Moreover, when he arrives in Shanghai, he can meet Chen Shu and Chu Lingyun by the way, and arrange work in Shanghai. "yes."

Secretary Qi bowed his head and replied, the sanction of the Han female cadres in Shanghai has not yet ended, and Chen Shu and Chu Lingyun have not continued to proceed recently, mainly because the assassination in the urban area is too dangerous, without complete assurance, neither of them will rashly shot.

The next day, Shanghai.

Jiang Tengkong disguised himself and came to a teahouse in the International Settlement.

This is Ran Wu's territory. Today Ran Wu specially led people to patrol nearby. If something happens, he is always available for support.

Shen Hanwen also brought a lot of people to ambush around to make sure everything was safe.

But Jiang Tengkong's identity is top secret, they are far away, not close, no one can see Chu Lingyun and Jiang Teng

empty meet.Except loach.

"follow me."

Niach had been staring at the door for a long time, and when he saw Jiang Tengkong coming in in disguise, he immediately stepped forward.

In the notice to Jiang Tengkong yesterday, there was a requirement for him to dress, so that even if he couldn't see his face, he could know that it was him who came.

Jiang Tengkong glanced at Niach, and followed him into a private room.There is no one in the private room, but the tea set and tea leaves are arranged.

Niach searched Jiang Tengkong. Jiang Tengkong was honest and did not carry any weapons.

After closing the door, Niqiu went outside to check the situation in person to make sure that no one else was following Jiang Tengkong.

Although Jiang Tengkong had provided a lot of important information and had already been unable to get off the ship, he still had to take precautions. The safety of the team leader was the most important thing, and he couldn't be careless.

"Captain, no problem."

After careful inspection, Niach came to another room and whispered back to Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun came to a shelf, and washed his face well with the water in the washbasin. He didn't use his own appearance just now, and made a simple disguise.

Even if someone came over, he would not be recognized.

Seeing Chu Lingyun coming in, Jiang Tengkong got up immediately.

Loach was standing guard outside the door. His mobility was not good enough, but he could still warn in time.

"How was your injury last time?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile, Jiang Tengkong hurriedly replied: "There is no serious problem, thank you for your help, let me resolve the crisis."

"You're welcome, we are our own people now, as it should be."

Chu Lingyun started to make tea, Jiang Tengkong took the initiative to ask: "Is it because of Hasegawa that you asked me to come this time?"

"That's right, what did Mitsui Amu promise to you?"

Chu Lingyun generously admitted, but Jiang Tengkong said with a smile: "If you really can't hide anything from you, Mitsui asked me to find out the truth, and then promoted me to be the intelligence team leader."

"As expected, but you are still not the most satisfactory candidate for him. If you force yourself to sit in this position, I'm afraid it will be dangerous in the future."

"I understand. Is there any way you can get me out of this predicament."

"It's very simple. You don't want to be the leader of the intelligence team. You ask to go to the action team and be the leader of the action team."

Chu Lingyun looked at him, while Jiang Tengkong frowned: "Tengzhong of the operation team was personally appointed by Section Chief Tuyuan, even Mitsui Amu can't dismiss him casually."

"You don't have to worry about this, since Tengzhong blocked your position, just get rid of him."

Chu Lingyun smiled and Jiang Tengkong's heart shuddered.

It seems that this time not only Hasegawa will be doomed, but Lian Tengzhong, the operation team leader, will also be unlucky. The intelligence team leader and the operation team leader of the special advanced class have been replaced repeatedly in the past year.

"You go to the action team again, Mitsui Amu will not attack you again." Chu Lingyun said.

"I understand that after this mission, I will give up the intelligence team and take the initiative to go to the action team."

If Jiang Tengkong went to the action team, nothing would happen. Mitsui Amu had already wanted to attack him once before, and such a thing could not happen a second time.

Otherwise, no matter how honest people are, they will fight back, not to mention that this time Jiang Tengkong was transferred after his meritorious service, which was promised by Mitsui Amu himself.

"Here, I'm sure you have a way of explaining where it came from."

Chu Lingyun took out a photo, and Jiang Tengkong immediately took it, and after looking at it, he froze for a moment.

He knew the person in the photo, Ishizawa Koyasu, and Ishizawa Koyasu was holding a gun and killed a soldier in a Japanese military uniform.

There were several people beside Shi Zeguangtai, one of whom showed his face was Zhu Qing, the deputy leader of the wartime intelligence team.

There are photos of Zhu Qing in the special high school.

Jiang Tengkong thought this photo was Hasegawa's incriminating evidence.
Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Ishizawa Kotai.

"Since the traitor is Ishizawa, what about Hasegawa, did he really escape?"

Jiang Tengkong said before that he didn't believe Hasegawa could escape, and now he just wanted to verify his guess.

"I'll give you this too, but I won't take it out now. I'll send you a signal later, and hand it over after seeing the signal."

Chu Lingyun took out a photo again, which showed four people.Photo of the four writing the Pledge of Allegiance together.

Sure enough, Hasegawa betrayed the empire, and these two groups were all arranged by Chu Lingyun.

Poor Mitsui Amu is still having a headache as to how to deal with these traitors, or which group of traitors to believe, I don't know all of them.

"Yes, I will obey your orders."

Jiang Tengkong said respectfully, he is not hypocritical, he is true

He admired Chu Lingyun from the bottom of his heart, but at the same time he was afraid.

Both Hasegawa and Shi Ze have already surrendered, but now they are used as abandoned sons to promote themselves as superiors, this must have a lot of courage.

Intelligence team leader, how difficult it is to become an insider.

And he had the opportunity to take over as the leader of the intelligence team, but he was also asked to give up, just to let him avoid future dangers.

From this point alone, Jiang Tengkong was moved.He is in the intelligence team, far less safe than going to the action team.

"Remember, make arrangements after receiving the signal, and don't make mistakes." Chu Lingyun urged.

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Jiang Tengkong nodded immediately, hesitated for a while, and asked carefully: "After this task is completed, can I meet Chuchu?"

"Wait until next time. Now is not the time. I will arrange for you to meet in half a year at the latest."

Chu Lingyun shook his head lightly, he was still fighting right now, so there was no time for him to meet his little lover.

But it can't discourage his enthusiasm. Jiang Tengkong will still have a great role in the future, so he must be given some hope and sweetness.

"Okay, half a year then."

Jiang Tengkong happily replied that he had no hope at first, but he didn't expect Chu Lingyun to agree this time.

Although he had to wait for half a year, but half a year is not long, he has waited.

"Go back, be careful on the road, Ishizawa Koyasu will be exposed in three days."

Chu Lingyun instructed that the first step of the plan was very successful, and the second step of the plan will be carried out immediately.

In Chu Lingyun's vision, Jiang Tengkong couldn't go to the intelligence team, so he was asked to voluntarily give up his position as the intelligence team leader and choose the action team he had worked in before.

After Jiang Tengkong gave up, unless Amu Mitsui continued to
Tune people.

Otherwise, he can only choose among the existing people. The people he can choose are limited, and Ishida Koyama has the highest possibility.

It was far better for Ishida Xiaoshan to take over the intelligence team than Jiang Tengkong was in the intelligence team.

Next, Ishida Koyama also needs a credit for him to be promoted to the military rank so that he can take over smoothly.

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