spy shadow

Chapter 453

Jiang Tengkong got dressed, put on his hat, hung up his scarf, and left through the back door of the teahouse.

There was no one there, who could reduce the attention to him even less.

Before returning to the residence, Jiang Tengkong hid the photo of Hasegawa and the others. He couldn't take this photo back, it was too dangerous, and he would take it when needed.

As for the photo of Ishizawa Koyasu, he needs a suitable reason to give it to Mitsui Amu.

For him, such a reason can be found, but it is not easy.

Photos like this will be stored in the most rigorous place of the Military Intelligence Department, and ordinary people will never have access to them.

If he couldn't explain the source of the photos clearly, Mitsui Amu would definitely suspect him.

Fortunately, when he left, Chu Lingyun also gave him the letter of loyalty written by Shi Zeguangtai, and Chu Lingyun no longer needed these things.

What's more, there is more than one photo.

Jiang Tengkong's plan was to find a dead ghost to escort the photos to Wuhan, but he was intercepted by his men on the way, and then accidentally killed the special agent of the Military Intelligence Department.

For important evidence like this, they have to send it to the headquarters for backup,

In this way, the identity of the 'agent' will not arouse suspicion from others.

As for Chu Lingyun, he would definitely help him cover up and admit that the person who was killed belonged to the Military Intelligence Department.

There were so many people in the wartime intelligence team, and Mitsui Amu didn't have information about all of them, not to mention, all the traitors in their hands are dead now, so there is no way to verify it.

Jiang Tengkong thought about the whole plan carefully, and finally decided to implement it according to this plan.

Chu Lingyun gave him three days to allow him to calmly make arrangements and try to make the evidence come naturally.

Jiang Tengkong immediately took his own people and kept going out.Purchasing in name, actually doing research.

He asked Tian Pei to help him find a scapegoat, and Tian Pei finally found someone for him, and asked him to help deliver something to Wuhan with ten oceans as a reward.

With a great reward, there must be a brave man. When there is no food, many people will rush for such a job.

It's a pity that no one knows that this is highly poisonous bread, and if you eat it, you will die.

"The person has been found. I will leave the city tomorrow morning. Make arrangements as soon as possible."

Tian Pei and Jiang Tengkong met and told him the good news.

The things were already in Tian Pei's hands, and only then did he know that Chu Lingyun had turned against another person in the extra-high class.

This person was used as a weight for Jiang Tengkong to be reused.

He was very grateful to Chu Lingyun, and the greater Jiang Tengkong's role was, the more important he was as a liaison officer.

The more important information Jiang Tengkong provided, the more credit he had.

If he accumulates enough credit, he can be promoted early.

At noon the next day, Jiang Tengkong hurried back to the special high school and asked to see Mitsui Amu directly.

"Ishizawa is a traitor?"

Seeing the photo, Amu Mitsui was taken aback for a moment. He had been doubting Hasegawa and Ishizawa's answers more naturally than Hasegawa and the others. He didn't expect these three people's acting skills to be so good that they could fool him.

Although Mitsui Amu didn't trust any of them, he was inclined towards the three of Ishizawa in his heart.

The three of them seemed more innocent, especially since they had suffered those inhuman tortures. He had someone examine their injuries. If they had surrendered early, they wouldn't have been tortured so badly.

The final result was beyond his expectation, and he felt that he was being played.

"Chairman, since one of the two groups of them lied, I guessed that the Chinese must have their tricks in their hands. They will not stay in Shanghai for this kind of thing, and it must be sent to their headquarters. I will Focus on investigating people who are leaving the city.”

"My survey target is on young people, men, people who travel far away and the possibility of coming out of the concession is the highest, but this

There are still a lot of people. "

"I entrusted the help of the garrison outside the city, searched carefully, found the police at the pier, gave them some money, and asked them to help us keep an eye on all the passengers going to Wuhan. At the same time, I personally took people in some places that must pass through the city.
Patrolling on the road, my hard work paid off, and I finally found a suspicious person. "

the process of.

Jiang Tengkong was eloquent, reporting that he had found important clues
Mitsui Amu didn't listen at all, his eyes were still fixed on the photo.

Shi Zeguangtai is an elite he personally selected from the Manchurian Railway, and brought it to Shanghai from the Northeast.

He actually betrayed himself, and has been deceiving and teasing him since he came back. This person is absolutely unforgivable.

"It's a pity that he was very alert. He wanted to run away immediately after seeing us. I could only give an order."

"Very good, Jiang Teng-jun, you really did not disappoint me, go, interrogate Ishizawa Kota with me."

Jiang Tengkong was interrupted by Mitsui Amu before he finished speaking. At this time, he was not in the mood to listen to the process. He only wanted the result. The letter of allegiance needed handwriting identification, but the photo could not be faked.


Jiang Tengkong immediately shut up and refused to let him say it was just right. No matter how perfect this arrangement was, there might be flaws. After all, the dead ghost was not an agent of the Military Intelligence Department.

Since Mitsui Amu doesn't care about this matter, he should throw away the corpse as soon as possible and destroy the corpse.

Shi Zeguangtai has been detained recently, but their conditions are good, there is no need to worry about food and lodging, they can read newspapers and listen to the radio.

"Ishizawa Koyasu."

Ezaki Ka suddenly brought someone over and looked at him coldly.


Ishizawa immediately stood up straight, Esaki Ka waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him immediately held him down, while controlling the other two.

"Mr. Ezaki, what are you doing?"

Ishizawa was shocked, but Esakiga ignored him, ordered someone to tie him up, and took him directly into the torture room.

Mitsui Amu Jiang Tengkong was already sitting at the interrogation table.

Shi Ze was restrained on the chair, and Mitsui Amu's eyes made him feel a little bit of fear, it was an extremely cold, bloodthirsty look.

"Chairman, I was wronged. Hasegawa is an undercover woman. Don't listen to his slander."

Ishizawa Koyasu immediately distinguished, and as soon as he finished speaking, Mitsui Amu slammed the table down: "Enough."

Seeing that Shi Ze still wanted to deceive him and pour dirty water on Hasegawa, Mitsui Amu became furious.

Ishizawa Koyasu was taken aback and immediately shut up.


Amu Mitsui hated betrayal the most. He didn't tell Shi Ze that he had ironclad evidence in his hand, and wanted to see when Shi Ze would confess.

Immediately, Shi Ze's screams came from the torture room. Various instruments of torture were used in turn. Shi Ze was knocked out several times, but he never confessed, and kept shouting that he was wronged.

"Use the electric chair."

Mitsui Amu's face was livid, Shi Ze couldn't bear the torture to confess to the Chinese, and he had lasted so long with him.

This kind of performance shows that Shi Ze is not unable to withstand the punishment, but he just didn't do it before.

He did not persist for the sake of the empire, but now he has resisted for so long for the sake of the Chinese, what is this?

Shi Ze's confession is not hopeless.

He can also go undercover and provide false information to the Chinese, but unfortunately he didn't do this, and kept on doing it, which made Mitsui even more angry.

Is the empire inferior to the Chinese?Did he treat Shi Ze badly, did he treat him badly?

Why do you want to do this? "Leader, let me tell you."

After 1 minute on the electric chair, Shi Ze finally vomited and used the electric chair to let him understand that the section chief was determined to punish him. He didn't know what went wrong, but if he didn't confess, he would really accept the pain.

Can't stand it.

The reason why he didn't recruit before was because he thought the section chief was trying to test him.

Not only will he bear the punishment, Hasegawa and the others will too.

Using punishment to test who is the real insider, he didn't expect to use the electric chair in the end.

The electric chair can cause irreversible damage to people. After using the electric chair, he knew that something was wrong with him. In order to alleviate the pain, he simply confessed.


Mitsui ordered him to be put down from the electric chair, and Ishizawa Koyasu said weakly: "I did not endure the punishment before and surrendered to the Chinese."

After speaking, he drooped his head, almost unconscious. "What about the other two?"

Mitsui asked, Jiang Tengkong only found a photo of Ishizawa and a letter of allegiance on the Chinese agent, but the three of them advanced and retreated together, so Mitsui did not trust the other two.

"they do not."

"Go ahead and give him the electric chair."

Mitsui stared, Shi Ze was taken aback, and instantly raised his head: "I admit, they also surrendered."

Sure enough, Mitsui narrowed his eyes.

If there is no surrender, how could the three of them be released together?
When you come back, you only need to put one Shi Ze.

"Be clear, what did the Chinese ask you to do?"

Mitsui continued to ask, Ishizawa lowered his head, and said slowly: "The Chinese asked me to come back and identify Hasegawa, and then they will help me do meritorious service and let me replace Hasegawa."

"Hasegawa really escaped by himself?"

"No, they surrendered earlier than us, and were sent out by the Chinese first, but the Chinese said that Hasegawa was disobedient after he came back, and planned to use his head as a step for my promotion."

This time Shi Ze was very honest, asking what he asked and what he said.

Mitsui was stunned, at this time, Ishizawa is still identifying Hasegawa?

Could it be that, as Jiang Tengkong said, both groups surrendered and were released by the Chinese.

After Hasegawa came back, he didn't do what the Chinese said, so he arranged for Shi Ze and the others to identify him. If it was confirmed that Hasegawa was a female cadre, Shi Ze and the others would definitely be credited.

This may not be the case.

"Since you were asked to identify Hasegawa, why didn't you bring back evidence?"

Mitsui continued to question, and Ishizawa replied with difficulty: "We can't carry it with us. The Chinese said that they will wait for the right time in the future to let us have evidence to prove that we are telling the truth."

That's right, they were escorted, so how could they have evidence of Hasegawa's surrender.

Even if there is, it will be on the escorted Chinese agents.

Mitsui Amu didn't notice it. At this time, he was thinking about the problem, and he had already substituted Hasegawa's betrayal of him in advance, and then made a guess.

"Let him sign it."

Mitsui Amu said coldly, and interrogated the other two at the same time.

"Team leader, the whereabouts of Chief Chi Zhou have been found, and he is still in Shanghai."

Niach came to Chu Lingyun's room to report. After lurking away last time, Chu Lingyun sent someone to deliver goods to Chi Zhousi several times to maintain the relationship.

But as the war progressed, Chief Chi Zhou was sent to the battlefield and lost contact.

After lurking in Shanghai, Chu Lingyun asked Niqiu to find out his whereabouts.

But it's a pity that there has been no news, and Chu Lingyun didn't particularly care about it. Chi Zhouji's rank is not high, so it doesn't matter.

The loach has been fine for the past two days, so I went to inquire again, and got the news.

He inquired through the disciples of the Green Gang. Chi Zhousi was seriously injured in the late stage of the Shanghai War and has been recovering from his injuries. He has just recovered recently.

After recovering from his injury, he was unable to fight in the first-line army, so he was assigned to the Army Aviation Department as a logistics officer.

His rank was promoted again, and he is now a captain.

"He's in the aviation department?"

Chu Lingyun's eyes lit up. Japan doesn't have a dedicated air force. They have a lot of combat aircraft, but they don't have a separate military branch. The main reason is because of their national conditions.

Japan's air power is divided into two parts, the Ministry of the Navy and the Ministry of the Army. These two departments are in dire straits. Such a situation is rare in a country.

Although the two sides are not enemies, they are definitely the kind of existence that stumbling each other.

It's like the Military Intelligence Department and the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

And their contradictions are deeper, the Army has the Ministry of Aviation, and the Navy also has the Ministry of the Army and the Navy.
The Ministry also found Germany to purchase engine technology for an aircraft.

What Germany didn't expect was that after it was clearly informed that it had been sold, the other party actually bought it again.

They would rather spend more money to buy than reach out to each other for it.

Of course, Germany is happy to sell two copies of one piece of technology.

Apart from these, the two military branches develop independently, and will not ask each other for help in anything.

It's fine for the navy to build tanks and cannons by itself. It's a fantasy that the army will build an aircraft carrier, but such a thing really happened in Japan.

Not only the construction, but also the technology itself.

Today, the Japanese army has a lot of aircraft, and China's war is mainly based on the army. The identity of Ike Zhouji can be well used.

"How is Shiyuan Trading Company doing recently?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"It's not bad, at least it's making money."

Shi Yuan Trading Company is in the public concession, Chu Lingyun did not give up Shi Yuanheng's small status, and temporarily hired a few people to operate there.

"Let Ishihara Trading Company expand its scale and recruit more people."

Chu Lingyun ordered that Niqiu immediately take the order. There is no need to run in person for such a matter, as long as an order is enough, but he still went to arrange it by himself.

As long as it is the request of the team leader, he will definitely do it himself.

Chu Lingyun left alone, came to the safe house, and put on a disguise for himself.

Hurricane No. 1 is also a good identity, but he can't just go there every time he has information. Before he couldn't establish a radio connection, Chu Lingyun thought of a new way.

Arrange for yourself an insider of the Red Party and deliberately leak information.

In this way, many things do not require him to run, and the purpose of passing information can still be achieved.

But this person can't be with his real identity, Shiyuan Trading Company is a good choice, just about to expand, notify the comrades of the Red Party, let them arrange potential personnel to apply for jobs in Shiyuan Trading Company.

Keeping the Red Party, he can use Ishihara Hiroshi's identity to pass on information about the Japanese to the Red Party without making anyone suspicious.

As for Niach and the others, they didn't know that the Red Party was by their side, and besides Niach, other team members could be replaced to ensure that there would be no problems to the greatest extent.

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