spy shadow

Chapter 455 Want to be promoted

This telegram put Ke Gong in a good mood.

The development of our party is growing stronger and stronger. Although it has gone through difficult times, it has never given up and continued to persist. Everyone has confidence in the future, believes in themselves, and believes in the organization.

And there are quite a few people like Ms. Qiu who had no or very little contact with members of our party before, but based on their own understanding, they still became a fighter who firmly believed in the Red Party.

The travel plan for next month has been properly arranged, and Mr. Ke is very much looking forward to meeting Hurricane 1 this time.

Chu Lingyun didn't know that the person who wanted to see him was Ke Gong.

The next day, after the recruitment advertisement of Shiyuan Trading Company was published, there were not as many applicants as he had imagined.

There are many people in the concession who can't afford to eat, but these people don't want to be Hannv.

Many ordinary people don't know much about the truth, but they just don't want to do things for the Japanese, thinking that doing things for the Japanese is a Han woman's job.

Ishihara Trading Company is a Japanese company, which is very conspicuous.

Chu Lingyun didn't care. He never thought of recruiting many people. This recruitment was purely to establish a more direct relationship with the Red Party.

Using Ishihara Hiroshi's identity, leaked some information to
They don't need to deliver the information themselves every time.

Shanghai, Army Aviation Department, Fifth Flying Brigade, Third Flying Regiment.

Chi Zhousi is now the Chief of the Ground Service Section of the Fifth Flying Brigade. His leg was seriously injured and he was almost amputated. Although he saved his leg, walking is not as convenient as before, let alone running.

After he was a hero and a retainer of the Hosokawa family, he was assigned to the fifth brigade to do logistics work.

"Captain Chigami, I have a letter from you."

A soldier came over from outside, took out a letter from the cloth bag he was carrying, and handed it to Secretary Chi Zhou.

"Is there a letter from China?"

Chi Zhousi hurriedly took over the letter. The injury this time made him a little disheartened. Although he was promoted to captain, after the injury, it will be difficult to make meritorious service.

Maybe he will be a captain in the future, and at most he will be promoted to a major when he is about to retire.

The Major was the end result of his life.

He is still young, and he is a member of the Hosokawa family, so he must not be satisfied with a mere minor. It is a pity that he cannot continue to go to the battlefield and can only accept this fate.

The recent life has made him a little decadent. "Not this one."

The visitor said respectfully, he is just an ordinary soldier, Chi Zhou

Si Ke is a captain, and his rank is much higher than him.

Chi Zhouji was a little disappointed, but still opened the letter.

The letter was written in Japanese, and the handwriting was very beautiful. Mr. Chi looked at the signature first, and it turned out to be Hiroshi Ishihara.

This young Japanese businessman wrote him a letter?
The content of the letter is not much, the main thing is that they lost contact during the war, and they inquired about it later, but they didn't find out. Now that he is in the Army Aviation Department, I want to find a chance to catch up with him.

To Ishihara Hiroshi, Chi Zhousi forgot a lot.

Ishihara Heng helped him earn some money, but he was not a person who valued money very much. What he wanted was to be promoted, to become an assistant officer, and then to become a general in the future.

He wants to be the pride of the Hosokawa family.A leg injury dashed all his hopes. "Ishihara saw the young master?"

A sentence at the end of the letter caught the attention of Secretary Chi Zhou. Ishihara Toru met Hosokawa Tomotaka during the war, and the two chatted together for a long time.

Because war is very dangerous, Hosokawa Tomotaka did not dare to reveal his identity and kept hiding it.

Seeing this information, Si Zhou couldn't sit still.

After the war, the Patriarch gave an order that all members of the Hosokawa family must find Hosokawa Tomotaka and send him back to the country.

If Hosokawa Tomotaka disagrees, he will be sent on board by force.

During the war, China was too dangerous, and Tomotaka Hosokawa was alone, and Lord Hosokawa was worried that something bad happened to his youngest son.

Secretary Chi Zhou also received the order.

It's a pity that he doesn't have such good luck. If he can find the young master, the Patriarch will definitely include him in the family and become a real retainer.

With this status, he can better develop in the army.But thinking of his leg injury, his expression turned gloomy again.

After re-reading the contents of the letter, he decided to meet Shi Yuan, the only letter he had received recently, and the only person who remembered him.

In the extra-high class, Ezakika met Hasegawa alone, and the two sat on their knees looking at each other.

"Hasegawa-kun, the section chief has found out that Ishizawa and the others betrayed the empire and surrendered to the Chinese, and they have all been executed now."

Ishizawa Koyasu died, and was executed by Mitsui Amu yesterday. He betrayed so thoroughly that Mitsui didn't want him to act as a counter-spy to confuse the Chinese.

"That's great, teacher wise."

Hasegawa was startled, then smiled happily, Shi Ze and the others turned traitor too?

Fortunately, they rebelled, otherwise they would be in danger this time. The Chinese are indeed too bad, and their punishment is very painful.
Someone can hold on.

"However, the section chief transferred Teng Zhong to the intelligence team as the team leader, and Ishida to be the deputy team leader."


Hasegawa was startled, Tengzhong became the leader of the intelligence team, so what should he do.

Just received good news, followed by bad news. "The section chief asked me to ask you, honestly, have you surrendered?"

Ezakiga stared at Hasegawa, if there was one, he still had a chance to survive, then he would be asked to cooperate with the Chinese and provide some real information to paralyze the Chinese.

Although the effect may not be there, this information will not bring them any loss.

At critical moments in the future, provide false information, or lure Chu Lingyun out and capture him.

This is Hasegawa's final role.

Regardless of whether he can do meritorious service or not, Mitsui Amu will no longer trust him.

A betrayal, a lifetime of use. "I didn't, I really didn't."

Hasegawa hurriedly distinguished, Shi Ze and the others were dead, how could he admit it.

"Okay then, I'll tell the section chief that you can't go out anytime soon.

Esakiga sighed, Hasegawa didn't admit it, if he really betrayed, he wouldn't even have the chance to be a spy.

There is only one result waiting for him, and that is death.

"Ezaki-kun, help me, help me plead with the section chief, I still have money at home, I can give you enough benefits.

Hasegawa said hurriedly, but Ezakika didn't speak, just glanced at him and left.

How could he dare to take money at this time, if he took money from Hasegawa, he might end up in the same fate as Hasegawa.

Tengzhong was happy to take office, and when he arrived in the intelligence team, he made a drastic move. He removed all the captains appointed by Hasegawa and replaced them with people he brought from the action team.

He brought all his confidants to the intelligence team.

When Jiang Tengkong found out, he almost didn't smile, and he just saved the cleaning step.

"Captain, you are finally back."

In the operation team leader's office, Jiang Tengkong's former confidant said excitedly that when Jiang Tengkong was the intelligence team leader, he trained several subordinates.

When he left the operation team, he didn't take them with him.

It can be imagined that after Jiang Tengkong left, their life was not easy. The new team leader didn't like them, and they were always sitting on the bench, and the usual chores were handed over to them.

"I'm back, everyone, don't worry, I won't leave when I come back this time."

Jiang Tengkong laughed and said, in the action group, Mitsui will not deal with him again. After all, he supports Mitsui and obviously belongs to Mitsui.

Unlike last time, his action team leader was temporarily appointed by the Chief Section Chief.

Public Concession, Ishihara Trading Company.

Chi Zhouji got off the rickshaw and found that this firm had a pretty face. The first floor was dealing in various bulk goods, and the second floor was their office area.

"Guest officer, what would you like to order?"

A clerk stepped forward to greet him. Mr. Chi Zhou was wearing casual clothes. He was coming to the International Settlement, so it was inconvenient to wear military uniform.

"I'm Boss Ishihara's friend, so I came here specifically to find him."

Chi Zhousi said softly, the man was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "What's your name, I'll report it for you."

"Boss Ikejou."

Japanese?The man didn't dare to neglect, and hurried upstairs.

He is an ordinary person, and he doesn't know Chu Lingyun's identity. The Red Party will be arranged here in the future. Chu Lingyun transferred all the team members away, leaving only the loach.

And Niqiu came here mainly when he was following him, or to deal with general matters. Niqiu was also very busy and had no time to manage the affairs of the firm.

"Master Ikegami, why didn't you tell me before you came."

Chu Lingyun came out quickly, with Ishihara Heng's face at this time, and enthusiastically held Chi Zhousi's hand.

"I just came here to see if the business is doing well recently, I have already opened such a large business.

Chi Zhousi originally thought that Chu Lingyun's shop was a small one, but he never thought it would be so big.

"It's okay, you know, during the war, I got a lot of in-demand goods, made some money, and simply expanded the scale of the business."

Chu Lingyun laughed, and led Chi Zhousi into the office.

Secretary Chi Zhou understood that war is indeed an opportunity to make a fortune. Ishihara Heng is very capable, and his goods are really not worried about selling. Those that were only for himself at the beginning will be sold out soon every time they are taken back.

If there are enough sources of goods, it is very easy to make money. "Ishihara, is it true that you said you saw the young master?"

This is the real reason why Chi Shang came to see Chu Lingyun. Regardless of his future future, the young master is very important, and this is the person the Patriarch misses the most.

"Yes, I saw him not long after we parted ways."

Chu Lingyun nodded with a smile. He thought it would be too easy to see Hosokawa Zhitaka, and he could see him every day after putting on makeup.

"Where is he now?" Ikegami asked anxiously.

"He left and didn't tell me where he was going, but don't worry, I asked him, and he said he can protect himself very well. He has learned a lot in China over the years, and he speaks Chinese very well, so nothing will happen. "

"You don't know where he went?"

Chishang was a little disappointed, it was a meritorious service to find the young master, at least it would make him a real retainer.

Even if he can't develop in the army in the future, with the status of a retainer, no matter what he does in the future, he doesn't need to worry about it.

Now that his leg is injured and he has no hope of promotion, it is very likely that he will not be able to inherit the status of his father's retainer in the end. If that is the case, he will be a disgrace to the Chishang family.

"Ikegami-san, Hosokawa-kun knows you. He said that the Ikegami family are the most loyal servants of the Hosokawa family. They followed the Hosokawa family in the Kamakura period, and even saved the life of the head of the family in the early Edo period."

Hosokawa Tomotaka was not so clear about the situation of Chishang's family, but it was not difficult for Chu Lingyun to inquire about something.

"Young master really said that?"

Chi Shang was suddenly excited, he didn't expect the young master to remember them so clearly.

"Of course, Hosokawa-kun wrote you a letter."

"Letter? Where is it?"

Chi Shang suddenly became short of breath, and the young master actually wrote him a letter?
Although the young master was an illegitimate child, it was only because the mistress refused to recognize him. With the death of the mistress, Master Hosokawa accepted the young master as a child.
into the family tree.

Whether it is Master Hosokawa, or Master Hosokawa's direct son, the future heir of the Hosokawa family, all recognize the identity of the young master.

As long as they admit it, the young master is the real young master of the Hosokawa family.

"Wait a minute, I'll get it for you."

Chu Lingyun stood up with a smile, and took out an envelope from the safe at the side. Chigami couldn't wait to walk over and take the letter.

He looked carefully, the content was not long, it was indeed the young master's tone, telling him to tell the family not to look for him again, he can protect himself well, and when he wants to go home, he will naturally go back.

And there is also a pair of

His encouragement, let him work hard in the army, so as not to disgrace the Hosokawa family.

"The young master actually wrote me a letter."

Ikegami choked up and said, he couldn't control it after a while, and really started crying.

In this era, there are still many loyal servants in Japan who dedicate their lives to the protagonist.

This was the case with the butler Nakano Shixiong. Before he died, what he couldn't forget was the affairs of the master.

"Ishihara-kun, thank you very much."

After crying for a while to vent his emotions, Chi Zhousi bowed deeply to Chu Lingyun.

"Ikegami-san, what are you doing?"

Chu Lingyun hurriedly helped him up, while Chi Shang said with a wry smile: "The young master has placed great hopes in me, but I am going to let him down. I have a serious leg injury, and I am afraid that there is no possibility of promotion." The reason why he would Crying also has its own reasons.

If you can't be promoted, you can't be the pride of the family, and your future prospects will come to an end.

"I thought what was the matter, it doesn't matter, who said that you must be on the battlefield to be promoted?"

Chu Lingyun smiled, promotion? Military merit is indeed important, but military merit does not have to be obtained on the battlefield.

There are many ways to get credit.

As long as the people above want you to make meritorious deeds, there must be a chance to make meritorious deeds.

Small merits can become great merits, and ordinary things can also become minor merits.

"Is there another way?"

Sir Chi Zhou asked strangely, all the skills he learned were used on the battlefield, and now he is on the ground, just doing aircraft maintenance, refueling the aircraft, and helping the pilots fight.

If anyone can do such a thing, how can they make any great achievements.

"Of course, if Mr. Chishang trusts me, I will help you get promoted as soon as possible."

Chu Lingyun nodded again. Chishang was a bit like a pure soldier who didn't understand the world.

This is even better, if such a person treats them well, they will be grateful to them, and they will trust them extremely, and even be willing to die for them.

"How to get promoted?"

With the opportunity to be promoted, Chief Chi Zhou couldn't sit still. Although he had just been promoted to captain, who would not want to climb up as soon as possible, so that he would have a chance to rise to the top in the future.

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