spy shadow

Chapter 456 Deterring Traitors

Chapter 456 Deterring Traitors
"Chishang-kun, come drink tea."

Chu Lingyun was making tea at the tea table beside him in Japanese style. He was pretending to be a Japanese businessman, and there were many Japanese features in the room.

"Ishi Yuan-kun, you should tell me earlier, how can you have a chance to be promoted?"

Director Chi Zhou was in a hurry. He was desperate for the future and gave up all hope. He waited for the end of the war to return home and be a farmer honestly.

What Chu Lingyun said just now gave him hope again, how could he sit still.

"Drink tea."

Chu Lingyun handed the brewed tea to Chi Zhousi, who had no choice but to sit down forcibly and taste the tea slowly.

Shi Yuanheng is also the young master's classmate anyway, and he has a good relationship with the young master, and he brought the letter for him. No matter how anxious he is, he can't behave impolitely.

What's more, they are helping him.

"Mr. Chishang, please tell me the situation where you work now."

Chu Lingyun asked indifferently, this is an open-minded inquiry for information.

After hesitating for a while, Secretary Chi Zhou replied: "I am currently in the Fifth Flying Brigade of the Second Wing of the Third Flying Regiment of the Ministry of Aviation, and my position is the chief of the ground handling department."

This kind of problem, Chi Zhousi really shouldn't talk about it to the outside world.

Although it is not an important secret, it is related to the military after all.

But Shi Yuanheng is not an outsider, he is a classmate of the young master, and he has met the young master, and he is also a member of the empire, so it doesn't matter to tell him these things.

Japan does not have a separate air force. Both the army and the navy have air teams. The two services have irreconcilable contradictions. Naturally, a third service is not allowed.

"Who is your captain?"

Chu Lingyun poured him tea again and asked softly.

"Master Goto Takeshi."

Chi Zhousi didn't understand why Ishihara Heng asked him such a question, but he answered honestly.

"If Colonel Goto is willing to help you, can your position and rank be promoted?"

Chu Lingyun asked, Colonel is very suitable, no matter how tall he is, he would be a general. It's not that he can't get through the relationship, it's just that it's a bit difficult to rely on his current status.

If I really want to contact those people, I need Hosokawa Tomotaka to go online.

"Of course, but without military achievements, even if General Goto wants to help me, he can't do anything."

Japan's promotion is actually very strict. It is to let those soldiers of civilian origin see hope. As long as they can make meritorious service, they will have the opportunity to be promoted.

Without credit, no one can rise up.

It is precisely because of this that the Japanese army fought very bravely, and all hoped to improve themselves with the help of military exploits.

"The credit is very simple, the key is Goto Colonel's attitude."

Chi Zhousi's eyes widened. The most difficult thing for him was military achievement, but when it came to Shi Yuanheng, he said it was easy.

"I have no friendship with him, and he won't help me."

Chi Zhouji sighed, Goto Osamu is not a member of the Hosokawa family, and has nothing to do with the Hosokawa family. Maybe he will take care of him because of his identity, but it is impossible to vigorously promote him.

"Relationships are cultivated. In your current situation, which position is the best?"

"I don't know how to fly a plane, even if I know how to fly, it won't work. The best job for me right now is the ground handling department."

Speaking of this, Chi Zhousi's expression was gloomy. The ground handling department is just doing miscellaneous work. There are many things and great responsibilities, but they don't have much credit.

"What if you go to the alliance?"

The brigade is still a bit small. Although a lot of information can be obtained through the brigade, if you can enter the alliance, you can get more information.

"If I go to the regiment, my rank is too low. The best position is to enter the military department of the regiment's operations department. That position is the best and most suitable for me, but the military department usually requires a major."

Secretary Chi Zhou answered honestly.

The military department can participate in some confidential matters, such as combat planning, war games, logistical supplies and so on.

In this department, you don't need to enter the battlefield, you will get credit for winning the battle.

"I see, what does Mr. Goto like?" Chu Lingyun continued to ask.

"I don't know about this. I haven't had much dealings with Mr. Goto."

Secretary Chi Zhou shook his head. He is a military officer and a commander. He is just a ground crew, which is very different. Usually he is not even qualified to meet directly.

"If you don't know, you can ask. After you go back, ask carefully, and I can help you find out, but before that, you have to make a contribution first."

"For meritorious service, how to make meritorious service?"

Hearing this, Chi Zhousi couldn't sit still immediately, Chu Lingyun smiled slightly, and spoke softly to him, Chi Zhousi didn't interrupt Chu Lingyun's words, the more he listened, the brighter his eyes became.

"Mr. Shi Yuan, how did you come up with the idea that you can still do meritorious deeds like this?"

Chi Shang said in shock, he had never heard of what Chu Lingyun said to him, and he had never even thought about it.

But if you think about it carefully, this method is indeed feasible.

If it is done well, it can really make meritorious service, and it is a great service.

"I'm a businessman, so I understand how to do research. Mr. Chigami, you are from the Hosokawa family. I am a classmate of Hosokawa Tomotaka. We are a family. The higher your position in the future, the more stable my business will be. ,do you understand?"

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, Chi Shang seemed to be enlightened, his eyes widened at first, and then he suddenly realized.

"I understand, but Shi Yuan-kun, I still want to thank you."

Chishang knew that Ishihara Heng helped him to promote to let him have more power, so as to help the business of Ishihara Trading Company, or to protect Ishihara Trading Company.

He has no objection to this, he should give back for helping him so much.

In Japan, this phenomenon is very normal.

Why do these retainers support the Patriarch? Isn't it because the Patriarch can protect them and give them a better life?
Without this premise, any family would not be able to keep so many retainers.

"You go back first, remember to inquire about the situation and what I told you, you must find the most suitable time, don't be impatient, remember, no matter what, you must put yourself out."

Chu Lingyun nodded with a smile. The higher Chishang's status, the more confidential information he could get.

He is not an intelligence officer, and he is grateful to himself. If you add absolute trust, it will be easy to get information from him in the future.

"Ishihara-kun, don't worry, I understand what to do."

Chishang is not an idiot, he has received a good education, and he is very clear about the loopholes in the plan that Chu Lingyun told him.

He was promoted to the lieutenant by himself, and this time he made a contribution to the promotion to the captain. He couldn't be an idiot.

"I'll take you."

Chu Lingyun got up and sent Chi Zhousi outside the door. Chi Zhousi waved goodbye to Chu Lingyun, got into a rickshaw and left in a hurry.

"Team leader, you are back."

Back at the previous residence, Niach came in immediately with a message in his hand.

Seeing that Chu Lingyun didn't bring loach with him this time, he needs to keep someone here, as long as he stays there alone.

After writing a letter to Chi Shang, Chu Lingyun stayed at the firm every day. He knew that Chi Shang would definitely come, and if he had something to go out, he would explain to the clerk there.

"Where is it?"

What Chu Lingyun asked was a telegram, Nixiu handed it over, and replied casually, "Headquarters is calling."

The telegram from the headquarters urged them to sanction the remaining traitors as soon as possible. Last time they did a good job with the Shanghai station and knocked out the arrogance of the traitors.

However, there are still many people on the sanctioned list alive and kicking. In order to severely crack down on these traitors, Virgo personally ordered them to act as soon as possible.

"How are these people investigating?"

Chu Lingyun asked, the rest are basically in the territory of the Japanese, it is easy to assassinate them, but it is difficult to retreat safely.

The reason why he didn't take action for a long time was because Chu Lingyun still wanted to wait for a more certain opportunity.

"All the investigations are clear, and we can do it at any time."

Niach immediately replied that he hadn't been idle during this time, and his subordinates had already figured out the residences, hobbies, travel habits and rules of these people.

"According to their habits, formulate the safest assassination plan. Since the headquarters has urged, don't wait, and start as soon as possible."

Chu Lingyun ordered, and Niqiu immediately stood up straight and took the order.

This time, Chu Lingyun and Chen Shu breathed out, and agreed to do it at the same time.

However, Chen Shu still scolded his mother. Chu Lingyun notified him, but only told him that he would do it the next day. If they needed to sanction the target, it would be best to start the next day.

Chu Lingyun didn't give him time to prepare at all, and Chu Lingyun never replied to his objecting telegram.

On December 37, 12, the tenth day after the fall of Nanjing.

The Japanese puppet, the director of the Education Bureau of the Avenue City Government, was assassinated and killed on his way off work. On the same day, the director of the Municipal Government Secretariat was beheaded in his concubine's home, and the police chief died in his office.

In the early hours of the 24th, a fire broke out in the homes of two traitors, and the whole family was burned to death. On the morning of the same day, six people were killed among the leaders of the Youth Gang who had defected to Japan, and among the famous businessmen. He was killed on the street. That night, two traitors were hacked to death with a knife.

For three days in a row, the wartime intelligence team made decisive attacks against twelve sanctioned traitors in casinos, dance halls, streets and other places, killing nine of them, wounding one, and two others escaped.

There were nine targets in Shanghai Station, six were killed, and three also failed.

In just three days, fifteen traitors were sanctioned.

For a while, many traitors dared not go out, and sought protection from their Japanese masters every day.

"Team leader, it's my fault for letting that traitor run away."

On Chu Lingyun's side, He Xiangyang was lowering his head. Among the two escaped, he was in charge of leading the team. As a result, the other party was very careful, and his people noticed the abnormality before they even made a move, and drove away frantically.

They couldn't catch up and failed to assassinate successfully.

"I was wrong too."

Shen Hanwen also bowed his head, he also made a mistake, he escaped a traitor, which prevented him from getting all the credit for this mission.

"Me too."

Chu Yuan whispered that he hit the target, but it was too late to refill the gun. Afterwards, the target was sent to the hospital. They didn't dare to go to the hospital to investigate, and they didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Out of twelve targets, nine were killed, which is quite a lot.

It's a pity I couldn't kill them all.

"He Xiangyang, Shen Hanwen."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and the two of them immediately stood up straight.

"It was your dereliction of duty that the target escaped. You will not be credited with the credit for assassinating other people this time. When you kill the target, you will be rewarded with credit."

The assassination failed, and it is very difficult to assassinate again. Now that Japan has increased its patrol force, there is no way to continue to shoot in the short term.

There were also failures in the Shanghai station. This kind of large-scale assassination was on the enemy's territory, and no one could guarantee complete success.


In Wuhan, the seat who received the news slapped his thigh fiercely. Chu Lingyun and Chen Shu did a good job this time. They gave them a list of [-] traitors for sanctions, and killed nine of them before.

This time, fifteen more were killed, and only six slipped through the net.

It doesn't matter how many people run away, they can kill so many, those traitors are definitely panicking now, especially this time, many of them were sanctioned at home, I'm afraid they dare not close their eyes when they are sleeping at home.

Reporting the results of this battle will definitely make the old man happy.

Virgo was a little surprised by the result of Chen Shu and Chu Lingyun's simultaneous actions.

Although there was no cooperation, Chu Lingyun knew the general situation this time, and told Chen Shu in advance when they would act, so as to avoid that once they acted, the traitors would be on guard, which would increase the difficulty of the Shanghai station.

The final result will definitely satisfy Virgo.

From the very beginning, he never thought of killing all the traitors. It would be so difficult. Out of 24 targets, killing [-] is already a success, but they killed [-] of them.

They are also making preparations for the remaining six, and after a period of time they relax, they will make another fatal blow.

Secretary Qi stood aside, he knew what Virgo was thinking, but he didn't speak.

"Give them separate rewards. The Shanghai station will reward 1 yuan, and the wartime intelligence team will reward 1 yuan."

Killing so many people, it is unreasonable not to give some rewards. As for meritorious service, we will give them a unified calculation in the future, the promotion that should be promoted, and the reward medal that should be rewarded.


Secretary Qi took the order and walked out.

He understood that Virgo must be wondering whether the combination of Shanghai station and wartime intelligence would perform better.

But Virgo would not hand over Chu Lingyun to Chen Shu. Chu Lingyun was his direct descendant and played an important role in him.

Leaving aside Chu Lingyun's personal ability, as far as his relationship with the eldest son is concerned, it is impossible for Virgo to hand him over to others.

Letting Chu Lingyun take the lead, even leading Chen Shu.

Chen Shu's temperament is too arrogant, no one can suppress him except Virgo.

If Chen Shu was asked to obey Chu Lingyun's orders, he might rebel.

The reward from the headquarters was very fast this time. The old man was really very happy when he heard the report from the chief, and he even said a few words about the pillar of the country.

With this sanction, there will be fewer traitors and traitors in the future.

Those who want to be a traitor and hold a job in Japan must also consider their own heads, whether they will have a chance to use them again in the future.

For several days in a row, the Japanese-occupied area was under martial law and searched. After the operation was successful, these people withdrew long ago. The people who were arrested were only petty theft, which was useless.

On December 37, 12, the last day of the Gregorian calendar, Virgo arrived in Shanghai secretly.

 The first change, thanks to 777 Wufeng 777 for the 100 starting point coin reward.

(End of this chapter)

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