spy shadow

Chapter 458 Seed Germination

Chapter 458 Seed Germination
Mr. Shi Yuan is indeed a great talent, and he thought of such a way to help himself.

He had made preparations before, and he carefully approached the two wires together, pulled the broken wire to the road, and carefully tied a knot.

He knew the patrol route of the guards, once every two hours, after the arrangement, as long as the guards passed by there again, they might step on or pull the line.

As soon as the thread falls, the two ends of the thread arranged by him in advance will collide and catch fire.

There is a lot of rubbish in that piece, and there are a lot of flammable materials, which will inevitably cause a fire.

It is indeed dangerous to make such an arrangement in the ammunition depot, but he knows that the structure of the ammunition depot is very strong, and ordinary fire cannot detonate the ammunition stored in the depot.

But such a fire is extremely dangerous.

After the inspection, Ikegami took his men to the back for dinner.

He has already bought a lot of food out of his own pocket, including sushi, sashimi and sake.

Like other military officers, he did not go to the concession or Japanese restaurants to taste the feast made by professional chefs. He still did not relax on New Year's Day, and stayed at work to maximize the benefits of this time.

"It's so rich."

There are not many people in the ground support department. Excluding those who asked for leave, there are only eight people left in the hangar at this time, which is much less than Ikegami's previous staff.

"My legs are failing, so I can't take you out to eat, so let's make do with it."

Chi Shang said with a smile, and the others booed after talking.

"It's just okay, it's definitely better than outside."

"That's right, thank you sir, let us have a good year."

All the team members sat down, and after Ikegami sat down on his knees, everyone had a feast together, delicious local dishes, and delicious sake, and many people sang Japanese folk songs, singing and dancing.

Ikegami silently counted the time.

For this meritorious service, he didn't buy too much alcohol, and he couldn't let these people get drunk. If they were drunk, it would not be meritorious service, but demerit.

It was time for the guards to patrol, and Ikegami looked out the window, but there was no movement.

His heart sank, did the guards not patrol according to the regulations, or did they not step on the mechanism he arranged, or the mechanism failed?
After waiting for 10 minutes, there was still no movement, and Ikegami knew that this time he had failed.

But he didn't give up. He patrolled every two hours and watched it later.

If the result he wants doesn't happen next time, he can only wait for tomorrow to rearrange.


Several people happily drank the fine wine, and it didn't take long for them to drink up the sake prepared by Ikegami.

Chishang did not allow them to drink any more, and ate all the food on the table.

While eating, Ikegami suggested that everyone perform a show, which was warmly supported by his subordinates.

Some performed dances, others performed martial arts, and others sang.

They are eagerly waiting for the arrival of the New Year's bell.

More than an hour passed, and it was almost time to patrol again.

The management of the Japanese army is very strict. Even on important festivals, patrol personnel cannot take vacations, and must stand on their posts.

This time he was not disappointed again. After only 5 minutes of patrolling time, someone saw the distant fire outside the window.

"Section Chief, fire, there is fire over there."

They didn't drink too much, and the men who noticed the fire said in panic, and Ikegami immediately got up and looked out the window.

The fire finally came up.

"Quick, follow me to fight the fire."

Without any hesitation, Ikegami rushed out with his people. There was fire-fighting equipment in the hangar. They carried the buckets and quickly ran to the ammunition depot.

The ammunition depot caught fire. Once the fire started, even their side would be in trouble.

The sirens of the patrols sounded, and they also found the fire.

Ikegami was the first to arrive at the scene, and they quickly began to put out the fire, and then the patrol team came to support.

The place Ikegami chose was very good. It looked dangerous outside the ammunition depot, but there was no important ammunition or bombs behind this one.

There are a lot of debris on the ground, many of which are inflammable materials that are not easy to extinguish.

It took the two groups more than an hour to finally put out the fire.

After the fire was extinguished, everyone, including Chishang, collapsed on the ground exhausted. The fire spread out just now, and it was once very large.

Fortunately, it is the ammunition depot, and there are not too many inflammables, otherwise it may not be possible to extinguish this time.

A fire broke out in the ammunition depot, which startled the sleeping captain.

He rushed over quickly, and the team leader Goto Takeshi also received the report, no one dared to hide such a big matter.

If the ammunition depot exploded, the captain would definitely be finished, but he, the captain of the regiment, would suffer as well.

The best result is to be dismissed and find a place where there is no right to retire.

A car drove into the fifth brigade quickly, and Secretary Chi Zhou had already ordered people to stand in line to greet him.

Seeing that the ammunition depot was intact, Goto Takeshi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"what happened?"

Goto Takeshi roared angrily, and Captain Matsuura Nobuharu hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Your Excellency, the technicians are not in place yet, and the cause of the fire is currently unknown."


Goto Takeshi directly slapped him across the face, without any scruples about Nobuharu Matsuura's face, there are quite a few of his subordinates here.

"Can't know?"

Goto Takeshi continued to yell, this is the ammunition depot, and the fire source has always been strictly controlled. Fortunately, this time no more serious consequences were caused, otherwise he would also be in bad luck.


After being slapped, Matsuura did not dare to talk back and lowered his head.

"Who put out the fire?"

Goto Takeshi continued to ask, and Ike Zhousi stood up: "Your Excellency, we and the patrol team put out the fire together."

Ikegami did not take out the patrol team. In fact, the patrol team had more people, but they arrived at the place first and took the lead.

"What's going on?" Goto Takeshi asked coldly.

"Your Excellency, today we finished inspecting the hangar..."

Chi Shang immediately told about the process of the evening. He did not hide that he took his men to celebrate the New Year. Today is a holiday. They had a dinner after work and did not delay work.

Normally, they could go back to the dormitory after finishing their work, but they didn't, they stayed in the hangar.

Following Ikegami's report, Takeshi Goto's face eased a lot.

"What's your name?"

Goto Takeshi asked, and Ike Zhouji stood up straight: "My subordinate, Ike Zhouji, is currently the chief of the ground handling department of the Fifth Brigade."

"Take me to the hangar."

Goto Takeshi wanted to praise directly, but recalling Ikegami's report just now, he changed the subject and asked to see the hangar.

The hangar is also a very important place, and all their fighter jets are here.

The light in the hangar was turned on, and Goto Takeshi's eyes lit up.

The hangar is very clean and spotless, and everything is in its proper place, very tidy, without a trace of mess.

As the captain of the alliance, Takeshi Goto knew very well what the hangar looked like. It was almost all dirty and messy, with all kinds of things thrown around, and no one would clean it up.

The hangar in front of him is completely different.

"When did you become the chief of the ground handling department?"

"The subordinate was recuperating after the war. Because of the serious injury, he could no longer go to the front line. He was transferred to serve as the chief of the ground handling department not long ago."

Chi Shang replied softly that he had not been in the Fifth Brigade for a long time.

"You or hero?"

Takeshi Goto said with emotion that the Japanese also suffered a lot from the Shanghai War. Many people who were disabled after the war were assigned to various logistics departments if they were able to work, and those who were unable to work were sent back to the country.

Although they can no longer go to the battlefield, at least they have rich experience and can guide these recruits at any time.

"It's not considered meritorious service. When attacking Nanshi, the squadron I led rushed to the front. A shell exploded beside us. Many of my men died. My leg was seriously injured and I can barely walk now."

"let me see."

Ikegami had no choice but to pull up the Kuguan, and Goto Takeshi immediately saw that a large piece of flesh was missing from his leg, and it sank deeply, looking very scary.

Those who come down from the battlefield are all heroes.

"well done."

Goto Takeshi took a deep look at Ikegami, and led everyone to the ammunition depot, making sure that the ammunition depot was fine before leaving.

On the second day, many people in their alliance failed to live this New Year.

The investigation into the fire case of the Fifth Brigade started last night. A large number of technicians were stationed to check the cause of the fire, and finally concluded that the fire was caused by the aging of the line.

Fortunately, Chi Zhousi, the chief of the ground handling department of the fifth brigade, stayed in the hangar and led people to put out the fire in time, and made a correct response. Once the fire was out of control, the consequences would be extremely serious.

Goto Takeshi not only personally helped Ikegami to ask for credit, but also asked people from other brigades to bring people to visit the hangar of the fifth brigade.

The clean and bright hangar made many people from other brigades bow their heads.

Chi Shang had just been promoted to captain, and there was no way to promote him at the moment, so he applied for a medal as a reward for him. This time, his contribution is indeed not inferior to his military exploits on the battlefield.

Especially during the New Year's holiday, he did not take a break, and at the last moment he took people to check the hangar to eliminate potential safety hazards.

It was the ammunition depot that caught fire, not under his jurisdiction.

This is even more rare. Goto Takeshi knew that they drank at night, but Mr. Ike Zhou controlled the amount, and neither he nor his subordinates drank too much.

The more he looked at Ikegami, the more he was satisfied. Except for his leg injury, which made him unable to go to the front line, he was definitely a careful and responsible officer, a very good officer.

For other troops, such a talent is a pity, but he is different here.

They are the Ministry of Aviation, and only pilots are on the battlefield. The rest do not need to participate in the battle. The proportion of pilots in the Ministry of Aviation is not high, and more are other personnel.

This time, Ikegami made Goto Takeshi remember him and publicly praised him.

Two days later, Secretary Chi Zhou came to Shiyuan Commercial House in the public concession.

Shi Yuanheng was not there, he was a little disappointed, this was the idea that Mr. Shi Yuan helped him, he didn't expect the effect to be so good, he had made so many contributions on the battlefield and never got a medal, this time he actually got a medal award.

Although it was the eighth-class Ruibao chapter, it also made him extremely excited.

Especially this time, the joint captain Takeshi Goto launched a security inspection, and every time he went to a place, he would inevitably mention the fifth brigade and his name at the same time.

In just two days, everyone in the alliance knew about him.

He has never been so noticed before, and he enjoys it.

After receiving the news, Chu Lingyun quickly pretended to be Shi Yuanheng and returned to the firm.

"Mr. Chishang, I'm sorry, I went out to discuss a business, but I didn't expect you to come."

Chi Shang has been waiting, he wants to share this good news with Shi Yuan-kun as soon as possible, today is his vacation, he doesn't need to go back in a hurry.

"It's okay, your business is important."

Seeing Chu Lingyun, Chi Shang immediately got up. He had contact with Chu Lingyun before because he was the young master's classmate and could bring him some benefits.

Now it is different, what happened this time made him understand that Mr. Shi Yuan is a man of great ability, and just a single idea allowed him to have such a big harvest.

He no longer has the decadence and despair he had before, and with Mr. Shi Yuan helping him, he believes that he can also make meritorious service and be promoted.

Who stipulates that soldiers must be on the battlefield to be promoted, and the real senior officers don't need to fight in person, what they want is command ability.

"Looking at your appearance, you have gained a lot?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile, and Chi Shang immediately nodded excitedly: "That's right, I can't hide it from Mr. Shi Yuan, and I have gained a lot."

Without waiting for Chu Lingyun to ask, he took the initiative to tell his story.

Now he has been valued by Goto Takeshi, and he has a lot of fame in the alliance, and he has applied for a medal award for him. With his achievements, it is very likely that he will get this medal.

"Mr. Chishang, congratulations."

Chu Lingyun congratulated him, but Chi Shang looked serious and bowed deeply: "Without Mr. Shi Yuan's guidance, I would not have achieved such a harvest."

"Mr. Chishang, as I said, we are a family."

"Yes, we are family."

Chi Shang smiled, he was very glad that he could meet Ishi Yuan-kun, otherwise this life might be like that.

Now he is full of hope for the future.

He believed that with Shi Yuan-kun's help, he would be able to stand out.

Becoming a retainer is no longer his dream, he wants to be the pride of the Hosokawa family.

"Mr. Chishang, have you found out what Mr. Goto likes?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"I found out."

Chi Shang hurriedly replied that this was a matter related to his future, and he was very attentive.

"According to what I've asked, Mr. Goto prefers calligraphy and paintings, especially ancient calligraphy and paintings. He has collected a lot."

"I understand, Mr. Chishang, just wait for me."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, as long as you like it, it's very simple.

Chu Lingyun took out an ancient painting from the safe in another office.

This painting is the work of Suzuki, a famous Japanese painter in the Edo period. Suzuki's paintings are very popular in Japan, and the price is not low.

In fact, not only antique calligraphy and paintings, gold bars, fine wine and cigars, Chu Lingyun was prepared.

Even women.

No matter what Goto Takeshi likes, he can provide it to Ikegami, so that he can use it to bribe Goto Takeshi to achieve the purpose of being transferred to the wing.

"This is?"

When Chishang saw Chu Lingyun approaching with a painting, his heart couldn't help beating. He was asking the question knowingly. He just said that Goto-san liked ancient paintings, so Ishihara-kun took out a painting, and his intentions were very obvious.

 The third update, 7650 monthly ticket plus update, thanks for the reward of 100 starting coins for interesting stories.

(End of this chapter)

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