spy shadow

Chapter 459 Invite Yida

Chapter 459 Invite Yida

"Mr. Suzuki's paintings, I believe Mr. Goto will like them."

Chu Lingyun handed over the installed painting, Chi Shang carefully opened it, and when he saw the signature, he immediately exclaimed: "Is this the work of Mr. Suzuki Haru?"

It's not that Ikegami doesn't understand anything. Suzuki Haru is quite famous in China, and his works are not cheap. Just such a painting may be worth more than [-] yen.

The purchasing power of the Japanese Yen and the French currency is almost the same. This is money that many ordinary people will not be able to earn in their lifetime.

"Isn't it too expensive?"

Ikegami was a little hesitant. He thought it would be enough to just give something valuable, such as a gift worth two or 300 yen, but he didn't expect Ishihara Totoro to give him something of such high value.

"If you want to become the Chief of the Military Section of the War Department, ordinary gifts are not enough."

Chu Lingyun shook his head with a smile, Chishang was still a little naive and didn't understand the knowledge of gift giving.

This time I was looking for a job, and the etiquette was too light to do it.

Only gifts are not enough, so let him make meritorious service first, lay a good foundation, and then give gifts, and then the transfer will be a matter of course.

"Ishihara-kun, have you prepared in advance?" Chi Shang asked immediately after thinking of something.

"I also inquired about Goto's preferences, and we got the same result."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly, and Chishang remembered that the other party had indeed said such a thing last time.

"Ishihara-kun, you really care about my affairs."

Ikegami thanked him, he knew very well that relying on the Hosokawa family bond alone was not enough for the other party to do this.

He wasn't even a retainer, and the other party was just a classmate of Hosokawa Tomotaka.

If it weren't for the size of Ishihara Trading Company, he wouldn't have believed that Ishihara Heng could present such a valuable gift.

"Hello, I can be better."

Chu Lingyun took a deep look at him, Chishang understood, and kept nodding his head: "That's right, Mr. Shi Yuan, don't worry, as long as I have the rights, I will fully assist you in whatever business you want to do in the future."

There is also collusion between officials and businessmen in Japan, and it is no worse than China in this era.

With rights, there will be more benefits, he understands this truth.

"Mr. Chishang, you can propose that you want to go to the military department, but you absolutely can't ask for the section chief, just the deputy section chief."

Chu Lingyun exhorted, and Chi Zhouji was very puzzled: "Why?"

"The section chief needs the rank of major. You haven't arrived yet. Although you have just made meritorious service, it is no problem to force you to be the section chief, but it will make Mr. Goto feel that you are proud of your achievements. The deputy section chief is different. Your captain's The military rank is sufficient, and what is required is a deputy, so it will not arouse Goto's resentment."

In terms of human sophistication, Ikegami is really not good.

Chu Lingyun taught him hand in hand, he couldn't become fat in one sitting, so he had to take his time.

It was a special case for him to be the team leader when he was a captain. After he was promoted to lieutenant colonel, the chief gave him the opportunity to be promoted to deputy section chief. He knew it was not the time and gave up on his own initiative.

There will definitely be what should be, don't worry about sooner or later, it's not good to be too anxious.

"I see, I will take the initiative to ask the deputy section chief."

Ikegami didn't understand very well, but he understood that Mr. Shi Yuan was much better than him in this respect, and Mr. Shi Yuan was right.

With Ishihara-kun helping him, it won't take long for him to become the chief of the military department, and his rank can be quickly promoted to major.

After Shao Zuo is Zhong Zuo, with Ishihara-kun's help, even Da Zuo dared to fight for it.

The last step is the general.

After becoming a general, Master Hosokawa will also value him, and the Chigami clan will once again become the most important retainer of the Hosokawa family.

"Mr. Chishang, go back early. There is a Chinese saying that strikes while the iron is hot. Now you have a very good impression in the heart of Goto. Take this opportunity to give you a gift, and your wish will come true."

Chu Lingyun offered to see him off, and Chishang understood that this matter could not be delayed, so he got up immediately.

"Thank you Shi Yuan-kun for the gift, don't worry, I will let you double the money back in the future."

The value of this painting is not low, and Ikegami understands that it is Ishihara Heng's investment in him, and he will not object to this kind of investment, only grateful.

"Okay, let's make money together in the future, and make a lot of money."

Chu Lingyun smiled, interest is indeed the strongest alliance, Chishang, this idiot, now understands what needs to be done.

Unfortunately, what Chu Lingyun wanted was not his rights, but information.

If you can get important information about Japan, this little money is nothing at all.

Sending Chishang away, Chu Lingyun returned to the firm's office.

On his desk is a list of recently hired employees.

There are not many people, only six people. This time, people with certain knowledge are recruited. Ordinary workers do not need to recruit specially.

Among the six people, there must be members of the Red Party.

He passed the news to the Red Party. Since he knew that Shi Yuanheng was valuable, the Red Party would not be indifferent.

Judging from their resumes, it is impossible to tell who is the Red Party.

It doesn't matter, it is not difficult to determine who is the Red Party.

"Go get the new employees into the office, I have something to say to them."

Chu Lingyun told the shopkeeper outside that the shopkeeper was recruited. He was a Chinese who had worked as a comprador for a French businessman before, but lost his job because of a problem with the French businessman himself.

The business scale of that businessman was not large, and a comprador like him didn't save much money. When he was looking for a job again, he happened to meet Niqian recruiting people, and hired him when he saw that he had experience.

Soon, all six new employees were brought into the conference room.

The conference room was not big, Chu Lingyun sat at the head, and the shopkeeper stood behind him.

Two of the six are Japanese and four are Chinese.

Ishihara Trading Company is an enterprise owned by Japanese businessmen, and it would not work if there were no Japanese in it.

"Everyone, welcome to join Shiyuan Trading Company."

This was the first time for Chu Lingyun to meet them, straight to the point, the two Japanese employees immediately nodded and bowed, and the four Chinese employees also applauded.

Chu Lingyun's expression immediately turned into pride: "I founded the Shiyuan Trading Company by myself. It was small at first. With the expansion of business, it has now become a large trading company in the concession. It is your luck that you can join at this time."

"I'm a classmate of Hosokawa Zhitaka, the young master of the Hosokawa family. We have a very good relationship. Not long ago, I met Zhixiao and got his help."

"At the same time, I also have a lot of connections in the army. Don't worry, Shiyuan Trading Company will only grow stronger in the future. As long as you work hard, I guarantee that you will have a worry-free life in the future."

Chu Lingyun's words made the two Japanese exclaim, and there was another rainbow fart.

Among the four people, one subconsciously dodged his eyes, but listened more carefully.

The Chinese may not know the Hosokawa family, but the two Japanese employees do.

The Hosokawa family is an old Japanese aristocrat, and the current Prime Minister is the marriage of the Hosokawa family.

They didn't expect that their boss had such a relationship.

"Just now, Lieutenant Ikegami from the Army Aviation Department came to visit me. Lord Ikegami will be promoted to major soon, and will take care of our business in the future."

Chu Lingyun said again, the two Japanese employees once again boasted in Japanese that the relationship is easy to handle, and the captain is already very powerful in their eyes, let alone the major.

Chu Lingyun's purpose is to convey confidence to the Red Party, so what is Shi Yuanheng's role?

The six new employees applauded together, and Fang Shiyi was filled with excitement.

He used to work in a newspaper, mainly to help the Red Party print some propaganda leaflets. A few days ago, he received a notice from the organization asking him to apply for a job at a Japanese firm and break into the firm.

Alchemist Yi is 25 years old, young, and he hates the Japanese very much.

He is very smart, and the organization told him that the owner of Shiyuan Trading Company, Shi Yuanheng, is very valuable. After he broke in, he should find out about Shi Yuanheng's situation as soon as possible.

He has been working here for a few days, but he has not met Ishihara Hiroshi.

Through inquiring from the side, Shi Yuanheng was not much older than him, and he was very good at doing business. He was just a small businessman before, and he made a fortune by relying on the war some time ago, and opened this Shi Yuan firm.

But Ishihara Heng's real value, he didn't figure it out.

He wanted to inquire slowly, but he didn't expect Shi Yuanheng to meet them suddenly today, and he revealed all his background, so it didn't take much effort.

Being friends with the Hosokawa family in Japan, and having officers from the Japanese Army Aviation Department by his side, Ishihara Hiroshi is indeed very valuable.

Alchemist Yi is very confident. He believes in his ability, which will definitely make Shi Yuanheng value himself and trust him.

For a mere businessman, it is not difficult to obtain information from him.

It would definitely be a great achievement if we could obtain information from the Ministry of Aviation of Japan, or even the time and route of their air force's attack.

"Okay, let's go."

After Chu Lingyun encouraged everyone, he announced the end of the meeting. Among the six people, he probably knew who the Red Party was.

Every time he talked about Japanese information, Fang Shiyi always looked focused, especially when he mentioned Chishang, he was obviously a little excited.

This is very bad, indicating that his experience in working behind enemy lines is not rich.

Fortunately, on the side of the firm, Chu Lingyun didn't need him to be a powerful hidden agent, as long as he could help him deliver information.

Secretary Wang was at home when Lao Guo, who was in charge of publicity work, suddenly sent a signal to make an appointment.

Lao Guo was quickly taken to Secretary Wang's home.

"Secretary Wang, Xiao Fang has received information, and he has figured out the value of Shi Yuanheng."

Lao Guo reported to Secretary Wang that this matter was not urgent, but it needed to be reported as soon as possible, so he sent a signal to meet again after Secretary Wang agreed.

"What value?"

Secretary Wang asked curiously, Shi Yuanheng knew that it was Comrade Cyclonus No. 1 who specially sent a message through Old Zheng, asking them to send people to lurk there.

Ke Gong attaches great importance to Cyclonus No. 1, and even wants to meet alone. He also pays close attention to people who can be recommended by Cyclonus No. 1.

This task was handed over to Lao Guo, and Lao Guo chose Fang Shiyi.

"Ishihara Toru is the young master of the Hosokawa family and a classmate of Hosokawa Tomotaka. They met not long ago. At the same time, he has a deep relationship with Captain Ikegami of the Japanese Army Aviation Department."

Lao Guo said quickly, and Secretary Wang's eyes lit up slightly.

The Hosokawa family knows that Japan's veteran aristocrats are even more active now. They wear the same pants as Japanese Prime Minister Konoe Takemo, and they are the top figures in Japan.

Any random information from such a family would be extremely valuable.

Not to mention Captain Chishang, regardless of the Guo Party or the Red Party, they suffered a lot from the bombing of Japanese aircraft, especially the guerrillas around Shanghai.

As long as the Japanese find any clues, they will come to bomb, and many people have been lost for this.

If the intelligence of the Ministry of Aviation can be detected and the comrades and Guojun outside the city can be notified in time, a lot of losses can be reduced.

"Very good, you tell Xiaofang to be cautious. Ishihara Heng will definitely get important information, so he must gain Ishihara Heng's trust and try to stay by Ishihara Heng's side."

Secretary Wang ordered, Hurricane No. 1 is really powerful, how did he know that Shi Yuanheng has so many connections?

It is much easier to go undercover with a businessman than to go undercover in the military and intelligence agencies.

At least there won't be such a strict review in the commercial bank, and it will be much easier to detect intelligence.

"I told him, he is full of energy now, he is exploring Shi Yuanheng's hobbies, trying to get close to him, and become his confidant."

Lao Guo was very excited. Their propaganda department rarely does intelligence work.

This time Xiaofang was able to enter the Japanese firm, which was a great breakthrough for them. If they can provide important information in the future, it will be the credit of their entire department.

"Go back first, be careful on the road."

Secretary Wang ordered that after Lao Guo left, he picked up a pen and paper and wrote the message himself.

This matter should be reported to Ke Gong, but Ke Gong should be on the way now, and I don’t know when he will be able to arrive in Shanghai.

He doesn't know the purpose of Mr. Ke's visit this time, but one thing is that he will definitely meet Cyclonus 1.

An agent who can be valued so much by Mr. Ke is really amazing.

The matter of the Ishihara Trading Company was a great help to them, and provided them with a good opportunity to spy on the intelligence of the Japanese Air Force.


Shanghai, Japanese Consulate.

"My lord, I have made up my mind and am willing to do something for you."

Yuan Yida and a Japanese sat facing each other, and in front of him was Ryuichi Iwai, Consul General of Japan in Shanghai.

"Yida, I'm glad you came to help me."

Iwai Ryuichi said with a smile, he was the vice-consul before, and not long after he was promoted to the consul-general, he was very dedicated to foreign affairs. Not long ago, he was ordered to form an intelligence agency under the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is currently in preparation.

He is busy with work, and the consulate is his main job. He only has a name in the intelligence department, and he has no energy to do it himself.

He thought of finding someone to help him.

Yuan Yida, who had worked with him before and had a good relationship with him, and who he admired very much, became his target.

At his invitation, Yuan Yida considered it first and agreed to accept the job today.

"My lord, you are polite. You trust me and entrust me with such an important task. I will never disappoint your expectations of me."

Yuan Yida bowed his head slightly, and Ryu Iwai was very satisfied with his attitude.

Iwai believes that it is most appropriate for the Chinese to do intelligence work in China. The Chinese know the Chinese best and know what they think.

Another point is that the Chinese can only become his vassals, so as to prevent the intelligence agency he formed from becoming the fruit of others.

Yuan Yida is capable, smart, and has a strong relationship. He is the most suitable candidate. This time Yuan Yida can agree, and he is very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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