After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 10 010: 18 points behind at the start... that's great!

Chapter 10 010: 18 points behind in the start. That's great!

Durham, North Carolina.

Duke University, Cameron Indoor Arena.

A group of scouts were sitting in the stands, excitedly staring at No. 33, who was warming up on the court.

He didn't show off his athleticism by dunking like most youngsters do.

Instead, he threw the ball calmly, joked with his teammates from time to time, and was very easy-going.

In him, you don't see the arrogance of a super genius.What he showed was a refined, friendly, and gentlemanly demeanor.

Of course, don't be fooled by this guy's beastly appearance.

He's like one of those movie hitmen who wears a suit and tie and behaves elegantly.

On the surface, he looks like a civilized person, but once he makes a move, it is a fatal move.

Grant Hill, Duke University's most high-profile rookie.

Duke coach Krzyzewski made it clear in an interview yesterday that this game will be Hill's debut, so everyone is looking forward to it.

As for Georgetown's warmup, the hoops kept making "bang bang bang" noises that weren't graceful at all.

Dikembe Mutombo and Shay are like two medieval blacksmiths, and they struck iron crazily even without defense, in stark contrast to the elegant Grant Hill.

Many scouts complained: "Two rough bumpkins!"

Mutombo scouts all know that he is an ultimate nuclear weapon on the defensive end, and today's matchup between him and Laettner is also a highlight of the game.

But the other Asian No. 23, the scouts looked at each other when they saw him.

Last season, Georgetown University didn't seem to have this person on the roster, right?

Where did this guy come from?

Among NCAA Division I teams, Asian faces are rarer than dinosaur fossils.

Scouts were curious about this fresh face frame, but Shay showed nothing during the warm-up except for frantic ironing.

Understood, he must be a big stupid guy with excellent physical condition but who knows nothing.

"Thompson, everyone in the basketball world doesn't know Tang Ge. We all know that he has a way of training big men. He must try his luck to find someone who is tall again, and see if he can develop into the next Ewing."

A scout looked at Shay and complained.

"No, the list shows that the Asian is a point guard."

"Point guard, right? Who in the basketball world doesn't know Tang Ge? Everyone knows that he has a way of training big point guards. The point guards he trains are all dribblers with both hands. I didn't block the ball, right?"

In short, no matter what position Shay played, almost everyone believed that this guy was a water cooler guard.

The kind who averaged 35 high fives, 15 waved towels and 10 yells per game.

Playing a point guard at such a high level, I really thought the magician was so easy to train.

Besides, even if there is a second magician, it cannot be Asian.

Do Asians know what basketball is?

The warm-up is over soon, and the game is about to start.

Seeing that Shay did not appear in the starting roster, the scouts were even more convinced that Shay was just a drinking fountain manager.

Mourning rarely gets the chance to start alone, because of Mutombo's existence, so his performance is somewhat covered up.

Mourning stepped into the middle circle, moved his body, and was eager to try.

But soon, he heard someone talking in a mocking tone: "Where are you center? Who do you send for the ball? Oh, you. Sorry, you are too short and I didn't see you."

It was none other than Duke star Laettner who mocked Mourning!
Because this game is an internal warm-up match, there are no other spectators except scouts, family members of the players and a few media.

Therefore, Leitner's trash talk was heard very clearly by the audience.

Christian Laettner, a white center, looks handsome.

Seeing him like this, many people would mistake him for a good old man with a soft style of play.

But in fact, this guy's personality is completely opposite to his appearance.

In the old coach K's own evaluation, it is: "Have you heard of the kind of person who does whatever it takes to win? Laettner is that kind of guy."

Grant Hill also commented on Laettner in the future: "He is a villain. I don't think there is a better adjective."

Laettner is absolutely worthy of the title of "NCAA Laimbeer", trash talk, petty tricks, he can use everything to the extreme.

Fighting with teammates on the training field and fighting with opponents on the field.Give some insulting nicknames to his teammates, and even dare to say a few words with the old coach K.

You look at him and think he is gentle and gentle, but when he turns his head, he will spit in your face.

No, Mourning was humiliated by Leitner's trash talk as soon as he played.

Mourning ignored it. He knew who Leitner was. This villain was already notorious.

"Don't dare to say anything? Hahaha, no wonder a softie like Larry Johnson dares to bully you. You are as soft as a cupcake."

Shay watched Laettner, who was chattering at Mourning before the game started, and leaned over to Mutombo: "What are they talking about?"

"I didn't mutter anything, Laettner is very talkative. Don't blame me for not reminding you, you went up in the second half, but don't be affected by his trash talk."

Shay smiled. Trash talk?
In my previous life, I was a keyboard man who fought three rounds with the sunspots in a certain fight. I'm afraid of this?
At the beginning of the game, the most disgusting thing about Leitner's beep is that you can't understand him but you can't kill him.

Mourning jumped up and fought for the basketball with all his strength, still secretly happy in his heart.As a result, as soon as the first round came up, Leitner immediately took a risk.

At that time, Mourning received the basketball at the waist in the three-second zone, and after receiving the ball, he turned his back and broke through without saying a word.

After reaching the basket, Mourning tried to force a layup, but was slapped by Laettner, who had the advantage of height, and slapped the ball.

With a height of 2 meters and a wingspan of 11 meters, Leitner is definitely a giant under the basket.

Most importantly, he is very calm and, like Mutombo, has excellent judgment on the defensive end.

"Fuck, I just jumped casually, I didn't expect to really fool you, I'm sorry."

After covering, Leitner innocently spread his hand at Mourning.

Duke got the ball, and Bobby Hurley, a plain-looking white point guard, took possession of the ball and slowly pushed forward.

This little point guard is not an unknown person, but the NCAA history assist king.

According to legend, he was the point guard in the college team that defeated the Dream Team in 92.

Hurley took the ball to the right side of the court, and Laettner, as a big man, did not go inside to fight, but pulled out to the outside of the three-point line.

The three-point line is a novelty for current players and fans, and it has only been four years since the NCAA introduced the three-point line.

And Laettner's style of play is even more unaccustomed to people. Where can such a tall big man shoot from outside the three-point line?
Not hitting the basket with such a tall height is not the same as leaving your girlfriend alone, you have to pretend to be aggressive with both hands.

But Laettner told everyone with a three-point shooting rate close to 40%, I can play as I like!
Laettner pulls away, and Mourning has a hard time defending. He is not used to defending in the high post.

At this time, Grant Hill suddenly ran back and cut into the inside from the middle.

Seeing this situation, Hurley also passed the ball directly into the penalty area.

Without Mourning in the paint in Georgetown, it's the same as having no defense.

Hurley's pass was just right, and it just flew past the fingertips of the four-position striker Chichwell who was intercepted midway.

Mourning smiled, the ball must have been a mistake.Chilchwell jumped so high that he couldn't catch the ball, so how could the number 33 catch it?

But in the next second, Mourning's smile suddenly froze.

I saw that No. 33 seemed to have escaped the gravity of the earth, directly and quickly rushed into the air, and his head seemed to be flattened after jumping up.

At unbelievable heights, Grant Hill catches the ball behind Chilchwell and smashes it into the hoop with both hands!

As soon as it came up, Duke used the alley-oop to complete the score in a highly ornamental way!
Freshman Grant Hill looked relaxed, but this easy jump frightened everyone.

Duke really is a pack of beasts.

You thought Leitner was polite?No, he's a well-known asshole.

Do you think Grant Hill is gentle and refined?No, he is actually extremely hot!

This attack, from Laettner's pull of Mourning, to Hurley's pass to Hill's cut-in lob. Duke completely dismembered Georgetown's defense.

"Hahaha, I think it's better to let that old man on your team who looks like 50 years old come up.

Without him, your defense is like those bosom sisters on the street, you can get in whenever you want. "

Although Laettner didn't score the ball, and Laettner didn't even touch the basketball this round, it didn't prevent him from continuing to pretend to beep.

Mourning was very annoyed. After one round, he wanted to rely on a mid-range turnaround jumper to get back a victory, but under the interference of Laettner, Mourning's jumper bounced out of the frame.

After Duke attacked, Laettner was in the same position as Mourning and also made a turnaround jumper, but the basketball hit the net with precision.

"Learn well, and don't show off your three-legged cat offense." After scoring a goal, Leitner's trash talk will never be absent.

"Fuck!" Mourning really wanted to punch Leitner's eyes swollen.

Are you annoying?

There is no way, it is like this on the basketball court, strength is king.

Mourning's real leap forward occurred in his senior season.

After Mutombo went to the NBA, Mourning had to take the lead alone, so he has improved a lot in all aspects.

And now Mourning, who is a junior, is really not as hard as Laettner.

"Coach, let me deal with that bastard Laettner."

Uncle Mu couldn't stand it anymore, so he volunteered.

However, John Thompson waved his hand calmly: "Ann, the game has just begun. Don't worry, there is still more to fight."

It's only been two rounds, so what's the rush?

After 20 minutes, looking at the 18-point difference, John Thompson fell silent

What's the situation! ?

Is it okay to fight?

"Leading by nearly 20 points at halftime, Duke showed what they can do as a title contender!
Although Georgetown is not the main lineup, Duke can win so much, which is amazing! "

Some scouts at the scene shook their heads, the strength gap between the two sides was too great.

Mourning walked down in disgrace. He only scored 8 points and 8 rebounds in the first half, while Laettner scored 15 points lightly.

And covered Mourning three times!

However, if there were only 15 points from Laettner, Georgetown would not have lost so much.

The reason why halftime was blown up today was mainly because the strength of the rookie, Grant Hill, was a bit beyond imagination.

As a coach who also recruited Hill before, Thompson knew that Hill was talented and terrifying.

I just didn't expect the horror to be like this, with 15 points in the half and 8 of 6 shots.

His first move was lightning fast, and when he got the chance he handled it cleanly.

Unlike some unpromising No. 23 of the Bulls, he always likes to hesitate in the air when playing a ball.

Although Hill is only a freshman, he is as mature as Dikembe Mutombo in his early thirties.

Mutombo: ? ? ?
I'm really only 25 this year!
"A bunch of rubbish, let us end the game at half time."

After halftime, when the Duke players passed the Georgetown bench, the arrogant Laettner deliberately yelled at the Georgetown team.

"Don't be complacent, bastard. In the second half, I will play!" Mutombo, as the team's big brother, naturally stood up and sprayed back.

But Leitner smiled disdainfully:
"Hahaha, even if you play in the second half, you can't reverse the game. Really, if you can reverse the game, I will walk around the court in a handstand."

Laettner knows what Mutombo is. This uncle is a solid defender, but he averaged only 10.7 points per game last season.

Scoring is purely based on secondary offense and eating cakes, there is no way to score at all.

But if you want to chase points, light energy defense is not enough.Even if he doesn't play in the second half, Mutombo cannot lead the team to reverse.

"Okay, I won't play in the second half, only let Hill play, and you can't reverse it!"

After the harsh words, Leitner left gracefully.

Everyone felt extremely humiliated, but it was very difficult to reverse in the second half, which is another fact.

This feeling of being uncomfortable and unable to win made everyone in Georgetown clenched their fists.

At this time, only Shay looked very calm, and tugged on John Thompson's cuff:

"Old man, let me guard against No. 33 later."

Shay gears up and trails by 18. That's great!
Laettner said that he would not play in the second half, so as long as he can guard against Hill, a reversal is not impossible.

If there is a shocking reversal, won't he become famous in one battle?
Although there are no spectators at the scene, there are scouts and media, so it doesn't matter!

As long as he can win, his reputation will definitely be spread out.

 Today's second update is here, thank you for your support, the collection has already exceeded 1000!Of course, this is just a small step in the long march, I hope you guys will continue to pay attention, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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