After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 11 011: Georgetown hides a magician?

Chapter 11 011: Georgetown hides a magician? (Please collect and ask for a monthly ticket!)
In the first half of the game, Georgetown was completely overwhelmed by last season's runner-up Duke.

Everyone knows Laettner's strength, but no one thought that Grant Hill, a first-year rookie, could also burst out with such great energy.

He can do almost anything on the court, and there is grace in his movements.

He seems to be a handsome knight on a white horse in a fairy tale, and he can easily kill a "big and rough villain" like Georgetown.

The second half of the game was about to start, and Laettner didn't warm up directly. Instead, he was wearing a training jacket and sitting on a chair with his hands on pillows.

It looked like he really wasn't going to play in the second half.

Also, trying to chase 20 points in 18 minutes is really not an easy task in this era when three-pointers have not yet become popular.

At least it was not easy for Georgetown. Georgetown University's strongest scorer, Mourning, played like that in the first half, and even Mutombo would not change much in the second half.

After all, Mutombo is not known for scoring.

However, after the start of the second half, Georgetown's lineup was surprising.

John Thompson, instead of getting on Mourning after falling behind, got on an Asian guy no one had seen before.

"Who is that number 23?"

"What's the situation? He can actually play."

"I'm sure Georgetown didn't have this guy on the roster last season!"

All scouts looked at each other in blank dismay, and now there are only two possibilities:
First, John Thompson is really bad, so he randomly changed the water dispenser manager to feel the atmosphere of the game.

Second, this Asian is the key to Georgetown University's reversal and victory.

Ninety-nine out of ten scouts think it's the first case.

As for why Mutombo still played after giving up the game, is John Thompson shameless as the champion coach?
After being pushed down by you, the goddess will pretend to be reserved and say "no". John Thompson must also pretend to resist.

The game resumed, and Bobby Hurley, the future NCAA assists leader in history, had the ball past half court.

Guarding him was Charles Harrison, Georgetown's starting shooting guard.

Hurley found it odd that Georgetown had no point guard on the field in the second half.

Although this Harrison has the height of a point guard, he plays like an off-ball shooter, and he can't handle the ball at all.

Just don't point guard, Georgetown is really bad.

The most distinctive feature of Duke University's defensive end is the extremely tough full-court press. Georgetown doesn't need the formation of point guards, and I'm afraid it won't pass half the court!
Without thinking too much, now that there is no Laettner on the court, Hurley's first reaction on the offensive end is naturally to find Grant Hill.

Grant Hill is trying to get rid of Georgetown's No. 23's defense. This No. 23 is very tight when he comes up, which makes Hill feel a little uncomfortable.

But Hill managed to get rid of the opponent with a beautiful back run. Hurley didn't hesitate for even a tenth of a second when he saw the opportunity, and passed the ball at the right time!

Hurley thought that this time Hill could easily catch the basketball again, and then catch and shoot the ball at the free throw line and make a steady hit.

But just when Hill was about to receive the basketball, Hurley saw that the Asian man No. 23 stretched out his hand, and actually touched the ball before Hill was behind him!
Shay did not give up after being thrown off, but continued to chase Hill, and finally used the advantage of his wingspan to successfully destroy the pass!

The basketball was knocked off by Shay, and Hill couldn't catch it.

However, Shay is unlikely to catch the pass directly with one hand. He just slapped the basketball, and the basketball flew out of bounds. If it went out of bounds, Duke still had the ball.

Everyone was waiting for the basketball to fly out of bounds, only Shay, like an old pervert who saw a beautiful woman, ran towards the basketball with all his might!

It was impossible for the basketball to be overtaken, but with a scoop of Shay's long arm, he really just reached the basketball and scooped the ball back into bounds.

Seeing this situation, Charles Harrison immediately activated. He reacted quickly and received the rescued ball. Georgetown forced Duke to make a mistake as soon as the second half came up!
The ball was saved, but Shay hadn't stopped the car.He just rushed forward at full speed, so he had a lot of inertia, and he couldn't stop at all, so he ran into the commentary platform.

The on-site commentators thought that Shay was about to hit the commentary platform, but when he was about to hit him, Shay jumped with his legs and planned to fly over the technical platform.

But Shay took off from a little far away, so he didn't fly over the technical platform after jumping up, but stood on the edge of the technical platform.

The edge of the technical table was so narrow, Shay must have been unable to stand still, and he leaned to the right.

So he could only follow the direction of the center of gravity and staggered a few steps around the edge of the technical table like walking a tightrope.

Then, with a "slap", it fell onto a beautiful and fierce young lady next to the technical platform.

Because there are no other spectators at the scene today, this female fan is most likely a member of the Duclara team.

The Mourning people are all dumbfounded, can they still do this?
Shay is a master!
Before Leitner bombarded Georgetown, Shay had already picked up your female fans!

A strong milky scent poured into Xie Yi's nostrils, but he is not the kind of person who lusts after women.

Xie Yi only thought about the game, without saying a word, stood up with one hand supporting the ball of the female fan, and ran towards the field.

Control the ball on the court, and control the ball off the court.

True point guard!
But as soon as Shay returned to the court, he found that the team Harrison had already succeeded in a layup through a fast break counterattack, and there was nothing Shay had to do on the offensive end.

Xie regrets it, you said it was done, I have to bury in that gentle town for a while longer.

Not to mention, although Shay made twists and turns as soon as he came on the court, he trampled Duke's technical stage into a mess.

But he actually defended Grant Hill and forced Hurley, who has always been known for his stability, to make a mistake.

Grant Hill looked at Shay differently. In addition to relying on skills, attitude is also very important in defense.

Some players just like the feeling of attacking with the ball. When it comes to defense, they will become inattentive, bewildered, and don't bother to reach out for the ball when it reaches their side.

This mentality is actually quite normal, because defense is a thankless job.

Defense consumes a lot of physical energy. If you defend and have no data to get, it is easy to be ignored.

Therefore, if a person fights with you on the defensive end, then he must be a defensive champion who has escaped the low-level fun of statistics.

Shay just showed that temperament in that round.

Even though he had already been thrown away, he still chased after him crazily.

Obviously the ball has definitely gone out of bounds, but he still resolutely rushed to save the ball.

This kind of person is not easy to mess with.

With 16 points left, Grant Hill became serious.

This time he didn't play off the ball, but went to the top of the three-point line and raised his hand to ask for the ball, wanting to single-handedly hit Shay!

Shay took his time and stood in front of Hill with his arms outstretched.

John Thompson also stared at Shay earnestly. It's time to test Shay's quality!
Grant Hill didn't do any fancy dribbling moves, but made a three-threat move and started immediately!
How fast Grant Hill's first step is, needs no elaboration.

Of course Shay also knew this, so the moment Hill broke through, he directly grabbed Hill's jersey!

Under the rules of the '90s, grabbing a jersey while defending was the norm.

As a result, Hill only broke through half a body distance from Shay, but he thought that this distance was enough, so he stopped and shot a jumper one step outside the free throw line!

However, Shai has more defensive range than Hill imagined.

Hill was just about to release the ball after jumping up, but found that Shai's interference followed one after another.

Shay stretched out his long arms, directly blocking Hill's sight.

It's true that Hill is strong, but the current Hill is just a kid who just graduated from high school.

It is not impossible to prevent him.

In addition, Shay has the effect of "Shooting like a Maggie" badge, which can increase the interference intensity.

This makes Hill's shooting even more difficult.

Finally, under Shay's timely interference, Grant Hill's shot went out of the frame!

One time may be a coincidence, but defending Hill twice in a row, all scouts have to face up to the No. 23 Asian.

John Thompson also smiled gratifiedly, this kid Shay really has something!
Uncle Mu took off the rebound steadily. With him on the court, Georgetown University didn't have to worry about rebounding.

Seeing this situation, Hurley was ready to implement Duke's full-court pressing tactics.

He's watching, seeing who Mutombo is going to give the ball to, whoever he's going to give the ball to after he takes off the rebound, who's the point guard of this lineup.

Then, he saw in disbelief that Mutombo actually gave the ball to the No. 23 power forward.

Hurley, who was 1 meters tall, was lost in thought as he watched Shay, who was 83 meters tall, prepare to dribble across half court.

Is John Thompson out of his mind?

No matter how unavailable, it's impossible to use this guy as the No. [-] envoy, right?

His center of gravity is so high, wouldn't it be enough for me to steal him with my hands?
Hurley averaged 1.8 steals per game last season, which is quite a lot in the NCAA where the game time is only 40 minutes.

It is inevitable for a small man to steal the ball, let alone a big man like Shay.

Hurley watched Shay running toward him, confidently poised for the tackle.

Shay also spotted Hurley blocking him, so he pulled the ball back, as if trying to pass it back.

Hurley died laughing, who can you pass it on to?There is no one around you who can take care of you.

But just as the basketball was about to be released, Shay turned his palm down, turned his back pass into a crotch back pass, and suddenly accelerated, passing Hurley in a silky flash!

Hurley only felt a gust of wind hanging over him. He couldn't imagine how such a tall player could be so fast.

Moreover, the fake Fax luck just now is not like an action that a person of his height can do at all.

Hurley was passed like a stake, and Shai easily broke Duke's full-court press.

Not only Hurley, but the entire Duke team didn't react. I didn't expect Shai to rush to the frontcourt so quickly.

Taking advantage of Duke's defensive door wide open, Shay took advantage of the opportunity and went straight into the penalty area, completing a dunk with lightning speed!
One-stop dunks, after Shay scored, the old coach K looked at Leitner beside him in a daze.

This speed, this dribbling, coupled with this height, does Georgetown hide a fucking magician! ?
The scouts also talked a lot. They thought that Thompson had changed to guard the water cooler, but the 23 good actually locked Hill and played Hurley.

The game suddenly became more interesting.

Countless stadiums are now picking up pens and notebooks, ready to record Shay's game status.

The point difference is still 14 points, which is still very large.

But the second half has only just begun, if we continue to play like this.
John Thompson stopped playing badly and stood up seriously.

Originally, he just wanted to warm up, but now he suddenly wanted to overthrow the Blue Devils in Duke's territory!
"You played well, keep defending, and defend hard!" The gray-haired champion coach's eyes were full of desire for victory.

 Thanks to the Warring States丨Che boss for the reward, thank you everyone!Lao He begs everyone not to raise it first, even if you want to raise it, help to read the book, after all, can you link the recommendation and daily follow-up reading now, if you raise it, you will die if you raise it, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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