After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 117 Chapter 116: Legend or joke?

Chapter 117 116: Legend or Joke?
Big dreams become flying pigs.

The deformation meter does not have such a change!

Tall and thin became short and fat and bald!
Shay has a feeling of failure in online dating this wave.

Moreover, Xie Yi had flirted with Dameng before.

But it has been at odds with Fliggy.

The previous rumors also said that Fliggy will renew the contract with the 76ers in all likelihood, and then seek a deal.

And because the Lakers piled all their chips on Dameng, Shay didn't expect that Barkley would suddenly airborne when he was killed.

But in fact, all of this has been brewing for a long time.

On the day the Rockets announced that Olajuwon decided to stay with the team.

The Suns and the 76ers also formally reached a transaction intention and started their alternative plans.

The two sides have discussed before, if everyone can't get Olajuwon, then they will start the internal circulation mode.

The 76ers can still send away Fliggy smoothly, and the Suns can also get the coveted star.


But when the 76ers asked Fliggy to renew their contract and were about to sign first and then change, Fliggy, who had been easy to deceive before, suddenly quit.

"Didn't you say before that you would like to go to Phoenix!?
They have no salary space to sign you, if you want to go, you can only sign with us first, and then we will trade you over!
Don't you want to go to the strong team?The Suns were fourth in the West last season, isn't that strong?

Stop messing around Charles, sign now! "

Looking at the astonished 76ers new general manager Jim Linam, Barkley spread his hands:

"I don't want to go to Phoenix now, hiccup~"

As he said that, Fliggy burped.

Linam covered his nose, and fanned the smell with disgust:

"This is not a child's play Charles, at this time of year, every team has almost strengthened.

Think about it for yourself, which other team with the strength to compete for the championship has salary space?
there is none left!
What else can you choose for an older leftover man like you?

You only have the option to sign first and then change!

Going to the sun is the best option for you.

You don't want me to take you to a place like Salt Lake City, do you? "

"Don't scare me Jim, as long as I don't sign, you are not eligible to trade me.

And who said that the strong teams have no salary space?

The Lakers offered me 300 million.

You only give me 240 million.

Still struggling with how to choose?

If you give me 350 million, I agree to sign first and then change. "

Buckley was confident, admiring Linam's expression that was more uncomfortable than reading a novel and encountering fragments.

As soon as Fliggy said this, Linam realized it.

Bad, he wanted to backstab the Lakers, but was backstabbed by the Lakers!

The Logo man did not act rashly in the transfer market before, not only waiting for Olajuwon, but also waiting for Barkley!
He made two-handed preparations early on. On the surface, the previous few operations were for the Lakers to successfully reinforce.

But while strengthening, it also freed up some salary space!
Now only Shai and Perkins have an annual salary of more than 200 million in the entire Lakers team.

In addition, the salary cap has increased by 200 million this year, so.
Logo has been saving salary space for a pig!
"Damn Jerry!" Linam cursed in his heart, he should have thought that the bandit team like the Lakers smelled Barkley's pig stink.

Are they chasing Olajuwon just a cover?Just blah blah blah?

In fact, West is not so dark, he was also sincerely pursuing Olajuwon before.

But the Logo man certainly wouldn't let himself hang himself from a tree.

Man, if you want to die, you have to die among the flowers!

Logo had already contacted Barkley to discuss the contract with him.

But after slowly talking about 300 million a year, Barkley kept saying that he was considering it, but did not give a clear answer.

Therefore, the Lakers failed to quickly win the Flying Pigs.

However, because there was no leak, the 76ers always thought that Fliggy was very stable.

In fact, Logo Man's original idea was that he wanted to catch Barkley and Olajuwon in one go!
Get Olajuwon in a trade first, and then sign Barkley naked.

In this way, this is simply a replica of the magician + Kareem + Worthy lineup in the 80s.

Even stronger!

But it turns out that this fairy lineup is only a dream.

Fliggy didn't immediately agree to the Lakers, mainly because they wanted to see if they could make more money from the 76ers.

Because the Lakers have limited salary space, they can only pay up to 300 million.

But the 76ers are different. They have the bird rights of the Flying Pigs and can renew the contract with the Flying Pigs.

Theoretically speaking, according to the rules of the NBA in this era, there is no cap on how much the 76ers can give Fliggy. It all depends on whether the 76ers are willing or not.

The Lakers paid 300 million, and your 76ers paid at least 350 million, right?

But the result is heartbreaking for Pig, and the 76ers are no longer willing to spend money for Fliggy.

Although the 76ers will trade immediately after signing Fliggy, the trade also requires salary balance, and they still have to spend the money.

Barkley's asking price and their psychological expectations are 100 million inside and outside.

The 76ers really cannot accept such a proposal.

Linam looked at Barkley and shook his head: "Stop messing with Charles, 350 million? Jordan was only 325 million last season."

When Barkley heard this, he immediately became angry.

What does this mean?
Old pig, why don't I deserve to be higher than Jordan?

Where am I worse than Jordan?

Didn't Jordan just shoot more accurately than me, have more championships than me, and have several scoring champions!
He's not even as handsome as me!

Look at this year's Olympics, can Jordan lead the team to win?You know you don’t have that ability!

It's not that my old pig was exhausted and led the dream team to win the Olympic championship with the title of scoring champion.

Jordan: Ah, yes, yes, after all, some people have to score 20 points before they end.

Seeing the indifferent attitude of the 76ers, Barkley nodded and stood up: "Then the negotiation is over Jim, good luck to you, please contact my agent for the next thing."

Ten minutes later, West received a call from Barkley's agent.

They finally expressed their willingness to sign!

West's heart finally fell to the ground.

And just like that, it happened.

When everyone was laughing at the Lakers and West, West successfully used a spare tire to top it.

On the importance of being prepared!
After Shay hung up the phone, he took a deep breath.

Yesterday was a big dream that didn't come true, and today is a sudden pig.

The Lakers career is really exciting!

Shay read a report in his previous life. Barkley said in an interview that he was really almost traded to the Lakers in the summer of 92 in the original history.

When he received the notification from his agent, Barkley was so happy that he celebrated in advance and got drunk.

Although Barkley will often bury the Lakers as a commentator in the future, but if he can really go to the big ball market, his body will not lie.

But when he sobered up the next day, he was told that the transaction was cancelled!
In the original history, the Lakers gave Divac the fifth highest contract in the league, plus Worthy and Byron Scott were still in the team.

Therefore, there is no room to sign Barkley naked directly, and can only seek to sign first and then change.

Everyone knows what happened afterwards. The Suns used better bargaining chips to win the right to use Barkley from the 76ers.

But this history is different, the Logo man directly prostitutes for nothing!
Logo: What white whoring?We call it feelings that cannot be measured with chips!

In the end, the Lakers completed the robbery.

And it was a more thorough robbery.

After all, the Lakers didn't pay any chips!

As soon as Shay turned on the TV after practice in the afternoon, the sports news was full of the pig's head.

"Charles Barkley signed with the Los Angeles Lakers for 900 million in three years and teamed up with Shay!"

"Dream substitute? Fliggy suddenly joined the Lakers!"

"76ers GM: We got robbed!"

Laughed at the Lakers for missing Olajuwon.

The ugly and shocked Fliggy parachuted into Los Angeles.

This is the Lakers, their operations can always make the entire league turbulent.

Drexler has a heart attack!

Damn, can you give me a good time?

I just breathed a sigh of relief a few days ago, but today came a flying pig.

West, you are really poking a lung tube!

Jordan laughed out loud. To be honest, if Dameng joined the Lakers, Danzi felt that there might be a little bit of pressure.

After all, the Bulls are really weak inside.

But Barkley?

Hahahaha, the master who was beaten all over the place by me in the playoffs!

On the Suns side, the tears were all dried up.

It was originally a joke about the Lakers, but it turned out to be a joke!
For a while, the whole country was discussing Barkley's joining the Lakers.

Barkley has never made so many headlines in his life.

That's the added attribute of a big city!
On September 9, Sir Fliggy officially arrived in Los Angeles, and the Lakers also held a press conference for him at the hotel.

Fliggy, bald and shiny, raised his No. 34 jersey with the Lakers together with West.

Barkley smiled brightly, while West smiled with a smile on his face.

Damn Barkley's stomach is tearing through his shirt!
How did this fellow eat so much fat all summer?
At the beginning of the press conference, the reporters were extremely positive.

Most of the questions asked by the reporters are related to the current biggest star of the Lakers, Shai.

"Charles, have you met Shay yet?"

"Not yet, but soon, I'm sure we'll get along very well."

"Happy? If I remember correctly last season, you even hugged each other during the game, right? Is this how the feud is over?"

Barkley spread his hands:

"Man, you know, Shay and I have always been brothers.

How can there be hatred between brothers?We were just joking.

It was for the sake of my brother that I decided to bring my talents to Los Angeles.

I'm with Shay and we're going to win the title.

And not one, not two.

I will be the rebounding leader, he will be the assist leader, and then we will win the championship together.

hatred?It doesn't exist at all! "

After Barkley finished speaking, West secretly admired Fliggy's shamelessness.

As expected of a pig, he has really thick skin.

How can you say such nonsense!
Xie Yi, who was watching the live broadcast, was also speechless. When did I have a brother like you?

First of all, we are different species!
Why don't you play brother basketball for 20 years ahead of the times!

In the press conference, Barkley's performance was very good.

This big mouth is not talking nonsense.

But after the press conference, the problem came.

As soon as Barkley and West walked backstage after the press conference, the pig asked West a question restlessly:
"Jerry, I'm the heart of the team, right?"

Barkley is very serious. He didn't come to the Lakers to be a rookie's younger brother.

Rumor has it that he hugged the thigh of a rookie, how will he mess around in the arena in the future?
At the press conference just now, almost all the questions asked by the reporters were related to Shay, which made Barkley a little upset.

Why does it seem that I am here to assist Shay?

West's face didn't change, he already had the words to deal with it:
"Strictly speaking, both of you are core.

But don't worry, Shai is not the kind of selfish player, your shooting rights will not be cut. "

"It's better like this, let's go, let's go to the arena."

After appeasing Fliggy, West let out a sigh of relief.

The relationship between Barkley and Shay has always been West's biggest worry.

Barkley's character is hard to convince anyone.

So did Shay.

Of course, the relationship between the magician and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was also very bad.

But this does not affect that they have brought so many championship trophies to the team together after they got to know each other.

Therefore, West believes that as long as it is handled properly, Barkley and Shay can also get along happily.

He doesn't need Barkley and Shay to be siblings, they just need to be like normal colleagues.

So far, West's work this summer has been basically completed.

Although not perfect, the big dream is missing.

But next season's Lakers will never be told the phrase "We have more answers than them" again!
Sprewell, PJ. Brown, Clifford Robinson and Barkley.

The joining of these four people is all-round for the team's upgrade.

What's more, the Lakers still have a Shay who is still growing wildly!
Now, there is only one final question before the Lakers can make a big splash next season -- who will run this team?
While seducing Dameng and hunting Feizhu, West has also been looking for candidates for the head coach.

At the beginning, West's goal was Papa Daly, who had just left the Pistons.

The coach who is qualified to lead the Dream Team to the Olympics is undoubtedly the Lakers' No. 1 choice.

While the satanic coach is controversial in many ways, his abilities are beyond doubt.

As a result, Papa Daly didn't like the Lakers at all, but turned his head to New Jersey, which was like a basketball desert, and joined the Nets.

Maybe a giant like the Lakers is not suitable for Daly's personality.

Daly probably doesn't want to be restricted by the management too much.

Then, West contacted Del Harris, the "Silver Fox" who helped the Bucks rush to the sharks last season.

But Harris has signed a commentary contract with NBC Television, and he himself wants to take some time off.

So declined the Lakers.

West is now in a difficult situation. There are no good coaching candidates in the entire market.

Most of the good coaches in the university can't be hired at all.

In the end, West could only make a decision as bold as it was ten years ago.

"Me!?" It was 12 o'clock in the morning when Carlisle received the call.

But the phone call instantly revived him.

On the other end of the phone, the Logo man's tone was unhurried:

"Yeah, you know how the team plays and you're a serious guy.

So I think no one is more suitable for the position of Lakers coach than you. "

Ten years ago, Lakers coach Westhead was forced to resign because he disagreed with the Magician.

At that time, West also couldn't find anyone everywhere. In the end, he could only push assistant coach Riley to the position of head coach.

Now, it's pretty much the same situation.

And West also decided to believe in the amazing assistant coach of the Lakers again!
The position of head coach is quite special, and it doesn't necessarily work well if you are famous.

In West's view, Carlisle understands the team, is good at thinking, and is not rigid.

Moreover, getting along with the players is also very good.

Although not well-known, this Lakers team is already star-studded enough and no longer needs a particularly famous coach.

The coach who can use all the players well is the most suitable!
Carlisle couldn't believe that he became the head coach so quickly.

But he is confident he can lead the team well.

Because the current lineup of the Lakers is the lineup that is most suitable for Shay in Carlisle's mind!
Well, Carlisle admitted, it would be more appropriate to replace Barkley with Dare.

Barkley:? ? ?

In fact, before Barkley and Dameng came, Carlisle had arranged countless tactics for them in advance.

Therefore, he already knew how to work.

In order to share the pressure on Carlisle, West also found the assistant coach of the Spurs last season, a guy who looks like a penguin. Tom Thibodeau.

He hopes that the two young coaches will join forces to take the Lakers to the next level.

Everything is ready, now, West is waiting for the start of the new season!

However, before the start of the new season, the reputation of the Lakers was not very good.

Especially after seeing the Lakers appoint Carlisle, a rookie, as the head coach, people seem to be waiting to see the jokes of the Lakers.

"Carlisle? Who is he?"

"I thought the Lakers would find Daly, but no one found it? Hahaha, I really want to see how Shai and Barkley lose on the court next season."

"There's only one Riley, Carlisle can't make it. A rookie head coach coaching Shai and Barkley? It's like giving a sports car to someone who can't drive.

No matter how good the car is, it will be wasted. "

Carlisle's role as coach has been questioned.

Whether Shay and Barkley can get along peacefully has also been marked with a big question mark.

Carlisle is used to facing doubts and ridicule.

Because when the Lakers made another robbery transfer, what everyone wanted to see was not the success of the Lakers.

It's about seeing how the team overturns and loses ugly.

Amidst the doubts, the training camp for the new season officially opened.

On September 9th, Shay got up early in the morning and drove his Porsche sports car towards the Great Western Forum after a long absence.

Will this new Lakers team become a laughingstock or a legend.

The answer will be revealed slowly over the next year.

 Today’s 29D update is here, please ask for tickets online![-]D updates for [-] consecutive days, is it not too much to ask for a wave of double monthly tickets?I beg!Everyone give alms and I will vote, thank you big guys!

(End of this chapter)

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