After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 118 117: Teammates don't listen?It doesn't matter, Shay will make a move

Chapter 118 117: Teammates are disobedient?It doesn't matter, Shay will make a move

Like last season, the first thing Shai did after arriving at training camp was not to practice, but to attend a press conference.

In Los Angeles, you're in the media spotlight all the time.

Today, the Lakers press conference center was full.

No doubt the reporters were there to see Shai and Barkley.

This is the first time the two are on stage together!

Barkley's signing with the Lakers is undoubtedly the biggest news this summer.

The heat once overshadowed Bird's retirement and the Dream Team's championship win.

After all, the dream team's championship is what everyone expected.

But Barkley joining the Lakers?Most people would not have guessed this result.

Jerry West took the whole country on a rollercoaster ride with him.

When everyone thought the Lakers would get nothing, they released a surprise.

The old Buss had a very comfortable life this summer, and he has not paid much attention to the transfer news.

I don't hear anything outside the window with my ears, and I only care about big money parties.

Because he knew very well that West would definitely make a move.

That guy has always been a master at destroying the opponent's family, ah no, the opponent's team.

Why are you talking so dirty about Lao Tzu's tight deal?
At the press conference, Shai and Barkley finally appeared in front of the cameras of reporters at the same time.

In fact, this is also the first time the two met after Barkley signed with the Lakers.

It stands to reason that if the stars join forces, they will definitely meet in advance to discuss how to play the ball.

Discuss and discuss how to divide the team.

For example, when Westbrook first joined the Lakers in the future, James met with Westbrook with thick eyebrows.

And claimed on social media: "We have found a way to coexist and win."

and then uh
So it turns out that there is no use in mentioning meeting in advance!
After Barkley arrived in Los Angeles, he was drinking and drinking everywhere, eating and drinking.

Fliggy really goes to nightclubs every day, doesn't give himself a holiday on weekends, and is so dedicated that the paparazzi reporters can't stand still!

Shai called Barkley twice, but Barkley was drunk.

After that, Shay didn't fight again.

So until today, Shay didn't meet the guy who didn't make the playoffs last season, but claimed to teach himself to win.

Shay looked at Buckley's swollen stomach, and curled his lips speechlessly.

Who said Barkley wasn't serious about training?

People don't forget to attend the pre-season training camp when they are pregnant, isn't that serious?
In order to earn money for milk powder for the unborn child, Sir Feizhu is really working hard.

After the two sat down, the flashing light stunned Shay for a moment.

It's not just the Los Angeles media that's here today, but journalists from all over the country.

That's the appeal of Los Angeles.

The first question asked by the reporters made Barkley particularly embarrassed.

"Charles, I remember you said in an interview before. Even if you jumped off the Empire State Building, you would not be teammates with Shay. How do you explain this?"

Barkley's smile froze instantly: "Don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors, I never said that!"

Soon, however, the reporter took out a recording device and pointed it at the microphone.

What was played was exactly the voice of Barkley saying that sentence before.

Buckley touched his pig nose, I may not be human, but you are real dogs!

This is all recorded?What about trust between humans and animals?
The evidence was overwhelming, and Barkley didn't quibble anymore: "Just jump, it doesn't matter, anyway, Shay will definitely catch me."

Shay thought, even if you don't have to pick it up, your thick skin will let you land safely!
Reporters then asked Shai what he thought of the signing.

Shay naturally blew at Flying Pig:
"Oh you know, Charles is a fantastic player.

I am very much looking forward to joining forces with him, I think we will be able to play a brilliant season! "

The reporters found that Shai and Barkley did have a tacit understanding.

Openings are all "you know"!
In the following press conference, although there were still many embarrassing questions for Barkley.

such as:

"Charles, will the Lakers cafeteria increase its budget because of your presence?"

"Who's your ass bigger than Shay's head? Which rounder is your head compared to the Lakers logo?"

"If Shay and Buckley fell into the water at the same time, who would you save first, Jerry?"

Barkley's veins are violent, can you respect me, the core of the Lakers!
But overall, the press conference went smoothly, and nothing happened.

Although the surface is very peaceful, the reporters are actually looking forward to it with malicious intentions.

Expect something to happen with the Lakers' preseason training camp.

Barkley, Shay, and Sprewell, these three are the ones who eat gunpowder as a snack.

Not to mention Shay and Barkley, Sprewell also has a history of fighting in the NCAA.

When these three people get together, it is simply the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

It was like a single man and a widow sharing a sauna room, and the reporters didn't believe anything happened.

Shay also found that when he got up to leave, the reporters all looked at him with smirks.

It seems to be saying:

"Just wait, this year's pre-season training camp will have a lot of fun for you!"

Shay took a deep breath. It seems that before the official start of the season this year, he has to settle the internal affairs of the team first.

Sure enough, this year's teammates are really worrying.

As soon as the press conference ended, Sir Flying Pig started to make trouble.

After the press conference, Shai and Barkley returned to the locker room.

Shay changed into his training clothes and was about to go to practice.

Only to find that Barkley had already put on his casual clothes, packed his things and was about to leave!

"Why are you going?"

"Go home."

"Go home? Haven't started training yet!"

"Oh, I told West. I'm so tired after the Olympics, I'm applying for an extra week off.

Hey, how tiring it is to be the scoring champion in the dream team, you won't understand~
Jordan?He beeped.

It's not that I take him to play in the Olympics.

Don't worry, I will come back to play with you in a week.

The championship or something is not a problem at all.

Come on, Shay, don't be lazy, bye. "

After all, Barkley left the locker room humming a little tune with his bag in his hand.

Shay:? ? ?
How to say it as if you were the only one who won the Olympics!
Besides, you didn't make it to the playoffs last season, and you took the holiday earlier than anyone else, you are so tired!
Xie immediately went to find the Logo man, but Logo spread his hands:

"Leave him alone, he will come back. What you have to do is to lead the team to train well. After all, you are the core of this team.

Of course, if you also feel tired, I can also grant you a week off. "

Although the logo is very strict, he knows very well that sometimes stars need to be coaxed.

For a person like Fliggy, you have to coax him first.

When he is happy, he will work hard for you on the court.

In this way, on the first day Barkley joined the team, he missed work for a week and went home to get fat.
This gave Xie a big blow when he came here.

Xie pouted. It seems that this year's team is really not easy to lead.

I don't know what kind of challenges I will face in the days to come.

The pre-season training camp started in the absence of Barkley. Although Barkley was absent, it did not affect the team's plan.

On the second day of the training camp, Carlisle, who was promoted to head coach, arranged a new project this year-4V4 offensive and defensive training.

This is the training he learned from Chuck Daly's training method, combined with the advice given by assistant coach Thibodeau.

In the usual 5-on-5, each player has limited space to defend.

But in 4-on-4 offense and defense, everyone must move as much as possible on the defensive end and help each other rotate to fill positions.

Although the league does not allow zone defense now, Carlisle is now full of players with excellent mobility.

Therefore, you can follow the example of the Pistons and rely on your strong mobility to repeatedly jump horizontally to create that kind of borderline defense!

Carlisle has always wanted to do something like this.

He wants to raise the intensity of the Lakers' oppressive defense.

There is no way, there are too many guys in this hand, and our waist is hard.

Clifford Robinson, PJ Brown, Campbell, Perkins, Green, Sprewell, McMillan and Shay
Now Carlisle has a lot of defensive champions with outstanding mobility, covering all positions!

Carlisle had never fought such a rich battle in his life!
The reason why he started to let everyone fight so early is to let the players get used to this defensive method as soon as possible.

Once practiced, the Lakers' defense next season will be very terrifying, and humans and animals will eat it all!

And after the defense is completed, watch Shay and Barkley's Yili connection performance.

Carlisle's focus in this year's preseason training camp is on defense, because he feels that the Lakers next season will be a dog on the bench, and their offense will not be bad.

With Shai and Barkley, that's enough to solve 80 percent of the offense's problems.

Although according to the words of the new assistant coach Thibodeau: "Let them play 47.5 minutes in a game and directly solve 100% of the offensive problems!"

Carlisle is speechless, you are really humane, and you know how to let them rest for 0.5 minutes!

But it is true that Shay and Perkins allowed him to average 20 points per game last season.

This Yili connection, they are not allowed to take off when they are present at the same time?
Carlisle is confident, and everyone is very serious in training.

But it was also in this training that the team ran into trouble again.

Sure enough, Sprewell began to feel restless.

Sprewell is like a hedgehog, anyone who encounters it will be covered with needles.

Two days ago, Carlisle thought that Sprewell was just training hard.

But on the third day, Carlisle realized something was wrong when Madman shoved Dell Curry in the air for a layup, nearly spraining Curry's knee.

This kid didn't train hard, he just came for real!

It felt like he was holding his breath and getting angry on purpose.

As the scouting report said, Sprewell likes to fight hard. He will bite his matchup like a mad dog, even if he is playing against his teammates.

Curry stood up and complained to Sprewell, but Sprewell rushed up and pushed Curry.

Fortunately, everyone pulled away in time, so the conflict did not escalate.

If the two fight, the outside media will be overjoyed.

All of them are waiting for something to happen to the Lakers.

Carlisle had warned Sprewell to watch his movements.

But Sprewell wouldn't listen.

This guy always doesn't say a word, and then he uses all kinds of rough actions to deal with his teammates as if he has been beaten.

No one knows when this time bomb will go off.

First Barkley, then Sprewell.

Xie Yi is convinced, you just want to do something for me, right?
It seems that as the leader of the team, it's time for me to make a move!
So before the start of the 4V4 offense and defense on the fourth day, Shay took the initiative to find Carlisle:

"Today I played against that rookie."



"Don't make anything happen to Xie." Carlisle was vaguely uneasy.

"How come, he is my teammate, and I can still beat him up?"

Shay is gearing up, ready to start his own conquest to unify the team!
In today's 4V4 offensive and defensive training, the four members of Shay's first team are Shay, Perkins, Robinson and Curry.

The other team is Spurley Well, McMillan, PJ. Brown and AC. Green.

After the training started, Sprewell held the ball and prepared for singles.

Another problem he has in training is that he rarely passes the ball, and it doesn't matter what Carlisle says.

Every time the offensive ball is in his hands, it will basically not come out.

In short, this man Carlisle can't control.

Carlisle can't control it, Shay can control it!

Today, when Sprewell had possession of the ball at halftime, he discovered that Shay was defending himself.

Rather than being intimidated by Shai, who was last season's first-team guard, Sprewell was even more excited.

The madman really held his breath in his heart.

He felt he was so low in the draft that he shouldn't be worth just 21st.

Teammate Robert Horry is the 11th pick, so he should be 12th.

Therefore, he desperately wanted to prove himself.

What better way to prove your ID than to hit a star?
The madman then looked at Shay and said something surprising:
"I'm much better than you, you just joined the team earlier than me."

No one knows who gave Sprewell the courage to think he was better than the first-and-second-team guards.

Sprewell looked fiercely into Shay's eyes like a lion on its prey.

But in the face of provocation, Xie Yi suddenly put down his defending hands: "Caibi, just pretend to beg, I can defend you without raising my hand."

With the naked eye, Shay could see that the veins on Sprewell's head were bulging, so blood pressure went up again.

The madman was really angry, the way Shay put his arms down was so contemptuous.

And now the madman's most annoying extreme speed is looked down upon.

He suddenly accelerated his breakthrough, ready to break through!

But just as the madman took a step, Shay, whose hands were naturally drooping, suddenly slapped hard, cutting off the basketball in the madman's hand precisely!
Shay's current steal prediction attribute has already touched the threshold of "excellent".

Coupled with the badge that increases the reaction speed of tackles, it is a breeze for Shai to try to steal the ball from Sprewell.

After all, Sprewell has not yet reached his peak, and his level of ball handling in his rookie season is still relatively immature.

In front of Shay, a stronger first-defense guard than last season, the madman couldn't hold the ball at all.

After Shay hit the ball, Sprewell immediately turned and chased it.

But Shay knocked Sprewell away from the side and back, picked up the basketball, and dunked it!

After the dunk, Shay walked back while shaking his head:

"Trash, I told them you're a piece of trash, tell them not to fucking choose you.

21st pick?You are worth more than the second round! "

Sprewell said nothing, but everyone could see that he was very angry.

Madman deliberately shouldered Shay as he went up to pick up the ball.

Sprewell is actually not a talkative person. Most of the time, he is more like the future kawaii.

I can't fart for a long time.

The difference is that Sprewell doesn't say anything, but when he speaks, it is often a blockbuster wisdom.

Although he didn't speak anymore, he couldn't hide his anger.

The atmosphere on the court became subtle, and other people who did not participate in offensive and defensive training also glanced at the court from time to time.

Carlisle was wondering whether to call off training.

If it goes on like this, he's really afraid that something will happen.

Sprewell continued to attack, this time he was much more cautious, passing Shay with a very quick frontal change.

Sprewell is very confident in his speed, and no one in the NCAA can stop his breakthrough.

But Xie easily moved sideways and blocked the madman's way at the first time!
Shay clung to Sprewell, keeping him from fully charging.

After practicing for a summer under Glover's guidance this year, Shay's strength attribute gained another 2 points of natural growth, rising to 86.

Physical fitness also increased by 4 points to 84.

It's just that the speed and bounce haven't increased any more. Shea estimated that his body's speed and bounce have been trained to the limit without relying on the system.

So natural growth will stagnate.

And the strength of 86, which allows Shay to easily withstand the impact of Sprewell.

Sprewell was completely forced to stop now, but he still didn't pass the pass out of anger, but directly forced Shay!

His choice is tantamount to suicide.

Shay jumped up and threw his arms high in another of his trademark two-handed blocks.

In the air, Shay directly hugged the basketball with both hands, and just pressed Sprewell down.

After landing, Shay immediately snatched the ball away from the madman!
"Trash, don't attack like this. At your level, pass the ball to your teammates honestly."

Shay said, shoving the ball into Sprewell's hands.

Sprewell clenched his fist, he was on the verge of breaking out.

This damned Chinese entered the league a year earlier than me, we are obviously the same age!

One mouthful, one garbage and one rookie, how arrogant are you!
According to NBA rules, in the situation where Shay directly pressed the opponent down just now, the possession of the ball must be determined through scrimmage.

But the training game is not that complicated, and the ball is exchanged directly if it is defended.

So, it was Shay who attacked.

Sprewell began to pester Shay frantically, with a lot of hand movements.

Pulling, shoving, punching. Carlisle felt like Sprewell was playing in the playoffs.

But Shay did not show weakness, but was very happy.

The madman's defense in the early stage of his career is really active.

Shay tried to run off the Madman by running off the ball, but the Madman defended very tightly.

Finally, Shai got to the edge of the lane and turned around to get Sprewell with his back.

At this moment, Sprewell found that Shay suddenly raised his elbow in the process of turning around!The madman was so frightened that he hid back like a reflex!
Shay took the opportunity to catch the basketball, then turned his back and broke into the penalty area, scoring a one-handed dunk!
Looking at Sprewell who was stunned, Shay shook his head and said, "Second-round pick, you are just a second-round pick."

Sprewell was really frightened just now. If he didn't dodge that, he wouldn't be smashed to the floor now?
Shay bastard he is serious!
Sprewell, who likes to fight fiercely, met someone more ruthless than himself on the training ground for the first time today!

But Sprewell still refused to accept it, and Shay's ruthlessness aroused the madman's inner desire to win.

So in the subsequent training, the confrontation between the two became more and more intense.

Madman elbowed Shay in the chest as he broke through.

In the next round, Shay deliberately dropped his shoulders and knocked the madman out of the bottom line.

Sprewell pushed Shai on his layup.

Shay put Sprewell down directly at the basket.

Sprewell is ruthless, Shay is even more ruthless than him!

And during this period, Shay's stand-up comedy has never stopped:

"Fuck, drafting a player like you. When the fuck am I going to have a Scottie Pippen."

"I already scored 10 points, what are you doing? Playing house? Stop me!"

"Hey Rick, change someone, change someone. This rookie is not suitable for this kind of training. Maybe let him go to the side and practice dribbling on the spot first? Damn, he can't even hold the ball steadily!"

The entire empty training hall was filled with Shay's yelling and cursing.

For the first time in his life, Sprewell was beaten helplessly on the basketball court!

Shay's non-stop ridicule also made Sprewell short of breath.

In the last round of the practice match, Sprewell defended Shai with all his might.

Several times, Sprewell tried to steal the ball, but Shay evaded it with a flexible dribble.

Sprewell didn't know why Shay could dribble so steadily despite being so tall.

After evading a few steals, Shay took an unlucky turn and broke through Sprewell's side.

The madman didn't give up, and went all out to catch up.

PJ. Brown also tried his best to defend the basket, but Shay's pace was too big, and he almost reached the penalty area in two steps.

Faced with an unguarded basket, Shay did not choose to layup directly.

Instead, he stopped suddenly and was unlucky, and stayed where he was!

Sprewell, who was crazily chasing back, also stopped suddenly, but the huge inertia caused the madman to slip, and the whole person lay on the floor with a "bang", and was shaken down by Shay!
Shay stared at the madman lying on the ground, didn't even jump, and easily threw the ball under the basket.

The madman was knocked down in front of the whole team, already very embarrassing, and the humiliation was already full.

As a result, Shay kept repeating in his ear:

"13 to 1, 13 to 1, 13 to 1, your level, just give me a good pass."

After finishing speaking, Shay turned and left, ending the training!
A madman is mad because he refuses to accept anyone.

Well, Shay will let him submit today!
The madman's anger value had already reached the critical point, but after being shaken down by Shay just now, his anger value immediately exploded!

The silent madman slapped the floor hard, stood up abruptly, raised his fist and rushed towards Shay.

He really can't stand this kind of stimulation!
This is the character of a madman. Before his anger value exploded, he was no different from a normal person.

Even more silent.

But when the anger value explodes, he will completely lose control.

In the original history, the madman beat the coach. It is well known that he almost strangled the coach to death.

But what few people know is that after strangling someone and leaving, he was probably still angry, and he came back after a few minutes to reward the coach with some old punches
It is estimated that Carlesimo wanted to cry at the time. It was agreed, how could your time be over so quickly! ?

In short, Sprewell is a bit like Artest's mania.

Once angry, I can't control myself at all, and my behavior is very extreme.

At this very moment, Sprewell waved his fist aggressively, trying to attack Shay from behind.

I have never fought Shay harder than him in a ball game, so I must fight harder than him!

Make your mouth stink again!
Everyone was taken aback, Perkins and Green reacted immediately and ran towards Sprewell.

But it was too late, Sprewell had already thrown his fist from behind Shay!
After Shay heard the shout, he turned his head and saw Sprewell punching him.

At that time, the fist was close to Shay, but Shay turned his head reflexively, grabbed the arm that Sprewell hit with both hands, grabbed the arm and threw it down hard.


In an instant, Shay unleashed an incredibly silky over-the-shoulder throw, knocking Sprewell to the ground!

After falling to Sprewell, Shay knelt on the ground, wrapped his arms around his neck, and strangled him hard.

A strong sense of suffocation rushed into the madman's brain, and Xie directly locked the madman to death with a naked choke!

There is no distinction between wrestling and jujitsu. Although Xie Yi learned wrestling before, he also knows a thing or two about jujitsu.

It's not as good as a professional player, but it's more than enough to deal with a stunned young man like a madman.

Only two or three seconds after being strangled, Sprewell was slapping Shay's arm violently.

The rebellious madman was strangled and clapped his hands and surrendered!
Shay also let go of the madman immediately, this thing can really kill people if it is overused.

The madman lay on the floor, gasping for air.

How does it feel like my mania has been cured?
Sprewell stood up quickly, and everyone thought that he was going to have a conflict with Shay in a daze.

Who knew that after Sprewell stood up, he asked a question that shocked everyone:

"Brother Xie, are you thirsty? You must be tired after practicing for so long, I'll go buy some drinks!"

"Gatorade, take off the label, thanks."

"right away!"

After all, Sprewell ran out of the training hall.

Only the other players were left stunned and staring at each other.

Is this still the rebellious Sprewell who refuses to accept anyone! ?
Terry Teague, who successfully renewed his contract with the Lakers this year because he often helped Shay buy water last season, panicked.

People only saw him rushing out of the training hall immediately, and then shouted:
"Hey, wait! Don't take my job, boy!

You don't know what Shay's favorite drink tastes like! "

Shay looked at Sprewell walking out of the training hall and shrugged.

Is it difficult to let teammates settle down?
Just beat him up!
The whole world is waiting to see the Lakers explode internally, but it's not going to happen.

With Shay around, they can't blow it up!

Sprewell solved, so next
Don't panic, I will solve them one by one!
 Thanks to book friend 20200503150753541, fan-like single guy, crashing soy sauce, reader 1606094328819609600, Ruizhi, grow up soon, sleepy Casey, book friend 20221101231923794 and other big guys for their rewards, thank you everyone!Double monthly tickets, for Lao He's efforts to update, please donate, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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