After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 119 118: Slap him and give him a mouthful of pig feed, a sign of the alliance changing?

Chapter 119 118: Slap him and give him a mouthful of pig feed, a harbinger of a change in the alliance?

In team training, teammates fight each other.

It's a big deal no matter which team it's on.

Although the players themselves would certainly not say it, there were so many trainers on the scene at the time.

These trainers don't mind passing this breaking news to reporters for a few thousand ugly dogecoins.

This is how a lot of inside information about the NBA gets out.

How else would people know that Magic has fired bullets from almost everywhere in the Great Western Forum.

Now the whole team is very nervous. If this matter gets out, it will definitely trigger a wave of bad public opinion.

And with that kid Sprewell having such a temper, he might have trouble with Shay in the team in the future.

As a result, 10 minutes later, Sprewell actually walked back obediently with a bag of drinks and distributed them to everyone in silence.

After distributing the drinks, he didn't speak any more, and went to shoot the ball silently.

Sprewell likes to fight hard, and if he can't play a ball, he will fight.

But if you meet someone who is more ruthless than him in all directions, let him obey.

He stopped making trouble.

As someone who grew up in the ghetto, Sprewell knew that he needed to be tough all the time to protect himself.

But if you meet someone who is more ruthless than you, you'd better be obedient.

It can only be said that Shay rejuvenated and cured the mania that had plagued Sprewell for many years in just one morning!

Thank you doctor!

Everyone was amazed at Sprewell's change, and even more amazed at the way Shai subdued the rookie.

You are really convincing people with virtue!
In the second group of 4V4 offensive and defensive training in the afternoon, Sprewell became much more honest.

Although still a bit independent, the defense is still fierce.

But the scale of action has returned to the normal range, and he has no more hands and feet with his teammates.

After the training, Jerry West also learned about the fight between Shay and Sprewell on the training ground.

He hurried to speak with Sprewell one-on-one before reporters rushed into the training facility.

But West talked for a long time, but Sprewell, like a statue, didn't respond at all.

You dead fish that don't make a sound are the most annoying!
In desperation, the Logo man could only speak by himself and conclude by himself:

"Anyway, don't worry about it.

do you know?We didn't want to choose you in the first place, but Shay insisted that we choose you.

He has always been optimistic about your strength, saying how outstanding you are.

He keeps torturing you in training, and he just hopes that you don't want to be tormented by your opponent in the official game.

Go ahead and stop talking nonsense in front of reporters. "

Hearing what West said, Sprewell finally responded:
"Shay asked you to choose me?"

"Why lie to you? He also said that you are at least the lottery level, but other people don't have eyes."

A look of surprise flashed across Sprewell's face, he nodded, and left the Logo man's office.

West looked at the madman who left and smiled slightly.

The trick of black face and white face is indeed very easy to fool people~
By this time, reporters had heard about Shai and Sprewell sparring in practice.

As soon as the opening time for the media arrived, all the reporters rushed towards Shay and Sprewell who had just returned to the venue.

Journalists have always been enthusiastic about this type of news, and that hasn't changed whether it's Greenpool 30 years later or Shai is playing Sprewell now.

The media have been waiting for a long time for the news of the Lakers internal strife, and they can't wait to use this to attract attention and increase newspaper sales.

Who knows that Xie Yi faced this matter very calmly:
"We did move, but only for training. We're a tough team, so it's normal to have some movement in training.

And I have great respect for Sprewell's courage in not backing down from me.

But after training, we were fine, nothing. "

The reporters obviously didn't believe Xie Yi's words, and they said it was all right after they all did it?
Don't hide it!
So, everyone went to see Sprewell's "testimony" again.

This stunned young rookie should not be able to make up nonsense.

I thought Sprewell would break the news and openly contradict Shay.

How did he know that the madman actually blew Shay into the sky when he opened his mouth!

"Relationship? We have a good relationship, Shai is a good leader, his tough temperament spread throughout the team, and I was also affected.

I enjoy playing against him, enjoying playing with him.

I think we will definitely be able to accomplish a lot under his leadership in the new season. "

The reporters were all dumbfounded, why did you even brag about Shay after being beaten up?
If you are threatened by Shay, just blink!
If it was blown up by Shay and choked naked before, it just convinced Sprewell.

After he learned that it was Shay who advocated that the team chose him, the madman really had a good impression of Shay.

After all, Shay might be the only person in the entire world who thinks about him.

This made the madman feel that Shay's series of actions just now might just be a matter of hating iron but not steel.

It's rare to meet someone who knows how to appreciate himself, and he naturally doesn't want to disappoint Xie Yi!
At this time, the reporters who rushed into the training hall were like a group of old perverts who had strayed into a regular massage parlor.

Go in excitedly, come out disappointed.

What kind of temper is the madman? The reporters all know that it's not like they didn't fight during college.

He is definitely not the kind of person who tells lies in front of the media, because this guy always speaks straight, no matter how wise the words are.

As a result, now, Sprewell is as docile as a golden retriever.

But the next day, news of Shay and Sprewell's fight still hit the headlines.

Some media deliberately added embellishments and deliberately ignored the statements of the two parties involved, Shay and Sprewell.

As soon as the news came out, Sir Feizhu, who was fattening at home, was taken aback.

Hey, it seems that the Lakers still can't do without me as the absolute core.


Just a second-year rookie.

It's really useless if you can't hold down even a rookie.

It seems that it's time for the old pig to come out of the mountain!
Finally, on the sixth day after the start of the training camp, the Lakers players saw the fat figure of Charles Barkley on the training ground for the first time.

Thibodeau shook his head when he saw Barkley:

"God, he might not be able to see his little head when he stands up straight!"

Carlisle glanced at the chubby Thibodeau, how dare you talk about him!
You can only see half of your head at most!

But it's true that Barkley is so fat that he doesn't look like a professional player.

The belly was so big that he abruptly wore the serious jersey into a braised chicken baring navel.

Shay also walked into the training hall at this time, and was shocked when he saw Barkley.

This guy is fatter than he was a few days ago!

I'm afraid you're not really stealing pig feed at home!
"Didn't you rest for a week? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Heh, it's not because of you that you can't even deal with a rookie.

I saw the news, don't panic, I'm here.

Look, I taught you how to wrestle last year, and today I will teach you how to handle a rookie. "

Shay: .
In Barkley, Shay has a deep understanding of what it means to be "shameless and invincible".

Fliggy's face is like sports protection, it looks thin, but it is very thick in use!
You teach me wrestling?Who did the boar turn over on the floor last year?
After Sprewell walked in, he just glanced at Barkley, but didn't say a word.

Barkley's haughty attitude towards this rookie immediately became lively, and he didn't know how to say hello?

Feizhu then walked towards the madman slowly, deliberately making things difficult for him: "Hey rookie, go and buy me a bottle of drink."

Instead of obeying, Sprewell gave Buckley a vicious look, as if to say "who the hell are you".

"Oh shit, you kid has a bit of a temper.

I warn you, I also have a bad temper.

I count to three, if you still don't go, you know what will happen.

one, two
Two point five!
Two seven five! "

Seeing that Sprewell remained unmoved, Sir Flying Pig was embarrassed on the spot.

No, I am so shameless at the core of the Lakers! ?

At this time, it was Shay who came up and winked at the madman: "Go and buy two bottles of drinks for me and Charles, thank you."

Madman was like a robot, not responding, not nodding and shaking his head.

He just put down the basketball and walked out of the court.

Barkley looked at Shay in astonishment, and Shay patted Barkley on the shoulder:

"Today I will teach you how to tame a rookie, for free."

"I... what are you proud of, kid? Do you think he listens to you? He is afraid of me!

If I'm not by your side, he might beat you up again! "

"You, you still love to talk nonsense.

By the way Charles, don't you think it's time for you to lose weight? "

Shay said, patting Buckley's round belly.

"Don't call me fat!"

"You're so fat, you're as fat as a pig."

"Shay, I'm not joking, you're going to call me fat again."

"Charles, look in the mirror, you look uglier than Jordan now. If you can't lose weight before the start of the season, then I will help you lose weight."

As Shay said, he wrapped his arms around Buckley's neck, which was as short as a baby shark.

Fliggy's neck suddenly felt cold, and he was sweating profusely.

He knew Shay's strength very well. After all, he was the man who beat the postman to 50 needles in a single game last season.

Barkley didn't want to go to the hospital for a while before the new season started.

"Shay, put your hands down first, we have something to talk about.

The reason why I came back so early is to lose weight!

Hahahaha, you don't really think I'm here to teach some rookie a lesson, do you?

Are you still unsure about a rookie?

Stop talking, I'm going to roll the iron! "

Barkley said, rushed into the strength training room, and started training obediently.

Although Fliggy was stunned, he was not stupid.

And Fliggy is the kind of person who is willing to admit that others are strong.

After being beaten to the ground by Jordan in the original history and training with Jordan, Fliggy admitted: This training is not something ordinary people can bear. From today onwards, I no longer envy Jordan's achievements.

After the future kissed the donkey's ass because he underestimated Yao Ming, he didn't make excuses for himself, and openly admitted Yao Ming's strength.

Therefore, Fliggy also admitted that Shay is indeed capable of helping him lose weight!
So he didn't resist too much.

Fliggy, who originally came to show off his power to help teach Sprewell a lesson, did not expect that he was taught a lesson!
But in his heart, he said this to himself: I lost weight for myself, not because I was afraid of Shay!
Carlisle and Thibodeau couldn't believe it when they saw Fliggy who had become docile like a madman.

Although Shay hit the madman as soon as he came up, he humiliated Barkley.

He used a series of inexplicable ways to get rid of the two most difficult people in this team!
With abundant martial arts virtues, you can do whatever you want!
That year, Shay put his hands in his pockets and didn't know what conflicts in the team were.

You see, isn't everyone working hard?
In this way, three weeks later, the Barkley in front of Carlisle was completely different from the Barkley before him!
After the muscle line came back, the big belly disappeared.

Although he still looks chubby, he at least looks like a professional player.

Barkley is such a rubber man, he rises fast and loses fast.

Almost every pre-season training camp, he will experience a wave of "transformation".

"Now, who looks better, Jordan or me?" Barkley puffed up his oily biceps, showing off his power in front of Shay.

"You are good-looking, everyone and everyone are good-looking! Jordan? If he doesn't have that much money, he is so handsome!"

"Hahahaha, the hero sees the same thing, you are so fucking angry with me!"

After all, Xie Yi had read "The Feeding and Nursing of Sows" in his previous life, so he knew the truth of slapping a mouthful of pig feed.

When dealing with Barkley, you can't suppress him blindly, and you have to satisfy that guy's vanity once in a while.

And hacking Jordan with him is the best way to satisfy his vanity.

Carlisle admired Shay very much. If he was the only one, he would definitely not be able to handle Madman and Flying Pig.

The team started to get on the right track. Although Barkley was very resistant to 4V4 offensive and defensive training, he was always too lazy on the defensive end.

And the Lakers' defensive system next season just needs a lot of movement when defending.

This made Barkley miserable.

But overall, Barkley is serious about training.

He also knew that his transfer to the Lakers was not just a play.

He just lost enough and couldn't kneel down, so he chose to leave Philadelphia.

So, a month passed.

Those media who were looking forward to the conflict between Shay and Barkley didn't get the result they wanted when the preseason game was about to start!

What about infighting?

What about a piece of chicken feather?

What about the Lakers overturned?

How come the Lakers are thriving!

How did Shay, a second-year rookie, hold the team together so well?

This is not scientific at all!

Barkley and Shai not only fought among themselves, but also often joked with each other in press conferences.

Compliment each other.

"Shay? He is an aesthetic person, and I admire him."

"Charles trains hard, and anyone who says he doesn't train is an idiot. I've never seen a more professional player than him."

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other, and then smiled sweetly.

Connery: It's broken, I'm a spare tire!

The reporters are convinced, we didn't come to see you spread dog food!
The news of the infighting on the Lakers side didn't arrive. Instead, Chicago, the stronghold of the tyrant, suddenly caught fire in the backyard.

Cobra Grant, the inside pillar of the Bulls, is actually the third leader of the team.

Today, in front of a large number of reporters, I suddenly made a big move:

"I don't understand why we have to do the switchbacks and Jordan and Pippen don't?"

Just today, Zen Master just announced that Jordan and Pippen can not participate in some high-intensity training programs in the team.

The reason is that they are very tired after the Olympics.

I thought this decision was nothing, but Grant told the reporter all this in a complaining tone!
This made everyone smell an unknown atmosphere.

This invincible Chicago Bulls, this Chicago Bulls has achieved two consecutive championships in modern basketball since the Lakers and Pistons
It seems that cracks are starting to appear from within?
The Lakers, who were thought to be a mess, were united closely together in an inexplicable way.

But the bull, which was thought to be indestructible, has a few cracks.

In the preseason training camp, Shai undoubtedly did better than Jordan!
It's just that most people don't take this matter to heart. Grant has been on this team for so many years, how could he really blame Jordan and Pippen?
Definitely just whining.

But the keen Logo man saw an opportunity.

He vaguely felt that the 92-93 season
It might change!
 Today's 30-character update is here, and the [-]-character update is non-stop for [-] consecutive days!It's not too much to ask for a ticket!Let's vote, guys!The more suitable it is, the longer it lasts!

(End of this chapter)

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