After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 428 Chapter 427: Terrible comparison of data boards, start off with Janeway!

Chapter 428 Chapter 427: Terrible comparison of data boards, start off with Janeway!

Joel Anthony stopped the Heat directly with two consecutive wonderful assists.

The Los Angeles Lakers have a long history of talent.Developed to the present, the real Lakers may not even be in the Lakers!

Many people think that Joel Anthony just can't score, can't defend, and can't rebound.Other than that, it's actually quite strong.

But in fact, Joel Anthony has no place to do it.He was able to start because he was with the Heat.

Before Big Z, who averaged 5 points and 4 rebounds per game, and the second center in the West, Dampier, who averaged 2 points and 3 rebounds per game, were injured, Joel Anthony even had to substitute them.

This shows how unfathomable his strength is.

No way, you get what you pay for.

Joel Anthony only takes such a small salary to make ends meet, you can't let him play the effect of Duncan, right?

After the game was suspended, all Heat fans were heartbroken.

With an 8-0 start, Shai gave the Internet superstar LeBron a hard lesson on the stage of the Finals.

Judging from the few matchups at the beginning, Ajan and Shay are not on the same level at all.

Among other things, let's take singles Shay as an example.

If it is Jordan, he will definitely use magic to overcome magic, and technology to overcome technology.

It is not impossible to forcefully rush in and change hands for layups against the defense of three or four people.

If it was Olajuwon, he would use a masterful low foot to create space, and then finish the offense with a turnaround jumper or a hook.

If it was Kobe, he would definitely use his back-up technique to slowly find space, and then suddenly turn over and attack, revealing the fangs of the poisonous snake.

Although it is possible not to make it, but you don't care if you make it or not, Kobe will definitely be able to play this move.

Kobe may not score, but he will never be handsome.

But A-Zhan, the way he singled out Shay was to rub his feet on the spot!

Moreover, Shay cut the ball after only one dribble, and in the end he could barely make a three-pointer.

How does this Nima look like a superstar singles level?
This singles stunned made people see the feeling of the whale singles Kefan!
Ajan's singles were quite embarrassing, let alone Shay's two singles against James.

In those two singles, James relied on his better physical fitness to stop Shay's first shot.

But Shay always found the second, the third chance to score the ball.

Shay not only cleaned up James, but also bullied ordinary players like Joel Anthony.

This is called equal treatment, and the rain and dew all share.

Joel Anthony was stunned because he was defended and made two consecutive turnovers from the baseline. There is really no dispute that DPOY gave Shay.

In fact, Shay is not just a DPOY this year, but a full-vote DPOY.

Last season DPOY Howard did not even get a single vote this season.

One is because Howard has made too little progress, and the other is because Shay is 41 years old and still able to defend like this, which really impressed all the judges.

However, Shay's unanimous DPOY vote is nothing to brag about. After all, James also won the "DPOY ranking third award".

In short, the start of the finals completely stunned Heat fans.

It seems that Heat fans really believed ESPN's various reports, and really thought that Ajan could crush the 41-year-old Shay.

So much so that they all forgot how many stars in this history have stumbled in Shay's hands.

From 91 to the present, not counting the 08 years when Shay was still looking for form, only Drexler in history can win Shay in the playoffs.

Why do Heat fans think that Ajan can be as great as the basketball ceiling Drexler?
If Olajuwon, known as the number one C in history, hadn't hugged Drexler's thigh, would he have played in the finals once in his life?
James was also a little nervous at this time. He suddenly realized that it was not Shay's loss that he hadn't played against Shay in the regular season, but his own loss!

Because he hadn't played against Shay in the regular season this year, he didn't know Shay's depth at all.

Only now did they suddenly fight to realize that Xie Yi's strength was unfathomable!
No way, Shay's strength this season has fluctuated up and down, which is easy to be underestimated.

Sometimes, he can lock Durant's 15 turnovers in a single game and 11 consecutive triple-doubles.

But sometimes, he will score no more than 20 points in a single game in a row.

Therefore, Shay in the regular season gave James the illusion of "how strong Yemei is".

He had no idea how terrifying Shay was without the pain in his knee.

Even if Azhan was beaten by Shay once in the regular season, he would not look down on Shay so much before the game.

At this time, James turned his head on the bench and found that Wade was looking at him.

The eyes of the couple revealed a kind of shock of "it's over, the situation seems a bit beyond imagination".

I don't know if the two of them later regretted taunting Shai with a fake limp before the game, because there is no doubt that it completely angered Shai.

After being enraged, Shay's fighting power is often stronger!

But it's no use regretting it now Shay has tasted blood now.

As for the man, once the energy comes up, he won't stop sprinting until it's all vented!

Spoelstra is also a little confused. His coaching level in this period is still too young.

During this timeout, he only said two things.

First, it's up to Bosh to serve all the sidelines!As for Joel Anthony, if you can't let him get the ball, don't let him get the ball!If he gets the ball a few more times, Spoelstra is afraid that he will have a cerebral hemorrhage!

Joel Anthony, really. Off the ball master.

Second, double-teaming must be firm.No matter who holds the ball, they must attack quickly and fiercely, forcing the Lakers to make mistakes.

Only by forcing the Lakers to make mistakes will the Heat have a chance to fight back!
As for what to do if the attack is dragged into the position.
Good question, Spoelstra would also like to know what to do!
This entire season, he didn't want to understand the second method of the Heat's positional offense other than the Big Three taking turns in singles.

It is naturally impossible to think of something that has not been figured out for a season in a short timeout.

Therefore, the Heat restarted the game with almost no arrangement.

The Heat are attacking, and Wade and James also know that there is no chance of winning if they continue to lead the team alone.

The Lakers' 2-1-2 zone defense directly strangled the breakthroughs of James and Wade.

Carlisle is now more than a star and a half better than Spoelstra. He lost to the Heat twice in the regular season. Carlisle did not complain that all the reasons were attributed to the factor of "Shai's absence".

He's also been trying to figure out how to beat the Heat strategically.

Later, he discovered that the Heat's offense was not as good as it appeared on the surface.

The Heat rely too much on star singles. In fact, there is nothing wrong with relying on star singles. The Lakers were also a team that relied heavily on Shai on the offensive end during their four consecutive championships in the 90s.

But the point is, neither Wade nor James is as versatile as Shay.

Facing Shay, you really have nothing to do except to double-team with no brains.

But James is different from Wade. Most of their scores come from breakthroughs.

So as long as the basket is protected, the scoring ability of Wade and James will be greatly limited.


In the original history, Carlisle used this trick to contain the Heat.

And now, the defensive configuration of this Lakers is no worse than that of the Mavericks in the original history.

So it made Janeway feel very uncomfortable.

Both Wade and James know that breakthroughs alone are useless.

They must also be connected in positional warfare.

This round, Wade held the ball outside the three-point line, and James asked for the ball in the low post.

Their plan is that Wade attracts part of the defense, then throws the ball to James, and James turns around and breaks through, hitting the Lakers by surprise.

But the reality is, Wade hoisted the ball to James, and the moment James turned his back and broke through, the entire Lakers team immediately shrank, even Wade didn't care!

Wade has hit only 26% of his three-pointers so far in the playoffs.

Who cares?

In this way, James made a shot under the basket facing the pincer attack of four people.In the end, this layup slipped to the basket, and the Heat's offense failed again!

But fortunately, the Heat's defense still did not drop. Shay originally wanted to grab the rebound and immediately make a long pass to find Curry to fight back.

But when he was about to pass the ball, he found that Wade had quickly caught up with Steffen.

Defense, this is the only fig leaf for the Heat now.

But Shay is too familiar with things like tearing off the last piece of cloth from someone else's body!
After the offense was dragged into position, Shay handed the ball to his pal just past half court.

According to Spoelstra's tactics, Wade and Chalmers immediately went to attack Curry frantically.Want to force Curry to rush the ball, and then others can wait for an opportunity to steal.

In most cases, the Heat have no problem defending like this.

After all, it is impossible for everyone on a team to have such a strong passing ability.

Before playing against the Celtics, once Pierce and Ray Allen were oppressed, it was also difficult to handle the ball and there would be many mistakes.

But when Curry faced a double-team, he calmly picked up the ball directly and smashed it to Wade's head.

To be exact, the basketball rubbed against Wade's head and flew through the gap between Wade and Chalmers.Then the basketball crossed directly from the left to the right, and was accurately delivered to Shay who ran out of the gap! Curry made a face-to-face pass!
Although Curry's style is more shooting guard, organization is not his strong point.But his ability to play in double-teams has always been very strong.

Even in a double-team, even if there is only a slight gap, Curry can pass the ball to the open teammate.

As long as Curry doesn't pass back, he is an excellent passer!

The ball is passed to Shay, who fires directly from beyond the three-point line.

James was caught by Randolph's off-ball pick-and-roll, and the defense slowed down a step.

This step is enough for Shay to end the defense.

"Three-point hit! Shay has scored 9 points, and the Lakers lead 11-0!

The Heat's timeout did not prevent the Lakers from taking a double-digit lead at the start!

The tacit understanding between Stuffer and Shay is quite good. Even in double-teaming, Curry passed the ball to Shay at the right time.

The Heat's invincible perimeter defense has encountered great challenges! "

Mike Breen looked at the score, and he felt that 11-0 was just a warm-up.

The next point difference may make it difficult for Heat fans to accept.

For the Lakers' 8 points before, Shay succeeded in a double-team turnaround jump shot, a retreat step before the double-team came up and a single hit, and two steals from the baseline.

To put it bluntly, the Lakers' first 8 points are not considered tactical.

But this ball made Mike Brin see the Lakers' offensive strategy.

That is for everyone to reduce the sticky ball, a large number of fast side-to-side passes, and quickly and directly transfer the ball from one side to the other.

Just now, Curry passed the ball close to the face without hesitation in the double-team, and it was given to Shay who almost ran out on the other side.Shay also didn't stick to the ball, and shot directly after receiving the ball.

This move is very resistant to the Heat's oppressive attack.

It's just that other teams don't have so many players who can play in double teams, so this tactic can't be played at all.

But the Lakers started, Curry, Shay and even Noah, all have excellent ability to play the ball!
Defense, 2-1-2 zone defense to gain a foothold.

Offensive, while falling down and quickly transmitting to break the oppressive pincer attack.

On both offensive and defensive ends, the Lakers have restrained the Heat to death in terms of strategy!
11 to 0?Just an appetizer!

In the finals, Carlisle didn't play any false moves with Spoelstra, and he was rushing to end the game arrangement from the beginning!
And his head star Shay was not polite to the young Big Three, and scored 9 points with every shot.

The Heat are quite embarrassing now. In the first game of the finals, at their home court, they even mocked the opponent's star before the game, but they were beaten to an 11-0 start.

This fucking young man also wants to save face!
After Shay made this three-pointer, he deliberately hammered his knee:

"Don't worry LeBron, my knee can last at least four games, enough to play with you!
You don't have to pretend to be limping, I'll let you actually crawl out on your knees when the series is over! "

That's right, there is one thing the Lakers officials haven't said.

That's Shai's knee, and it's only going to last four or five more games at most.

If you go further, the risk of injury is very high.

After all, Shai was overloaded throughout the playoffs.While the blockouts provided Shai with some pain relief, his knees were still wearing out.

Therefore, Shay must sweep or gentlemanly sweep to guarantee victory!

As long as Shay is delayed for a few more games, it is very likely that Shay will not be able to reach the end.

And the Big Three of the Heat, no matter how young they are, it is more than enough to beat the Lakers without Shai.

So, Shay doesn't just have to win, but the fight has to be resolved ASAP!
In this regard, Shay himself is very confident.

People also said that the two 60-win teams, the Spurs and the Thunder, are difficult to deal with.

But the Lakers took the two teams together in just 9 games.

Facts have proved that as long as the tactics are appropriate, it is really possible to suppress the opponent to the point of being completely unable to turn over.

James is so angry now, solve me in four games?What are you kidding!
But when James took the ball again and found that Shay shrank his defense, and all his teammates behind him also shrank according to the position of the zone defense, completely blocking the breakthrough path, James was at a loss for a while.

He wanted to score, wanted to respond to Shay, but he couldn't do anything!
In the end, A-Zhan chose to shoot a three-pointer. Since you let me shoot, then I will punish you severely!
I don't know if James can punish Shay, but he undoubtedly punished the basket severely today.

Although Shay let James take a step, because of his height and long arms, he can interfere with James as long as he stretches out his hand.

Plus Shay has the "Shoot Like a Maggie" badge that increases the interference effect.

So, Ajan's three-point shot hit the front of the basket directly!

Since the start of the game, James has not scored even 1 point!
Shai took the rebound and went on to hand it to Curry.

After learning the lesson from the last time, James actively blocked Shay's position and prevented Curry from passing the ball.

But Shay suddenly ran back and cut to the basket, and Curry hit the ground in a double-team pass. The basketball just rebounded from James' feet and was sent to Shay.

This exquisite back run and well-timed pass allowed Shay to easily enter the penalty area.Under the Heat basket, Joel Anthony looked at Shay in confusion.

He knew that he couldn't stop that number 23, even if he was 41 years old.

If it was the regular season, Joel Anthony would definitely choose to quietly step aside and watch the opponent attack the frame.

But... this is the finals, wouldn't it be a little bad to just step aside?
While Joel Anthony was still hesitating, Shay had already rushed in front of him and jumped up directly ignoring the defense.

If the four major centers protecting the frame are now, the 41-year-old Shay would not dare to be so rampant.

Even if it was Howard or Yao Ming who protected the frame, the 41-year-old Shay would not be so aggressive.

But now he is facing Joel Anthony, don't even think about it, just dunk and it's over!
The reason why Joel Anthony can start is mainly because Spoelstra doesn't have a small-ball mindset yet, and he always feels that a center must be placed on the court, even if it is a blue-collar center.

But in fact, this is a bad move.

With Joel Anthony on the court, the Heat looked like they were 4-on-5 on both ends of the court.

After a loud "boom", Heat fans witnessed the 41-year-old Shay actually complete a dunk with both hands across Joel Anthony!
The 41-year-old Shay can still dunk solo on the stage of the finals!
This buckle made the shouting in the American Airlines Center quieter by 10 decibels.

The morale of the Lakers has improved a little.

However, the most embarrassing thing at this time was not Joel Anthony.After all, everyone knows that he is just an ordinary player who can't start in other teams.

The most embarrassing thing is that A-Zhan couldn't defend Shay when attacking with the ball before, and he couldn't defend Shay when attacking without the ball in these two rounds!

He was blasted to pieces!

Shay has scored 11 points and made 5 of 5 shots after the start!
The Lakers lead 13-0!

At this time, the big screen on the scene also inserted the data boards of Shai, Wade and James very inappropriately.


And Wade's side is 0-2, James is 0-3, and other statistics are also 0!As soon as this data board was typed out, the huge difference between the two sides made Heat fans quite embarrassed!

Shay can be said to have completely abused James and Wade in the opening stage!
Before the game, the couple limped like Shay.

But now on the basketball court, they were really beaten into cripples!

Heat fans are extremely ashamed now, the feeling of humiliating others before the game, but being blown up by others in the end, is really good!

But as Mike Breen said, this is just the beginning of the nightmare.

Especially for A Zhan, at this time he still doesn't know what he will experience today.

He always felt that sooner or later he would break the scoring drought and close the score sooner or later.

After all, it was not like he had never encountered this kind of game where he was beaten hard at the beginning, but then slowly came back later.

What James hadn't realized was that Shay wasn't going to give him a chance at all!

Ever since he limped like Shay in the tunnel, Shay has been murderous.

Smash the United Center, Shay is not just talking!

James controlled the ball and continued to walk towards the Lakers half, he still had a glimmer of hope for the game.

As everyone knows, tonight, his first finals game, will be the darkest moment in his entire career that will never be erased!
 Thanks to Xiaoyao Yixin and other big guys for their rewards, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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