After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 429 Chapter 428: The finals scored less than 2 digits in a single game?The first game entere

Chapter 429 Chapter 428: Scored less than double digits in a single game in the finals?The first game entered garbage time!

Miami, United Center.

Since Shay kicked off Janeway, the game has continued to the last 4 minutes of the fourth quarter.

All Miami fans are doubting life at this time.

They were suspecting that James' limping before the game might not be a faux pas!
To use the title of a song by Jacky Cheung, the most wanted criminal's nemesis, James may be "I'm Really Hurt".

Because the game is almost over, LeBron James, the second man in the MVP rankings, this double-team forward, this guy who is destined to become the ruler of the 10s in ESPN's mouth, is destined to take over Shay's position.

So far, he only scored .8 points!
8 points!

So far, James has played 42 minutes.

42 points in 8 minutes, this Nima is not really injured, what is it! ?

Now, Heat fans suddenly realized why Spoelstra must put Joel Anthony on the court.

It turned out to be to honor James!
Because of Joel Anthony, James is not the one with the lowest score among the Heat's starters!
He guaranteed the Heat's lower limit!

Mike Brin was a little puzzled:
"LeBron has now been completely reduced to a dribble machine, from the middle of the third quarter to now, he has not even initiated a one-on-one!
It was as if he was completely lost! "

Can it not get lost?Ajan has hit 12 of 3 so far, and his shooting percentage is only 25%.

Shay's superb single defense and the Lakers' strong execution of the zone defense completely made James do not know how to play.

Hard front?First of all, Shay's steals are too powerful. Several times, Ajan was cut by Shay just after taking a step.

And even if you can break through Shay, there is still the Lakers' defense contraction waiting behind.


Passing is useless, because the Heat don't have enough perimeter firepower for James to pass.

The Lakers' zone defense also prevented Wade from cutting in.

Therefore, James has no passing options at all.

back?Forget it, in the third quarter, A-Zhan already used a post-up single to embarrass him.

What happened was that James was holding the ball with his back near the free throw line.Because of his poor back-up skills, James wanted to pass the ball as soon as he got the basketball.

But after looking left and right with the ball for a few seconds, James found that there was no room for the pass, and Shay hadn't fully defended himself.

So, A-Zhan turned over and made a jumper after making two fake passes.In the end, the basketball crossed a perfect arc, directly avoiding the basket and the net, passing the basket from the side and falling to the bottom line, and made a three-point shot!

Spoelstra watched this ball so much that he almost called Fobole. Ajan must have met the aliens in "Space Jam" that would suck away players' abilities!
Since the embarrassing three non-sticks, James has not easily shown his back-up skills.

Otherwise, there might be a legend of "Steffen Curry is a mountain".

The front is hard, and the back-up singles and passes are useless, which makes James completely at a loss on the offensive end.

It's as if a man's size is only 2 centimeters, so any posture he uses is useless, and his problem does not lie in his posture.

The same is true for Azhan, his problem does not lie in the choice of offensive methods, but his current scoring methods are too scarce!

Therefore, many people say that in the finals between the Heat and the Mavericks in the original history, A-Zhan deliberately released eight points of power.Shay disagrees.

Ah Zhan may really have no choice!

But Azhan has one thing better than Wushaoshe, that is, when he fails to make a shot, he knows not to continue to hurt the team.

So from the middle of the third quarter to now, James has not initiated a heads-up.

If an old snake comes here, he must test the quality of the American Airlines Center basket.

It's just that as one of the core of the team, it's really embarrassing to only have 8 points in the finals.

Mike Breen really wanted to ask: "With this level of strength, how did you have the nerve to mock Shay before the game?"

James now really has a feeling of being beaten back to his original shape. In the expectations of the Heat fans, James' performance today is slightly worse than Shay, which is already the worst situation.

How did you know it was a blast!
Shay also let everyone clearly realize that he and James are not at the same level of players.

Some people have even said that both Adu and Rose are more worthy of the second MVP position than Ajan!
Ah Hua's status is getting higher and higher, but Ah Zhan's status is getting lower and lower as the game progresses!

Now, the Heat have fallen behind by 15 points.

For this, it's all thanks to Wade who found his form later, and Bosh's mid-range shooting touch also came, which didn't let the Heat be directly sent to garbage time.

But... this made Ah Zhan even more embarrassed.

Both Wade and Bosh tried their best, and I was the only one who dropped the line.

This is not a conspicuous bag!

But there are still many fans on the Internet saying:

"Those who hate Azhan are all brainless blacks who don't talk about statistics. You only see him with 8 points in a single game, but why don't you see his 9 rebounds and 7 assists? This is clearly a perfect quasi-triple-double performance!"

That's true, regardless of the outcome, Azhan's data is indeed okay, but Excel is over.

Don't you see that in the future, Green can get the top salary by averaging three singles per game.

In this attack, Ajan still dribbled the ball for half court, and then immediately handed the ball to Wade.

Wade broke through Gerald Wallace abruptly with his speed, but soon suffered a shrinking attack.

Seeing this situation, Wade had to pass the ball to Bosh.Konoah moved very fast, and immediately rushed out from the three-second zone to seal Bosh's space.

Bosh had no choice but to give the ball to Ajan at the top of the arc.

James wanted to give the ball to Wade, but looking at Wade, who was already sweating profusely, James also knew that his good wife had reached her limit.

Besides, if I really can't even get double-digit points in the finals, that would be too shameful!
So, Ah Zhan regained his confidence and was about to complete an attack!
Never be blown up by Shay point-to-point!
James lowered his center of gravity, ready to break through.

Shea is also ready for the battle. Although James is enough to pull, Shay has maintained a high degree of focus on the defensive end from beginning to end.

Still the same sentence, Shay is going to kill James today, and don't give him any face!
James picked up speed and broke through to Shay's right.

Shay immediately moved laterally to block, puffed out his chest and confronted James.

After James and Shay collided head-on, they suddenly took a step back!
Needless to say, Shay was really taken aback at the time.

Is Ajan enlightened?Know to challenge me with other tricks?

Shay thought that Azhan was going to take a step-back jump shot, but A-Zhan was holding the basketball, took three steps back, and then fell out of bounds——A-Zhan's perfect combination of a step-back step and a flop made him The referee blew his whistle!

The people of Xie Yi are stunned, good guy, you are starting to give me a big job, right?

The fight between Shay and James just now was really hard, but it was definitely not enough to fly Azhan directly out of bounds.

I am a 41-year-old man, and you are a semi-trailer truck with 9.9% new and slightly flawed. I will knock you into the air. Mr. Zhan, do you believe it yourself! ?
Bosh is also convinced, I handed you the ball so trustingly, but you made it up?
Shay was about to argue with the referee who blew the whistle, but found that the referee did not call Shay a foul, but made a walking gesture towards the technical stage:

"Heat No. 6 walking violation, the ball is exchanged!"

Ajan:? ? ?
It's not easy to work, right?

If you want to do the job, it depends on who you want to do.

It must be good for you to work for others, but will it work for you if you work for Stern's father?
Although the referee didn't give James a technical foul for diving, but calling him walking was considered a public punishment.

The scene of Ah Zhan "stepping back" and falling by himself was also repeatedly played on TV.

Lakers fans see jokes, Heat fans see disgrace.

When James was forced by Shay to rely on such absurd skills to win scoring opportunities, he had already lost completely!

Barkley cheered as he watched in the studio:

"Just kidding, LeBron is going to win the championship on Shay."

Shay looked at Ajan who spread his hands, and shrugged:

"If you really have no choice, you can shoot three-pointers, just tell me, and I will let you shoot.

It's not decent to use such a trick, right? "

Xie Yi's words made A Zhan's face darken with shame, sometimes, the opponent's last knife hurts more!

In this way, Ajan missed the opportunity to approach the score again.

In the next round, Shay once again relied on the transfer ball in Curry's double-team, and succeeded in a drift jumper after receiving the ball from the middle distance on the right.

So far, Shay has scored 31 points on James!
31 to 8, what a bloody number.

This is what Heat fans have been waiting for for a long time, the battle where James brutally abused Shai.

Their hearts have gone from full of joy to bewildered, and now to complete despair.Step by step, the inner level changes very richly.

Thinking of James and Wade limping and taunting Shay before the game. Fuck, it's too shameful, more shameful than two men urinating next to two adjacent urinals!
Because Mike Brin is a commentator under ESPN, so now he can only say something vaguely:
"The true is always true, and the false is always false."

The Heat trailed by 17 points, and James had 8 points in a single game.

This shocking number made countless Heat fans afraid to go online.

God knows what Ah Zhan has been sprayed on the Internet now.

But in any case, the game of basketball does not have the option of surrender.

The Heat must keep fighting.

This time, Wade hit the iron with a mid-range stop jumper.

But the basketball bounced a little far, it was a long rebound, so it was picked up by Chalmers.

After Chalmers got the basketball, he quickly found a star and gave it to Bosh.

Bosh slowly faced the frame, only to find Shay double-teaming him.

The Dragon King could only take mid-range shots against the interference of Olaju Fat while Shay was double-teaming.

As a result, the basketball still didn't make it!
But Wade rushed in again and got the rebound with his abnormal bullet speed.

But as soon as he landed, Wade immediately fell into a pincer attack.

Shay, Randolph and Noah were all by Wade's side at this time.

That's right, Shay is in again.

Shay even let go of James directly to participate in the double-team of Wade and Bosh!
Only Ajan was left in a mess outside the three-point line.

It's not scary not to attack, it's embarrassing whoever gets let go!
As the second man in the MVP, James directly enjoyed the defensive treatment of the offensive genius Tony Allen!

Tony looked at it and cried out, this is the closest I've come to MVP!
Although Ajan was not allowed today, Wade barely threw the ball to James in the crowd.

It's all up to him now!
Only trust him!
James received the basketball, without hesitation, he shot a jumper directly.

All Heat fans clenched their fists. Will this three-pointer become a turning point in the game?Will it be the beginning of a counterattack?Will it make Ajan's score no longer an embarrassing single digit?

The answer is, no.

Because the moment he shot, Xie Yi actually interfered in time!

Shay rushed out aggressively the moment Wade passed the ball.

While Ajan was previously 3-for-0 from beyond the arc, Shay isn't that snob.He is still outside the three-point line, giving Azhan enough respect, and will never look down on Azhan because he didn't make a shot before.

Again, Shay will not give James any chance today!

AJAN: I beg you not to respect me so much!Please look down on me once!

Originally, Azhan couldn't do three-pointers at this period, and his mentality had already collapsed.On this basis, it was also interfered by Shay.

So, the basketball finally hit the basket's neck.

"LeBron, still missed the three! 13 of 3, he still scored 8 points!
As a superstar, he was prevented from scoring double digits in the playoffs.

LeBron is not fighting alone, he has inherited the glorious tradition of the great predecessors!
The glider Drexler is possessed by the soul at this moment!
At this moment, he is not fighting alone, he is not alone! "

Ah Hua:.
It's almost 20 years, let me go!

Xie, don't you hurry up and end the battle, hurry up and raise my historical status!
Facing an excellent three-point opportunity, A-Zhan still didn't score.

To be honest, teammates already trust Azhan enough.

It's definitely like this, and he just failed with the ball.For this, Wade is still willing to pass the ball to him.

Seriously, there is no such trust between husband and wife.

If your daughter-in-law is absent-minded and in a bad state when cooperating with you, you will definitely suspect that she is cheating.

But Wade didn't have any doubts about Ajan.

He has always believed that even if he wins the FMVP after winning the championship, Azhan will be happy for himself.

But Azhan just couldn't make the shot!

The 8 points are still the same, and the point difference is about to be opened to 20 points.

If the Lakers are allowed to score again, the Heat will be humiliated into garbage time in the first game of the finals!

They are all losses, but losing and being sent to garbage time are two different concepts.

Shay did not pass the ball to Curry this time, but wanted to hit Ajan directly with the ball.

He wants to personally invest in this humiliating goal that dragged the game into garbage time on Ajan's head!
Shay is really trying his best to humiliate Ajan!

Mike Breen was also excited. Although Shay is 41 years old, to be honest, his scoring power is far less than at his peak.

But as long as Shay wants to take over the offense, Mike Breen still believes that Shay can beat any opponent!

After all, his offense has no shortcomings other than athletic ability.

When Shay was two steps away from the three-point line, he began to press the center of gravity, accelerate, and directly broke through.

Shay's attack was simpler than expected.

He rushed James' defense first, and encountered Wade who was attacking near the free throw line.

Faced with the good results of the James and Wei couples, Shay did not stop or pass the ball, but turned to the left, and after turning around, he directly leaned back and shot!

Neither James nor Wade expected Shay to play so simply and rudely, and they all raised their hands to interfere.

But Shai's leanback angle is just right, which can not only ensure his center of gravity is stable, but also prevent James and Wade from covering the basketball.

The golden rooster leaning back independently is indeed a magical skill!

Seeing that there was no interference, James, who was already anxious, even pushed Shay in the air.

After Xie Yi was pushed like this, he who was already leaning back completely lost his center of gravity.

But still, softly release the ball before it falls completely.

This kind of turning and leaning back, Shay has cast countless times and entered countless times.

You don't really think that a slight push can make me lose my sight, do you?
"Shay, shot back, he fell, but
Basketball hit!Under the double interference of James and Wade, Shay turned and fell back and still made a hit!And, the referee whistled, and Shay got a chance to hit a three-pointer!

If the extra penalty hits, the Lakers will lead by 20 points, completely turning the game into garbage time!
Shay, on the heads of Wade and James, powerfully and brutally, killed the game! "

When James and Wade were both emo, Shay had already got up from the ground, then looked at Ajan with a smile, and patted the dust on his shoulders:
"You can push a little harder, I allow you to do that.

After all, you and I have never been on the same level.

It's really a bit of a bully if you are forced to defend yourself! "

With that said, Shay walked to the free throw line.

He held up the basketball with one hand, and turned his head to stare at James:
"I envy you that you can watch God's performance up close.

And I beat you?People will just ask, who the fuck is LeBron! "

Without looking at the frame, Shay threw the ball with one hand.

Basketball into the net!

The Lakers lead the Heat by 20 points!
Shay's personal score and James' personal score also came to 34 to 8!

The American Airlines Center was smashed to pieces!
And LeBron James, he knew, was going to get headlined by Shay.
 Today's [-]D update is here!Conscience is old, begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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