After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 44 044: Unprecedented Referee Changing Tactics

Chapter 44 044: Unprecedented Referee Changing Tactics
March 3, the city of racing, the city of basketball, Indianapolis.

The RCA Dome is full of seats.

When Shay stood on the court to warm up, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

You know, the scale of the RCA Dome Stadium is larger than the NBA team's game venue.

Take the local NBA team Pacers as an example. The Pacers' home market square arena has a capacity of less than 2 people.

And the RCA Dome Stadium can hold 6 people!

And, all the seats are full!

Now Shay is facing three times the number of spectators and three times the shouts of an NBA game!

This is probably the super popularity of the NCAA Final Four.

The residents of Indianapolis are already obsessed with basketball, so it is easy to fill a stadium of 6 people.

Among the 6 people, many big names also came.

For example, Patrick Ewing, the star of the Knicks, and Mike Joe, the favorite to win the championship this season!
Because Jordan is going to play against the Pacers tomorrow, he came to watch his alma mater's semi-final match by the way.

Ewing worked harder. After watching the game today, he had to fly back to New York overnight to prepare for tomorrow's game.

But in front of my alma mater, it's all worth it.

In addition, maybe only the Golden Club can make Ewing so lingering.

After seeing Ewing on the big screen, most Georgetown players were excited.

For most people, Ewing is equivalent to a spiritual pillar.

But Shay sighed when he saw Ewing.

It's a pity, it's a pity, why didn't Atlanta be chosen for the Final Four?
If we play a game in Atlanta and win, the orangutan captain will definitely take us to experience the feeling of being an adult!

Hey, playing in this broken corn field, I have to lose a few hundred million in output tonight.

Both Ewing and Jordan also faded away as professional players today, and put on T-shirts and baseball caps representing the colors of their alma mater.

Shout out to all the fans in the stands.

The appearance of Ewing and Jordan also made the atmosphere of the battle more intense.

The last time Georgetown and North Carolina faced off in an official game, Jordan started his legendary journey with a lore.

That is also one of the most famous lore in NCAA history.

After all, that was a lore that determined the title of the champion.

It depends on tonight whether North Carolina will continue its glory or Georgetown will get rid of its shame.

Although the battle in 82, except for the two coaches, none of you had personally experienced it.

But after all, that is the shame passed down from the ancestors, engraved in the DNA.

That's why everyone at Georgetown University felt as if they had been slapped with chicken blood before the opening ceremony today, and they were about to be ashamed.

If you can win the game in front of Jordan, the instigator of the lore back then, you will feel relieved just thinking about it!
The game is about to start, and the starting five tigers of both sides are in their positions.

North Carolina's starters from one to five are Kim Rice, Hubert Davis, George Lynch, Rick Fox and Pete Chilkat.

Although there are no future NBA stars in this set of starters, four of them have survived in the NBA for a long time in the future.

Not to mention Fox and George Lynch, one is OK's teammate and the other is Iverson's teammate. Shay, who watched the game since then, is naturally familiar with it.

Hubert Davis and Chilkat also played in the NBA for 12 and 9 years respectively.

This means that they are all capable of gaining a firm foothold in the NBA in the future.

Although not a star, but the starting four can become the main rotation in the NBA, you can know how balanced this team is.

Everyone can shoot, everyone can pass, and everyone is not the kind of superstar who sticks to the ball.

Dean Smith stood on the sidelines, flipping the switch for this sophisticated offensive machine!
At the beginning of the game, the ball was taken by Mutombo as always.

After Shay held the ball for halftime, as an offensive arrow, he didn't hesitate, and rushed directly to the depth.

George Lynch, like everyone else before him, couldn't stop Shay's impact.

But after all, he is also a defensive champion on the NBA striker in the future, so he will not be directly hit by Shay.

Shay still has a physical advantage over Lynch, but it's no longer a crushing physical advantage.

The semi-finals really weren't that simple.

Before he could completely get rid of George Lynch, the experienced Rick Fox immediately double-teamed him.

Shai was stopped and was about to turn sideways and put the ball behind him, protecting the ball before passing.

But just as Shay turned sideways with the ball and swiped his elbow past Fox's eyes, Fox suddenly fell back like a ghost!
Shay was in a daze, but the referee immediately called an offensive foul!
Shay:? ? ?
What the hell, I didn't touch him at all!

Shay smashed Larry Johnson before. Although it was characterized by the sports committee as an accidental fall, the referee did not think so.

They have already labeled Xie Yi'an as a "bad boy" in their hearts.

So it has long been on the list of key inspections.

Seeing Shay swinging his elbow and Fox crashing to the ground, the referee blew his whistle without thinking.

In this era, the replay technology is not so developed, so there is no situation where the referee looks at the replay before making a decision.

Blowing is blowing, and Shay lost the ball on the first attack.

Shay looked at the referee viciously, you are so inspiring to keep working even though you are blind!
At the same time, Shay also knew why Rick Fox was able to switch careers to make art films.

Your kid has been studying acting since college.

Fox has always been a very badass player with a very high basketball IQ.

Things like flopping are even easier.

Now it's North Carolina's offense, and Shay is responsible for marking Hubert Davis, the second position on the opposite side. He is the second highest scorer in North Carolina.

Seeing Shay defending himself, Davis stood in the bottom corner, put his hands on his hips, and started watching the show.


Shay cursed secretly, he knew he had been walked.

After dismissing Shay, the strongest point of perimeter defense, the rest of North Carolina began to cooperate.

Point guard Kim Rice and Fox had a pick-and-roll. After the pick-and-roll, Fox didn't go down, but bounced outside the three-point line.

This made Mourning afraid to defend Rice, and in the end he could only defend against Cecchiwell.

But in the next second, Rice hit the ground and passed the ball to George Lynch.

Temporarily unmarked, he raised the knife from outside the three-point line, and the basketball hit the net!

North Carolina opened up the space with a series of beautiful cooperation and seized the opportunity.

It has to be said that Dean Smith really knows tactics, and he has brought out the characteristics of the players in his hands.

Moreover, it also cleverly avoided the three major defensive strengths of Shay, Mourning and Mutombo.

Jordan looked at Shay, who was frowning tightly, and smiled disdainfully.

Let you boy and I crazy!
This afternoon, when Jordan heard the words "Jordan is human, not God, he can't have everything under control" from a reporter, his lungs exploded.

how?Now an NCAA kid dares to comment on Lao Tzu at will?
Jordan, who was extremely competitive, couldn't bear this, so he immediately told reporters:
"I said that if North Carolina can win North Carolina, it can win. If it can't win, I will lose 5000 yuan to Shea!"

The old gambler immediately made a bet.

He just wanted to tell Shay that I really am the god of basketball!

Seeing that his alma mater got off to a good start now, how could Danzi be unhappy?

Today, I will win Shay!

Of course, a three-pointer will not discourage Georgetown University.

It's okay to fall behind, just attack back.

But this time Georgetown University's offense was interrupted by the referee's whistle again.

"What? The referee called Georgetown another offensive foul?
The referee said that Mourning dribbled the ball and hit someone when he just rushed to the basket! "

The on-site commentary felt unbelievable, and Mourning also spread his hands in a kingly manner:
"I didn't do it!"

Fox lay on the ground, smiling slightly.

Originally, I wanted to be an actor, but because I was too tall, I had no choice but to change careers.
After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball diving!
"Old Mu, I'm a fool, how much did you buy? You're bragging!" John Thompson also cursed from the sidelines, and said a few words about the essence of American culture.

But no matter how much you scold, it can't change anything, and the ball is once again taken by North Carolina.

Shay looked at the referee and gritted his teeth.

It seems that I want to show my professional ability!

North Carolina was attacking, and when Kim Rice was holding the ball across half court, he saw Hubert Davis running 45 degrees to the right, and Shay released Davis two steps at that time.

So, he passed the ball to Davis.

However, Shay let Davis go on purpose, just to entice him to pass the ball!

The moment Rice passed the ball, Shay immediately started, pounced on Davis, stretched his arms, and intercepted the ball midway!
Dean Smith was taken aback. Shay's defensive range was indeed terrifying, and he could destroy the pass with just two steps.

But fortunately, Shay just poked the basketball, and couldn't catch the ball directly.

The basketball was stabbed by Shay and flew out of bounds, and it flew towards the referee who had just called two fouls in Georgetown!

"Ah this."

Before the referee could react, the basketball hit him hard in the face!

Mourning felt that Shay poked in that direction on purpose!

If it was said that Xie Yi was only suspicious before, then later, Xie Yi confirmed that he did it on purpose!
After the basketball hit the referee's head and bounced back, Shay was already charging up, ready to save the ball.

In fact, at this time, according to the rules of traditional basketball, the ball has hit the referee's head and it has been counted out of bounds.

But Shay "can't stop the car" now, I saw him jumping high, grabbing the basketball with one hand, and then slamming the ball down.

And below, is the head of the referee.

When saving the ball, I was too hasty and failed to control the direction of the pass. Is this normal?

With a "boom", Xie, who jumped into the air, slammed the ball hard on the referee's head, and hit the referee's head twice with a silky combo, knocking the referee unconscious to the ground.

After it was over, Shay pretended to be very concerned and squatted beside the referee: "Wow, you didn't die, did you?"

"Pfft!" Uncle Mu couldn't help laughing, Xie, Xie, you can always come up with new tricks for me!

The referee was hit twice by the basketball, and was dizzy for a while, unable to stand up.

Anyone who has been hit on the head by a basketball knows that the feeling is very uncomfortable.

In desperation, the substitute referee could only be replaced.

Shay watched the substitute referee enter the field and nodded in relief.

It doesn't matter if the referee is blind, just let them change one.

Can't every referee be so blind.

In this wave, Shay created the only referee-changing tactic in basketball tactics!
The matter of the referee has been resolved, but the crisis has not been resolved.

Shay adjusted his mentality and didn't continue to think about the referee.

Next, we have to smash North Carolina's perfect offensive machine!
 Today's two updates are presented, and I beg everyone for their support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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